Hood Changes - Discussion [Merged Threads]



  • Texas_11Texas_11 Member Posts: 2,646 ★★★★★

    They deleted mine :(
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  • GinjabredMonstaGinjabredMonsta Member, Guardian Posts: 6,494 Guardian
    Hdhjssvv said:

    I used a generic 1-2 gem how will I get that back the buff was great no need to change that back ffs man

    They said they are sending RTD
  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,656 ★★★★★

    Gotta love how everyone swears they need him just for his buff control, but they still wouldn’t rank up duped DS that does that without even having to use a special.

    I would. 🧐
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  • Peteyaces_72Peteyaces_72 Member Posts: 29
    WRIR said:

    Honestly I’m disappointed that they are reverting Hood back. I quite liked him and his new changes. I found myself actually using him. And just for reference, I’m not some new player. I’m 100% all content except Abyss, 12k prestige.

    It frustrates me that the community screams saying old champs need buffs and reworks and then when it happens people flip out. Just be happy that they are updating old champs. A lot of games I’ve played often gave no love to old characters

    It wasn't the update but that they changed the kit drastically and effectiely made him a completely different character, which sets a dangerous precendent as it might happen to other champs
    I mean isn’t Magneto a completely different character?
  • GinjabredMonstaGinjabredMonsta Member, Guardian Posts: 6,494 Guardian
    Glazil said:

    DNA3000 said:

    Hdhjssvv said:

    Ffs man bunch of cry babies he wasn’t even good before the buff and he’s back to useless now thanks to you all

    You're welcome.
    Glazil said:

    DNA3000 said:

    DNA3000 said:

    Agresssor said:

    So now all those peoples will be able to use theirs " fateseal's + aar " 24/24 every single day againts medusa's and hyperions with +500k health pool

    yes. this.
    and let them have fun when they try to refresh that fate seal and get hit by miss or parry dilemma.
    what a reliable invisibility that was.
    hope yall are happy.

    man i want to make a lot of memes about this rn.
    You really don't have any other damage dealers, huh? Literally the only Champ that can rival Hood in regards to Buff management is Symbiote Supreme. With a damage boost he'll possibly even reach Supreme's level.
    so far i didnt want to play this game but if you gonna ask me that im gonna ask you:

    You really dont have any other NULLIFIERS HA??!

    there i said it.
    Oh yeah, plenty of Nullifiers.
    How many of them remove pre-existing Buffs? Hood was/is on the level of Champs like Claire and Sym Sup with respect to Buff Nullification, something those Champs are renowned for. The only thing stopping him is his damage, which will definitely be fixed in the Buff.

    You really thought you had a point there, didn't you?
    omg i wanna break the s**t out of the community forum rules rn.


    hmm thats what mystic class usually do. idk if you aware of that. go check auntm.ai. in fact let me help you i opened it rn and reading some champs one by one

    doom, claire, ss, longshot, ms, loki, mojo, sorcerer, scarlet, dormammu, voodoo..

    lol shame on me that i wasted my time here arguing with you.
    If you're trying to win a trivia contest, fair enough. But if you're trying to argue there are lots of champions that could control buffs on any level remotely comparable to what Hood originally could do, and you want to put Dormammu on that list, I'm sorry but that's a credibility-destroying assertion. Dormammu can only nullify with SP1, and can only nullify one buff at a time. That nullify is less of a buff control capability, and more of a way to feed his degen damage. Anyone who played Dormammu should know this. Scarlet Witch is a more viable buff control champion, but still not on the level of the strong buff control champions and not the equal of original Hood. And *also* most players don't have SW as 5* or higher because she was only recently added to the 5* pool and doesn't exist yet in the 6* pool. So SW at a rarity suitable for higher tier content play is far rarer than Hood.

    The strongest buff control champs, like Symbiote Supreme and original Hood, can both apply stagger to ensure that most buffs never even apply, and the few that escape stagger can be nullified off. Loki can't do that, Morningstar can't do that, not even Mojo can really do that, particularly in the presence of buffs with no duration.
    i really thought you were a guy who knows some stuff.

    this wasnt a pissing contest. the guy asked me who can nullify so i answered him, not gonna measure dongs around with you because clearly you dont even know dormammu can nullify all the buffs with sp 1 as long as he's imbued.
    As a matter of fact, I do know Dormammu can nullify more than one buff when imbued. But if you're going to use Dormammu as a buff control champ requiring him to be constantly imbued and never using anything besides SP1 places very strict limits on him that again, make him a suboptimal option for buff control.

    I actually use all of these champs. At one time Loki was in fact my actual best buff control champ, so I know that he *can* do that, but also is nowhere in the same class as the champs with strong stagger and nullify/fate seal. I don't usually discuss champs unless I have them, use them, and rank them. Or in the case of Dormammu, have the good fortune to pull him multiple times as a 6*.
    To be fair, using an sp3 with Dorm always keeps him imbued and allows him to stack his dark energy passively for more heavy openings. He's really underrated for both buff control and utility, almost as much as Hood was, or is I should say. I hope they don't touch Dormammu's kit honestly because he has some solid damage and insane utility. At the very least a numbers tune up to his heavy burst and a stackable degen on sig ability.
    Dormammu is one of the champs I was worried about when I saw the Hood 2.0 buff. Magik less so because I don't think she would show up as underperforming, but Dormammu I think has a higher chance of that. King Groot is another champ I was worried about: everyone says he underperforms but there are people who like and use his tankiness and stacking armor breaks (I used him a lot in variant paths where he was slow as heck but 100% safe and cost literally nothing to run). Vision is another one that could be a middle-ground candidate that has interesting utility but low damage, but might have strong adherents. Loki falls in this category too. Rhino and Ronan have varying degrees of cheesiness that would be at risk for losing in an indiscriminate update. And while I doubt they would mess with this, Karnak seems ripe for an update but has a true strike that I wouldn't want to see removed in the process.
    Right on with that. I'm a King Groot fanboy and he does put in some work although I wish I had a higher rarity Ibom for that sweet synergy. OG Vision also is pretty dope and has a cool synergy with Aarkus and SW Sigil (If she ever comes out) I would even go as far as to say OG Vision, Ronan, and Loki are fine as is and Dorm/KG could barely use a damage tune up. I think we can all agree though that Wandavision has made us all want a Vision AOU overhaul or YJ type update.
    I am a big KG fan, surprising I know, and after the hood buff I was also worried what it could mean for someone like him. Also, I have been recently using the ibom and manthing synergy with KG especially for places like v6 and even some act 7 and it is a huge benefit and also adds something I've wanted which is an easier way to gain furies
  • HdhjssvvHdhjssvv Member Posts: 55

    Hdhjssvv said:

    Man no utility maybe but the infinite invisible was insane now he has a **** invisible and bad damage there’s enough good buff control mystics out there let hood be buffed

    I feel you missed or didn't read the announcement they made regarding this.
    Mate I doubt they’ll give that insane damage and invisible with a fate seal
  • HdhjssvvHdhjssvv Member Posts: 55

    Hdhjssvv said:

    Ffs man bunch of cry babies he wasn’t even good before the buff and he’s back to useless now thanks to you all

    ...he angrily bawled, much like a...crybaby?

    Wait, something doesn't add up.

    Mate I completed the whole game. the hood was super fun to use and now he’s gone it’s pretty sad I couldn’t care less about needing the buff to clear content it was just fun very fun
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  • HdhjssvvHdhjssvv Member Posts: 55

    Hdhjssvv said:

    Ksp_2099 said:

    Hdhjssvv said:

    Ksp_2099 said:

    Instead of giving Hood an update,
    If they allow fury passive (like doctor Doom sp3) in his rotation, he will be awesome.
    Just need some damage tuneup not a rework.
    Thanks Kabam for reverting Hood back to his original state.

    Dead players like you man hood went from good tier to god tier and you still find ways to complain
    Maybe I am dead.
    Most players like me loved his core utility.
    And please, to get some decent damage you have to go for 100+ combo, then heavy.
    In most of the scenario or nodes, you won't be able to heavy easily or it would be struggle to hit opponents before hex expires.
    That fate seal ability is unique and only few champions have them and it's damn powerful.
    I never was complaining about his damage, the only thing I was complaining about his core utility and non contact hit invisibility 90% chance to miss.
    If they have kept his fate seal ability, then I would have raked5 him.
    Hope you can understand my point.
    Also, on this forum we are here to share not to curse people with dead spells.😂🤣😅
    Firstly I was taking down act 6 opponents in 30-40 hits with heavy
    Second he had insane invisible which could be maintained all fight
    Thirdly with invisible you can fire of heavy anytime as you have safety net
    So please play the champ atleast b4 you cry about them being buffed badly
    The hood buff imo was incredible

    Were ya playing him duped or unduped cuz he was pretty bad unduped and that was his version without the bugged bullets
    I’ve got duped but even still with the unlimited invisible it really didn’t matter it was insane not thinking about dodging specials and cheesing fights without taking a single hit
  • Pancake_FacePancake_Face Member Posts: 1,390 ★★★★
    Grim7787 said:

    Gotta love how everyone swears they need him just for his buff control, but they still wouldn’t rank up duped DS that does that without even having to use a special.

    This was one of my points exactly...

    We're not talking about DS. We're talking about Hood. Who is part of one of the strongest trios in the game, that they took his strongest ability from for no reason. An ability that allowed him to fulfill a major role without sacrificing a pretty major synergy.

    And yes, DS suffers from pretty much the same fault as Hood, damage. Do they need to strip his whole kit to fix damage? No...

    I absolutely love DS. He's the OG. But the Squad is Ghost/Wasp/Hood, not Ghost/Wasp/DS...

    if the squad was the latter and they changed him the same way by adding dmg, but negatively effecting or stripping his core, I'd be in this forum fighting the same way.

    Again, that was the negative impact for me, and I'm sure many others, to include those that didn't run him with Ghost, etc... but he was their nullifier...

    Stop with the comparisons to other champs. Obviously the peeps that complained were peeps that actually chose Hood to fill the role for them. Of course there's going to be backlash when said role is no more.

    Side Note: You know what they did to "fix" DS? Made Sym and Sorcerer Supreme, lol.
    Yea i 100% agree. For me this feels like 12.0 but the opposite. Yes DS was so op but Hood was not too op he was perfect minus damage.
  • PulyamanPulyaman Member Posts: 2,365 ★★★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    DNA3000 said:


    Agresssor said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Agresssor said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Agresssor said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Agresssor said:

    Or maybe, if he couldn't place a stagger from crit hits if the opponent has already a stagger ( for ex: omega red heavy attack degen ) but in this case your staggers will be less effective if you need to wait 5 sec to place a new stagger

    His regen was a bonus and not a core mechanic. You could for example place a stagger, back off, wait for it to expire, place on again. Do it 10 times and you gained 10% health. You don't generally use that stagger for regen though. If you are bringing Hood, it is for buff control.
    I understand but its very stupid, the old hood has 7.5 stagger duration, for regen you need at least 1 critical hit to place a stagger than wait 7.5 seconds without touching the opponent, but its very risky and the regen doesnt not worth this effort. If i need to do that at least 10 times, with 7.5 seconds it will take 75 seconds for 10% health, with new hood = 50 seconds, very very impractical if you focus on regeneration

    for people like me who play with suicide, his post-fix regen is no longer compatible with suicide
    The regen is not part of his core gameplay, only a emergency ability. Like warlocks heal, its pretty bad but its there. If you think about it Hood pre-buff was actually good with suicides. You only needed to fire one sp2 to control all the buffs. You could just refresh the fate seal and not fire another special again. Something to think about.
    Right now, after regen fix. Why such a bonus that will work 1 time per fight otherwise you will have to play very passively to regen. The New Hood regen was very good on every crit hit for suicides players before they fix it. I could even compensate the recoil mastery :DDDDD

    Fateseal its a good thing but dam... that regen.... bring the regen back

    The regen was too OP. I don't know how you are not getting this. There was no balance with the regen. It was simply healing for doing basic combo. You realize that Kabam modified Kingpin and DDHK regen to 40% just because of will power heal. You thought they would leave this kind of regen in a champion?
    They could cut the regen by half or change the mechanic .

    this only proves once again that kabam does not test the buffs/characters before the update
    You said it yourself, you were able to heal more than suicides (including recoil damage) was taking away.
    Sounds pretty OP to me.
    You have to really understand the game and all its nuances to know if that kind of rule works. cf: Angela. I'll bet 99% of the player population is unaware of Angela's ability's interaction with suicides. I actually forgot about it until the Angela update reminded me.
    Tbf I completely forgot about that until you mentioned it, even so I don’t think Angela’s regen is quite as strong as Hood getting however much HP it was back on every crit.
    I was replying to the statement that if a champion has mechanics that allow them to heal back way more than suicides remove players should know that is OP. There are cases where that's not true, or at least the developers don't think it is true. Angela was just the obvious example of such.
    @DNA3000 I know very well about angela since I have her as a 6 star duped. People saw "regen" "OP" from my post and went with it. We have lots of champs that mitigate recoil damage. Namor somewhat, darkhawk gains 10% every time you change stances are some. My point was the developers will not leave a regen that comes from doing nothing but basic combo without any trade off like power or damage. Even Angela does not have that insane regen. With max recovery mastery, I think it comes to 5-6 % of her health. But remember that it is not instant and it is not stackable. You cannot get back to full health even with that regen, you can mitigate recoil damage but cannot reverse that. Unlike the regen on Hood, which as people showed, can have you finish with a almost full yellow bar even with full suicide masteries. That was why it was OP, not because it was simply a regen.
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★

    Gotta love how everyone swears they need him just for his buff control, but they still wouldn’t rank up duped DS that does that without even having to use a special.

    Does DS also make Ghost take zero damage while phasing? Bc if not, I don't care as that doesn't help on a 3 champ team
  • LorddrewLorddrew Member Posts: 297 ★★

    I know right, pretty easy to see. That’s why we said rethink the bullet strategy, keep the regen but make it not at strong, implement fate seal on SP2. That’s the perfect Hood and I’m sure once they go back to the drawing board he will be closer to what will make everyone happy.

    This would be perfect, I was pretty excited with 2.0 + regen it made him feel suïcide friendly like bwcv.
  • Steam97Steam97 Member Posts: 285 ★★★
    I would have much preferred if they kept the new hood with just fate seal readded on sp2, he was finally a playable pg in end game content and as a ghost player i truly liked the new invisibility. Let's hope with the re-release of the buff he still will have high enough damage to be used outside those few specific fights where he snines.
  • HexonHexon Member Posts: 56
    The fate seal isn't that important for the character of the hood it is much more valiant to think of him as a human being who accidentally found boots and cape which enabled him to be invisible. The reason why he was added the fate seal was that he was closely linked to dormammu and Ghost Rider by kabam, thus it was also used for the Hood. The new buff created a Hood that was much more linked to the comic character. In the short time when I had the opportunity to train the new Hood I very soon realized that his utility is by far more preferable than bis former fate Seal. During his invisible he was able to regen and power steel when awakened. A heavy could add bullets to rank up for massiv damage. In his invisibility he could be played like ghost and added up to a invisible cycle that could be used to fight opponents while not creating much damage with light or medium attacs. I loved playing the new Hood also because he was perfectly built to kill act 6.2.6 the champion and steal the indistructible charges. which would have lead to the fact that almost everyone with Hood could reach the next level. I think it was due to this overpowered performance that they decided to start from the scetch not due to the "Bugs" or because a minor group of fans revolted. His regen and power steal made him sucidefriendly and that would lead to lesser buying of potions and healers, to be open, he would have killed every opponent in his way, when played right no matter what prestige. At the same time, he was not immune to debuffs like ghost when invisible what made him vulnerable for champs like Void or Iceman. So in AW Def he wouldn't be invincible, but nevertheless one of the mightiest defenders. I miss the new Hood already and I know that I won't get him back. His playstile was very different from all the other Champs, but at the same time uncontrollable for Kabam. In this very short period Parker Robbins lived truly up to his wish to become a superhuman and to steal from the rich to give ist to the poor and ill (rostered) ;) R.I.P The "real" Hood!
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