Cyber Weekend Sales Feedback [Merged Threads]



  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    Bahubali said:

    Bahubali said:

    Spending is only one aspect. If it was all just about money, they'd likely pollute the game with Sales for Class Cats. The game balance is also something that needs to be taken into consideration.

    Gifting event says hi
    People keep bringing up Gifting, but they don't stop to consider the numbers. How many people would have hit TB with CM versus how many people are going to actually benefit from Gifting? Think.
    Did you even see the rewards for gifting event..just go look at the solo rank rewards.. Doesn't matter if I'm conqueror, UC, CV or TB.. If I spend money, I can get the best rewards in the game.. Even Hardest of the quests(Abyss 100%/Act6 100%) wont give me those rewards. Game balance and your statement
    "Spending is only one aspect. If it was all just about money, they'd likely pollute the game with Sales"
    are just jokes..

    Money >>>>>>>> Skill
    You're not competing with those people. You're not even playing the same game honestly. The only reason any of you even have the ability to still continue to play this game for free is the absurd amount of money it continues to make.

    Nothing anyone is getting from gifting changes a single thing for 99.99% of players. I certainly won't be partaking this year past whatever milestones are in the event and could not possibly care less what people are getting in rank rewards bc it doesn't effect me in the slightest.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,486 ★★★★★
    edited November 2020
    Bahubali said:

    Bahubali said:

    Spending is only one aspect. If it was all just about money, they'd likely pollute the game with Sales for Class Cats. The game balance is also something that needs to be taken into consideration.

    Gifting event says hi
    People keep bringing up Gifting, but they don't stop to consider the numbers. How many people would have hit TB with CM versus how many people are going to actually benefit from Gifting? Think.
    Did you even see the rewards for gifting event..just go look at the solo rank rewards.. Doesn't matter if I'm conqueror, UC, CV or TB.. If I spend money, I can get the best rewards in the game.. Even Hardest of the quests(Abyss 100%/Act6 100%) wont give me those rewards. Game balance and your statement
    "Spending is only one aspect. If it was all just about money, they'd likely pollute the game with Sales"
    are just jokes..

    Money >>>>>>>> Skill
    120 people will get significant Rewards in terms of T5CCs from Solo. 120, who will be spending tens of thousands of dollars to get it. The amount alone means they'll be earning it, but stop and think. 120 people, versus how many would have jumped to TB this weekend. I can assure you the number would have been much higher. There are always limitations to these things. Not even money can get past the game balance.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,486 ★★★★★

    Bahubali said:

    Bahubali said:

    Spending is only one aspect. If it was all just about money, they'd likely pollute the game with Sales for Class Cats. The game balance is also something that needs to be taken into consideration.

    Gifting event says hi
    People keep bringing up Gifting, but they don't stop to consider the numbers. How many people would have hit TB with CM versus how many people are going to actually benefit from Gifting? Think.
    Did you even see the rewards for gifting event..just go look at the solo rank rewards.. Doesn't matter if I'm conqueror, UC, CV or TB.. If I spend money, I can get the best rewards in the game.. Even Hardest of the quests(Abyss 100%/Act6 100%) wont give me those rewards. Game balance and your statement
    "Spending is only one aspect. If it was all just about money, they'd likely pollute the game with Sales"
    are just jokes..

    Money >>>>>>>> Skill
    120 people will get significant Rewards from Solo. 120, who will be spending tens of thousands of dollars to get it. The amount alone means they'll be earning it, but stop and think. 120 people, versus how many would have jumped to TB this weekend. I can assure you the number would have been much higher. There are always limitations to these things. Not even money can get past the game balance.
    Sir, game balance is a joke. See my post for more clarity.
    I've seen your Post. It lacks information.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,486 ★★★★★

    Bahubali said:

    Bahubali said:

    Spending is only one aspect. If it was all just about money, they'd likely pollute the game with Sales for Class Cats. The game balance is also something that needs to be taken into consideration.

    Gifting event says hi
    People keep bringing up Gifting, but they don't stop to consider the numbers. How many people would have hit TB with CM versus how many people are going to actually benefit from Gifting? Think.
    Did you even see the rewards for gifting event..just go look at the solo rank rewards.. Doesn't matter if I'm conqueror, UC, CV or TB.. If I spend money, I can get the best rewards in the game.. Even Hardest of the quests(Abyss 100%/Act6 100%) wont give me those rewards. Game balance and your statement
    "Spending is only one aspect. If it was all just about money, they'd likely pollute the game with Sales"
    are just jokes..

    Money >>>>>>>> Skill
    120 people will get significant Rewards from Solo. 120, who will be spending tens of thousands of dollars to get it. The amount alone means they'll be earning it, but stop and think. 120 people, versus how many would have jumped to TB this weekend. I can assure you the number would have been much higher. There are always limitations to these things. Not even money can get past the game balance.
    Sir, game balance is a joke. See my post for more clarity.
    I've seen your Post. It lacks information.
    Gifting. Event. Cyber. Weekend. If you've seen these rewards and think that game balance is still in tact, you are braindead or don't play the game. Don't even get me started on beginner progression neither my guy
    I see. So you think because there are a limited amount available because of spending, game balance isn't a thing. You would be wrong. If game balance wasn't a thing, there would be no limitations on Resources. Everyone would be Thronebreaker, no one would have to wait for any Resource, no one would be able to play for free, and the Devs would work one day a week.
    Beginner progression is a) not the same as it used to be, and b) very different for someone learning to play the game and not starting an Alt. By all means, get started. Just have some substance to your conjecture.
  • Graves_3Graves_3 Member Posts: 1,411 ★★★★★
    Snizzbar said:

    What is the immediate and game changing effect of reaching Thronebreaker, and why exactly would it have been so terrible to have a flood of new TB summoners? Is there a secret quest with amazing account progressing rewards that I'm unaware of that is locked behind the title?

    This here is what I would like to know as well. A few people are harping about flood of TB and game balance being upset. What’s the drawback of people who are on the verge of hitting TB actually progressing all at once a couple of weeks earlier then normal by buying either cash or unit deals?
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,486 ★★★★★
    Snizzbar said:

    What is the immediate and game changing effect of reaching Thronebreaker, and why exactly would it have been so terrible to have a flood of new TB summoners? Is there a secret quest with amazing account progressing rewards that I'm unaware of that is locked behind the title?

    You really need me to outline the effects? Besides the fact that these things are meant for a certain amount of progress (Thronebreaker alone was originally meant for people with multiple R3s in Act 7), you have the same problem we saw with too many people lumped into the same demographic like UC to Cav. It puts strain on designing content to meet the needs of as many as possible. Not to mention the Rewards which bypass months and years of work developing their Accounts.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,486 ★★★★★

    Snizzbar said:

    What is the immediate and game changing effect of reaching Thronebreaker, and why exactly would it have been so terrible to have a flood of new TB summoners? Is there a secret quest with amazing account progressing rewards that I'm unaware of that is locked behind the title?

    All you have to do is look at the complaints with Cav EQ and people struggling to find options for something as simple as buffed up or disstrack to see the problem with having overly watered down progression titles capturing too broad a range of players
    They actually made it easier to reach Thronebreaker and people are still arguing it.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,486 ★★★★★

    Snizzbar said:

    What is the immediate and game changing effect of reaching Thronebreaker, and why exactly would it have been so terrible to have a flood of new TB summoners? Is there a secret quest with amazing account progressing rewards that I'm unaware of that is locked behind the title?

    All you have to do is look at the complaints with Cav EQ and people struggling to find options for something as simple as buffed up or disstrack to see the problem with having overly watered down progression titles capturing too broad a range of players
    They actually made it easier to reach Thronebreaker and people are still arguing it.
    By putting RNG based 10% crystals in the sotre for 100$ each? Yea, no.
    No. By making the requirements much lower than what they had intended originally.
  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,085 ★★★★★
    Snizzbar said:

    What is the immediate and game changing effect of reaching Thronebreaker, and why exactly would it have been so terrible to have a flood of new TB summoners? Is there a secret quest with amazing account progressing rewards that I'm unaware of that is locked behind the title?

    Right. Having this be a 10% title instead of a 1% title is far more equitable. We’re a map6 alliance around 400 million points. I think we have 3 TB players but any lower than us, that number is almost always 0 or 1.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,486 ★★★★★

    Snizzbar said:

    What is the immediate and game changing effect of reaching Thronebreaker, and why exactly would it have been so terrible to have a flood of new TB summoners? Is there a secret quest with amazing account progressing rewards that I'm unaware of that is locked behind the title?

    All you have to do is look at the complaints with Cav EQ and people struggling to find options for something as simple as buffed up or disstrack to see the problem with having overly watered down progression titles capturing too broad a range of players
    They actually made it easier to reach Thronebreaker and people are still arguing it.
    By putting RNG based 10% crystals in the sotre for 100$ each? Yea, no.
    No. By making the requirements much lower than what they had intended originally.
    So you’re ok with comparing what the original requirements could have been on the title, but others comparing what the offers this weekend were to 4th of July are out of line? 😂

    Your logic and reasoning skills are wildly oscillating on this thread. Maybe you can get a title for goalpost mover.
    If you're going to make an argument, try not to stretch so much. I said the two Sales aren't related to each other.
    Pointing out that the Title is much easier than it was originally intended is a direct comparison. It would have been aimed at people who had many R3s, after doing the original iteration of Act 7, before it was neutered. We all saw how pleasant of an experience that would have been.
    Comparing the price of apples doesn't contradict comparing the price of apples versus oranges.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,486 ★★★★★
    DrZola said:

    Bahubali said:

    Bahubali said:

    Spending is only one aspect. If it was all just about money, they'd likely pollute the game with Sales for Class Cats. The game balance is also something that needs to be taken into consideration.

    Gifting event says hi
    People keep bringing up Gifting, but they don't stop to consider the numbers. How many people would have hit TB with CM versus how many people are going to actually benefit from Gifting? Think.
    Did you even see the rewards for gifting event..just go look at the solo rank rewards.. Doesn't matter if I'm conqueror, UC, CV or TB.. If I spend money, I can get the best rewards in the game.. Even Hardest of the quests(Abyss 100%/Act6 100%) wont give me those rewards. Game balance and your statement
    "Spending is only one aspect. If it was all just about money, they'd likely pollute the game with Sales"
    are just jokes..

    Money >>>>>>>> Skill
    120 people will get significant Rewards in terms of T5CCs from Solo. 120, who will be spending tens of thousands of dollars to get it. The amount alone means they'll be earning it, but stop and think. 120 people, versus how many would have jumped to TB this weekend. I can assure you the number would have been much higher. There are always limitations to these things. Not even money can get past the game balance.
    I keep seeing multiple comments where you seem to raise this straw man of “people wanted to get TB all at once this weekend.”

    I doubt that’s the case. Few, if any, people are proposing that Cavs should have been able to buy a full T5c (or even most of one) this weekend. To the contrary, most posts I’ve seen appreciate the notion of incrementalism.

    Put that way, it’s likely more than 120 players, but it doesn’t translate into the droves of players buying their way to TB this weekend you are implying.

    Since you’re into game balance, I assume you’re upset TBs—even freshly minted ones who just crawled (or bought their way) over the line—were able to whale out this weekend with hordes of 6* crystals at a ~1/3 discount versus lower progression tiers. The sheer volume of new 6*’s let loose in the game this weekend is probably fairly staggering.

    Dr. Zola
    Sorry, I disagree with that. If all people wanted was SOME T5CCs, they would have been happy with what was offered. The expectation was to hit Thronebreaker this weekend.
  • Texas_11Texas_11 Member Posts: 2,638 ★★★★★
    I see the issue when people compare 4th of July deals. The confusion was Kabam made that offer to benefit top tier players now known as “ thronebreaker ” and cavalier players alike. That was the issue they were facing as a company. someone who just beat the collector were able to get the rewards as someone who just 100% abyss. As a result the rewards became inflated because they were targeting a large audience. Cavalier players got spoiled with rewards designs for two groups. All Kabam did was separate them.

    The T5cc deals are not very relevant. They are small usually 4500 a pop, unless you have a steady flow coming in, it won’t make or break your account.

    Kabam has made it clear they want to separate the players and I’m sure they did this because cavalier players were able to progress significantly faster then what they should have been, next thing you know , you have players beating act 6 with R3 champs. You see this happening in older content where people are going into act 6.1 and even 100% act 5 with 2-3 5/65 champs. Once they get to the level of a true thronebreaker, they don’t have the skills to complete it.

    We saw this happen with the champion boss and players quit. In order to progress the struggling cavalier players they actually nerfed the content to push more players into higher tier progression.

    I guess my point is , cavalier players benefited a ton from top tier players because Kabam bundled deals.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,486 ★★★★★

    Snizzbar said:

    What is the immediate and game changing effect of reaching Thronebreaker, and why exactly would it have been so terrible to have a flood of new TB summoners? Is there a secret quest with amazing account progressing rewards that I'm unaware of that is locked behind the title?

    All you have to do is look at the complaints with Cav EQ and people struggling to find options for something as simple as buffed up or disstrack to see the problem with having overly watered down progression titles capturing too broad a range of players
    They actually made it easier to reach Thronebreaker and people are still arguing it.
    By putting RNG based 10% crystals in the sotre for 100$ each? Yea, no.
    No. By making the requirements much lower than what they had intended originally.
    The initial requirements prolly would've been more easily excessable for less units! FLAWED argument
    Doubtful. We don't know when in Act 7 it would be, and we saw the #### storm that came out of what people saw from the original plan.
  • Texas_11Texas_11 Member Posts: 2,638 ★★★★★

    Texas_11 said:

    I see the issue when people compare 4th of July deals. The confusion was Kabam made that offer to benefit top tier players now known as “ thronebreaker ” and cavalier players alike. That was the issue they were facing as a company. someone who just beat the collector were able to get the rewards as someone who just 100% abyss. As a result the rewards became inflated because they were targeting a large audience. Cavalier players got spoiled with rewards designs for two groups. All Kabam did was separate them.

    The T5cc deals are not very relevant. They are small usually 4500 a pop, unless you have a steady flow coming in, it won’t make or break your account.

    Kabam has made it clear they want to separate the players and I’m sure they did this because cavalier players were able to progress significantly faster then what they should have been, next thing you know , you have players beating act 6 with R3 champs. You see this happening in older content where people are going into act 6.1 and even 100% act 5 with 2-3 5/65 champs. Once they get to the level of a true thronebreaker, they don’t have the skills to complete it.

    We saw this happen with the champion boss and players quit. In order to progress the struggling cavalier players they actually nerfed the content to push more players into higher tier progression.

    I guess my point is , cavalier players benefited a ton from top tier players because Kabam bundled deals.

    So you give them nothing of decent value when they are trying to get to the next tier? Great logic chief. Abyss it is.
    You have to do abyss yes. At least a run through. They are probably looking at the most valuable resources for cav players , vs most valuable resources for TB. They are different.
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    edited November 2020

    Snizzbar said:

    What is the immediate and game changing effect of reaching Thronebreaker, and why exactly would it have been so terrible to have a flood of new TB summoners? Is there a secret quest with amazing account progressing rewards that I'm unaware of that is locked behind the title?

    All you have to do is look at the complaints with Cav EQ and people struggling to find options for something as simple as buffed up or disstrack to see the problem with having overly watered down progression titles capturing too broad a range of players
    They actually made it easier to reach Thronebreaker and people are still arguing it.
    By putting RNG based 10% crystals in the sotre for 100$ each? Yea, no.
    No. By making the requirements much lower than what they had intended originally.
    The initial requirements prolly would've been more easily excessable for less units! FLAWED argument
    Unlikely. The initial requirements also included leaving Act 6 as it was originally and leaving Book 2 to as it was in the original beta. I hardly think that most the people up in arms about the TB title would be touching that content today. A whole lot of them never even made it through Act 6 once before the nerfs.
  • SatsuiNoHadouSatsuiNoHadou Member Posts: 753 ★★★

    DrZola said:

    Bahubali said:

    Bahubali said:

    Spending is only one aspect. If it was all just about money, they'd likely pollute the game with Sales for Class Cats. The game balance is also something that needs to be taken into consideration.

    Gifting event says hi
    People keep bringing up Gifting, but they don't stop to consider the numbers. How many people would have hit TB with CM versus how many people are going to actually benefit from Gifting? Think.
    Did you even see the rewards for gifting event..just go look at the solo rank rewards.. Doesn't matter if I'm conqueror, UC, CV or TB.. If I spend money, I can get the best rewards in the game.. Even Hardest of the quests(Abyss 100%/Act6 100%) wont give me those rewards. Game balance and your statement
    "Spending is only one aspect. If it was all just about money, they'd likely pollute the game with Sales"
    are just jokes..

    Money >>>>>>>> Skill
    120 people will get significant Rewards in terms of T5CCs from Solo. 120, who will be spending tens of thousands of dollars to get it. The amount alone means they'll be earning it, but stop and think. 120 people, versus how many would have jumped to TB this weekend. I can assure you the number would have been much higher. There are always limitations to these things. Not even money can get past the game balance.
    I keep seeing multiple comments where you seem to raise this straw man of “people wanted to get TB all at once this weekend.”

    I doubt that’s the case. Few, if any, people are proposing that Cavs should have been able to buy a full T5c (or even most of one) this weekend. To the contrary, most posts I’ve seen appreciate the notion of incrementalism.

    Put that way, it’s likely more than 120 players, but it doesn’t translate into the droves of players buying their way to TB this weekend you are implying.

    Since you’re into game balance, I assume you’re upset TBs—even freshly minted ones who just crawled (or bought their way) over the line—were able to whale out this weekend with hordes of 6* crystals at a ~1/3 discount versus lower progression tiers. The sheer volume of new 6*’s let loose in the game this weekend is probably fairly staggering.

    Dr. Zola
    Sorry, I disagree with that. If all people wanted was SOME T5CCs, they would have been happy with what was offered. The expectation was to hit Thronebreaker this weekend.
    Why do you disagree? Please elaborate, I wanna see if your argument makes sense.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,486 ★★★★★
    Akumaccb said:

    DrZola said:

    Bahubali said:

    Bahubali said:

    Spending is only one aspect. If it was all just about money, they'd likely pollute the game with Sales for Class Cats. The game balance is also something that needs to be taken into consideration.

    Gifting event says hi
    People keep bringing up Gifting, but they don't stop to consider the numbers. How many people would have hit TB with CM versus how many people are going to actually benefit from Gifting? Think.
    Did you even see the rewards for gifting event..just go look at the solo rank rewards.. Doesn't matter if I'm conqueror, UC, CV or TB.. If I spend money, I can get the best rewards in the game.. Even Hardest of the quests(Abyss 100%/Act6 100%) wont give me those rewards. Game balance and your statement
    "Spending is only one aspect. If it was all just about money, they'd likely pollute the game with Sales"
    are just jokes..

    Money >>>>>>>> Skill
    120 people will get significant Rewards in terms of T5CCs from Solo. 120, who will be spending tens of thousands of dollars to get it. The amount alone means they'll be earning it, but stop and think. 120 people, versus how many would have jumped to TB this weekend. I can assure you the number would have been much higher. There are always limitations to these things. Not even money can get past the game balance.
    I keep seeing multiple comments where you seem to raise this straw man of “people wanted to get TB all at once this weekend.”

    I doubt that’s the case. Few, if any, people are proposing that Cavs should have been able to buy a full T5c (or even most of one) this weekend. To the contrary, most posts I’ve seen appreciate the notion of incrementalism.

    Put that way, it’s likely more than 120 players, but it doesn’t translate into the droves of players buying their way to TB this weekend you are implying.

    Since you’re into game balance, I assume you’re upset TBs—even freshly minted ones who just crawled (or bought their way) over the line—were able to whale out this weekend with hordes of 6* crystals at a ~1/3 discount versus lower progression tiers. The sheer volume of new 6*’s let loose in the game this weekend is probably fairly staggering.

    Dr. Zola
    Sorry, I disagree with that. If all people wanted was SOME T5CCs, they would have been happy with what was offered. The expectation was to hit Thronebreaker this weekend.
    Why do you disagree? Please elaborate, I wanna see if your argument makes sense.
    Pretty sure the argument was made. We all know what people were aiming for and I'm not going to backtrack by debating whether that was the goal or not. People were waiting to hit TB with the Deals. Let's be real.
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    Texas_11 said:

    I see the issue when people compare 4th of July deals. The confusion was Kabam made that offer to benefit top tier players now known as “ thronebreaker ” and cavalier players alike. That was the issue they were facing as a company. someone who just beat the collector were able to get the rewards as someone who just 100% abyss. As a result the rewards became inflated because they were targeting a large audience. Cavalier players got spoiled with rewards designs for two groups. All Kabam did was separate them.

    The T5cc deals are not very relevant. They are small usually 4500 a pop, unless you have a steady flow coming in, it won’t make or break your account.

    Kabam has made it clear they want to separate the players and I’m sure they did this because cavalier players were able to progress significantly faster then what they should have been, next thing you know , you have players beating act 6 with R3 champs. You see this happening in older content where people are going into act 6.1 and even 100% act 5 with 2-3 5/65 champs. Once they get to the level of a true thronebreaker, they don’t have the skills to complete it.

    We saw this happen with the champion boss and players quit. In order to progress the struggling cavalier players they actually nerfed the content to push more players into higher tier progression.

    I guess my point is , cavalier players benefited a ton from top tier players because Kabam bundled deals.

    Basically what I said in a discord chat the other day. It didn't go over terribly well
This discussion has been closed.