I fought Hela with Mojo and the indestructible didn't get nullified
I don't think Mojo can nullify buffs apart from the sp1. He only reduces the duration of them.
Mojo does nullify (Anti-Life)
No, Mojo's Anti Life field only reduces buffs duration by 90% and causes opponent to degenerate when the buffs expire. He can only nullify one buff at a time by using his special 1. Here any buff nullified means that if you trigger anti-life field by completing prompt and then use SP1 to nullify a buff on opponent while anti-life field is active, then degeneration will also trigger by this nullification.
Also Mojo after gaining 1 million followers, heals 3% of his missing health when a buff is expired or nullified on opponent, which mean he don't heal flat 3% health rather he gain 3% of what health he has lost, therefore he gains more and more of health by losing more health, which also plays a great role in making him a sturdy defender. Therefore She-Hulk is also a great counter of Mojo without Dexterity mastery, as her main utility, her furies are passive and she doesn't produce any buffs naturally. Also her Sp2 has petrify which can reverse Mojo's healing in case you play with Dexterity and slip up.
Sometimes with 5 and 6 stars after you activate the special, the extra bar for more damage has a wider green and yellow target. Does anyone know the specifics of when it occurs? As in, if you have a 5 star r4 and the opponent 5* r3, will you have more chance to hit the attack bonus?
has to do with the strength level comparison between the two champs. If ur champ is stronger, the bars will be bigger / more spacious. If ur champ is weaker, the bars will be smaller / less spacious.
I fought Hela with Mojo and the indestructible didn't get nullified
I don't think Mojo can nullify buffs apart from the sp1. He only reduces the duration of them.
Mojo does nullify (Anti-Life)
No, Mojo's Anti Life field only reduces buffs duration by 90% and causes opponent to degenerate when the buffs expire. He can only nullify one buff at a time by using his special 1. Here any buff nullified means that if you trigger anti-life field by completing prompt and then use SP1 to nullify a buff on opponent while anti-life field is active, then degeneration will also trigger by this nullification.
Also Mojo after gaining 1 million followers, heals 3% of his missing health when a buff is expired or nullified on opponent, which mean he don't heal flat 3% health rather he gain 3% of what health he has lost, therefore he gains more and more of health by losing more health, which also plays a great role in making him a sturdy defender. Therefore She-Hulk is also a great counter of Mojo without Dexterity mastery, as her main utility, her furies are passive and she doesn't produce any buffs naturally. Also her Sp2 has petrify which can reverse Mojo's healing in case you play with Dexterity and slip up.
Oh ok thanks! But he still doesn't affect indestructible
Sometimes with 5 and 6 stars after you activate the special, the extra bar for more damage has a wider green and yellow target. Does anyone know the specifics of when it occurs? As in, if you have a 5 star r4 and the opponent 5* r3, will you have more chance to hit the attack bonus?
has to do with the strength level comparison between the two champs. If ur champ is stronger, the bars will be bigger / more spacious. If ur champ is weaker, the bars will be smaller / less spacious.
How is strength quantified? Is it health left? It's certainly not rank and level since the same champ against the same enemy gives different sizes
I fought Hela with Mojo and the indestructible didn't get nullified
I don't think Mojo can nullify buffs apart from the sp1. He only reduces the duration of them.
Mojo does nullify (Anti-Life)
No, Mojo's Anti Life field only reduces buffs duration by 90% and causes opponent to degenerate when the buffs expire. He can only nullify one buff at a time by using his special 1. Here any buff nullified means that if you trigger anti-life field by completing prompt and then use SP1 to nullify a buff on opponent while anti-life field is active, then degeneration will also trigger by this nullification.
Also Mojo after gaining 1 million followers, heals 3% of his missing health when a buff is expired or nullified on opponent, which mean he don't heal flat 3% health rather he gain 3% of what health he has lost, therefore he gains more and more of health by losing more health, which also plays a great role in making him a sturdy defender. Therefore She-Hulk is also a great counter of Mojo without Dexterity mastery, as her main utility, her furies are passive and she doesn't produce any buffs naturally. Also her Sp2 has petrify which can reverse Mojo's healing in case you play with Dexterity and slip up.
Oh ok thanks! But he still doesn't affect indestructible
A General Question about this month's Side Quest, Why are Solo Objectives in announcement are classified in Quest Difficulty's reference? I mean announcement shows solo rewards for Legendary, Epic, Master and Heroic Difficulty. What does that mean because as far as I know Objectives are based on player's progression not on Quest's Difficulty. I haven't bought Prize Bundle that's why I don't know.
A General Question about this month's Side Quest, Why are Solo Objectives in announcement are classified in Quest Difficulty's reference? I mean announcement shows solo rewards for Legendary, Epic, Master and Heroic Difficulty. What does that mean because as far as I know Objectives are based on player's progression not on Quest's Difficulty. I haven't bought Prize Bundle that's why I don't know.
Because there’s a different objective set for each difficulty.
Getting stamps on legendary nets you 10k five star shards and 4k six star shards, getting stamps on epic gets you a five star featured and a legendary crystal, and it goes down from there for each difficulty.
This was discussed a ton back then, but there are still people who aren't aware of what the problem actually was with Pure Skill. The problem stems from the fact that Pure Skill "ignores armor" which basically means the champion's attacks behave as if that many points of armor aren't there. It isn't like an armor debuff: if the target has 10% armor and you debuff it by -20%, it behaves as if it has -10% armor (I'm ignoring some complexity here for simplicity). But if Pure Skill ignores 20% armor and the target has 10% armor, it behaves as if it has zero armor. Pure Skill cannot make it seem like the target has less than zero armor. That's the critical difference between "reduces" and "ignores." Pure Skill can only benefit the player if the target they attack actually has enough armor to ignore.
The Pure Skill mastery was created in the pre-12.0 days when the armor rating of opponents could commonly be very high. But if everything, or almost everything you fight doesn't have a lot of armor, Pure Skill can't ignore what isn't there. So if everything you fight has less than 32% armor, there's no difference between Pure Skill rank 4 (which ignores 32% armor) and Pure Skill rank 5 (which ignores 64% armor). Rank 5 has no benefit. But not because there's anything wrong with Pure Skill. Rather, it is Kryptonite bullets in a world where all the Kryptonians left.
And it is worse than that, because critical hits *intrinsically* ignore the first 20% of armor. So attacking anything with less than 20% net armor will show no difference between having and not having Pure Skill. Only targets with more than 20% net armor will see any benefit. Only targets with more than 24% armor will see any benefit from rank 2, and only targets with more than 52% armor will see any benefit from rank 5.
Post 12.0, it became much less common to see such large armor and resistance mitigation values. This gave Pure Skill less to do, which devalued it. That's why there's an issue with Pure Skill, and why Pure Skill can't be "fixed" in a conventional sense. It isn't broken. It is just that what it does is less valuable today than when it was created, but this fact isn't obvious to players who spend a lot of resources ranking it up.
You can't "fix" Pure Skill in the sense of making it do what it did before. It does what it did before, it is just that nobody cares. The only way to address the issue of Pure Skill having insufficient value especially at high ranks is to make Pure Skill do something else, to restore value to the higher ranks. But it is debatable what that should be, and with no clear obvious change everyone would agree on, it has never become a priority to address.
GGQ: 1. How do you assign paths in map 6? I'm super confused 2. Can I make someone else's mutant a horseman in aq with my apoc?
1. No clue 2. You are a genius if that works. Mr Fantastic’s crossfights work so I don’t see why not. One person could bring two apocs and a cable to convert the alliance’s mutants to horseman.
GGQ: 1. How do you assign paths in map 6? I'm super confused 2. Can I make someone else's mutant a horseman in aq with my apoc?
The second question actually reminded me of a very stupid idea I had a couple days ago.
Can you make apoc a horsemen? If so, how good is he?
That gives me a question: Can you bring two apocs and make one person a double horseman?
I'm gonna knock these out all at once.
Apocalypse is explicitly excluded in the Horseman effect. Thus, even a different Apocalypse would not gain the benefit. It's like how Unique Synergies don't affect other champions of the same name, even if it's a different rarity providing the unique synergy. Prime example: Nick Fury cant drop a Regeneration pack to another Nick Fury.
While you could certainly *try* to give someone else's mutant Horseman, it's worth noting that you may run into the same problems Torch users have had lately where it doesn't work at all. As of the moment, you can Flame On someone else's Torch and set up someone else's G2099 so you can theoretically have all 3 systems up at once. It would go to believe that Apoc's system would work similarly.
GGQ: 1. How do you assign paths in map 6? I'm super confused 2. Can I make someone else's mutant a horseman in aq with my apoc?
The second question actually reminded me of a very stupid idea I had a couple days ago.
Can you make apoc a horsemen? If so, how good is he?
That gives me a question: Can you bring two apocs and make one person a double horseman?
I'm gonna knock these out all at once.
Apocalypse is explicitly excluded in the Horseman effect. Thus, even a different Apocalypse would not gain the benefit. It's like how Unique Synergies don't affect other champions of the same name, even if it's a different rarity providing the unique synergy. Prime example: Nick Fury cant drop a Regeneration pack to another Nick Fury.
While you could certainly *try* to give someone else's mutant Horseman, it's worth noting that you may run into the same problems Torch users have had lately where it doesn't work at all. As of the moment, you can Flame On someone else's Torch and set up someone else's G2099 so you can theoretically have all 3 systems up at once. It would go to believe that Apoc's system would work similarly.
My question was if I could use 2 apocalypses to make a double horseman AA or something
GGQ: 1. How do you assign paths in map 6? I'm super confused 2. Can I make someone else's mutant a horseman in aq with my apoc?
The second question actually reminded me of a very stupid idea I had a couple days ago.
Can you make apoc a horsemen? If so, how good is he?
That gives me a question: Can you bring two apocs and make one person a double horseman?
I'm gonna knock these out all at once.
Apocalypse is explicitly excluded in the Horseman effect. Thus, even a different Apocalypse would not gain the benefit. It's like how Unique Synergies don't affect other champions of the same name, even if it's a different rarity providing the unique synergy. Prime example: Nick Fury cant drop a Regeneration pack to another Nick Fury.
While you could certainly *try* to give someone else's mutant Horseman, it's worth noting that you may run into the same problems Torch users have had lately where it doesn't work at all. As of the moment, you can Flame On someone else's Torch and set up someone else's G2099 so you can theoretically have all 3 systems up at once. It would go to believe that Apoc's system would work similarly.
My question was if I could use 2 apocalypses to make a double horseman AA or something
As far as I am aware, horsemanning does not stack and one would essentially replace the other, much like reapplying a buff.
This was discussed a ton back then, but there are still people who aren't aware of what the problem actually was with Pure Skill. The problem stems from the fact that Pure Skill "ignores armor" which basically means the champion's attacks behave as if that many points of armor aren't there. It isn't like an armor debuff: if the target has 10% armor and you debuff it by -20%, it behaves as if it has -10% armor (I'm ignoring some complexity here for simplicity). But if Pure Skill ignores 20% armor and the target has 10% armor, it behaves as if it has zero armor. Pure Skill cannot make it seem like the target has less than zero armor. That's the critical difference between "reduces" and "ignores." Pure Skill can only benefit the player if the target they attack actually has enough armor to ignore.
The Pure Skill mastery was created in the pre-12.0 days when the armor rating of opponents could commonly be very high. But if everything, or almost everything you fight doesn't have a lot of armor, Pure Skill can't ignore what isn't there. So if everything you fight has less than 32% armor, there's no difference between Pure Skill rank 4 (which ignores 32% armor) and Pure Skill rank 5 (which ignores 64% armor). Rank 5 has no benefit. But not because there's anything wrong with Pure Skill. Rather, it is Kryptonite bullets in a world where all the Kryptonians left.
And it is worse than that, because critical hits *intrinsically* ignore the first 20% of armor. So attacking anything with less than 20% net armor will show no difference between having and not having Pure Skill. Only targets with more than 20% net armor will see any benefit. Only targets with more than 24% armor will see any benefit from rank 2, and only targets with more than 52% armor will see any benefit from rank 5.
Post 12.0, it became much less common to see such large armor and resistance mitigation values. This gave Pure Skill less to do, which devalued it. That's why there's an issue with Pure Skill, and why Pure Skill can't be "fixed" in a conventional sense. It isn't broken. It is just that what it does is less valuable today than when it was created, but this fact isn't obvious to players who spend a lot of resources ranking it up.
You can't "fix" Pure Skill in the sense of making it do what it did before. It does what it did before, it is just that nobody cares. The only way to address the issue of Pure Skill having insufficient value especially at high ranks is to make Pure Skill do something else, to restore value to the higher ranks. But it is debatable what that should be, and with no clear obvious change everyone would agree on, it has never become a priority to address.
Should game developer do a refund for those rank where pure skill does little or nothing and then cap it to where it works max?
The current situation is not good for players who have no idea this is the position now.
CSQ: What do Taskmaster's Photographic Reflexes mean by "Unique Attacks"? Do they mean each individual medium/light on top of heavy and special attacks, or only one medium and one light attack on top of heavy and special attacks? Because if it's the latter that's stupid and doesn't make sense.
Depends on which theory and/or religion you believe in. If you believe in god, it’s very likely (I used “very likely” term only) that chicken came first as god creates creature directly. If you believe in darwinism, it’s very likely that egg came first as that egg is a product of a creature that evolving towards being a chicken. The egg is the last step of it.
How much time is required to learn the ins and outs of a champ and using it well? Depends on the champion. For example, CAIW is an easy champion to learn how to use, whereas a champion like Quake is much more difficult to master and thus would take a longer time.
Is it to commit the abilities to memory or have a handy notebook or both? I usually will remember the "gist" or key info about champions in general just due to the amount of time I've been playing. Of course, knowing what abilities the champions you use on a daily basis have is extremely helpful as well.
How to know the external synergies affecting any champ (I know there are websites to refer to). Question is how to know those synergies even exists? I'm not too sure about this one. I would say that websites are going to be your best bet when it comes to synergies. As to how you would know that said synergies exist? I would say probably websites, too. The internet is a vast expanse of information.
How much time is required to learn the ins and outs of a champ and using it well? Depends on the champion. For example, CAIW is an easy champion to learn how to use, whereas a champion like Quake is much more difficult to master and thus would take a longer time.
Thanks for reply.
I supposed I also need to know the ability of the opponent that I fight against.
e.g. Using CAIW special 2 against Doom when aura of haazerath is active. ouch ouch ouch
Damage per second. It is used to rank characters based on how much average damage per second they do when attacking, rather than just looking at a big critting attack. The way you find dps is the total amount of damage divided by the amount of time in seconds it took to do that damage.
Same goes for some champs like modok, HTD etc
Getting stamps on legendary nets you 10k five star shards and 4k six star shards, getting stamps on epic gets you a five star featured and a legendary crystal, and it goes down from there for each difficulty.
The Pure Skill mastery was created in the pre-12.0 days when the armor rating of opponents could commonly be very high. But if everything, or almost everything you fight doesn't have a lot of armor, Pure Skill can't ignore what isn't there. So if everything you fight has less than 32% armor, there's no difference between Pure Skill rank 4 (which ignores 32% armor) and Pure Skill rank 5 (which ignores 64% armor). Rank 5 has no benefit. But not because there's anything wrong with Pure Skill. Rather, it is Kryptonite bullets in a world where all the Kryptonians left.
And it is worse than that, because critical hits *intrinsically* ignore the first 20% of armor. So attacking anything with less than 20% net armor will show no difference between having and not having Pure Skill. Only targets with more than 20% net armor will see any benefit. Only targets with more than 24% armor will see any benefit from rank 2, and only targets with more than 52% armor will see any benefit from rank 5.
Post 12.0, it became much less common to see such large armor and resistance mitigation values. This gave Pure Skill less to do, which devalued it. That's why there's an issue with Pure Skill, and why Pure Skill can't be "fixed" in a conventional sense. It isn't broken. It is just that what it does is less valuable today than when it was created, but this fact isn't obvious to players who spend a lot of resources ranking it up.
You can't "fix" Pure Skill in the sense of making it do what it did before. It does what it did before, it is just that nobody cares. The only way to address the issue of Pure Skill having insufficient value especially at high ranks is to make Pure Skill do something else, to restore value to the higher ranks. But it is debatable what that should be, and with no clear obvious change everyone would agree on, it has never become a priority to address.
1. How do you assign paths in map 6? I'm super confused
2. Can I make someone else's mutant a horseman in aq with my apoc?
2. You are a genius if that works. Mr Fantastic’s crossfights work so I don’t see why not. One person could bring two apocs and a cable to convert the alliance’s mutants to horseman.
Can you make apoc a horsemen? If so, how good is he?
Apocalypse is explicitly excluded in the Horseman effect. Thus, even a different Apocalypse would not gain the benefit. It's like how Unique Synergies don't affect other champions of the same name, even if it's a different rarity providing the unique synergy. Prime example: Nick Fury cant drop a Regeneration pack to another Nick Fury.
While you could certainly *try* to give someone else's mutant Horseman, it's worth noting that you may run into the same problems Torch users have had lately where it doesn't work at all. As of the moment, you can Flame On someone else's Torch and set up someone else's G2099 so you can theoretically have all 3 systems up at once. It would go to believe that Apoc's system would work similarly.
The current situation is not good for players who have no idea this is the position now.
How much time is required to learn the ins and outs of a champ and using it well?
Is it to commit the abilities to memory or have a handy notebook or both?
How to know the external synergies affecting any champ (I know there are websites to refer to). Question is how to know those synergies even exists?
If you believe in god, it’s very likely (I used “very likely” term only) that chicken came first as god creates creature directly.
If you believe in darwinism, it’s very likely that egg came first as that egg is a product of a creature that evolving towards being a chicken. The egg is the last step of it.
Depends on the champion. For example, CAIW is an easy champion to learn how to use, whereas a champion like Quake is much more difficult to master and thus would take a longer time.
Is it to commit the abilities to memory or have a handy notebook or both?
I usually will remember the "gist" or key info about champions in general just due to the amount of time I've been playing. Of course, knowing what abilities the champions you use on a daily basis have is extremely helpful as well.
How to know the external synergies affecting any champ (I know there are websites to refer to). Question is how to know those synergies even exists?
I'm not too sure about this one. I would say that websites are going to be your best bet when it comes to synergies. As to how you would know that said synergies exist? I would say probably websites, too. The internet is a vast expanse of information.
I supposed I also need to know the ability of the opponent that I fight against.
e.g. Using CAIW special 2 against Doom when aura of haazerath is active.
ouch ouch ouch
What is DPS?