Dev Diary: Cavalier Difficulty in 2021 and Beyond - New Buffs for February!



  • Agent_X_zzzAgent_X_zzz Member Posts: 4,498 ★★★★★
    So they are making Cav even easier than before, and not changing any rewards which needed to be looked at from day 1. Need some end game content.
  • MasterpuffMasterpuff Member Posts: 6,478 ★★★★★

    So they are making Cav even easier than before, and not changing any rewards which needed to be looked at from day 1. Need some end game content.

    This months sq is very hard endgame content.
  • CaptaingcCaptaingc Member Posts: 24
    Honestly I am interested to see how the new nodes are in practice. The skill node looks frustrating and more restrictive simply because of the 50% evade but time will tell how it actually plays out in the game. However, I personally think if the goal is really to address the time required to clear the content so more people would complete exploration changing the nodes doesn't effect that. The nodes right now are not the reason for people not clearing it's the high energy requirement for exploration. Right now with the sigil it takes 2+ days the explore chapter 1, 3+ to explore chapter 2 and 4+ to explore chapter 3. All this means that to fully explore without using energy refills it would take about a week and a half while utilizing your energy optimally. For most the rewards are not desirable enough for this energy requirement.
    Personal I will still be doing 100% exploration because I am trying to get more t5cc. It is frustrating that it will take me a minimum of 10 months of this time requirement to get a full t5cc and it's random so it could take much longer. However, rarity of in game resources is something to be expected and not for this discussion.
  • KibiKibi Member Posts: 57

    @Seriously @Kibi

    I did a path of UC EQ on autofight.

    To my surprise, i autofought the whole path. I could have soloed the boss but autofought it because why not.(Chapter 3 Quest 1)

    nice but thats the no node path and rng is a big factor. say you get to boss with champs dead or banged up and have to revive cuz or some mistake. that's a high risk maneuver and not reliable like autoing master eq which is a guarantee no item use finish.
  • MasterpuffMasterpuff Member Posts: 6,478 ★★★★★
    edited January 2021
    Kibi said:

    @Seriously @Kibi

    I did a path of UC EQ on autofight.

    To my surprise, i autofought the whole path. I could have soloed the boss but autofought it because why not.(Chapter 3 Quest 1)

    nice but thats the no node path and rng is a big factor. say you get to boss with champs dead or banged up and have to revive cuz or some mistake. that's a high risk maneuver and not reliable like autoing master eq which is a guarantee no item use finish.
    And? I didnt even think it would work. I was honestly surprised. Doing this is very inconvenient, but its still 100% possible. And the nodes are not a big deal.
  • JubaknightJubaknight Member Posts: 82
    Still disappointed not to see any update about treating all these nodes as defensive ability and any champ or mastery with ability reduction just disturb the game.
    It is just doesn’t make sense, limber is not ability but removing flux with heavy attack is an ability that you may fail to remove with heavy attack if you have something that decrease the defender ability.
    The game should have consistency in it, especially as it scale up and become more complex.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★

    Still disappointed not to see any update about treating all these nodes as defensive ability and any champ or mastery with ability reduction just disturb the game.
    It is just doesn’t make sense, limber is not ability but removing flux with heavy attack is an ability that you may fail to remove with heavy attack if you have something that decrease the defender ability.
    The game should have consistency in it, especially as it scale up and become more complex.

    Limber is a node that activates right when the fight starts. Whereas Flux Dispersal is a conditional node. So one is affected by AAR at the start of the fight, another is affected by AAR upon time of condition fulfillment.

    It’s actually pretty consistent.

    Hope this clears it up.
  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,254 ★★★★★
    I'll wait until the actual event comes out. I said after the first day cavalier was released that is far too time consuming so I'm glad you finally listened to what I said months ago and are looking to address the issue. .

    As far as the new nodes are concerned, either way I don't think it'll be hard, hopefully it does what its supposed to do and cuts down time spent on cavalier. A increase in rewards would've actually been much better received though to make our time spent truly worth it.
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★
    Seriously said:

    Faseeh said:

    Seriously said:

    Faseeh said:

    Seriously said:

    Faseeh said:

    Seriously said:

    Seriously said:

    ItsDamien said:

    Seriously said:

    "We love seeing videos of Angela dealing over 20 000 damage on a medium attack, or Scarlet Witch tearing through any obstacle in her path with massive Special Attack damage. That’s something that makes Cavalier Difficulty unique, and we won’t be changing that."

    So is Angela still going to be doing over 20 000 damage on a medium attack?

    Yes, when the current style of Cosmic node is in rotation. Just because they're adding more types of class specific nodes, doesn't mean they're removing the current ones completely.

    Oh I missed that, thanks. So how often will Angela be useful? I literally only ranked her up for this.

    I now have to also rank up a hulk, abom or man thing for science since beardo will be useless, falcon for skill since hit monkey and elsa will be useless, vision for tech since HB will be useless and probably a cosmic I haven't figured yet. I think there is nobody that useful for mystic.
    Hit monkey and Elsa will still be very good for the skill quest
    Nope. Not reliable evade counters. Elsa will only have incinerate up half the time and hit monkey likewise he only goes into his phase for a little bit when he is evaded or knocked down. They are still better than most anti evade champs but nowhere near as good as star they do now.
    Are you good? Try using elsa before saying that. I use her all the time for evade champs and the uptime of the incinerate and coldsnap is perfect. What you on about? Parry, medium,medium and they cant evade in the new cav eq. Also you have to manage them not dump 6 of them at start and wonder where they went
    I am very good. Probably better than you. And I play Elsa a lot more than you obviously. If you play her the way you say she willv eventually switch to coldsnap because she can't reliably parry. Her first parry can be evaded. So say bye bye bonus from incinerate. Plus learn to read. The point is she won't be as good as now. I don't have to "parry medium medium" or "manage her debuffs" now. Please keep your comments to yourself if you don't play the character. Thanks.
    So what if she switches to coldsnap? If you read the skill eq nodes it says you get a fury if it shows "evade failed" so in the end you get the same thing which is increased attack and quick fight
    Mate I don't think you get the point. If she

    Seriously said:

    Seriously said:

    ItsDamien said:

    Seriously said:

    "We love seeing videos of Angela dealing over 20 000 damage on a medium attack, or Scarlet Witch tearing through any obstacle in her path with massive Special Attack damage. That’s something that makes Cavalier Difficulty unique, and we won’t be changing that."

    So is Angela still going to be doing over 20 000 damage on a medium attack?

    Yes, when the current style of Cosmic node is in rotation. Just because they're adding more types of class specific nodes, doesn't mean they're removing the current ones completely.

    Oh I missed that, thanks. So how often will Angela be useful? I literally only ranked her up for this.

    I now have to also rank up a hulk, abom or man thing for science since beardo will be useless, falcon for skill since hit monkey and elsa will be useless, vision for tech since HB will be useless and probably a cosmic I haven't figured yet. I think there is nobody that useful for mystic.
    Hit monkey and Elsa will still be very good for the skill quest
    Nope. Not reliable evade counters. Elsa will only have incinerate up half the time and hit monkey likewise he only goes into his phase for a little bit when he is evaded or knocked down. They are still better than most anti evade champs but nowhere near as good as star they do now.
    Congrats on being wrong.
    Post a video where your Elsa reliably stops evade in a long fight. You have no clue. Even landing the second medium can be evaded. Learn how to play the game first.

    Also how am i wrong about them not being as good as now? I don't have to "manage charges" "parry medium medium" or worry about being evaded in every fight. You are clearly a clueless noob.
    How about to try to get a brain. I use elsa all the time and i stop evade properly. @Notsavage19 did his best in that fight even though he wasnt even countering after evade parry. I'll show a fight if that will help you open your eyes. I even have a bunch of videos uploaded on my channel about her and watch who you're calling a noob. and saying elsa will be useless just shows how dense you really are :)

    man on one hand you ask me to get a brain on the other you post completely brainless ****. my point is was and will always be that elsa with the new node is not as good as she was with the old. no need to worry about evade, no need to manage charges, no need to parry med med, no need to switch to coldsnap and sacrifice damage.

    then you say I am the noob who doesn't play her? yeah :lol:
    Again. You have no idea what you're talking about. Elsa doesn't sacrifice damage when she switches from Incinerate to Coldsnap.

  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★
    Seriously said:

    Seriously said:

    Seriously said:

    Seriously said:

    Faseeh said:

    Seriously said:

    Faseeh said:

    Seriously said:

    Seriously said:

    ItsDamien said:

    Seriously said:

    "We love seeing videos of Angela dealing over 20 000 damage on a medium attack, or Scarlet Witch tearing through any obstacle in her path with massive Special Attack damage. That’s something that makes Cavalier Difficulty unique, and we won’t be changing that."

    So is Angela still going to be doing over 20 000 damage on a medium attack?

    Yes, when the current style of Cosmic node is in rotation. Just because they're adding more types of class specific nodes, doesn't mean they're removing the current ones completely.

    Oh I missed that, thanks. So how often will Angela be useful? I literally only ranked her up for this.

    I now have to also rank up a hulk, abom or man thing for science since beardo will be useless, falcon for skill since hit monkey and elsa will be useless, vision for tech since HB will be useless and probably a cosmic I haven't figured yet. I think there is nobody that useful for mystic.
    Hit monkey and Elsa will still be very good for the skill quest
    Nope. Not reliable evade counters. Elsa will only have incinerate up half the time and hit monkey likewise he only goes into his phase for a little bit when he is evaded or knocked down. They are still better than most anti evade champs but nowhere near as good as star they do now.
    Are you good? Try using elsa before saying that. I use her all the time for evade champs and the uptime of the incinerate and coldsnap is perfect. What you on about? Parry, medium,medium and they cant evade in the new cav eq. Also you have to manage them not dump 6 of them at start and wonder where they went
    I am very good. Probably better than you. And I play Elsa a lot more than you obviously. If you play her the way you say she willv eventually switch to coldsnap because she can't reliably parry. Her first parry can be evaded. So say bye bye bonus from incinerate. Plus learn to read. The point is she won't be as good as now. I don't have to "parry medium medium" or "manage her debuffs" now. Please keep your comments to yourself if you don't play the character. Thanks.
    So what if she switches to coldsnap? If you read the skill eq nodes it says you get a fury if it shows "evade failed" so in the end you get the same thing which is increased attack and quick fight
    Mate I don't think you get the point. If she

    Seriously said:

    Seriously said:

    ItsDamien said:

    Seriously said:

    "We love seeing videos of Angela dealing over 20 000 damage on a medium attack, or Scarlet Witch tearing through any obstacle in her path with massive Special Attack damage. That’s something that makes Cavalier Difficulty unique, and we won’t be changing that."

    So is Angela still going to be doing over 20 000 damage on a medium attack?

    Yes, when the current style of Cosmic node is in rotation. Just because they're adding more types of class specific nodes, doesn't mean they're removing the current ones completely.

    Oh I missed that, thanks. So how often will Angela be useful? I literally only ranked her up for this.

    I now have to also rank up a hulk, abom or man thing for science since beardo will be useless, falcon for skill since hit monkey and elsa will be useless, vision for tech since HB will be useless and probably a cosmic I haven't figured yet. I think there is nobody that useful for mystic.
    Hit monkey and Elsa will still be very good for the skill quest
    Nope. Not reliable evade counters. Elsa will only have incinerate up half the time and hit monkey likewise he only goes into his phase for a little bit when he is evaded or knocked down. They are still better than most anti evade champs but nowhere near as good as star they do now.
    Congrats on being wrong.
    Post a video where your Elsa reliably stops evade in a long fight. You have no clue. Even landing the second medium can be evaded. Learn how to play the game first.

    Also how am i wrong about them not being as good as now? I don't have to "manage charges" "parry medium medium" or worry about being evaded in every fight. You are clearly a clueless noob.
    Not the player who doesn't know anything about the game calling others "noobs".

    Ah. I love to see how wrong people are.
    if you dont see the moment in this fight where you got lucky, what can I say?

    He doesn't have coldsnap all the time and you do the evade/parry thing. he could have evaded that. You were just lucky not reliable.

    Also coldsnap does less damage than her incinerates. so she wont be as good. I know it is hard to comprehend but I am happy to keep explaining.

    oh and another thing. he doesn't have 50% chance to evade.
    And? That affects the falsity of the statement "Elsa is not a reliable Evade counter" in what way?
    no falsity. she is not a reliable evade counter. she counters evade but not as well as the best champs. sheesh
    She's not the best Evade counter, I agree, but she's still reliable. Reliable: consistently good in quality or performance.

    Not once was I in the position of getting hit after being Evaded in the video I took. That shows consistency. The fact that she also has an easily accessible way to counter Evade through a 2nd Light Attack adds to that reliability.

    Sorry sweetheart, but you might want to check your definitions. Just because something is not the best does not mean that it is not reliable. Cope.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,392 Guardian
    Mollinary said:

    Thank You Kabam for creating Cav difficulty, what a wast of time and effort. I don't see any chance to touch it even I supposed to be capable to do it. And after your last announcement I will tell you please remove it from game is useless to have something most people won't touch it.

    No one is guaranteeing that you personally are supposed to be capable of doing Cavalier EQ. Every player has different skills, different roster, and even different tolerance for difficulty. Cavalier EQ is targeted at the set of all players that have reached Cavalier status, but the specific intent is for Cavalier players to grow through the content. Someone who just reached Cavalier status and it was very difficult for them to achieve or took them a lot of resources to do it might have a lot of difficulty doing anything more than the easy path through Cavalier. in fact that's why the easy path exists: to provide a path that every Cavalier has a reasonable chance to navigate. But even that path is not 100% guaranteed to be easy for new Cavalier players to do. The stronger a Cavalier player gets, the easier it should get to navigate the entire thing. The difficulty tops out at being a small challenge for above average Cavalier players, and is probably a cakewalk for most Thronebreaker players at the moment.

    If you can't do it, or don't want to do it, then it is not for you. But it isn't useless just because you can't do it. Lots of people can, and it is for them to do, and for players like you to aspire to do when you get better.

    I said for a long time when people were begging for Cavalier difficulty that just because they want it doesn't mean its supposed to exist. There has to be enough players that could do it to justify the work involved. But contrawise the fact that not every Cavalier player finds it doable is not a requirement for its existence either. In fact, I and others were saying before it was added that for it to be a reasonable addition to the game not all Cavalier players should be able to fully explore it. If they could, it would be too easy to be a useful addition to the game. There has to be a challenge curve to the content for at least the bulk of Cavalier players or it is nonsensical to waste the time on the difficulty tier.

    The treadmill doesn't end with Cavalier. In many ways, it starts with Cavalier. You still have to keep growing both your roster and your skills, and I would say that the game past Cavalier forces you to push much harder to grow roster and skills than the game prior to Cavalier. So if you think Cavalier difficulty is supposed to be something you can push over just because you completed 6.1, you're mistaken.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,392 Guardian
    xNig said:

    Still disappointed not to see any update about treating all these nodes as defensive ability and any champ or mastery with ability reduction just disturb the game.
    It is just doesn’t make sense, limber is not ability but removing flux with heavy attack is an ability that you may fail to remove with heavy attack if you have something that decrease the defender ability.
    The game should have consistency in it, especially as it scale up and become more complex.

    Limber is a node that activates right when the fight starts. Whereas Flux Dispersal is a conditional node. So one is affected by AAR at the start of the fight, another is affected by AAR upon time of condition fulfillment.

    It’s actually pretty consistent.

    Hope this clears it up.
    To be honest, although there are places where I can understand when people get confused, I think there are people out there who are deliberately obfuscating how ability accuracy works to push the agenda the game is inconsistent, because I keep seeing people bring up different cases as if they believe everyone just knows they are inconsistent, when in fact outside their little bubble of misinformed people those cases tend to be very well understood. Even most people who would prefer those cases work differently understand *why* they work the way they do.

    There's plenty of places where the game either behaves oddly or is poorly documented, we don't need to be making them up.
  • KibiKibi Member Posts: 57

    Kibi said:

    @Seriously @Kibi

    I did a path of UC EQ on autofight.

    To my surprise, i autofought the whole path. I could have soloed the boss but autofought it because why not.(Chapter 3 Quest 1)

    nice but thats the no node path and rng is a big factor. say you get to boss with champs dead or banged up and have to revive cuz or some mistake. that's a high risk maneuver and not reliable like autoing master eq which is a guarantee no item use finish.
    And? I didnt even think it would work. I was honestly surprised. Doing this is very inconvenient, but its still 100% possible. And the nodes are not a big deal.
    dude you are def not gonna auto clear UC on a regular basis. yea you can get lucky and maybe get through some paths, but it's not a consistent tactic.
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  • Troy_Elric123Troy_Elric123 Member Posts: 542 ★★★

    Why 50% chance to evade
    It's mix masher korg and doom all over again

    The idea here is to encourage Evade encounters, and combined with the Skillful Distraction buff, this gives more Skill Champions access to the kit necessary to prevent Evasion.
    Again you are going

    Hey everybody, thank you all for the feedback. Please keep it coming, as it will help us improve Cavalier Difficulty as we move forward.

    One thing I want to point out: With the addition of the new Buffs, we are not doing away with the older ones. Our goal is to create a pool of buffs to pick and choose from for Cavalier Difficulty, but still not as wide as what you might remember from Uncollected difficulty.

    Your Champions you've ranked up are still going to help you in these Quests, but maybe not the same Champions every month.

    I hope this clears that up a little bit.

    Your intention is preety clear here. You want to keep changing cav nodes and thus the champion requirements . And with each change that I estimate you will implement every 6 months or so will force players to rankup Champions who normally never get used. But you arr not encouraging players to rankup champions , what you are doing is forcing them to do it and then change the meta as you see fit.

    There is a world of difference in designing a back issues that reward you for using certain champions and forcing players to rank up champions who has zero end game usage just for monthly EQ. Whilst making them invest rare resources in cav EQ just to keep getting the same rewards which they have been working hard to get .

    And then you expect us to save up these resources to rank someone to R3 to get a title. You are pulling players in 5 different directions and not giving them any way to get there. These changes are poorly planned or may have had good intentions but the direction in which the game is going is still no different than half a year ago. At least buff the rewards to match the time and effort required. And next time do it from the start and not after half a year feedback collection from the playerbase
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★

    Why 50% chance to evade
    It's mix masher korg and doom all over again

    The idea here is to encourage Evade encounters, and combined with the Skillful Distraction buff, this gives more Skill Champions access to the kit necessary to prevent Evasion.
    Again you are going

    Hey everybody, thank you all for the feedback. Please keep it coming, as it will help us improve Cavalier Difficulty as we move forward.

    One thing I want to point out: With the addition of the new Buffs, we are not doing away with the older ones. Our goal is to create a pool of buffs to pick and choose from for Cavalier Difficulty, but still not as wide as what you might remember from Uncollected difficulty.

    Your Champions you've ranked up are still going to help you in these Quests, but maybe not the same Champions every month.

    I hope this clears that up a little bit.

    Your intention is preety clear here. You want to keep changing cav nodes and thus the champion requirements . And with each change that I estimate you will implement every 6 months or so will force players to rankup Champions who normally never get used. But you arr not encouraging players to rankup champions , what you are doing is forcing them to do it and then change the meta as you see fit.

    There is a world of difference in designing a back issues that reward you for using certain champions and forcing players to rank up champions who has zero end game usage just for monthly EQ. Whilst making them invest rare resources in cav EQ just to keep getting the same rewards which they have been working hard to get .

    And then you expect us to save up these resources to rank someone to R3 to get a title. You are pulling players in 5 different directions and not giving them any way to get there. These changes are poorly planned or may have had good intentions but the direction in which the game is going is still no different than half a year ago. At least buff the rewards to match the time and effort required. And next time do it from the start and not after half a year feedback collection from the playerbase
    No one's forcing anyone to rank up champions. The monthly EQ can still be done with other champs, it's just that they're not going to benefit from the usage of those champions.
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  • The_Sentry06The_Sentry06 Member Posts: 7,804 ★★★★★

    Why 50% chance to evade
    It's mix masher korg and doom all over again

    The idea here is to encourage Evade encounters, and combined with the Skillful Distraction buff, this gives more Skill Champions access to the kit necessary to prevent Evasion.
    Again you are going

    Hey everybody, thank you all for the feedback. Please keep it coming, as it will help us improve Cavalier Difficulty as we move forward.

    One thing I want to point out: With the addition of the new Buffs, we are not doing away with the older ones. Our goal is to create a pool of buffs to pick and choose from for Cavalier Difficulty, but still not as wide as what you might remember from Uncollected difficulty.

    Your Champions you've ranked up are still going to help you in these Quests, but maybe not the same Champions every month.

    I hope this clears that up a little bit.

    Your intention is preety clear here. You want to keep changing cav nodes and thus the champion requirements . And with each change that I estimate you will implement every 6 months or so will force players to rankup Champions who normally never get used. But you arr not encouraging players to rankup champions , what you are doing is forcing them to do it and then change the meta as you see fit.

    There is a world of difference in designing a back issues that reward you for using certain champions and forcing players to rank up champions who has zero end game usage just for monthly EQ. Whilst making them invest rare resources in cav EQ just to keep getting the same rewards which they have been working hard to get .

    And then you expect us to save up these resources to rank someone to R3 to get a title. You are pulling players in 5 different directions and not giving them any way to get there. These changes are poorly planned or may have had good intentions but the direction in which the game is going is still no different than half a year ago. At least buff the rewards to match the time and effort required. And next time do it from the start and not after half a year feedback collection from the playerbase
    As stated above, you aren't forced to rank up champs. It's just that you get a massive bonus if you do bring in the right champs. If you think about it, Buffed Up and Disstrack were much more limiting than these nodes. Also, don't forget that 4* champs work for this too and it's not like the champs you are gonna rank up for cav eq won't ever have any future uses.
  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★

    Why 50% chance to evade
    It's mix masher korg and doom all over again

    The idea here is to encourage Evade encounters, and combined with the Skillful Distraction buff, this gives more Skill Champions access to the kit necessary to prevent Evasion.
    Again you are going

    Hey everybody, thank you all for the feedback. Please keep it coming, as it will help us improve Cavalier Difficulty as we move forward.

    One thing I want to point out: With the addition of the new Buffs, we are not doing away with the older ones. Our goal is to create a pool of buffs to pick and choose from for Cavalier Difficulty, but still not as wide as what you might remember from Uncollected difficulty.

    Your Champions you've ranked up are still going to help you in these Quests, but maybe not the same Champions every month.

    I hope this clears that up a little bit.

    Your intention is preety clear here. You want to keep changing cav nodes and thus the champion requirements . And with each change that I estimate you will implement every 6 months or so will force players to rankup Champions who normally never get used. But you arr not encouraging players to rankup champions , what you are doing is forcing them to do it and then change the meta as you see fit.

    There is a world of difference in designing a back issues that reward you for using certain champions and forcing players to rank up champions who has zero end game usage just for monthly EQ. Whilst making them invest rare resources in cav EQ just to keep getting the same rewards which they have been working hard to get .

    And then you expect us to save up these resources to rank someone to R3 to get a title. You are pulling players in 5 different directions and not giving them any way to get there. These changes are poorly planned or may have had good intentions but the direction in which the game is going is still no different than half a year ago. At least buff the rewards to match the time and effort required. And next time do it from the start and not after half a year feedback collection from the playerbase
    1. You aren’t forced to rank anybody up.
    2. Who says you even need to rank anyone new up? Looking at the nodes, all the champs I was using for the current set of nodes will work just as well for the new set. With the exception of maybe tech.
  • 2nd_slingshot2nd_slingshot Member Posts: 233
    I honestly don't understand the uproar from the community on the node changes. While Kabam may have botched the timing dropping the announcement just a week and some days away from the next update. I still feel the change is a good one. I've explored all cavalier content since it came out except for the ibomb content cos of one specific node. Diss track. I only had two max 5stars in the science class. Quake and red guardian. I mainly had to use my 4star torch and 5star Nick fury. It didn't always work out best and I had to use items. The ibomb was unexplored cos the node was among the last chapter. I recently got a counter in CGR who just tears through diss track. Point in trying to make is now I have a decent counter to diss track and in one or two month, the main node that kept me on my toes in cavalier will feel boring since I no w have the counter. A decent change in nodes here and there instead of a single mix of monotonous nodes will do us a lot more good in keeping the game alive than just staying stagnant. Also some say they made specific rank ups for some of the game content and the only champs I hear is Angela and Ronin. They are still decent champs that are still pretty good on the game.
    As for rewards I do think for this mid to end game content that is supposed to be a progressive rate into thronebreaker. We should have a choice in what we get as rewards. People are short different things.
    A nexus kind of reward will be better. For example for exploration
    1T5B OR 3T4B nexus like. You choose
    1T2A OR 6T1A still your choice.
    The crystal shards remain
    This way players can at least decide what they want after either cheesing or struggling through the quest depending on roster size and skill level.
    My 2 cents.
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★

    Why 50% chance to evade
    It's mix masher korg and doom all over again

    The idea here is to encourage Evade encounters, and combined with the Skillful Distraction buff, this gives more Skill Champions access to the kit necessary to prevent Evasion.
    Again you are going

    Hey everybody, thank you all for the feedback. Please keep it coming, as it will help us improve Cavalier Difficulty as we move forward.

    One thing I want to point out: With the addition of the new Buffs, we are not doing away with the older ones. Our goal is to create a pool of buffs to pick and choose from for Cavalier Difficulty, but still not as wide as what you might remember from Uncollected difficulty.

    Your Champions you've ranked up are still going to help you in these Quests, but maybe not the same Champions every month.

    I hope this clears that up a little bit.

    Your intention is preety clear here. You want to keep changing cav nodes and thus the champion requirements . And with each change that I estimate you will implement every 6 months or so will force players to rankup Champions who normally never get used. But you arr not encouraging players to rankup champions , what you are doing is forcing them to do it and then change the meta as you see fit.

    There is a world of difference in designing a back issues that reward you for using certain champions and forcing players to rank up champions who has zero end game usage just for monthly EQ. Whilst making them invest rare resources in cav EQ just to keep getting the same rewards which they have been working hard to get .

    And then you expect us to save up these resources to rank someone to R3 to get a title. You are pulling players in 5 different directions and not giving them any way to get there. These changes are poorly planned or may have had good intentions but the direction in which the game is going is still no different than half a year ago. At least buff the rewards to match the time and effort required. And next time do it from the start and not after half a year feedback collection from the playerbase
    I've never ranked a single champ specifically for EQ outside some 4*s for the challenges. Not really sure how anyone is being forced to do anything here.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,392 Guardian

    Why 50% chance to evade
    It's mix masher korg and doom all over again

    The idea here is to encourage Evade encounters, and combined with the Skillful Distraction buff, this gives more Skill Champions access to the kit necessary to prevent Evasion.
    Again you are going

    Hey everybody, thank you all for the feedback. Please keep it coming, as it will help us improve Cavalier Difficulty as we move forward.

    One thing I want to point out: With the addition of the new Buffs, we are not doing away with the older ones. Our goal is to create a pool of buffs to pick and choose from for Cavalier Difficulty, but still not as wide as what you might remember from Uncollected difficulty.

    Your Champions you've ranked up are still going to help you in these Quests, but maybe not the same Champions every month.

    I hope this clears that up a little bit.

    Your intention is preety clear here. You want to keep changing cav nodes and thus the champion requirements . And with each change that I estimate you will implement every 6 months or so will force players to rankup Champions who normally never get used. But you arr not encouraging players to rankup champions , what you are doing is forcing them to do it and then change the meta as you see fit.

    There is a world of difference in designing a back issues that reward you for using certain champions and forcing players to rank up champions who has zero end game usage just for monthly EQ. Whilst making them invest rare resources in cav EQ just to keep getting the same rewards which they have been working hard to get .

    And then you expect us to save up these resources to rank someone to R3 to get a title. You are pulling players in 5 different directions and not giving them any way to get there. These changes are poorly planned or may have had good intentions but the direction in which the game is going is still no different than half a year ago. At least buff the rewards to match the time and effort required. And next time do it from the start and not after half a year feedback collection from the playerbase
    At the risk of seemingly piling on, I mentioned previously that I belileve the Cav buffs should be considered a benefit to players that take advantage of them rather than a penalty on players who don't, because we're all supposed to assume that Cavalier tier difficulty by default should have been much higher than UC difficulty, much as UC is much more difficult than Master difficulty. Cavalier done with the "wrong" champs is, in general, about where I would have expected Cavalier difficulty to be; in fact it is slightly lower than what I was expecting.

    The beneficial buffs then are a way to reward players to make further progress in widening their rosters. To say you're being "forced" to rank up champions in order to do Cavalier difficulty is no different than an Uncollected player saying they are forced to rank up a full team of 5/65s just to do Uncollected, because if you *don't* rank up such a team to do Uncollected it takes so much longer.

    That's simply not a reasonable way to characterize the benefits of progressing in the game, calling every benefit a player can gain necessary or forced.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,392 Guardian

    @Kabam Miike please get this monthly eq situation sorted out... this months difficulty vs rewards is way out.. this will probably be the first time in 2 years I just can’t be bothered to 100% it’s just not worth it.
    These rewards are fine for cav difficulty but this is thronebreaker difficulty which should reap better rewards!
    We need cav difficulty with current rewards and thronebreaker with better rewards

    If you think the current Cavalier difficulty is anywhere near the difficulty a hypothetical Thronebreaker EQ difficulty tier would have, you're wildly mistaken. The current Cavalier difficulty is actually easier than most people were presuming it was going to be before it came out. If there exists a Thronebreaker that is remotely challenged by either the current Cavalier EQ or the updated one, I would bet they bought their account on eBay.

    Whether the Cavalier rewards are worth the time expended to get them is subjective. Some people need instant gratification, some are willing to put in more time, some don't really care. But it is also progress relative. Weaker players will generally take much more time to earn those rewards while stronger players will generally take much less time. If it is taking you a lot longer, that's intentional. It gives you something to work for: the more progress you make in the game, the easier it will be for you to get those rewards and the less time it will take for you to acquire them. That's the nature of progressional games.
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