Side Quest Objectives - Week 3 [Merged Threads]

Sorry Kabam, time for another rant post.
So from listening to the community of hating the ‘end 100 fights with a special’ objective. You’re now asking TB players to complete fights in act 6.2 (or later)? Why on earth would anyone want to go back into arguably the worst content you’ve created to complete objectives? Let alone being TB, I personally have no intention of touching act 6 again until it’s either significantly nerfed or when I have 6* R5 champs.
This is not what we want Kabam. Please do better.
Edit: I’ve fully explored 7.1 and 7.2 so that’s why this doesn’t sit well with me.
So from listening to the community of hating the ‘end 100 fights with a special’ objective. You’re now asking TB players to complete fights in act 6.2 (or later)? Why on earth would anyone want to go back into arguably the worst content you’ve created to complete objectives? Let alone being TB, I personally have no intention of touching act 6 again until it’s either significantly nerfed or when I have 6* R5 champs.
This is not what we want Kabam. Please do better.
Edit: I’ve fully explored 7.1 and 7.2 so that’s why this doesn’t sit well with me.
Post edited by Kabam Miike on
Seen them now. What?!? "Defeat 200 champions with specials" was still more sensible than this
If you have already completed those quests for Cav you are forced to use energy refills and grind it.
I'm expecting much worse objectives in week 4 & 5.
No energy cost side quest could've been better this month, like the rewards for completing those objectives are not that juicy. So those Limited Pool Selector crystals in October Event better have some Juicey champs to choose from not some meme tier champs.
Heck, im still doing this months side quest
This is horrible. Im just giving up on any months with objectives from now on. Bring back the side quests.
Why would I possibly want to go and do 6.2?