My ranking of the top 5 champions in each class



  • KDSuperFlash10KDSuperFlash10 Member Posts: 5,869 ★★★★★
    HI_guys said:

    Everyone hating on OP is forgetting that if they wrote their own top 5 of each class they’d get a hell of a lot of disagrees too. That’s what you get with putting your opinion on 30 champions out there, someone will disagree somewhere along the line.

    Everyone hating on OP is forgetting that if they wrote their own top 5 of each class they’d get a hell of a lot of disagrees too. That’s what you get with putting your opinion on 30 champions out there, someone will disagree somewhere along the line.

    Everyone hating on OP because he's a troll. Nothing more,nothing less
    I’m not a troll. It seems that in the modern day anyone who disagrees with another person’s opinion on the internet is a “troll”. I just don’t conform to the typical common opinions that others have, it doesn’t make me a troll.
  • altavistaaltavista Member Posts: 1,654 ★★★★★
    Fun list. I have my personal preferences that differ, but reading some of the comments, people seem triggered and calling OP a troll.

    If everyone keeps saying “tier lists are dumb, decide on your own”, why is everyone accusing OP of being a troll who is obviously wrong? There’s no correct answer (aside from Quake and Ghost at the top). Additionally, everyone would have pretty much 60-70% of their top five champs be identical to OP (in a slightly different order of course)

    So, people on the forum both argue that there is no definitive ranking, but also that there is a definitive ranking if Gambit is so high. Clearly, a paradox.

    The only real eyebrow raiser for me is Moleman, but I have no personal experience with the buffed champion so I’ll withhold my judgment on that. But everything seems understandable if that’s based on OP’s account and personal experience.
  • The_Sentry06The_Sentry06 Member Posts: 7,804 ★★★★★
    Perfect Block is nice but nothing so valuable that I'd rank Gambit over other mutants like Prof X, Mags, Apoco and AA.
    And without horseman, no way Gambit is top 5.
  • The_Sentry06The_Sentry06 Member Posts: 7,804 ★★★★★
    My ranking:

    Prof X/ Colossus
    (Still prefer Prof X over Apoco though)

    Mole Man

    Cap IW

    Sym Supreme

    Cap Marvel

    Guilly 2099

  • HollywoodShonoHollywoodShono Member Posts: 102

    Just a heads up that there will be some ties between champions that I believe are on similar grounds in terms of overall power.

    1. Apocalypse
    2. Horseman Gambit
    3. Magneto
    4. Horseman AA/Omega Red
    5. Cable (with Apoc synergy)/Professor X/Namor

    1. Nick Fury
    2. Mole Man
    3. Aegon
    4. Falcon
    5. Kingpin

    1. Quake
    2. Human Torch
    3. iHulk
    4. Cap IW/Void
    5. iBom/She-Hulk

    1. Doctor Doom
    2. BWCV
    3. Sorcerer Supreme
    4. Symbiote Supreme
    5. Tigra

    1. CGR
    2. Corvus
    3. Hyperion
    4. Angela
    5. Silver Surfer

    1. Ghost
    2. Warlock
    3. Guillotine 2099
    4. Guardian/Hulkbuster
    5. Stark Spidey

    Thoughts? Feel free to share your own top 5 lists as well!

    1) Colossus
    2) Red Magneto
    3) Apocalypse
    4) Wolverine
    5) Archangel(If they can bleed and be poisoned)

    1) Nick Fury
    2) Hit Monkey
    3) Aegon
    4) Kingpin
    5) Elsa Bloodstone

    1) Human Torch
    2) Captain America Infinity War
    3) Quake
    4) Void
    5) Immortal Abomination

    1) Doctor Doom
    2) Black Widow Clare Voyant
    3) Symbiote Supreme
    4) Sasquatch
    5) Tigra

    1) Warlock
    2) Guillotine 2099
    3) Ghost
    4) Doctor Octopus
    5) Guardian

    1) Cosmic Ghost Rider
    2) Corvus Glaive
    3) Hyperion
    4) Angela
    5) Captain Marvel Movie

  • Wu_Bangerz23Wu_Bangerz23 Member Posts: 1,086 ★★★
    8 mutants and no sign of Collosus who on his own (no Apoc) is arguably number 1....and he doesn't crack your top 8??? I stopped reading there....
  • CrcrcrcCrcrcrc Member Posts: 8,006 ★★★★★

    8 mutants and no sign of Collosus who on his own (no Apoc) is arguably number 1....and he doesn't crack your top 8??? I stopped reading there....

    Please tell me you did not just say he’s #1 when AA, OR, Mags, and Apoc all exist
  • The_Sentry06The_Sentry06 Member Posts: 7,804 ★★★★★

    8 mutants and no sign of Collosus who on his own (no Apoc) is arguably number 1....and he doesn't crack your top 8??? I stopped reading there....

    He's quite good but definitely not top 1.
  • BuggyDClownBuggyDClown Member Posts: 2,582 ★★★★★

    Just a heads up that there will be some ties between champions that I believe are on similar grounds in terms of overall power.

    1. Apocalypse
    2. Horseman Gambit
    3. Magneto
    4. Horseman AA/Omega Red
    5. Cable (with Apoc synergy)/Professor X/Namor

    1. Nick Fury
    2. Mole Man
    3. Aegon
    4. Falcon
    5. Kingpin

    1. Quake
    2. Human Torch
    3. iHulk
    4. Cap IW/Void
    5. iBom/She-Hulk

    1. Doctor Doom
    2. BWCV
    3. Sorcerer Supreme
    4. Symbiote Supreme
    5. Tigra

    1. CGR
    2. Corvus
    3. Hyperion
    4. Angela
    5. Silver Surfer

    1. Ghost
    2. Warlock
    3. Guillotine 2099
    4. Guardian/Hulkbuster
    5. Stark Spidey

    Thoughts? Feel free to share your own top 5 lists as well!

    In skill Blade and Spidey deserves places
    In mutant Colossus
    In Science Void is 2nd tk quake
    In Cosmic I rate Hyperion as best
    Tech seems perfect but g2099 is my fav
    Mystic is almost perfect
  • KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,896 ★★★★★
    I respect your opinion @KDSuperFlash10 , mine is very different, which is fine. You got plenty of things right, but I got couple questions:

    1) where Venom? >:(
    2) why hCable > hColossus?
    3) why Sentinel < Starky?

    Else I think I can agree with you, most of the champs are difficult to compare, so it is pointless to fight over some champs' placement within the top 5.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    HI_guys said:

    Everyone hating on OP is forgetting that if they wrote their own top 5 of each class they’d get a hell of a lot of disagrees too. That’s what you get with putting your opinion on 30 champions out there, someone will disagree somewhere along the line.

    Everyone hating on OP is forgetting that if they wrote their own top 5 of each class they’d get a hell of a lot of disagrees too. That’s what you get with putting your opinion on 30 champions out there, someone will disagree somewhere along the line.

    Everyone hating on OP because he's a troll. Nothing more,nothing less
    What’s your top 5 of each class then?
  • PulyamanPulyaman Member Posts: 2,365 ★★★★★
    I am not going to pile on the troll train. But no CMM in the cosmic class but Angela makes to the top 5?. If we are using synergies, Odin makes champs with fury buff insane which will take CMM to the top of the list after 1 fight(Same argument you used for Horseman Gambit). Colossus with Apoc is better than Cable. From what I see, your ranking change based on what content you are doing right now. With the fight in the mutant class for T4cc and t5cc, no idea why anyone would rank up gambit over any other mutant.
  • Will3808Will3808 Member Posts: 3,975 ★★★★★
    I love horseman gambit but I wouldn’t put him that high. He’s top 5 but not #2.
  • Sarvanga1_Sarvanga1_ Member Posts: 4,162 ★★★★★
    If perfect blocks are such a big thing then where's sunspot kd. He doesn't even need apoc to do this.
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  • PtkVascoPtkVasco Member Posts: 166



    Human torch
    She hulk


    Symbiont supreme
    Sorcerer supreme

    Guillotine 2099
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  • TheMailmannTheMailmann Member Posts: 120 ★★
    edited March 2021

    You can’t really put 2 champs for 1 spot. It’s no longer a top 5 from each class list if you do that.

    I found certain champs to be on similar level so I placed them in the same spot. Others may organize their top 5 lists in a different way, I chose to organize it like this. Enjoy!
    i think what they meant is if 2 champs share the same spot at 4, then there shouldn’t be a 5th spot because you’ve already listed 5 champs. interesting list! some may disagree but it all depends on your own preference and playstyle really.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★

    If perfect blocks are such a big thing then where's sunspot kd. He doesn't even need apoc to do this.

    Because Sunspot is much less reliable. Think of it like this, with 3 criteria
    1) How long the champion has to perfect block
    2) What needs to happen for the champion to perfect block
    3) Are there any outside factors that can stop the perfect block

    1) Sunspot has 5 seconds after basic attacks to perfect block, and 14 seconds after his SP1 to perfect block. Gambit has a few seconds at the start of the fight where he builds up his charges and then it is infinite until charging a heavy.

    2) Sunspot needs to parry, gambit just needs to hold block

    3) Sunspot can be stopped by a) running out of incinerates and b) if the opponent is incinerate immune. Gambit is only stopped by using his specials, and then you have 16 seconds to use them (while prowess lasts) before you can build back up to 100% perfect block. During this time you will be using a lot of specials, so little time for the opponent to use a special or attack anyway. Both champions will be affected by unblockable etc equally.

    Gambit has a better perfect block in all aspects
  • Sarvanga1_Sarvanga1_ Member Posts: 4,162 ★★★★★

    If perfect blocks are such a big thing then where's sunspot kd. He doesn't even need apoc to do this.

    Because Sunspot is much less reliable. Think of it like this, with 3 criteria
    1) How long the champion has to perfect block
    2) What needs to happen for the champion to perfect block
    3) Are there any outside factors that can stop the perfect block

    1) Sunspot has 5 seconds after basic attacks to perfect block, and 14 seconds after his SP1 to perfect block. Gambit has a few seconds at the start of the fight where he builds up his charges and then it is infinite until charging a heavy.

    2) Sunspot needs to parry, gambit just needs to hold block

    3) Sunspot can be stopped by a) running out of incinerates and b) if the opponent is incinerate immune. Gambit is only stopped by using his specials, and then you have 16 seconds to use them (while prowess lasts) before you can build back up to 100% perfect block. During this time you will be using a lot of specials, so little time for the opponent to use a special or attack anyway. Both champions will be affected by unblockable etc equally.

    Gambit has a better perfect block in all aspects
    1)Sunspot can perfect block for the whole fight if you use his rotation properly.
    2) Parrying is one of the basic techniques of mcoc. So it's not like most people don't know how to parry.
    3)You can keep your flare states low to maintain your incinerates and perfect block throughout the fight.
    For incinerate immunes I agree but you shouldn't be using sunspot against them.
    And sunspot has damage of a million suns so he will finish fights much quicker than gambit. So less chance of mess ups.
    But yeah solely for perfect block gambit is better. But you need more than just perfect block for most fights.
  • CrcrcrcCrcrcrc Member Posts: 8,006 ★★★★★

    If perfect blocks are such a big thing then where's sunspot kd. He doesn't even need apoc to do this.

    Because Sunspot is much less reliable. Think of it like this, with 3 criteria
    1) How long the champion has to perfect block
    2) What needs to happen for the champion to perfect block
    3) Are there any outside factors that can stop the perfect block

    1) Sunspot has 5 seconds after basic attacks to perfect block, and 14 seconds after his SP1 to perfect block. Gambit has a few seconds at the start of the fight where he builds up his charges and then it is infinite until charging a heavy.

    2) Sunspot needs to parry, gambit just needs to hold block

    3) Sunspot can be stopped by a) running out of incinerates and b) if the opponent is incinerate immune. Gambit is only stopped by using his specials, and then you have 16 seconds to use them (while prowess lasts) before you can build back up to 100% perfect block. During this time you will be using a lot of specials, so little time for the opponent to use a special or attack anyway. Both champions will be affected by unblockable etc equally.

    Gambit has a better perfect block in all aspects
    1)Sunspot can perfect block for the whole fight if you use his rotation properly.
    2) Parrying is one of the basic techniques of mcoc. So it's not like most people don't know how to parry.
    3)You can keep your flare states low to maintain your incinerates and perfect block throughout the fight.
    For incinerate immunes I agree but you shouldn't be using sunspot against them.
    And sunspot has damage of a million suns so he will finish fights much quicker than gambit. So less chance of mess ups.
    But yeah solely for perfect block gambit is better. But you need more than just perfect block for most fights.
    Could you parry all of P2099's sp1? What about Doom's sp2? Or Apoc's? Can you parry those ones? Gambit's perfect block is 100 times better
  • RasiloverRasilover Member Posts: 1,478 ★★★★
    Fella really got ratioed to hell lmao
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★

    If perfect blocks are such a big thing then where's sunspot kd. He doesn't even need apoc to do this.

    Because Sunspot is much less reliable. Think of it like this, with 3 criteria
    1) How long the champion has to perfect block
    2) What needs to happen for the champion to perfect block
    3) Are there any outside factors that can stop the perfect block

    1) Sunspot has 5 seconds after basic attacks to perfect block, and 14 seconds after his SP1 to perfect block. Gambit has a few seconds at the start of the fight where he builds up his charges and then it is infinite until charging a heavy.

    2) Sunspot needs to parry, gambit just needs to hold block

    3) Sunspot can be stopped by a) running out of incinerates and b) if the opponent is incinerate immune. Gambit is only stopped by using his specials, and then you have 16 seconds to use them (while prowess lasts) before you can build back up to 100% perfect block. During this time you will be using a lot of specials, so little time for the opponent to use a special or attack anyway. Both champions will be affected by unblockable etc equally.

    Gambit has a better perfect block in all aspects
    1)Sunspot can perfect block for the whole fight if you use his rotation properly.
    2) Parrying is one of the basic techniques of mcoc. So it's not like most people don't know how to parry.
    3)You can keep your flare states low to maintain your incinerates and perfect block throughout the fight.
    For incinerate immunes I agree but you shouldn't be using sunspot against them.
    And sunspot has damage of a million suns so he will finish fights much quicker than gambit. So less chance of mess ups.
    But yeah solely for perfect block gambit is better. But you need more than just perfect block for most fights.
    I wasn't saying any of that to say sunspot is bad or can't perfect block. Your point was that why isn't sunspot there because he can perfect block. I'm just pointing out that objectively gambit is better in every way for perfect blocking. That's why KD rates him so much.

    Sunspot can perfect block, but not as well or reliably as gambit. Yeah, people can parry, yeah people can keep incinerate up. But if you don't parry, and if you don't keep incinerate up, then you can get screwed. And gambit is much better at that.
  • Sarvanga1_Sarvanga1_ Member Posts: 4,162 ★★★★★
    Crcrcrc said:

    If perfect blocks are such a big thing then where's sunspot kd. He doesn't even need apoc to do this.

    Because Sunspot is much less reliable. Think of it like this, with 3 criteria
    1) How long the champion has to perfect block
    2) What needs to happen for the champion to perfect block
    3) Are there any outside factors that can stop the perfect block

    1) Sunspot has 5 seconds after basic attacks to perfect block, and 14 seconds after his SP1 to perfect block. Gambit has a few seconds at the start of the fight where he builds up his charges and then it is infinite until charging a heavy.

    2) Sunspot needs to parry, gambit just needs to hold block

    3) Sunspot can be stopped by a) running out of incinerates and b) if the opponent is incinerate immune. Gambit is only stopped by using his specials, and then you have 16 seconds to use them (while prowess lasts) before you can build back up to 100% perfect block. During this time you will be using a lot of specials, so little time for the opponent to use a special or attack anyway. Both champions will be affected by unblockable etc equally.

    Gambit has a better perfect block in all aspects
    1)Sunspot can perfect block for the whole fight if you use his rotation properly.
    2) Parrying is one of the basic techniques of mcoc. So it's not like most people don't know how to parry.
    3)You can keep your flare states low to maintain your incinerates and perfect block throughout the fight.
    For incinerate immunes I agree but you shouldn't be using sunspot against them.
    And sunspot has damage of a million suns so he will finish fights much quicker than gambit. So less chance of mess ups.
    But yeah solely for perfect block gambit is better. But you need more than just perfect block for most fights.
    Could you parry all of P2099's sp1? What about Doom's sp2? Or Apoc's? Can you parry those ones? Gambit's perfect block is 100 times better
    Crcrcrc said:

    If perfect blocks are such a big thing then where's sunspot kd. He doesn't even need apoc to do this.

    Because Sunspot is much less reliable. Think of it like this, with 3 criteria
    1) How long the champion has to perfect block
    2) What needs to happen for the champion to perfect block
    3) Are there any outside factors that can stop the perfect block

    1) Sunspot has 5 seconds after basic attacks to perfect block, and 14 seconds after his SP1 to perfect block. Gambit has a few seconds at the start of the fight where he builds up his charges and then it is infinite until charging a heavy.

    2) Sunspot needs to parry, gambit just needs to hold block

    3) Sunspot can be stopped by a) running out of incinerates and b) if the opponent is incinerate immune. Gambit is only stopped by using his specials, and then you have 16 seconds to use them (while prowess lasts) before you can build back up to 100% perfect block. During this time you will be using a lot of specials, so little time for the opponent to use a special or attack anyway. Both champions will be affected by unblockable etc equally.

    Gambit has a better perfect block in all aspects
    1)Sunspot can perfect block for the whole fight if you use his rotation properly.
    2) Parrying is one of the basic techniques of mcoc. So it's not like most people don't know how to parry.
    3)You can keep your flare states low to maintain your incinerates and perfect block throughout the fight.
    For incinerate immunes I agree but you shouldn't be using sunspot against them.
    And sunspot has damage of a million suns so he will finish fights much quicker than gambit. So less chance of mess ups.
    But yeah solely for perfect block gambit is better. But you need more than just perfect block for most fights.
    Could you parry all of P2099's sp1? What about Doom's sp2? Or Apoc's? Can you parry those ones? Gambit's perfect block is 100 times better
    Yes. He can do all of these.

  • Sarvanga1_Sarvanga1_ Member Posts: 4,162 ★★★★★
    I know most of the people who bash sunspot don't know how he works.
  • KDSuperFlash10KDSuperFlash10 Member Posts: 5,869 ★★★★★

    Crcrcrc said:

    If perfect blocks are such a big thing then where's sunspot kd. He doesn't even need apoc to do this.

    Because Sunspot is much less reliable. Think of it like this, with 3 criteria
    1) How long the champion has to perfect block
    2) What needs to happen for the champion to perfect block
    3) Are there any outside factors that can stop the perfect block

    1) Sunspot has 5 seconds after basic attacks to perfect block, and 14 seconds after his SP1 to perfect block. Gambit has a few seconds at the start of the fight where he builds up his charges and then it is infinite until charging a heavy.

    2) Sunspot needs to parry, gambit just needs to hold block

    3) Sunspot can be stopped by a) running out of incinerates and b) if the opponent is incinerate immune. Gambit is only stopped by using his specials, and then you have 16 seconds to use them (while prowess lasts) before you can build back up to 100% perfect block. During this time you will be using a lot of specials, so little time for the opponent to use a special or attack anyway. Both champions will be affected by unblockable etc equally.

    Gambit has a better perfect block in all aspects
    1)Sunspot can perfect block for the whole fight if you use his rotation properly.
    2) Parrying is one of the basic techniques of mcoc. So it's not like most people don't know how to parry.
    3)You can keep your flare states low to maintain your incinerates and perfect block throughout the fight.
    For incinerate immunes I agree but you shouldn't be using sunspot against them.
    And sunspot has damage of a million suns so he will finish fights much quicker than gambit. So less chance of mess ups.
    But yeah solely for perfect block gambit is better. But you need more than just perfect block for most fights.
    Could you parry all of P2099's sp1? What about Doom's sp2? Or Apoc's? Can you parry those ones? Gambit's perfect block is 100 times better
    Crcrcrc said:

    If perfect blocks are such a big thing then where's sunspot kd. He doesn't even need apoc to do this.

    Because Sunspot is much less reliable. Think of it like this, with 3 criteria
    1) How long the champion has to perfect block
    2) What needs to happen for the champion to perfect block
    3) Are there any outside factors that can stop the perfect block

    1) Sunspot has 5 seconds after basic attacks to perfect block, and 14 seconds after his SP1 to perfect block. Gambit has a few seconds at the start of the fight where he builds up his charges and then it is infinite until charging a heavy.

    2) Sunspot needs to parry, gambit just needs to hold block

    3) Sunspot can be stopped by a) running out of incinerates and b) if the opponent is incinerate immune. Gambit is only stopped by using his specials, and then you have 16 seconds to use them (while prowess lasts) before you can build back up to 100% perfect block. During this time you will be using a lot of specials, so little time for the opponent to use a special or attack anyway. Both champions will be affected by unblockable etc equally.

    Gambit has a better perfect block in all aspects
    1)Sunspot can perfect block for the whole fight if you use his rotation properly.
    2) Parrying is one of the basic techniques of mcoc. So it's not like most people don't know how to parry.
    3)You can keep your flare states low to maintain your incinerates and perfect block throughout the fight.
    For incinerate immunes I agree but you shouldn't be using sunspot against them.
    And sunspot has damage of a million suns so he will finish fights much quicker than gambit. So less chance of mess ups.
    But yeah solely for perfect block gambit is better. But you need more than just perfect block for most fights.
    Could you parry all of P2099's sp1? What about Doom's sp2? Or Apoc's? Can you parry those ones? Gambit's perfect block is 100 times better
    Yes. He can do all of these.

    All fun and games until Sunspot runs out of charges or incinerates
  • CrcrcrcCrcrcrc Member Posts: 8,006 ★★★★★

    Crcrcrc said:

    If perfect blocks are such a big thing then where's sunspot kd. He doesn't even need apoc to do this.

    Because Sunspot is much less reliable. Think of it like this, with 3 criteria
    1) How long the champion has to perfect block
    2) What needs to happen for the champion to perfect block
    3) Are there any outside factors that can stop the perfect block

    1) Sunspot has 5 seconds after basic attacks to perfect block, and 14 seconds after his SP1 to perfect block. Gambit has a few seconds at the start of the fight where he builds up his charges and then it is infinite until charging a heavy.

    2) Sunspot needs to parry, gambit just needs to hold block

    3) Sunspot can be stopped by a) running out of incinerates and b) if the opponent is incinerate immune. Gambit is only stopped by using his specials, and then you have 16 seconds to use them (while prowess lasts) before you can build back up to 100% perfect block. During this time you will be using a lot of specials, so little time for the opponent to use a special or attack anyway. Both champions will be affected by unblockable etc equally.

    Gambit has a better perfect block in all aspects
    1)Sunspot can perfect block for the whole fight if you use his rotation properly.
    2) Parrying is one of the basic techniques of mcoc. So it's not like most people don't know how to parry.
    3)You can keep your flare states low to maintain your incinerates and perfect block throughout the fight.
    For incinerate immunes I agree but you shouldn't be using sunspot against them.
    And sunspot has damage of a million suns so he will finish fights much quicker than gambit. So less chance of mess ups.
    But yeah solely for perfect block gambit is better. But you need more than just perfect block for most fights.
    Could you parry all of P2099's sp1? What about Doom's sp2? Or Apoc's? Can you parry those ones? Gambit's perfect block is 100 times better
    Crcrcrc said:

    If perfect blocks are such a big thing then where's sunspot kd. He doesn't even need apoc to do this.

    Because Sunspot is much less reliable. Think of it like this, with 3 criteria
    1) How long the champion has to perfect block
    2) What needs to happen for the champion to perfect block
    3) Are there any outside factors that can stop the perfect block

    1) Sunspot has 5 seconds after basic attacks to perfect block, and 14 seconds after his SP1 to perfect block. Gambit has a few seconds at the start of the fight where he builds up his charges and then it is infinite until charging a heavy.

    2) Sunspot needs to parry, gambit just needs to hold block

    3) Sunspot can be stopped by a) running out of incinerates and b) if the opponent is incinerate immune. Gambit is only stopped by using his specials, and then you have 16 seconds to use them (while prowess lasts) before you can build back up to 100% perfect block. During this time you will be using a lot of specials, so little time for the opponent to use a special or attack anyway. Both champions will be affected by unblockable etc equally.

    Gambit has a better perfect block in all aspects
    1)Sunspot can perfect block for the whole fight if you use his rotation properly.
    2) Parrying is one of the basic techniques of mcoc. So it's not like most people don't know how to parry.
    3)You can keep your flare states low to maintain your incinerates and perfect block throughout the fight.
    For incinerate immunes I agree but you shouldn't be using sunspot against them.
    And sunspot has damage of a million suns so he will finish fights much quicker than gambit. So less chance of mess ups.
    But yeah solely for perfect block gambit is better. But you need more than just perfect block for most fights.
    Could you parry all of P2099's sp1? What about Doom's sp2? Or Apoc's? Can you parry those ones? Gambit's perfect block is 100 times better
    Yes. He can do all of these.

    Well I stand corrected. That's pretty good
  • KDSuperFlash10KDSuperFlash10 Member Posts: 5,869 ★★★★★
    jdeck59 said:

    What's your in game progression?

    85% explored Act 6
    100% explored 7.1
  • KDSuperFlash10KDSuperFlash10 Member Posts: 5,869 ★★★★★
    @Sarvanga1_ Sunspot’s perfect block is great but it’s temporary and requires quite an aggressive play style. You need to make sure his incinerates and charges don’t fall off, or else you lose it all. With Horseman Gambit, you can just sit back and perfect block everything all day. I respect your opinion tho and understand why you’d choose Sunspot over Gambit, as Sunspot hits much harder.
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