New Arena Structure Feedback



  • MisterAvenger03MisterAvenger03 Member Posts: 1
    I wish that uncollected wasn't a requirement to attempt the featured arena. I think peoples rosters at proven and conqueror level wouldn't be powerful enough to secure a 5 or 6 star featured. In my opinion, the arena for new characters should be open to people at proven or conquerors and higher because the milestone rewards could help their roster immensely and keep interest in their accounts because the rookie players can come in and say "oh sweet! I got mister negative for my roster. I can't wait to use him in act 4" and new champions are what normally have hype so if new players can aquire them at a lower level it will keep them invested for a longer period of time I believe.
  • Altra_VolfAltra_Volf Member Posts: 12
    I am an average player. I got Cavalier recently. I only have six 6* champs and six 5* champs are maxed out so far. I think this new arena is not for player like me. Millstones are high, too. I am still a unit grinder. Unit grinding is not worth spending hours.
  • MrPotatoeheadMrPotatoehead Member Posts: 10
    So i just scrolled through a few pages. Not a single positive comment.

    Not one.
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,325 ★★★★★

    So i just scrolled through a few pages. Not a single positive comment.

    Not one.

    Should I break the trend then?
  • The_Sentry06The_Sentry06 Member Posts: 7,804 ★★★★★
    MightyDZA said:

    what does youtuber got to do with it?

    Do you not understand how that works? The majority of your big YT streamers invest that donation money right back into the game to whale away, or in some cases even make a living from it. Bc of that success, they can then piss away any thoughts of having a job, a family, a life outside of the grind, giving them a monetary and time advantage most of the rest of us aren’t afforded. Kudos to them all for what they do, but this is a different convo for a different board.

    Let’s just agree the arena update is rubbish and move along.

    You don't need to take a dig at youtubers for no reason tho. It has nothing to do with the topic at hand and what you're providing isn't anything constructive.

    Anyways, my suggestions would be:

    -Double the unit gain at lower milestones at least
    -Decrease the points(by half probably)
    -Revert to the old system of arenas with God's instead of phc's
  • RustybladeRustyblade Member Posts: 26
    Please bring the old arena back or double maybe triple the units on each milestone.
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  • Mexilombian17Mexilombian17 Member Posts: 7
    Keep the same arenas and double the units and battleships, or go back to old ones and just add the new featured 6 star arena, I’m a veteran with great roster, but this is too time consuming, if you are thronebreaker and these are better arenas give more units, I can’t be waiting on my 6 stars to refresh. I miss the in between with the arenas.and being able to get something, the spenders will still spend. That thronebreaker arena crystal id make it 30k, and the cavalier one make the unit percentage go up to 25 percent.
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  • SirGrantlySirGrantly Member Posts: 1
    As a uncollected player with a very limited 6 star roster, seeing these milestones and arena format is completely unattainable. A special 5 star featured arena for uncollected players that allowed 3,4, and 5 star champions is a needed change to give progressing players a chance to grind for new champion.
  • Negan_MCOC20Negan_MCOC20 Member Posts: 6
    I liked the new system tbh, but other players with smaller accounts are having a hard time. Hopefully kabam finds a solution without going back to the old system.
  • AJSalazarAJSalazar Member Posts: 1
    Love the idea to revamp the arenas, it’s about time, but you couldn’t have been more off when your goal was to make them better. Looking at the rewards, the idea of putting the 3 and 4 star versions of the characters in the milestones is sweet. Also the grandmaster shards are cool, more iso for us thronebreaker players. That’s it though, everything else isn’t just bad, it’s an inconvenience. I have 42 6 stars and playing what I normally do to casually pick up some units, I found that I was obtaining about 60% of what I was able to obtain before when it came to units and battle chips. It’s very disappointing for casual arena players, now I don’t even want to be that. The old arenas were miles better when it comes to my time, and that’s what’s the most valuable resource to me.
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  • Joshua33318Joshua33318 Member Posts: 1
    When people ask if MCOC is a pay to win game, the only reason I say no is because of arenas. And Kabam decided to nerf it...thanks Kabam. In all seriousness please lower the milestones, 33Mil is a joke
  • AbdulMJ4AbdulMJ4 Member Posts: 1
    I'm Uncollected and have around 2k units just when I thought of grinding arena for July 4th, this happened.
    For FTP players like me it is very hard to get units.
    Atleast bring back the old arenas
  • 8atiman8atiman Member Posts: 1
    I like the structure, just think the milestones need some changing
    Just a suggestion:
    Why not make global milestones? where you can farm either arena for the ranked rewards and get all milestones from both 6 star arenas, pretty much fusing the milestones into one, you get both milestones for both arenas grinding either one of them, this way you cut the required 6 stars by half (43, which is still a lot, but it´s a lot better), while you can farm all milestones when you´re going for the featured or basic. So you have 16,5 mil points from either 6* arenas and the 2 mil points for the summoner trials (which is fine).
    This way you wouldn´t miss the units when grinding for a champ and would make the grind a lot more achievable, end-game players can always get all the milestones, no matter what you do, but at least this way, us f2p players who just got cavalier or thronebreaker have a chance. I have 25 6* champs, i could almost grind all units on the old arenas, now im missing a lot, no matter how hard i grind.
    Again, fusing the milestones into one, you get both milestones for both arenas grinding either one of them, if the grind gets too easy you could add more points to the milestones, like 20 mil or 25 mil at most, also the deathmatches HAVE to go away, otherwise everything below 5 star rank 3 is useless

  • TeddersTedders Member Posts: 146 ★★
    I think increasing the points earned by using 5 stars would help balance out the 6 star divide for a lot of players, i have 75 6 stars, and its much easier for someone like me to get milestones with less effort than a newer player
  • Av3ng3rADAv3ng3rAD Member Posts: 6
    edited May 2021
    The change is good but not ideal for all players so far it helps the players who have more 6* and on other hand it shafts those who are lagging behind in 6*.
    The proper solution is reducing
    1)The Summoner Trials max milestone to 2M and give 200 units this ensures the uncollected and below players are not shafted. (Also Put feature champ as 3* in ranked rewards).

    2)The Basic 6* arena the max milestones should be 4m - 135 units as before also adding a 4* as milestones in 6M. Keeping ranked rewards same. ( grand master shards and battlechips can be reduced accordingly).3* champ at 1M.

    3) The featured arena is perfect just reduce the max milestone to 16M. Same ranked rewards. just 3* champion should be placed in 2 M milestone.
    (Thanks to KarateMike )
  • Lestat2499Lestat2499 Member Posts: 309 ★★★
    Would be great to have some more interaction from kabam. 16 pages of comments and only a couple reply’s. I understand you are reviewing things. But still. Could really comment more.
  • Ghostspider231Ghostspider231 Member Posts: 301 ★★★
    There needs to be lower point totals for milestones with the same rewards. Let the whales play for the top ranks.
  • jamslamjamslam Member Posts: 10
    I wouldn't mind doing the extra milestones on that 1-4* arena if the total units was the same as what I would have gotten from doing 2*, 3* and 4* basic arenas previously

  • Ironamerica2619Ironamerica2619 Member Posts: 12
    I am an uncollected player and I am heading to caviler progression, I have to use more portions and boosts for my progression. I usually go for basic 4 star champ and 5 star champ in arenas to grind more units. Now I am able to get only 25 and 25 units for both arenas for 4 star champ I hav only 18 5 star champs and 1 6 star champ how can I able to clear all milestones. Pls kabam bring back 4 star champ arenas for grinding more units for progressive and free-to-play players. Pls look though this thread.
  • Chayan22Chayan22 Member Posts: 15
    1. Below uncollected- new 4* arena
    2.Below thronebreaker- new 4* arena and build a new 5* arena with mile stone achievable with 5*
    3.Thronebreaker and above- 5*arena(talked in point 2) and new 6* arena but no 4*arena
    4. Also an monthly event based weakly arena of 2* for all with no units.
    5. For 5* and 6* arena grandmaster shards. For 4* phc in miles stone.
    6. Incorporate 3* and 4* champs as milestone rewards in 5* and 6* arena. And 5* and 6* champs as rank reward just as now.

    In this way progessing player (below thronebreaker) with small roster will be motivated to improve thier skills.
    And skilled player(thronebreaker) will not exploit units as they do not have 4* arena.
    Also it will give decent units for free to play players.

    For 4* champs you can give tough Carina's challenges so they also remains relevant for skilled player.

  • ShutrugalShutrugal Member Posts: 2
    I'm personally not in favour of the changes made to the arena structures. I made Cav very recently, and have just 6 6* champs in my roster. With my present roster, I'll only be able to get about 5-6 million over a 3-day arena grind. This gives me something in the way of 65 units.
    In the old arena structure, I was able to get all milestones in 4* Basic and Featured. This gave me about 270 units over the same 3-day period. The difference in units is personally huge. I'd prefer if we went back to the previous structure and just added 6* arenas on top of previously existing arenas.
    If not that, since there's an arena for pre-UC, Summoner Trials, can something similar be done for stages of progression too? Like for UC players, there's a 5* basic arena. For Cav players, it's 5* featured arena. And 6*s are opened only for TB and above?
  • Rodney_Fr0stBit3Rodney_Fr0stBit3 Member Posts: 9
    Y'all have made arena grinding even more depressing!

    Y'all release more and more Champs every month. For a FTP player, arenas is the only way to get the Champs that they desire. But the new arenas will only help the Whalers and endgame players with a really good roster.

    Now, my suggestion is to add 5-star Featured and 5-star Basic Hero Arenas also so that FTP and average players get a chance to get the desired Champ. Make the game more fun and welcoming for FTP and casual players.
  • Evolknight420Evolknight420 Member Posts: 10
    Quality of life changes? BOLD rewards. Come on kabam. If there is any love for the free to player base left bring changes.
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