New Arena Structure Feedback



  • SkullierSkullier Member Posts: 2
    I’m an avid new account player. I’ve created hundreds of accounts and at least 10 of them have become uncollected. My favourite part about the old arena system was the beginner and intermediate brackets, because it meant I could get very far ahead in my first couple of months. These changes mean that once I’m uncollected, featured champions are going to be almost impossible. I remember doing 2.1 million for four star featured mysterio when he came out, but to put up 9 million points? That takes a massive roster and a lot of savvy players can get uncollected within a few weeks of playing. I think the milestone rewards should also have bracket type levels, in which the amount of points needed is much less if you have been playing for less than 6 months. If I want to start a new account to hop on the hype of a new character, I don’t want to be met with a 9 million cutoff for the four star version of that character.
  • Scopeotoe987Scopeotoe987 Member Posts: 1,567 ★★★★★
    edited May 2021
    I want to give my honest feedback. I’ll list my pros and cons with the new arena. First let’s get into pros, then we will get into cons, the conclusion, and the possible solutions.

    -Greater Milestone & Ranked Rewards
    -3 Arenas instead of 5 Arenas
    -Aggressive AI

    Overall the buff to rewards were fantastic! You can now pick up the basic/featured 4* from milestones which is a amazing improvement. Along with grandmaster crystals with will help a lot with the ISO drought. 3 Arenas instead of 5 is self explanatory, less arenas mean more focus. Aggressive AI makes arena fun and fast. That’s all with pros and they are quite great!
    Now cons...

    -Grind is longer
    -Death Matches

    Although it seems like Pros out last the Cons, they really don’t. The greater milestone rewards contrast this with 16.5 MILLION for all the brackets in the 6* basic and 6* featured. This causes the average ftp to get a ton less units. Death matches have always been a thing in MCOC, but now using 5* 3/45 or 4* 5/50 have become much more dangerous due to the meta changing with 6* Rank 3s (And soon R4s...) .

    Conclusion: Although this change is more rewarding and better to focus on the 3 arenas split. The grinding and death matches are too great to make these feel like a improvement.


    -Decrease the timer by a few percent for 5*/6* champs, it could be as little as 10-25% and it would help shorten the grind time a substantial more.

    -Revert Arena, worst option in my opinion as it would stump the reward increase.

    -Bring back the old arenas and keep the current, this one is highly unlikely. But it would truly
    be a golden change.

    -Increase the multiplayer to 4x or higher. Would lower the grind a lot.

    Those are my thoughts. I would give the change 5.2/10. Have a good day and thank you for reading this!
  • Amms90Amms90 Member Posts: 364 ★★★

    The only way you can salvage this current setup is by reducing the milestones AND definitely reducing the cooldown timers on five and six star Champs. Other than that realistically we're going to have to just revert back to the previous arenas until you guys can come up with version 3.0 but please do not be afraid to ask us about the kinds of things things we're looking for that way we can give you an idea of what it is we're looking for.

    that would be the smart play. We arena grinders know arenas better than anyone else. We'd be able to come up with solutions that please both the occasional arena grinders and the hard time grinders, without destroying the "economy" of the game, which Kabam needs to preserve
  • Ironside47Ironside47 Member Posts: 525 ★★★

    Here's a possible solution: Revert arena back to it's original self, and instead of giving premium shards, give grandmaster shards (exclude summoner trials). There, we get grandmaster shards instead of premium, and arena is how we want it to be.

    This actually makes a lot of sense.

    I seriously don’t know what Kabam’s intentions were, but they definitely haven’t improved arenas.
  • SearmenisSearmenis Member Posts: 1,754 ★★★★★
    I m really curious to see what the new cutoffs will be. I have 35 6* champs, and by playing twice/day I could reach 15-16k, (5* featured) and hardly get the 6-10% rewards.
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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★
    As a suggestion, I would offer bringing back the 3* Featured and the 4* Basic alongside the new Arenas. This would make the 3* attainable for newer Players, and still allow Milestone farming for others.
  • ShadowstrikeShadowstrike Member Posts: 3,124 ★★★★★

    Here's a possible solution: Revert arena back to it's original self, and instead of giving premium shards, give grandmaster shards (exclude summoner trials). There, we get grandmaster shards instead of premium, and arena is how we want it to be.

    This actually makes a lot of sense.

    I seriously don’t know what Kabam’s intentions were, but they definitely haven’t improved arenas.
    If anything keep the setup of the new Summoner trials but just revert the milestones and restrictions back to the original setup of two stars.

    Everything else? Yeah.. Revert it
  • Austin555555Austin555555 Member Posts: 3,051 ★★★★★

    As a suggestion, I would offer bringing back the 3* Featured and the 4* Basic alongside the new Arenas. This would make the 3* attainable for newer Players, and still allow Milestone farming for others.

    This would be good so FTP or casual players can still get units without giving up a weekend
  • RasiloverRasilover Member Posts: 1,477 ★★★★
    What if the milestones were up to 12 mil and not 16 mil?
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  • cgs55cgs55 Member Posts: 2

    Kavya30 said:

    16.5M for one is too much and I am a milestone grinder. I will not be able to grind for 33M. Just can’t. As an FTP, guess my hopes for July 4th are in the trash

    I'm Curious: Prior to these Changes, how many Milestones across all of the Arenas did you used to complete? If you don't remember that, do you remember how many Units approx you'd earn from Milestones per Arena run?

    Our goal is to keep the effort roughly the same, but of course, with reducing the number of Arenas, that's going to be difficult. With the change of the rarities allowed in each Arena, the points are definitely going to be different, but we want to keep the effort roughly the same.

    If that's not the case, we want to know! We won't know that on the first day or possibly even the first run, but please keep the feedback coming.
    Did the 3* Arena, 4* Basic, 4* Featured, and 5* Featured and got all milestones. With opening bcs earned from them, it was about 1k units each Arena rotation. So about 2k units a week.
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