Best Cosmic Champion?

Honestly, it hasn’t been long. But after seeing Karate Mike’s videos with this months madlad, Hercules, I have to say, he is absolutely insane. So, who is the BEST Cosmic Champion
Best Cosmic Champion? 309 votes
65 votes
Corvus Glaive
50 votes
Cap Marvel Movie
12 votes
Cosmic Ghost Rider
90 votes
92 votes
No suicides: Hype
Suicides: Corvus as of now, but I think herc may overtake him.
In general:
However, I genuinely think there is an argument for Hercules. It’s early days yet, but KarateMike’s video proves that he can take down almost the entirety of act 6 completion himself. In fact, I believe 6.3.1 Medusa might be the only one you absolutely cannot do, everything else I believe is soloable with synergies and/or boosts.
Plus he should be great for AQ, incursions and general questing stuff. AW is the only place I think he stumbles due to the immortality failing
Again, it’s early days. But I don’t think he can be discounted yet
In the past he could do so much that we required him to do, we weren’t as good at intercepting so his power gain was great, we needed damage so that was great, his secondary source of damage from sp1 was nice. But nowadays he simply doesn’t cut it. We can intercept better and play more reliably without the need for specials to intercept, we have more damage, we have other ways to get secondary damage.
He’s awesome, and it’s a testament to how good he is that he’s still in the conversation at all. But he is not as good as Cosmic champions who came after him, and people are hanging on to the notion that Hyp is the best based on using him to get through act 4, 5 and 6 in the day. We have better champs now
If he was released today I'd probably still rate him as highly considering I didn't get him early enough for nostalgia to come into play. An argument can easily be made for corvus and Hercules if I ran suicides but I wouldn't hesitate putting him above CGR.
Yes the need for special intercepts has gone down with player improvement and act 6 attack values taking a nosedive but there are still plenty of places it's useful
We have higher damaging champs now but Hyperions damage is nowhere near lacking to the point where he doesn't cut it.
There are more sources of secondary damage in general but none of the champs being compared here have dot as easily accessible and potent.
It's not going to matter much longer anyways since 6 stars are the future and Hyperion hasn't been added to the pool but for now he still gets my vote
I’ve used Hyp in so many places, I’ve seen what he can do and what he can get around, and he just doesn’t compete with the utility and damage that newer cosmic champions provide. He’s awesome yes, but not top cosmic.
For me personally it's gotta be cgr.. he's not the best for everything, there's times I'd rather bring corvus or hype but cgr for was my white whale and I enjoy playing him, his animations are some of the best and his character design is flipping awesome!.
He doesn’t rely on heavy attacks for his damage. And before someone says it, no he doesn’t require not to dex - that’s utterly false.
He has incredible utility that people like to ignore:
He has buff control, heal block, power lock, DOT, miss counter, perma armour break for KM, mysterio, near constant armour break for IMIW, guardian etc, power gain (not as good as Hyperions for the most part but when you use it right, you can cycle sp3s in 2 combos where the opponent is power locked, so it’s better than Hyps there )
He also has massive damage - which can be a utility for getting through hard fights before dying, I have a solo of the gauntlet Void proving that on YouTube. He got the fight over with, it proved difficult for a lot of people, but he finished it with sheer damage before it even got difficult. Utility is having the tool to deal with and survive fights, hence, utility.
Honestly I don’t think it’s possible to say he isn’t at the very least top 5 and be serious
1. Hercules
2. Hyperion
3. Cosmic Ghost Rider
4. Corvus Glaive
5. Captain Marvel (Movie)