How many 5* Awakening Gems do you have sitting in your inventory?

I personally have two generic and one of each class except for Mystic, which tbh is probably the class with the least impactful awakened abilities.
How many 5* Awakening Gems do you have sitting in your inventory? 222 votes
21 (I can't remember if the limit is 3 or not, but I really hope nobody has this many cause that's just bad resource management)
Waiting for void, caiw for science gem
hype, corvus, cmm for cosmic gem
I have a cosmic and science waiting around as well.
*Pssp* ...Hey, you looking for some of them Cosmic Awakening Gems? Maybe a little Tech too? 😂
Seriously though I'm getting Really sick of them, I've been opening Only Cosmic/Tech 5 Star Crystals to try and get Venom so practically Every Cosmic and Tech I have is Duped already... As well I have still Never gotten a Science 5 Star AG.
I don't awaken until I'm also ready to rank up, and often before I get around to ranking up I dup them, so they just keep accumulating. That did not happen with mystic champs, so I use those all up.
I have more mystic AG than other classes, as usual. I hate the mystic class. Went 50 5* before I pulled my first mystic, so I guess they hate me too.
1 mystic
1 mutant
I have had 6 cosmic in the past but have used them all now on
Cmm, corvus, cgr, hype, medusa, Ronan.