I’m thinking about taking my 6* sorcerer supreme to r2. Do you have any tips?
Congrats on beating sinister! My only counter is hype but I haven’t had the motivation to push for it yet. Hopefully it won’t be nearly as long as yours 😅
I can clearly see how much u enjoyed r1 she hulk for sinister, maybe try moon knight for Medusa bonus points if it’s with the 5* 😜
Honestly tho, great progress that’s a nasty quest but you got through with suboptimal counters. Profile also looks kinda nice tbh
Oh, and…. that r1 she hulk should also be usable for 6.3.6 cap IW, have fun 😁
If I get to medusa without a good counter I might give it a try my only worry is that one bad run there can undo all your progress with buffet. At least with sinister, while it was a grind, you couldn't undo progress. Maybe I'll take off dex and do it. That way I can chip it down. Who knows what situation I'll be in by then though!
Profile is looking great! Weird that a couple months ago I had 4/40s on it and now it's all 6*s and 1 5/65
She hulk against a glancing/only do damage half the time/only do damage through crits Cap IW sounds genuinly awful. I hope I pull a better option before then haha
Sym Supreme is 100% worth r5 imo. I r2'ed my 6* last month and I've been enjoying him so much! He absolutely destroys Cosmics and will be super helpful for both the Champion and the Medusa bosses. Ideally you would like to have MD (I always run 3/5) just to make it easier for spamming sp2's so you might wanna consider investing into MD if you pull him!
And you're waaaaay ahead of my t5cc wise lol. My highest rn is 16k Tech frags and I've been Cav for alteast 4 months at this point lol. Keep it up tho!
I’m thinking about taking my 6* sorcerer supreme to r2. Do you have any tips?
Congrats on beating sinister! My only counter is hype but I haven’t had the motivation to push for it yet. Hopefully it won’t be nearly as long as yours 😅
(Looks like Moonknight and IP both have a crush)
My first tip would be do it! She is honestly awesome. I have an R3 6* I use all the time. She has so much utility packed into her kit, and does so much, so well!
Her block regeneration is great if the opponent has any block penetration, allowing her to be used in some situations Cap IW or other high block proficiency champs couldn't be (just as they can be used in situations she couldn't be like heal block).
Her slow is one of the most accessible and easy to keep up in the game, it's super useful in so many situations. Same with the armour break, a great piece of utility. She also has nullify on Sp1 which isn't the absolute top, but it's still very reliable. Energy attacks are useful as well, along with a bit of energy resistance. Duped, she can have extra ability accuracy making her a domino counter which is great, and extra regen/armour break/power steal/attack.
For a quick how to use, learn the order that her blessings appear Fury -> Armour -> Power steal or in other words Armour break -> Regen -> Slow. Heavy can be used to switch between them. Her rune system works by activating specials in each phase. Activating an sp1 stores one rune and activates another of the current phase. So use on the armour phase and it stores 1 regen rune and activates one regen passive. Activating Sp2 stores 2 of the current rune, and activates 1 also pausing all active runes for a set time.
Launching a special also activates 1 of any stored rune. So if you have 1 of each rune dormant, using a special will activate all of them. This will all probably seem a bit confusing, but it's much easier to see in practice, so I'd suggest taking her out for a spin and working out how she fits together.
Basically, if you need armour break, throw a special in the fury phase and so on for each relevant utility. As long as a rune is stored, you can activate armour break even when you're not in fury mode. Sp3 grants a permanent rune of the current phase, so every special you throw activates that rune.
Sym Supreme is 100% worth r5 imo. I r2'ed my 6* last month and I've been enjoying him so much! He absolutely destroys Cosmics and will be super helpful for both the Champion and the Medusa bosses. Ideally you would like to have MD (I always run 3/5) just to make it easier for spamming sp2's so you might wanna consider investing into MD if you pull him!
And you're waaaaay ahead of my t5cc wise lol. My highest rn is 16k Tech frags and I've been Cav for alteast 4 months at this point lol. Keep it up tho!
Yeah he would be a really cool pull! I do have MD 2/5 I think, and will definitely get it to 3/5 when I get the loyalty!
The only reason I have that much T5CC is because of the Knull 25% selector haha, I'm so glad I went mutant in the end. I was close to going for skill at the time!
The words felt wrong as I wrote them, but it's true! Hulkbuster has enough heavy reach to hit Omega Red after he throws an Sp1, not every champ can do that lol
HB has an unreliable heavy spam, but his reach is decent if you position him right
It's nice to see someone talk so fondly of colossus after all the "overrated" comments. I love my r3 and used a gem myself.
I wish I could forget.
Honestly some of those overrated comments will have been from me haha. I still don't think he's as important for an end game player, as many champs can do what he can do, but it doesn't take away from what he can do anyway! His damage is nuts, he has great tankiness and immunities. Just an awesome champ. And that's not to say he's not worth a rank up for an end game champ, at the end of the day rank whoever you want to get the job done!
Thank you for that summary/ guide of Sorcerer Supreme. I've wanted to start hunting her, cause she looks fun and effective, but I'm still wondering if it's worth stopping the Apoc hunt.
Have you started thinking about ranking up venom for variants? What's your content goals in say the next 2 months?
I haven't actually considered ranking venom yet. I feel like while Venom is a great champion, as I have to focus on a few specific champions at this point, he doesn't quite make the cut for me. He would be a perfect champion to level up and rank as a 6* for sure, but as a 5*, I don't have anything I need him for right now. I don't have a view to complete the XL variant at the moment, I've already completed the Symbiote variant, and my villain roster is coming along nicely as well.
My content goals in the next two months (great question btw), I have to say at minimum have completed 6.3, Variant 4 completion, get to the point I can 100% Cav EQ monthly. As a tentative goal, I'd like to say 6.4 and Variant 8 completion as well, but I think that depends on a few factors like champ RNG, how much time I have to grind revives etc.
Have you started thinking about ranking up venom for variants? What's your content goals in say the next 2 months?
I haven't actually considered ranking venom yet. I feel like while Venom is a great champion, as I have to focus on a few specific champions at this point, he doesn't quite make the cut for me. He would be a perfect champion to level up and rank as a 6* for sure, but as a 5*, I don't have anything I need him for right now. I don't have a view to complete the XL variant at the moment, I've already completed the Symbiote variant, and my villain roster is coming along nicely as well.
My content goals in the next two months (great question btw), I have to say at minimum have completed 6.3, Variant 4 completion, get to the point I can 100% Cav EQ monthly. As a tentative goal, I'd like to say 6.4 and Variant 8 completion as well, but I think that depends on a few factors like champ RNG, how much time I have to grind revives etc.
What maps and AW are you doing at the moment? Fully casual to allow you to keep up with the main or more ‘representative’ of this being a main account, running Map 5, say.
The account is coming along nicely, in terms of Variant I don’t think it’s really worth looking at any of the variants that don’t give a rank up gem on completion at this stage as the difficulty is pretty samey for the most part.
Week 13 Overview Boy oh boy, another week done, progress made, champs pulled, lag experienced, and about 35 hours solid of baiting specials. Fun fun fun!
This week began with the anniversary stuff dropping, and wow that is super helpful for my account. On my main, as an advanced TB, it's nice to have for sure as a boost - but for this lil Cav account, it's pretty close to a gamechanger. The calendar is perfect, half a 6* is amazing, 5* sig stones are great, and the T5CC selector is amazing. As soon as I saw it I knew I was going to pick mutant, not a doubt in my mind.
The arena was also amazing, even though I only have about 6 1* champs, I just did a bit here and there and managed to do it in a few days. That got me an essentially free 5* and 6*, so I didn't feel pressure while opening, I'd have been ok getting pretty much anyone.
Overall, I'm happy with that if I'm honest. A magik/dorm counter is never a bad thing, heal block is always nice. A solid pull in my view. I'm not sure if he would become my science option for TB, he would definitely be a last resort if I didn't have anyone better. But I think he brings value to my account, so I'm happy. As for Moonknight, my 6* is plenty good at shredding every fight he comes across, so the 5* isn't particularly welcome.
The halls of healing and ISO have been great daily quests, revives are always handy and ISO is such a roadblock right now that every bit is amazing to get. I have been 100%ing every difficulty for them to squeeze out every bit possible. I've been selecting science to level up torch, which is super handy, he has been so helpful already.
With the ISO, I have levelled up Colossus to level 25 and he has been crushing it. I mean, he genuinely has turned this challenge around with how much pure damage he throws around. He smashes through paths, especially with the Omega synergy I have as a 5*. Using him for UC exploration just made everything feel so simple. A few heavies and the fight is over! I don't want to sound greedy or tempt fate, but awakening him would be such a blessing to get those permanent armours, it really shoots up his damage in longer fights. Honestly, if he continues impressing I just might be tempted to rank him up on my main account. I'm just getting a new-found appreciation for him. Not even new-found, as I used to love him. It's like finding an old toy you used to love playing with and remembering why. But in this case the new toy is 30k heavy attacks.
I also rank 5d my Sorcerer Supreme with the mystic 4-5 gem I got from the variant a few weeks ago. I figured it's probably time, I'm getting some mystic ISO from the quest, and I may as well start levelling her up slowly. Unfortunately it means saying goodbye to my 6* Doc Oc profile pic, which I was getting fond of. Can't wait to have the catalyst capacity to rank him up!
As I said, I also explored UC 100%. Colossus tore through Kraven, transforming that fight from one I had difficulty facing in the completion run to one I could do with a blindfold on. I really need to start writing something in this update that isn't Colossus praise...
I also went for some Cav EQ completion, last month I only completed chapter 1 as I couldn't get any further. This month I made it to the end of chapter 2! This wouldn't have been possible without Torch and Colossus, the first quest alone with a permanent regen was too much without them. Torch benefits from the global, and colossus has permanent buffs to remove the regen. Luke Cage went down with a 200 hit solo with Torch. 1.2 Tigra wasn't bad at all with Torch pre fight, the path was ok with Colossus, MK and Red Hulk. Moonknight and Rulk benefit from the global. 2.1 is the sinister 6 quest, Goblin and Doc benefit from global, Colossus smashed away. Yondu was pretty simple with Doc Oc with 10 passive furies. 2.2 was tougher, Ghulk started earning his keep as an Avenger, the global was nice here. But Quake was rough, that block damage can get pretty crazy. Ended up just using Sp3 with Colossus and leaving her protection up while I built to it. I'm not sure on 3.1 and 2, 3.1 is just so ridiculously bad I don't think it's worth my time. I'll consider it, but the unstoppable and stun immune is so dumb
I'll move on now to a pretty big move I've made in the account. I used the 5* Generic gem I got way back in week 6 from the Knull Cosmic Horror side quest. Now, the champion in question did come up as a candidate a few weeks ago when I pulled them, but I decided against it due to a few different factors. But since then, things have changed. I won't keep it from you any longer, here is the newly awakened champ...
My reasoning is thus: I have a lot of sig stones (or I guess had), so instead of only sig 80 or so, I can get him to sig 144. I also pulled Colossus since then, and everywhere I've gone with Colossus I've been bringing Omega so it definitely helps for him not to be dead weight. Additionally, it's never going to be wasted resources to invest in a 5* Omega during this challenge in terms of pulling a 6*. I mean, I could pull a 6* Omega 5 times tomorrow, and I'm still not going to be using him instead of the 5*. Also, there aren't many champs that need awakening as much as Omega does. I still have a 5* Cosmic gem for a champ like Herc if I did get him, and I will clearly get more 5* gems in the future. I want to get some benefit from it now, and I feel this is a good way to get some. Him and Colossus will be such MVPs for act 6 and beyond, I can't see myself regretting it - until I pull him in a few days time, cause you know that's how it works...
Lastly, I also have my sights on variant 4, as it's probably one of the easier variants to complete, and I needed a counter for the electro in chapter one. Omega will do great! Once he's down, I can hand over to my 1-4*s to get through the rest of the variant. But I won't be doing it any time soon, my target at the moment is 6.2.
One last update before the main event of this week, I completed the side quest that dropped yesterday and pulled these as my rewards!
Imagine a pic of 5 side quest cavs, 4 3* and a 5* Rhino. Yeah, I know I forgot again.
Rhino could be cool with a buff, but really I don't need another science option! Cable is never really gonna be ranked up, but nice to have the synergy for Apoc if I pulled him.
And now the main update, I've began my journey into 6.2!
You all really have @JoshKosh557 to thank for this. I was thinking about what he said re: She Hulk vs Mr Sinister and using her without a fury buff, as a ramp up champ she can largely get around the issue of doing 10% damage. What I couldn't do however, was get around the issue of her being rank 1 level 1, I'd just ranked up Torch and was flat out of science ISO.
I basically figured I'll beat the Sym Supreme quest, I'll see how hard the paths are and then when I get to sinister I'll be able to make the decision whether to push for the completion of 6.2.2.
The Sym quest is life cycle, which really isn't too difficult. Colossus makes it easy as pie, lots of heavy attacks, stun on sp1 in case it's needed to help time the KO. The paths went down super fast to be honest, I don't know why but I just thought it would be so much harder, but I was finishing fights in one Sp2. I guess I'd built Act 6 up in my mind a little that even the early quests seemed scary in my memory. for 6.2.1 I used Colossus, Omega Red, Torch, Red Hulk and Doc Oc. The Dormammu mini boss with bubble shield was destroyed with Torch pre fight, and even without nova flame the Sym boss was easy enough with torch (even though incinerates didn't do damage with life cycle), I just got into flame on by applying 7 incinerates and used the nova flame to do damage.
Onto 6.2.2, the big one. The path again is easy enough, I went the biohazard lane and used Colossus and Omega to power through. On my team I also brought She Hulk R1 L1, Ghulk 6* and Rhulk. I figured then, I can use team revives and throw everyone at the boss, or I can focus on one if they end up doing better.
The path went smoothly, and I pulled up to the boss, all 356,000 HP of him. With the 90% damage reduction, it meant I'd need to do 3.56m damage with my assortment of low ranked champs. I'm basically doing a big abyss fight with a rank 1 Ghulk, Rank 4 Rhulk and Rank 1 she hulk... Oh, and my crits will all be regenerated.
I began by using Rhulk, I thought that the extra damage from the red numbers would get around his regen and be really helpful, but holy-bugged-interaction batman! The damage that the red numbers are supposed to do is 180% of the damage done per hit, when at 10 charges.
But as you can see in the screenshot, while it should be doing 216 damage, it's only doing 22. As it's physical damage, and Sinister doesn't have any resistance, I think there's some weird interaction with the Caustic Temper damage reduction reducing the burst damage to way less than what it should be. So unfortunately, Rhulk was not quite as useful as expected. More unfortunately, I noticed 2 or 3 hundred hits in. And having taken off 3% health, so that was fun.
Oddly, the AI of Mr Sinister seems very different to when I last faced him, and I feel like he's been chatting to 6.3.5 Mysterio with the amount of random heavies he threw. You know when Mysterio just throws a heavy on the other side of the screen, or when you're walking towards him? Or just about any other opportunity. Yeah, that was Mr Sinister today.
I then moved onto throwing Colossus at the boss and taking off a whole percent! Omega too, who did decently by taking off 4% after a few hundred hits. Ghulk did surprisingly good with his heal block, obviously not great damage, but the heal block helped. And I got into a good rhythm with him! My first try with She Hulk I got caught with a big heavy and died almost straight away, so I went a few rounds of revives with other champs.
My first big chunk of Sinister came later, when I got into a great rhythm with She Hulk and took around 15% off, I was stacking up to 80 furies and hitting for like 800 mediums, which was pretty great considering the damage reduction! I got about 350 hits off before mistiming a special dodge.
I won't bore you with many more details here, suffice it to say that it was a long fight. I mean, I didn't sit down and play through the whole thing in one sitting. I think I would have died. I did this over the course of today, and played for 15 mins, stopped, went and did something else and came back. I finished it a few hours ago with one hell of a run, I started with him at 40% and took him down the rest of the way with a 583 hit combo!
Overall, I think I made the right call. I used 6 or 7 revives, a couple hundred units, and now it opens up the rest of the chapter to make progress on. I don't have any other fights in 6.2 that I'm roadblocked for. Of course, this pretty much guarantees pulling a perfect counter for sinister soon, but I feel like waiting around for one wasn't the smart move. So thanks Josh, you owe me a few hours of my life...
Moving onto 6.2.3, which is the last quest I did today, and the last update of the week. Icarus was pretty simple for Colossus and Co. I brought War Machine, Hulkbuster, Omega, Colossus and Doc Oc. There was a tricky challenge in Emma Frost that meant I couldn't parry heavy, but War Machine saved me with his essentially permanent armour break. I'm so happy I have him and am very excited to get him ranked all the way up!
The Omega boss went down with a little fuss. I was a little tired and just wanted to get it over with, so made a couple mistakes. But HB had a great run taking 40% off him, limber is the annoying part meaning it's hard to remove your furies. But War Machine and HB have good heavy reaches to counter his SP1. Colossus had a good burst of damage, and Doc Oc had a great heavy chain in the corner. A couple revives later, and he was down!
Overall, another great week of the challenge. I also want to say thank you to everyone showing interest and commenting every week. I know we are all finding the game hard at the moment, but I'm glad there's a great corner of the community supporting me in this challenge! It's really keeping my interest in the game alive, I'm spending more time on this account than my main! So yeah, mushy part over, thank you. And I hope the interest stays here as we get further in the challenge!
Notable Rank ups Sorcerer Supreme rank 5 Colossus levelled to 1/25 Human Torch to rank 4 Omega Red to rank 2 Omega Red to rank 3 Omega Red Awakened and Sig 144
Most Wanted Champs Now that Sinister is down, we can have a little bit of a change around. I've half got my eye on 6.3, and half just want cool champs tbh. The bosses I need counters for are Cap IW and Medusa. For Havok I have Colossus, Mysterio I have Torch, IMIW I have Torch and Nick Fury I have Colossus.
Skill: Kingpin - same reasoning as last week "I think KP would be the push I need to save units to get willpower. I do want to get it, but I haven't felt like I've needed it yet. Someone like Diablo or Ibom could do the same, but I don't have KP as a 6* or a ranked up 5* on my main and I'd love to try him out"
Science: Mr Fantastic - He just helps out all around the place doesn't he? Such a great support champ, and from what I hear by himself as well! I've never had the opportunity to fight with him properly, but pulling him here would be great!
Mystic: Symbiote Supreme - I really, really wanted to stick with Dragon Man as my most wanted champ from last week. But since he was mainly there for sinister, I'm gonna change my mind for an option for Medusa in 6.3. I also have an awakened Sym on my main, and never found the push to R2 him. Maybe pulling him here could be the push!
Cosmic: Medusa - I recently pulled her as a 6* on my main from the featured, and I'm kinda hyped about her. I never pulled her as a 5* while she was on top of the meta, so would be nice to test her out. A new account is a great opportunity to try new champs!
Tech: Stark Spidey - I know he'd be a great option for 6.3 Cap IW with his taunt, and I can already hear Josh Kosh saying use She Hulk. Honestly, she may be a good option for him. I don't really want to rank her up, but maybe to rank 2.. Spidey would be cool though, same reasoning as Medusa!
Mutant: White Mags - you know why.
T5CC Tracker
Can you believe I'm 50% of the way there? I mean with RNG on my side, I could 100% 2 variants and have formed a Class cat! I mean, I kinda don't want that to happen, as I want to feel like I've earned it instead of got lucky, but still. Would be crazy. Especially since I can't even R2 a 6* yet! I'm sure my progress will balance out to other classes as well. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if I formed a couple classes before getting to level 60 to unlock the inventory space.
Plan for Next Week I really need to get on and do some incursions, there's a lot of 5* shards available there. I'm gonna try and finish 6.2 this week as well, Colossus, Torch and Sorcerer should manage Kingpin, Mordo and Champion respectively. And gifting event starts this week too! I hope you're all ready! I'm likely going to be gifting items, but there are usually some GGCs to open from the milestones, so fingers crossed for some good pulls there! Good luck to all of you guys!
At the end of week 13 this is what the roster looks like!
Wow dude cant even imagine fighting sinister without a perfect counter let alone a r1 shehulk. Kudos dude 👍🏼
Week 13 Overview Boy oh boy, another week done, progress made, champs pulled, lag experienced, and about 35 hours solid of baiting specials. Fun fun fun!
This week began with the anniversary stuff dropping, and wow that is super helpful for my account. On my main, as an advanced TB, it's nice to have for sure as a boost - but for this lil Cav account, it's pretty close to a gamechanger. The calendar is perfect, half a 6* is amazing, 5* sig stones are great, and the T5CC selector is amazing. As soon as I saw it I knew I was going to pick mutant, not a doubt in my mind.
The arena was also amazing, even though I only have about 6 1* champs, I just did a bit here and there and managed to do it in a few days. That got me an essentially free 5* and 6*, so I didn't feel pressure while opening, I'd have been ok getting pretty much anyone.
Overall, I'm happy with that if I'm honest. A magik/dorm counter is never a bad thing, heal block is always nice. A solid pull in my view. I'm not sure if he would become my science option for TB, he would definitely be a last resort if I didn't have anyone better. But I think he brings value to my account, so I'm happy. As for Moonknight, my 6* is plenty good at shredding every fight he comes across, so the 5* isn't particularly welcome.
The halls of healing and ISO have been great daily quests, revives are always handy and ISO is such a roadblock right now that every bit is amazing to get. I have been 100%ing every difficulty for them to squeeze out every bit possible. I've been selecting science to level up torch, which is super handy, he has been so helpful already.
With the ISO, I have levelled up Colossus to level 25 and he has been crushing it. I mean, he genuinely has turned this challenge around with how much pure damage he throws around. He smashes through paths, especially with the Omega synergy I have as a 5*. Using him for UC exploration just made everything feel so simple. A few heavies and the fight is over! I don't want to sound greedy or tempt fate, but awakening him would be such a blessing to get those permanent armours, it really shoots up his damage in longer fights. Honestly, if he continues impressing I just might be tempted to rank him up on my main account. I'm just getting a new-found appreciation for him. Not even new-found, as I used to love him. It's like finding an old toy you used to love playing with and remembering why. But in this case the new toy is 30k heavy attacks.
I also rank 5d my Sorcerer Supreme with the mystic 4-5 gem I got from the variant a few weeks ago. I figured it's probably time, I'm getting some mystic ISO from the quest, and I may as well start levelling her up slowly. Unfortunately it means saying goodbye to my 6* Doc Oc profile pic, which I was getting fond of. Can't wait to have the catalyst capacity to rank him up!
As I said, I also explored UC 100%. Colossus tore through Kraven, transforming that fight from one I had difficulty facing in the completion run to one I could do with a blindfold on. I really need to start writing something in this update that isn't Colossus praise...
I also went for some Cav EQ completion, last month I only completed chapter 1 as I couldn't get any further. This month I made it to the end of chapter 2! This wouldn't have been possible without Torch and Colossus, the first quest alone with a permanent regen was too much without them. Torch benefits from the global, and colossus has permanent buffs to remove the regen. Luke Cage went down with a 200 hit solo with Torch. 1.2 Tigra wasn't bad at all with Torch pre fight, the path was ok with Colossus, MK and Red Hulk. Moonknight and Rulk benefit from the global. 2.1 is the sinister 6 quest, Goblin and Doc benefit from global, Colossus smashed away. Yondu was pretty simple with Doc Oc with 10 passive furies. 2.2 was tougher, Ghulk started earning his keep as an Avenger, the global was nice here. But Quake was rough, that block damage can get pretty crazy. Ended up just using Sp3 with Colossus and leaving her protection up while I built to it. I'm not sure on 3.1 and 2, 3.1 is just so ridiculously bad I don't think it's worth my time. I'll consider it, but the unstoppable and stun immune is so dumb
I'll move on now to a pretty big move I've made in the account. I used the 5* Generic gem I got way back in week 6 from the Knull Cosmic Horror side quest. Now, the champion in question did come up as a candidate a few weeks ago when I pulled them, but I decided against it due to a few different factors. But since then, things have changed. I won't keep it from you any longer, here is the newly awakened champ...
My reasoning is thus: I have a lot of sig stones (or I guess had), so instead of only sig 80 or so, I can get him to sig 144. I also pulled Colossus since then, and everywhere I've gone with Colossus I've been bringing Omega so it definitely helps for him not to be dead weight. Additionally, it's never going to be wasted resources to invest in a 5* Omega during this challenge in terms of pulling a 6*. I mean, I could pull a 6* Omega 5 times tomorrow, and I'm still not going to be using him instead of the 5*. Also, there aren't many champs that need awakening as much as Omega does. I still have a 5* Cosmic gem for a champ like Herc if I did get him, and I will clearly get more 5* gems in the future. I want to get some benefit from it now, and I feel this is a good way to get some. Him and Colossus will be such MVPs for act 6 and beyond, I can't see myself regretting it - until I pull him in a few days time, cause you know that's how it works...
Lastly, I also have my sights on variant 4, as it's probably one of the easier variants to complete, and I needed a counter for the electro in chapter one. Omega will do great! Once he's down, I can hand over to my 1-4*s to get through the rest of the variant. But I won't be doing it any time soon, my target at the moment is 6.2.
One last update before the main event of this week, I completed the side quest that dropped yesterday and pulled these as my rewards!
Imagine a pic of 5 side quest cavs, 4 3* and a 5* Rhino. Yeah, I know I forgot again.
Rhino could be cool with a buff, but really I don't need another science option! Cable is never really gonna be ranked up, but nice to have the synergy for Apoc if I pulled him.
And now the main update, I've began my journey into 6.2!
You all really have @JoshKosh557 to thank for this. I was thinking about what he said re: She Hulk vs Mr Sinister and using her without a fury buff, as a ramp up champ she can largely get around the issue of doing 10% damage. What I couldn't do however, was get around the issue of her being rank 1 level 1, I'd just ranked up Torch and was flat out of science ISO.
I basically figured I'll beat the Sym Supreme quest, I'll see how hard the paths are and then when I get to sinister I'll be able to make the decision whether to push for the completion of 6.2.2.
The Sym quest is life cycle, which really isn't too difficult. Colossus makes it easy as pie, lots of heavy attacks, stun on sp1 in case it's needed to help time the KO. The paths went down super fast to be honest, I don't know why but I just thought it would be so much harder, but I was finishing fights in one Sp2. I guess I'd built Act 6 up in my mind a little that even the early quests seemed scary in my memory. for 6.2.1 I used Colossus, Omega Red, Torch, Red Hulk and Doc Oc. The Dormammu mini boss with bubble shield was destroyed with Torch pre fight, and even without nova flame the Sym boss was easy enough with torch (even though incinerates didn't do damage with life cycle), I just got into flame on by applying 7 incinerates and used the nova flame to do damage.
Onto 6.2.2, the big one. The path again is easy enough, I went the biohazard lane and used Colossus and Omega to power through. On my team I also brought She Hulk R1 L1, Ghulk 6* and Rhulk. I figured then, I can use team revives and throw everyone at the boss, or I can focus on one if they end up doing better.
The path went smoothly, and I pulled up to the boss, all 356,000 HP of him. With the 90% damage reduction, it meant I'd need to do 3.56m damage with my assortment of low ranked champs. I'm basically doing a big abyss fight with a rank 1 Ghulk, Rank 4 Rhulk and Rank 1 she hulk... Oh, and my crits will all be regenerated.
I began by using Rhulk, I thought that the extra damage from the red numbers would get around his regen and be really helpful, but holy-bugged-interaction batman! The damage that the red numbers are supposed to do is 180% of the damage done per hit, when at 10 charges.
But as you can see in the screenshot, while it should be doing 216 damage, it's only doing 22. As it's physical damage, and Sinister doesn't have any resistance, I think there's some weird interaction with the Caustic Temper damage reduction reducing the burst damage to way less than what it should be. So unfortunately, Rhulk was not quite as useful as expected. More unfortunately, I noticed 2 or 3 hundred hits in. And having taken off 3% health, so that was fun.
Oddly, the AI of Mr Sinister seems very different to when I last faced him, and I feel like he's been chatting to 6.3.5 Mysterio with the amount of random heavies he threw. You know when Mysterio just throws a heavy on the other side of the screen, or when you're walking towards him? Or just about any other opportunity. Yeah, that was Mr Sinister today.
I then moved onto throwing Colossus at the boss and taking off a whole percent! Omega too, who did decently by taking off 4% after a few hundred hits. Ghulk did surprisingly good with his heal block, obviously not great damage, but the heal block helped. And I got into a good rhythm with him! My first try with She Hulk I got caught with a big heavy and died almost straight away, so I went a few rounds of revives with other champs.
My first big chunk of Sinister came later, when I got into a great rhythm with She Hulk and took around 15% off, I was stacking up to 80 furies and hitting for like 800 mediums, which was pretty great considering the damage reduction! I got about 350 hits off before mistiming a special dodge.
I won't bore you with many more details here, suffice it to say that it was a long fight. I mean, I didn't sit down and play through the whole thing in one sitting. I think I would have died. I did this over the course of today, and played for 15 mins, stopped, went and did something else and came back. I finished it a few hours ago with one hell of a run, I started with him at 40% and took him down the rest of the way with a 583 hit combo!
Overall, I think I made the right call. I used 6 or 7 revives, a couple hundred units, and now it opens up the rest of the chapter to make progress on. I don't have any other fights in 6.2 that I'm roadblocked for. Of course, this pretty much guarantees pulling a perfect counter for sinister soon, but I feel like waiting around for one wasn't the smart move. So thanks Josh, you owe me a few hours of my life...
Moving onto 6.2.3, which is the last quest I did today, and the last update of the week. Icarus was pretty simple for Colossus and Co. I brought War Machine, Hulkbuster, Omega, Colossus and Doc Oc. There was a tricky challenge in Emma Frost that meant I couldn't parry heavy, but War Machine saved me with his essentially permanent armour break. I'm so happy I have him and am very excited to get him ranked all the way up!
The Omega boss went down with a little fuss. I was a little tired and just wanted to get it over with, so made a couple mistakes. But HB had a great run taking 40% off him, limber is the annoying part meaning it's hard to remove your furies. But War Machine and HB have good heavy reaches to counter his SP1. Colossus had a good burst of damage, and Doc Oc had a great heavy chain in the corner. A couple revives later, and he was down!
Overall, another great week of the challenge. I also want to say thank you to everyone showing interest and commenting every week. I know we are all finding the game hard at the moment, but I'm glad there's a great corner of the community supporting me in this challenge! It's really keeping my interest in the game alive, I'm spending more time on this account than my main! So yeah, mushy part over, thank you. And I hope the interest stays here as we get further in the challenge!
Notable Rank ups Sorcerer Supreme rank 5 Colossus levelled to 1/25 Human Torch to rank 4 Omega Red to rank 2 Omega Red to rank 3 Omega Red Awakened and Sig 144
Most Wanted Champs Now that Sinister is down, we can have a little bit of a change around. I've half got my eye on 6.3, and half just want cool champs tbh. The bosses I need counters for are Cap IW and Medusa. For Havok I have Colossus, Mysterio I have Torch, IMIW I have Torch and Nick Fury I have Colossus.
Skill: Kingpin - same reasoning as last week "I think KP would be the push I need to save units to get willpower. I do want to get it, but I haven't felt like I've needed it yet. Someone like Diablo or Ibom could do the same, but I don't have KP as a 6* or a ranked up 5* on my main and I'd love to try him out"
Science: Mr Fantastic - He just helps out all around the place doesn't he? Such a great support champ, and from what I hear by himself as well! I've never had the opportunity to fight with him properly, but pulling him here would be great!
Mystic: Symbiote Supreme - I really, really wanted to stick with Dragon Man as my most wanted champ from last week. But since he was mainly there for sinister, I'm gonna change my mind for an option for Medusa in 6.3. I also have an awakened Sym on my main, and never found the push to R2 him. Maybe pulling him here could be the push!
Cosmic: Medusa - I recently pulled her as a 6* on my main from the featured, and I'm kinda hyped about her. I never pulled her as a 5* while she was on top of the meta, so would be nice to test her out. A new account is a great opportunity to try new champs!
Tech: Stark Spidey - I know he'd be a great option for 6.3 Cap IW with his taunt, and I can already hear Josh Kosh saying use She Hulk. Honestly, she may be a good option for him. I don't really want to rank her up, but maybe to rank 2.. Spidey would be cool though, same reasoning as Medusa!
Mutant: White Mags - you know why.
T5CC Tracker
Can you believe I'm 50% of the way there? I mean with RNG on my side, I could 100% 2 variants and have formed a Class cat! I mean, I kinda don't want that to happen, as I want to feel like I've earned it instead of got lucky, but still. Would be crazy. Especially since I can't even R2 a 6* yet! I'm sure my progress will balance out to other classes as well. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if I formed a couple classes before getting to level 60 to unlock the inventory space.
Plan for Next Week I really need to get on and do some incursions, there's a lot of 5* shards available there. I'm gonna try and finish 6.2 this week as well, Colossus, Torch and Sorcerer should manage Kingpin, Mordo and Champion respectively. And gifting event starts this week too! I hope you're all ready! I'm likely going to be gifting items, but there are usually some GGCs to open from the milestones, so fingers crossed for some good pulls there! Good luck to all of you guys!
At the end of week 13 this is what the roster looks like!
Wow dude cant even imagine fighting sinister without a perfect counter let alone a r1 shehulk. Kudos dude 👍🏼
I think what happened with red hulk makes sense. Your base hit us reduced by 90 and deals 120.
The red damage deals 180% of 120. This being a different source of damage us affected by caustic temper and reduced by 90% like it should and results in ≈22
Week 13 Overview Boy oh boy, another week done, progress made, champs pulled, lag experienced, and about 35 hours solid of baiting specials. Fun fun fun!
This week began with the anniversary stuff dropping, and wow that is super helpful for my account. On my main, as an advanced TB, it's nice to have for sure as a boost - but for this lil Cav account, it's pretty close to a gamechanger. The calendar is perfect, half a 6* is amazing, 5* sig stones are great, and the T5CC selector is amazing. As soon as I saw it I knew I was going to pick mutant, not a doubt in my mind.
The arena was also amazing, even though I only have about 6 1* champs, I just did a bit here and there and managed to do it in a few days. That got me an essentially free 5* and 6*, so I didn't feel pressure while opening, I'd have been ok getting pretty much anyone.
Overall, I'm happy with that if I'm honest. A magik/dorm counter is never a bad thing, heal block is always nice. A solid pull in my view. I'm not sure if he would become my science option for TB, he would definitely be a last resort if I didn't have anyone better. But I think he brings value to my account, so I'm happy. As for Moonknight, my 6* is plenty good at shredding every fight he comes across, so the 5* isn't particularly welcome.
The halls of healing and ISO have been great daily quests, revives are always handy and ISO is such a roadblock right now that every bit is amazing to get. I have been 100%ing every difficulty for them to squeeze out every bit possible. I've been selecting science to level up torch, which is super handy, he has been so helpful already.
With the ISO, I have levelled up Colossus to level 25 and he has been crushing it. I mean, he genuinely has turned this challenge around with how much pure damage he throws around. He smashes through paths, especially with the Omega synergy I have as a 5*. Using him for UC exploration just made everything feel so simple. A few heavies and the fight is over! I don't want to sound greedy or tempt fate, but awakening him would be such a blessing to get those permanent armours, it really shoots up his damage in longer fights. Honestly, if he continues impressing I just might be tempted to rank him up on my main account. I'm just getting a new-found appreciation for him. Not even new-found, as I used to love him. It's like finding an old toy you used to love playing with and remembering why. But in this case the new toy is 30k heavy attacks.
I also rank 5d my Sorcerer Supreme with the mystic 4-5 gem I got from the variant a few weeks ago. I figured it's probably time, I'm getting some mystic ISO from the quest, and I may as well start levelling her up slowly. Unfortunately it means saying goodbye to my 6* Doc Oc profile pic, which I was getting fond of. Can't wait to have the catalyst capacity to rank him up!
As I said, I also explored UC 100%. Colossus tore through Kraven, transforming that fight from one I had difficulty facing in the completion run to one I could do with a blindfold on. I really need to start writing something in this update that isn't Colossus praise...
I also went for some Cav EQ completion, last month I only completed chapter 1 as I couldn't get any further. This month I made it to the end of chapter 2! This wouldn't have been possible without Torch and Colossus, the first quest alone with a permanent regen was too much without them. Torch benefits from the global, and colossus has permanent buffs to remove the regen. Luke Cage went down with a 200 hit solo with Torch. 1.2 Tigra wasn't bad at all with Torch pre fight, the path was ok with Colossus, MK and Red Hulk. Moonknight and Rulk benefit from the global. 2.1 is the sinister 6 quest, Goblin and Doc benefit from global, Colossus smashed away. Yondu was pretty simple with Doc Oc with 10 passive furies. 2.2 was tougher, Ghulk started earning his keep as an Avenger, the global was nice here. But Quake was rough, that block damage can get pretty crazy. Ended up just using Sp3 with Colossus and leaving her protection up while I built to it. I'm not sure on 3.1 and 2, 3.1 is just so ridiculously bad I don't think it's worth my time. I'll consider it, but the unstoppable and stun immune is so dumb
I'll move on now to a pretty big move I've made in the account. I used the 5* Generic gem I got way back in week 6 from the Knull Cosmic Horror side quest. Now, the champion in question did come up as a candidate a few weeks ago when I pulled them, but I decided against it due to a few different factors. But since then, things have changed. I won't keep it from you any longer, here is the newly awakened champ...
My reasoning is thus: I have a lot of sig stones (or I guess had), so instead of only sig 80 or so, I can get him to sig 144. I also pulled Colossus since then, and everywhere I've gone with Colossus I've been bringing Omega so it definitely helps for him not to be dead weight. Additionally, it's never going to be wasted resources to invest in a 5* Omega during this challenge in terms of pulling a 6*. I mean, I could pull a 6* Omega 5 times tomorrow, and I'm still not going to be using him instead of the 5*. Also, there aren't many champs that need awakening as much as Omega does. I still have a 5* Cosmic gem for a champ like Herc if I did get him, and I will clearly get more 5* gems in the future. I want to get some benefit from it now, and I feel this is a good way to get some. Him and Colossus will be such MVPs for act 6 and beyond, I can't see myself regretting it - until I pull him in a few days time, cause you know that's how it works...
Lastly, I also have my sights on variant 4, as it's probably one of the easier variants to complete, and I needed a counter for the electro in chapter one. Omega will do great! Once he's down, I can hand over to my 1-4*s to get through the rest of the variant. But I won't be doing it any time soon, my target at the moment is 6.2.
One last update before the main event of this week, I completed the side quest that dropped yesterday and pulled these as my rewards!
Imagine a pic of 5 side quest cavs, 4 3* and a 5* Rhino. Yeah, I know I forgot again.
Rhino could be cool with a buff, but really I don't need another science option! Cable is never really gonna be ranked up, but nice to have the synergy for Apoc if I pulled him.
And now the main update, I've began my journey into 6.2!
You all really have @JoshKosh557 to thank for this. I was thinking about what he said re: She Hulk vs Mr Sinister and using her without a fury buff, as a ramp up champ she can largely get around the issue of doing 10% damage. What I couldn't do however, was get around the issue of her being rank 1 level 1, I'd just ranked up Torch and was flat out of science ISO.
I basically figured I'll beat the Sym Supreme quest, I'll see how hard the paths are and then when I get to sinister I'll be able to make the decision whether to push for the completion of 6.2.2.
The Sym quest is life cycle, which really isn't too difficult. Colossus makes it easy as pie, lots of heavy attacks, stun on sp1 in case it's needed to help time the KO. The paths went down super fast to be honest, I don't know why but I just thought it would be so much harder, but I was finishing fights in one Sp2. I guess I'd built Act 6 up in my mind a little that even the early quests seemed scary in my memory. for 6.2.1 I used Colossus, Omega Red, Torch, Red Hulk and Doc Oc. The Dormammu mini boss with bubble shield was destroyed with Torch pre fight, and even without nova flame the Sym boss was easy enough with torch (even though incinerates didn't do damage with life cycle), I just got into flame on by applying 7 incinerates and used the nova flame to do damage.
Onto 6.2.2, the big one. The path again is easy enough, I went the biohazard lane and used Colossus and Omega to power through. On my team I also brought She Hulk R1 L1, Ghulk 6* and Rhulk. I figured then, I can use team revives and throw everyone at the boss, or I can focus on one if they end up doing better.
The path went smoothly, and I pulled up to the boss, all 356,000 HP of him. With the 90% damage reduction, it meant I'd need to do 3.56m damage with my assortment of low ranked champs. I'm basically doing a big abyss fight with a rank 1 Ghulk, Rank 4 Rhulk and Rank 1 she hulk... Oh, and my crits will all be regenerated.
I began by using Rhulk, I thought that the extra damage from the red numbers would get around his regen and be really helpful, but holy-bugged-interaction batman! The damage that the red numbers are supposed to do is 180% of the damage done per hit, when at 10 charges.
But as you can see in the screenshot, while it should be doing 216 damage, it's only doing 22. As it's physical damage, and Sinister doesn't have any resistance, I think there's some weird interaction with the Caustic Temper damage reduction reducing the burst damage to way less than what it should be. So unfortunately, Rhulk was not quite as useful as expected. More unfortunately, I noticed 2 or 3 hundred hits in. And having taken off 3% health, so that was fun.
Oddly, the AI of Mr Sinister seems very different to when I last faced him, and I feel like he's been chatting to 6.3.5 Mysterio with the amount of random heavies he threw. You know when Mysterio just throws a heavy on the other side of the screen, or when you're walking towards him? Or just about any other opportunity. Yeah, that was Mr Sinister today.
I then moved onto throwing Colossus at the boss and taking off a whole percent! Omega too, who did decently by taking off 4% after a few hundred hits. Ghulk did surprisingly good with his heal block, obviously not great damage, but the heal block helped. And I got into a good rhythm with him! My first try with She Hulk I got caught with a big heavy and died almost straight away, so I went a few rounds of revives with other champs.
My first big chunk of Sinister came later, when I got into a great rhythm with She Hulk and took around 15% off, I was stacking up to 80 furies and hitting for like 800 mediums, which was pretty great considering the damage reduction! I got about 350 hits off before mistiming a special dodge.
I won't bore you with many more details here, suffice it to say that it was a long fight. I mean, I didn't sit down and play through the whole thing in one sitting. I think I would have died. I did this over the course of today, and played for 15 mins, stopped, went and did something else and came back. I finished it a few hours ago with one hell of a run, I started with him at 40% and took him down the rest of the way with a 583 hit combo!
Overall, I think I made the right call. I used 6 or 7 revives, a couple hundred units, and now it opens up the rest of the chapter to make progress on. I don't have any other fights in 6.2 that I'm roadblocked for. Of course, this pretty much guarantees pulling a perfect counter for sinister soon, but I feel like waiting around for one wasn't the smart move. So thanks Josh, you owe me a few hours of my life...
Moving onto 6.2.3, which is the last quest I did today, and the last update of the week. Icarus was pretty simple for Colossus and Co. I brought War Machine, Hulkbuster, Omega, Colossus and Doc Oc. There was a tricky challenge in Emma Frost that meant I couldn't parry heavy, but War Machine saved me with his essentially permanent armour break. I'm so happy I have him and am very excited to get him ranked all the way up!
The Omega boss went down with a little fuss. I was a little tired and just wanted to get it over with, so made a couple mistakes. But HB had a great run taking 40% off him, limber is the annoying part meaning it's hard to remove your furies. But War Machine and HB have good heavy reaches to counter his SP1. Colossus had a good burst of damage, and Doc Oc had a great heavy chain in the corner. A couple revives later, and he was down!
Overall, another great week of the challenge. I also want to say thank you to everyone showing interest and commenting every week. I know we are all finding the game hard at the moment, but I'm glad there's a great corner of the community supporting me in this challenge! It's really keeping my interest in the game alive, I'm spending more time on this account than my main! So yeah, mushy part over, thank you. And I hope the interest stays here as we get further in the challenge!
Notable Rank ups Sorcerer Supreme rank 5 Colossus levelled to 1/25 Human Torch to rank 4 Omega Red to rank 2 Omega Red to rank 3 Omega Red Awakened and Sig 144
Most Wanted Champs Now that Sinister is down, we can have a little bit of a change around. I've half got my eye on 6.3, and half just want cool champs tbh. The bosses I need counters for are Cap IW and Medusa. For Havok I have Colossus, Mysterio I have Torch, IMIW I have Torch and Nick Fury I have Colossus.
Skill: Kingpin - same reasoning as last week "I think KP would be the push I need to save units to get willpower. I do want to get it, but I haven't felt like I've needed it yet. Someone like Diablo or Ibom could do the same, but I don't have KP as a 6* or a ranked up 5* on my main and I'd love to try him out"
Science: Mr Fantastic - He just helps out all around the place doesn't he? Such a great support champ, and from what I hear by himself as well! I've never had the opportunity to fight with him properly, but pulling him here would be great!
Mystic: Symbiote Supreme - I really, really wanted to stick with Dragon Man as my most wanted champ from last week. But since he was mainly there for sinister, I'm gonna change my mind for an option for Medusa in 6.3. I also have an awakened Sym on my main, and never found the push to R2 him. Maybe pulling him here could be the push!
Cosmic: Medusa - I recently pulled her as a 6* on my main from the featured, and I'm kinda hyped about her. I never pulled her as a 5* while she was on top of the meta, so would be nice to test her out. A new account is a great opportunity to try new champs!
Tech: Stark Spidey - I know he'd be a great option for 6.3 Cap IW with his taunt, and I can already hear Josh Kosh saying use She Hulk. Honestly, she may be a good option for him. I don't really want to rank her up, but maybe to rank 2.. Spidey would be cool though, same reasoning as Medusa!
Mutant: White Mags - you know why.
T5CC Tracker
Can you believe I'm 50% of the way there? I mean with RNG on my side, I could 100% 2 variants and have formed a Class cat! I mean, I kinda don't want that to happen, as I want to feel like I've earned it instead of got lucky, but still. Would be crazy. Especially since I can't even R2 a 6* yet! I'm sure my progress will balance out to other classes as well. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if I formed a couple classes before getting to level 60 to unlock the inventory space.
Plan for Next Week I really need to get on and do some incursions, there's a lot of 5* shards available there. I'm gonna try and finish 6.2 this week as well, Colossus, Torch and Sorcerer should manage Kingpin, Mordo and Champion respectively. And gifting event starts this week too! I hope you're all ready! I'm likely going to be gifting items, but there are usually some GGCs to open from the milestones, so fingers crossed for some good pulls there! Good luck to all of you guys!
At the end of week 13 this is what the roster looks like!
Wow dude cant even imagine fighting sinister without a perfect counter let alone a r1 shehulk. Kudos dude 👍🏼
I think what happened with red hulk makes sense. Your base hit us reduced by 90 and deals 120.
The red damage deals 180% of 120. This being a different source of damage us affected by caustic temper and reduced by 90% like it should and results in ≈22
That’s annoying but I guess it makes sense. The red damage just gets a double whammy reducing it twice then haha.
@Gogeta91199 i appreciate the kind words mate, it wasn’t easy using a r1 she hulk lol but I got into a good rhythm.
If it’s alright though, just because of the size of the posts, try not to quote the whole thing, it can be a bit of a pain scrolling through a ton every time you have a new comment lol
Week 14 Overview Time for another update! And another big week to talk about.
I started off as expected gunning for 6.2 completion. I only had Kingpin, Mordo and Champion quests to go. For Kingpin quest, which was destructive feedback global, I used Colossus, Omega, Torch, War Machine and Hulkbuster. The path was itemless, only a tricky Hood on Bane that Torch squeaked his way past thanks to pre fight. Torch, Colossus and HB having stun on specials is really nice for destructive feedback letting you waste time during the damage back phase.
The KP boss is pretty straightforward, don't block at all and you'll be fine. I didn't want to use a health potion, so I went in with Colossus on 1% health, just to save myself a potion - I figured I'd just revive when needed. Turns out, I got a pretty nice solo lol. I spammed Sp1 to convert armours into permanent ones for more damage, and since I couldn't parry KP, I didn't use Sp2. The SP1 stun also gives him power gain, so it's nice to push him to a bar of power so you don't need to bait any intercepts or heavies.
Next onto 6.2.5, everyone's favourite place to spend time. As I was using Human Torch for Mordo, I decided to take down the special delivery node. I didn't want to have to focus on using my specials every 15 hits, and hurt locker wouldn't affect me, as I wouldn't be using specials. That meant a pretty tricky path (although lets be honest, they all are..) with fun fights like 200% energise BPCW, 200% energise stun immune luke cage, mesmerise and spiked armour guilly. All of which Colossus crushed I won't lie. After the BPCW I had an aspect of chaos Rocket racoon, and as I was on 3% health, I let our health switch and just KO'd rocket, healing up very quickly and cheaply!
Mordo went very smoothly indeed, baiting heavies and specials means parry isn't needed. He was helpful with his specials, throwing when I needed him to. All right up until the last second, I had him at 4%, he had power gain and was blocking in the corner. I should have just let the power gain run out, but we all know Mordo is very unlikely to throw a special while he has his power gain.
Anyway, top ten photographs taken right before disaster.
I'm charging my heavy here, and that unblockable icon is popping up because the SP1 is about to hit and KO me. So close to the solo!
In any case, we move onto 6.2.6, I brought Sorcerer as my Champion option, but had Morningstar as a secondary option, I didn't want to ramp her up as I would likely use more revives than it saved, but a nullifier would be useful if needed. Colossus, Torch and Omega handled the path.
As for the champion himself, Sorcerer absolutely neuters him. I went for the slow permanent rune on Sp3, but honestly I'd go for regen next time. The slow doesn't stop the unstoppable from proccing, just the effects of unstoppable due to increased ability accuracy. And if the unstoppable procs, Champion gets regen, so you wanna just spam Sp1 and take the fight slow (pun very much intended). So if you spam Sp1 then slow just doesn't matter, as he never goes unstoppable in the first place and regen would be more helpful. However, it didn't stop me getting a sweet solo.
And that concludes 6.2!
I was super happy with the low item use here, it let me save some for future content. And speaking of future content, the rewards made that rather easier to do....
First of all, we will start with the 3 cavs, which damn near gave me a heart attack
A 6* Nexus tease sandwhich, what a cruel sight...
The 5* Crystal was an interesting one for sure...
I'm not sure if she would be ranked up anytime soon with my mutant roster already having a few champs to rank, but she's another one from my most wanted champs list, so that's really cool to get her.
But the 6* crystal is where the sauce is, if you didn't think my luck could get better and it was only downhill after the amazing luck of the challenge so far.. hold onto your hats
I actually cannot believe it. It was literally last week I said this:
I don't want to sound greedy or tempt fate, but awakening him would be such a blessing to get those permanent armours, it really shoots up his damage in longer fights.
And a blessing it is indeed. I am so happy to have him duped. He's already been such a rock for my account, and that sig is so nice for long fights. He has been driving the challenge forward, and is the leader right now for a rank 3 in terms of quality of champ and what class I have most T5CC of. Looking forward to seeing what other crazy stuff I can do with him.
I then moved onto Variant 4. I had only one real roadblock here, the electro boss. Everything else is pretty straightforward in Variant 4, so I won't go super into detail on each quest, unless anyone is really interested in which case let me know. Electro, if you don't remember, is a stun immune, unblockable special, power reserve annoyance, which degens you if you hit with a contact hit, and those degens are removed by hitting with a non-contact hit.
Doing some research into the fight, I was thinking I was going to use Omega, even though I knew it would be tough. But I actually stumbled across someone doing it with Gladiator Hulk which definitely gave me a lightbulb moment. Passive degen meant face me would regen 70% of the damage, give me more attack and taunt electro, so specials would be less of an issue. This was a great revelation, and I am so happy I bumped into it, because after doing the quest and realising how badly Omega did for that fight, it would have gone back to being a roadblock.
Ghulk however, smashed his way through the fight and I took 80% off in one go. It really made Ghulk a retrospectively better pull which was nice to see. Makes me wonder if I'll have the same with other pulls as the challenge continues. The DPXF boss went down easily with Torch heavy spamming in the corner, Wolverine boss for the 4* quest went down to Doom. 3* Moonknight with clapback and mix-master went down easily with torch gaining smoulders each time I incinerated him. 2* Moonknight was easy with Ghost 2*, and the final 1* Moonknight went down with Wolv 1*.
As for rewards, I got a tech 3-4 (as an earlier variant this didn't give me a 4-5), which went straight into War Machine who is doing a lot for me currently. The 5* Crystal was not quite as exciting..
Can't see myself using him very much.
Then a 5* Crystal from incursions got me…
While I do love Elsa, I’m just not sure I can dedicate resources to her just now. There’s nothing I strictly need her for unless I need some non-damaging debuff shrugging. We will see.
We move onto the start of gifting, and we come to my biggest mistake of the challenge so far.. I had joined a new alliance recently, and I wasn't eligible for gifting. Luckily most of the good rewards are in the solo event, but it's still a pain. I have been grinding arena to recuperate my losses of units, and I have enough to get the 550 units milestones by the end of the event, which was the biggest goal of the event. I need 5,320 points to unlock it, which is 17 revives at 310 per point, or 680 units. I'm already on 657 units. 8,320 points for a GGC is the next milestone, which would be doable with the extra 550 units. So really, it's not a huge mistake, just an annoyance.
But having said that, I did have some nice rewards from the solo event milestones. I gifted 2 GGCs as a Christmas treat and the rest revives. From the milestones I got an extra 5, and had a pretty nice opening.
Although a trophy champ is nice, he won't be doing a ton for me any time soon. But the 2.5k 6* shards are awesome, T5B and T2A are ok, even if a lot of them go to the overflow in early stages of challenges. But the 5* gem is the real prize, I opened it and got a science. As much as I'd love to use it on torch or Rhulk, the right play is definitely to save it for now. I also got some 5* shards out of the milestones and pulled...
He probably won't be useful for what I'd need him for, which is high attack content and his low proficiency just doesn't lend itself to that sort of content.
I then ranked up Hawkeye to R4, even unawakened I believe he has a lot to offer my account. His main use will be 6.3 Medusa I think, but he can also do 6.3 Cap IW, even if it'll be an insanely long fight. His power control will do well to keep that fight under control. I would absolutely love to get him awakened, I'd definitely use a skill gem on him. (As a side note, I'm also test driving him for my main account. I don't have him yet but I pulled a skill gem on my main for a 6* and Hawkeye could be a future option if I enjoy him).
I completed the weekly EQ that dropped and here are my cav pulls, Night Trasher is a decent addition, especially with a synergy for Moonknight I'll be using for when I do the Merc variant. Nova dupe is nice for ISO and shards.
Last thing I did this week was some variant 6 finally. I had a pretty decent villain team to get going with and completing 2 chapters would get me a 6*.
The first quest had a straight forward physical/energy resistance path. I just used Doc Oc, Omega and Doom 4/40 for that. There was an annoying Mephisto who needed a couple revives, leaving me with only doom for the chunky Rhino boss. Before using a team revive, I chucked Doom at the rhino
And he did pretty well lol
Next quest was the Winter Soldier boss, I just went the energise path where an armour break power locked them. Doom and Mr Fantastic synergy destroyed it for me. Doc Oc soloed the Winter Soldier boss, nothing too difficult.
The next one was the electro boss with arc overload, but this is the quest with a lot of regeneration and villains can reverse by triggering unstoppable or unblockable. A 5* Rhino I never thought I'd be happy to have, and a 4* Rhino from RoL came in very handy here, allowing me to cheese a regeneration path, and Omega and Red Hulk took down the boss.
Lastly, between me and a 6* Crystal to round out the week was a Drax boss, with a straightforward path that just meant I needed to nullify armour and furies to give myself crit rate. I ramped up Morningstar here, and I'm glad I did. When she is ramped up she really is so useful. It's just a shame it feels like so much effort to ramp her up. Drax went down easily after a couple revives to ramp MS up, a nice solo to finish up the quest.
The final two quests look a little daunting right now, so I'm gonna wait to tackle them another time once I've got my villain team nicely ranked up. But onto the 6* Crystal to round out the week...
Now, my immediate thoughts were not positive. Her buff wasn't great, she doesn't have use for me, and largely I'm just not fussed. But between yesterday and today I've been thinking about it a lot more, and I have come around on it. Yes, her buff wasn't incredible, but those preliminary thoughts were from End-game player BitterSteel, not Thronebreaker challenge Mini-Steel. Guilly has some nice utility that will be useful for the challenge. Firstly, I've seen a 1/25 Guilly solo 6.3 Medusa, and honestly I think she will be my option alongside Hawkeye to go for it. Secondly, heal reversal is great utility to have, while I have torch, you do need to be aggressive, and I feel Guilly's is a little more accessible. Thirdly, she has a great synergy with Morningstar, perhaps leading me to bring them both a bit more often.
Whether her healing will be useful is yet to be decided, but to be honest, I think it's a nice pull and overall I'm intrigued to try her out from the perspective of a newer player. She doesn't need to be awakened which is a bonus. It's a solid pull, and definitely not as disappointing as I first felt. I'm excited to see what she can do for the account
Notable pulls 6* Guillotine 6* Colossus awakening 5* Nova awakening 5* Night Thrasher 5* Cull Obsidian 5* The Champion 5* Rogue 6* Nexus 3* Gwenpool
Notable Rank ups Hawkeye to R3 Hawkeye to R4 War Machine to R4 Omega Red to sig 154 Sorcerer Supreme levelled to L43
Most Wanted Champs I feel that I have my options for Medusa now, between Guilly and Hawkeye (hell even Moonknight) I think I can get her down once I have some more revives from gifting. So I'm shifting my focus a little onto 6.3 Cap IW (someone to come alongside Hawkeye), and looking more to the future, 6.4 bosses
Skill: Daredevil (either)- She Hulk needs a synergy to increase her fury passive durations in order to take down 6.3 Cap IW. So getting that synergy unlocked would probably persuade me to rank her up for the fight
Science: Mr Fantastic - Prefight's have such a huge benefit all over. Could be so amazing to have that in my roster for tackling act 6.
Mystic: Symbiote Supreme- He's such a good buff control champ, and I could really do with one to be honest. Sorcerer is definitely good enough to be used for it, but it's not her strongest suit. She doesn't shut it down like Sym does. Plus, if I get him before Medusa that would be great too.
Cosmic: Medusa - Same as last week, I think she has a lot of potential still. And there's that nasty Darkhawk in 6.4 she would handle nicely.
Tech: Stark Spidey- Same reasoning as last week, he would be such a good option for 6.3 Cap, who looks like he'll be my biggest roadblock at the moment.
Mutant: White Mags- still...
T5CC Tracker
Just a little more tech from last week, not had any opportunities to get T5CC. I am curious if I'll get anything from gifting rank rewards, they're always up in the air about how highly people rank. If I do, I could get anything from a 10%-50% selector, I kind of feel that would be cheap for a TB challenge account, and I think I'd just select the lowest class I have. I want this to be a challenge where I can point to it and say "That's how I got to Thronebreaker" and a once a year event with great rewards isn't really what I want to have got me there.
The thing is, at this point, all I need to guarantee getting Thronebreaker is to get 25% mutant. That will put me on over 75% of the catalyst and I can select 25% from completing act 6.4. Hopefully by that time I will have made up the other 25% of Mutant I need to get me to 75%. That's my plan at the moment, but I'm being careful not to have too much weighing on RNG! Monthly SQ is a nice little trickle, at some point I'll start focussing on trying to 100% Cav EQ when I have a bit more depth in my account, and hopefully I can 100% a variant, which would be great to be able to do! I may also at some point say sod it, go for 6.4 completion and start trying to complete some act 7 chapters where there's some 25% T5CC crystals. But this is all long term plans.
Plan for Next Week As it is Christmas, there isn't a whole lot I've got planned really! I'll do a bit more arena here and there to get some gifting ready. I'm excited for the Xmas Gift, looking forward to seeing what it is. Gifting will be fun to do, hopefully something spicy from the milestone GGCs! I think I'll get 3 or 4 more to open from there. I may do some XP grinding, because I believe I need to get to Level 50 to be able to R2 Colossus, I need to be able to hold another T4CC and T4B in my inventory to be able to do it.
As for 6.3, I may try and do a little, but I won't rush revives with it. I want Hawkeye R5 before I try Cap IW anyway, so there's no use rushing and using revives. Guilly would benefit from levels, so would Moonknight for Variant 8, Hawkeye to R5, Omega to R4 (maybe 5 too), and hopefully Colossus to R2 if I can get the levels. All of that before 6.3 is probably the best idea. So a lot of grinding ISO...
At the end of Week 14, this is what the roster looks like
And lastly, Merry Christmas (or Happy Holidays if you don't celebrate). I hope you and your families are safe over the winter and have a wonderful time. Thanks for keeping up with the challenge!
Damn congrats on finishing 6.2 and awakening that 6* Colossus!
I've been putting off 6.2 for like 3 months now. Just been ranking champs to make my roster a lil bit more stronger. That being said, do you think I'm ready for 6.2 roster-wise @BitterSteel ?
The only 6*s I'm gonna use are Ultron (if I need him), Sym Supreme and Heimdall.
Damn congrats on finishing 6.2 and awakening that 6* Colossus!
I've been putting off 6.2 for like 3 months now. Just been ranking champs to make my roster a lil bit more stronger. That being said, do you think I'm ready for 6.2 roster-wise @BitterSteel ?
The only 6*s I'm gonna use are Ultron (if I need him), Sym Supreme and Heimdall.
Right so I can’t say anything skill wise, you know what level of skill you are so you just need to be honest with yourself about that. Revives can obviously balance out skill, so grinding some out beforehand will be very helpful either way
In terms of roadblocks, here’s what you need roster wise. I’ll do the first 3 quests, then let me know if you’d like further advice when you get there
6.2.1 I’d recommend the path starting with Kamala Khan Life cycle counter - you have archangel, torch pre fight, warlock. Save torch for the dormammu mini boss Sym counter - use Spidey 2099 imo
6.2.2 I’d recommend going the path starting with gwenpool with biohazard Backblast counter - you have warlock and colossus who will do well. Just be careful with warlock if he crits too hard he’ll be incinerated Sinister counter - warlock with the heimdall synergy with Angela is the best option for you probably. You don’t want to bring ultron AND warlock though, because that’ll give them a synergy that constantly gives you furies and will feed Sinister’s power. So pick one. Team: colossus, warlock/ultron, heimdall, Angela, then Ibom I’d say.
6.2.3 I’d recommend going left, all the way until masacre, then go right to cap ww2. That’s the easiest path imo Icarus counter - Corvus will do a lot for you and you can get 3 charges on the path. Falcon will also be quite good at keeping furies off yourself. Spidey 2099 is immune to buffs if you want to avoid the node completely. There’s a tough emma frost to deal with since you can’t heavy attack her, Spidey would be good here.
Corvus will wreck the boss with a cosmic power boost.
Damn congrats on finishing 6.2 and awakening that 6* Colossus!
I've been putting off 6.2 for like 3 months now. Just been ranking champs to make my roster a lil bit more stronger. That being said, do you think I'm ready for 6.2 roster-wise @BitterSteel ?
The only 6*s I'm gonna use are Ultron (if I need him), Sym Supreme and Heimdall.
Right so I can’t say anything skill wise, you know what level of skill you are so you just need to be honest with yourself about that. Revives can obviously balance out skill, so grinding some out beforehand will be very helpful either way
In terms of roadblocks, here’s what you need roster wise. I’ll do the first 3 quests, then let me know if you’d like further advice when you get there
6.2.1 I’d recommend the path starting with Kamala Khan Life cycle counter - you have archangel, torch pre fight, warlock. Save torch for the dormammu mini boss Sym counter - use Spidey 2099 imo
6.2.2 I’d recommend going the path starting with gwenpool with biohazard Backblast counter - you have warlock and colossus who will do well. Just be careful with warlock if he crits too hard he’ll be incinerated Sinister counter - warlock with the heimdall synergy with Angela is the best option for you probably. You don’t want to bring ultron AND warlock though, because that’ll give them a synergy that constantly gives you furies and will feed Sinister’s power. So pick one. Team: colossus, warlock/ultron, heimdall, Angela, then Ibom I’d say.
6.2.3 I’d recommend going left, all the way until masacre, then go right to cap ww2. That’s the easiest path imo Icarus counter - Corvus will do a lot for you and you can get 3 charges on the path. Falcon will also be quite good at keeping furies off yourself. Spidey 2099 is immune to buffs if you want to avoid the node completely. There’s a tough emma frost to deal with since you can’t heavy attack her, Spidey would be good here.
Corvus will wreck the boss with a cosmic power boost.
Hope this helps
Thx a ton for this! I have about 6 lvl 1 revs, 12 lvl 2 revs and 3 lvl 3 revs. Might trade for some revs and potions. One question - How will I be feeding Sinister's power with Ultron and Warlock?
Damn congrats on finishing 6.2 and awakening that 6* Colossus!
I've been putting off 6.2 for like 3 months now. Just been ranking champs to make my roster a lil bit more stronger. That being said, do you think I'm ready for 6.2 roster-wise @BitterSteel ?
The only 6*s I'm gonna use are Ultron (if I need him), Sym Supreme and Heimdall.
Right so I can’t say anything skill wise, you know what level of skill you are so you just need to be honest with yourself about that. Revives can obviously balance out skill, so grinding some out beforehand will be very helpful either way
In terms of roadblocks, here’s what you need roster wise. I’ll do the first 3 quests, then let me know if you’d like further advice when you get there
6.2.1 I’d recommend the path starting with Kamala Khan Life cycle counter - you have archangel, torch pre fight, warlock. Save torch for the dormammu mini boss Sym counter - use Spidey 2099 imo
6.2.2 I’d recommend going the path starting with gwenpool with biohazard Backblast counter - you have warlock and colossus who will do well. Just be careful with warlock if he crits too hard he’ll be incinerated Sinister counter - warlock with the heimdall synergy with Angela is the best option for you probably. You don’t want to bring ultron AND warlock though, because that’ll give them a synergy that constantly gives you furies and will feed Sinister’s power. So pick one. Team: colossus, warlock/ultron, heimdall, Angela, then Ibom I’d say.
6.2.3 I’d recommend going left, all the way until masacre, then go right to cap ww2. That’s the easiest path imo Icarus counter - Corvus will do a lot for you and you can get 3 charges on the path. Falcon will also be quite good at keeping furies off yourself. Spidey 2099 is immune to buffs if you want to avoid the node completely. There’s a tough emma frost to deal with since you can’t heavy attack her, Spidey would be good here.
Corvus will wreck the boss with a cosmic power boost.
Hope this helps
Thx a ton for this! I have about 6 lvl 1 revs, 12 lvl 2 revs and 3 lvl 3 revs. Might trade for some revs and potions. One question - How will I be feeding Sinister's power with Ultron and Warlock?
He has prey on the weak, which means he gets power every time a buff expires or is nullified. Ultron synergy with warlock lets them get a fury buff every time they're immune to something, in this case the poisons. Unfortunately, each poison causing a new fury buff to trigger also counts as it expiring, so it feeds his prey on the weak.
Congrats on beating sinister! My only counter is hype but I haven’t had the motivation to push for it yet. Hopefully it won’t be nearly as long as yours 😅
(Looks like Moonknight and IP both have a crush)
Profile is looking great! Weird that a couple months ago I had 4/40s on it and now it's all 6*s and 1 5/65
She hulk against a glancing/only do damage half the time/only do damage through crits Cap IW sounds genuinly awful. I hope I pull a better option before then haha
And you're waaaaay ahead of my t5cc wise lol. My highest rn is 16k Tech frags and I've been Cav for alteast 4 months at this point lol. Keep it up tho!
Have a mystic t5 for sorcerer supreme
Just need to beat gm
It's nice to see someone talk so fondly of colossus after all the "overrated" comments. I love my r3 and used a gem myself.
Her block regeneration is great if the opponent has any block penetration, allowing her to be used in some situations Cap IW or other high block proficiency champs couldn't be (just as they can be used in situations she couldn't be like heal block).
Her slow is one of the most accessible and easy to keep up in the game, it's super useful in so many situations. Same with the armour break, a great piece of utility. She also has nullify on Sp1 which isn't the absolute top, but it's still very reliable. Energy attacks are useful as well, along with a bit of energy resistance. Duped, she can have extra ability accuracy making her a domino counter which is great, and extra regen/armour break/power steal/attack.
For a quick how to use, learn the order that her blessings appear Fury -> Armour -> Power steal or in other words Armour break -> Regen -> Slow. Heavy can be used to switch between them. Her rune system works by activating specials in each phase. Activating an sp1 stores one rune and activates another of the current phase. So use on the armour phase and it stores 1 regen rune and activates one regen passive. Activating Sp2 stores 2 of the current rune, and activates 1 also pausing all active runes for a set time.
Launching a special also activates 1 of any stored rune. So if you have 1 of each rune dormant, using a special will activate all of them. This will all probably seem a bit confusing, but it's much easier to see in practice, so I'd suggest taking her out for a spin and working out how she fits together.
Basically, if you need armour break, throw a special in the fury phase and so on for each relevant utility. As long as a rune is stored, you can activate armour break even when you're not in fury mode. Sp3 grants a permanent rune of the current phase, so every special you throw activates that rune.
I hope all of this helps!
The only reason I have that much T5CC is because of the Knull 25% selector haha, I'm so glad I went mutant in the end. I was close to going for skill at the time!
HB has an unreliable heavy spam, but his reach is decent if you position him right
Honestly some of those overrated comments will have been from me haha. I still don't think he's as important for an end game player, as many champs can do what he can do, but it doesn't take away from what he can do anyway! His damage is nuts, he has great tankiness and immunities. Just an awesome champ. And that's not to say he's not worth a rank up for an end game champ, at the end of the day rank whoever you want to get the job done!
My content goals in the next two months (great question btw), I have to say at minimum have completed 6.3, Variant 4 completion, get to the point I can 100% Cav EQ monthly. As a tentative goal, I'd like to say 6.4 and Variant 8 completion as well, but I think that depends on a few factors like champ RNG, how much time I have to grind revives etc.
The account is coming along nicely, in terms of Variant I don’t think it’s really worth looking at any of the variants that don’t give a rank up gem on completion at this stage as the difficulty is pretty samey for the most part.
But did you have to quote the whole thing?
The red damage deals 180% of 120. This being a different source of damage us affected by caustic temper and reduced by 90% like it should and results in ≈22
If it’s alright though, just because of the size of the posts, try not to quote the whole thing, it can be a bit of a pain scrolling through a ton every time you have a new comment lol
Time for another update! And another big week to talk about.
I started off as expected gunning for 6.2 completion. I only had Kingpin, Mordo and Champion quests to go. For Kingpin quest, which was destructive feedback global, I used Colossus, Omega, Torch, War Machine and Hulkbuster. The path was itemless, only a tricky Hood on Bane that Torch squeaked his way past thanks to pre fight. Torch, Colossus and HB having stun on specials is really nice for destructive feedback letting you waste time during the damage back phase.
The KP boss is pretty straightforward, don't block at all and you'll be fine. I didn't want to use a health potion, so I went in with Colossus on 1% health, just to save myself a potion - I figured I'd just revive when needed. Turns out, I got a pretty nice solo lol. I spammed Sp1 to convert armours into permanent ones for more damage, and since I couldn't parry KP, I didn't use Sp2. The SP1 stun also gives him power gain, so it's nice to push him to a bar of power so you don't need to bait any intercepts or heavies.
Next onto 6.2.5, everyone's favourite place to spend time. As I was using Human Torch for Mordo, I decided to take down the special delivery node. I didn't want to have to focus on using my specials every 15 hits, and hurt locker wouldn't affect me, as I wouldn't be using specials. That meant a pretty tricky path (although lets be honest, they all are..) with fun fights like 200% energise BPCW, 200% energise stun immune luke cage, mesmerise and spiked armour guilly. All of which Colossus crushed I won't lie. After the BPCW I had an aspect of chaos Rocket racoon, and as I was on 3% health, I let our health switch and just KO'd rocket, healing up very quickly and cheaply!
Mordo went very smoothly indeed, baiting heavies and specials means parry isn't needed. He was helpful with his specials, throwing when I needed him to. All right up until the last second, I had him at 4%, he had power gain and was blocking in the corner. I should have just let the power gain run out, but we all know Mordo is very unlikely to throw a special while he has his power gain.
Anyway, top ten photographs taken right before disaster.
I'm charging my heavy here, and that unblockable icon is popping up because the SP1 is about to hit and KO me. So close to the solo!
In any case, we move onto 6.2.6, I brought Sorcerer as my Champion option, but had Morningstar as a secondary option, I didn't want to ramp her up as I would likely use more revives than it saved, but a nullifier would be useful if needed. Colossus, Torch and Omega handled the path.
As for the champion himself, Sorcerer absolutely neuters him. I went for the slow permanent rune on Sp3, but honestly I'd go for regen next time. The slow doesn't stop the unstoppable from proccing, just the effects of unstoppable due to increased ability accuracy. And if the unstoppable procs, Champion gets regen, so you wanna just spam Sp1 and take the fight slow (pun very much intended). So if you spam Sp1 then slow just doesn't matter, as he never goes unstoppable in the first place and regen would be more helpful. However, it didn't stop me getting a sweet solo.
And that concludes 6.2!
I was super happy with the low item use here, it let me save some for future content. And speaking of future content, the rewards made that rather easier to do....
First of all, we will start with the 3 cavs, which damn near gave me a heart attack
A 6* Nexus tease sandwhich, what a cruel sight...
The 5* Crystal was an interesting one for sure...
I'm not sure if she would be ranked up anytime soon with my mutant roster already having a few champs to rank, but she's another one from my most wanted champs list, so that's really cool to get her.
But the 6* crystal is where the sauce is, if you didn't think my luck could get better and it was only downhill after the amazing luck of the challenge so far.. hold onto your hats
I actually cannot believe it. It was literally last week I said this: And a blessing it is indeed. I am so happy to have him duped. He's already been such a rock for my account, and that sig is so nice for long fights. He has been driving the challenge forward, and is the leader right now for a rank 3 in terms of quality of champ and what class I have most T5CC of. Looking forward to seeing what other crazy stuff I can do with him.
I then moved onto Variant 4. I had only one real roadblock here, the electro boss. Everything else is pretty straightforward in Variant 4, so I won't go super into detail on each quest, unless anyone is really interested in which case let me know. Electro, if you don't remember, is a stun immune, unblockable special, power reserve annoyance, which degens you if you hit with a contact hit, and those degens are removed by hitting with a non-contact hit.
Doing some research into the fight, I was thinking I was going to use Omega, even though I knew it would be tough. But I actually stumbled across someone doing it with Gladiator Hulk which definitely gave me a lightbulb moment. Passive degen meant face me would regen 70% of the damage, give me more attack and taunt electro, so specials would be less of an issue. This was a great revelation, and I am so happy I bumped into it, because after doing the quest and realising how badly Omega did for that fight, it would have gone back to being a roadblock.
Ghulk however, smashed his way through the fight and I took 80% off in one go. It really made Ghulk a retrospectively better pull which was nice to see. Makes me wonder if I'll have the same with other pulls as the challenge continues. The DPXF boss went down easily with Torch heavy spamming in the corner, Wolverine boss for the 4* quest went down to Doom. 3* Moonknight with clapback and mix-master went down easily with torch gaining smoulders each time I incinerated him. 2* Moonknight was easy with Ghost 2*, and the final 1* Moonknight went down with Wolv 1*.
As for rewards, I got a tech 3-4 (as an earlier variant this didn't give me a 4-5), which went straight into War Machine who is doing a lot for me currently. The 5* Crystal was not quite as exciting..
Can't see myself using him very much.
Then a 5* Crystal from incursions got me…
While I do love Elsa, I’m just not sure I can dedicate resources to her just now. There’s nothing I strictly need her for unless I need some non-damaging debuff shrugging. We will see.
We move onto the start of gifting, and we come to my biggest mistake of the challenge so far.. I had joined a new alliance recently, and I wasn't eligible for gifting. Luckily most of the good rewards are in the solo event, but it's still a pain. I have been grinding arena to recuperate my losses of units, and I have enough to get the 550 units milestones by the end of the event, which was the biggest goal of the event. I need 5,320 points to unlock it, which is 17 revives at 310 per point, or 680 units. I'm already on 657 units. 8,320 points for a GGC is the next milestone, which would be doable with the extra 550 units. So really, it's not a huge mistake, just an annoyance.
But having said that, I did have some nice rewards from the solo event milestones. I gifted 2 GGCs as a Christmas treat and the rest revives. From the milestones I got an extra 5, and had a pretty nice opening.
Although a trophy champ is nice, he won't be doing a ton for me any time soon. But the 2.5k 6* shards are awesome, T5B and T2A are ok, even if a lot of them go to the overflow in early stages of challenges. But the 5* gem is the real prize, I opened it and got a science. As much as I'd love to use it on torch or Rhulk, the right play is definitely to save it for now. I also got some 5* shards out of the milestones and pulled...
He probably won't be useful for what I'd need him for, which is high attack content and his low proficiency just doesn't lend itself to that sort of content.
I then ranked up Hawkeye to R4, even unawakened I believe he has a lot to offer my account. His main use will be 6.3 Medusa I think, but he can also do 6.3 Cap IW, even if it'll be an insanely long fight. His power control will do well to keep that fight under control. I would absolutely love to get him awakened, I'd definitely use a skill gem on him. (As a side note, I'm also test driving him for my main account. I don't have him yet but I pulled a skill gem on my main for a 6* and Hawkeye could be a future option if I enjoy him).
I completed the weekly EQ that dropped and here are my cav pulls, Night Trasher is a decent addition, especially with a synergy for Moonknight I'll be using for when I do the Merc variant. Nova dupe is nice for ISO and shards.
Last thing I did this week was some variant 6 finally. I had a pretty decent villain team to get going with and completing 2 chapters would get me a 6*.
The first quest had a straight forward physical/energy resistance path. I just used Doc Oc, Omega and Doom 4/40 for that. There was an annoying Mephisto who needed a couple revives, leaving me with only doom for the chunky Rhino boss. Before using a team revive, I chucked Doom at the rhino
And he did pretty well lol
Next quest was the Winter Soldier boss, I just went the energise path where an armour break power locked them. Doom and Mr Fantastic synergy destroyed it for me. Doc Oc soloed the Winter Soldier boss, nothing too difficult.
The next one was the electro boss with arc overload, but this is the quest with a lot of regeneration and villains can reverse by triggering unstoppable or unblockable. A 5* Rhino I never thought I'd be happy to have, and a 4* Rhino from RoL came in very handy here, allowing me to cheese a regeneration path, and Omega and Red Hulk took down the boss.
Lastly, between me and a 6* Crystal to round out the week was a Drax boss, with a straightforward path that just meant I needed to nullify armour and furies to give myself crit rate. I ramped up Morningstar here, and I'm glad I did. When she is ramped up she really is so useful. It's just a shame it feels like so much effort to ramp her up. Drax went down easily after a couple revives to ramp MS up, a nice solo to finish up the quest.
The final two quests look a little daunting right now, so I'm gonna wait to tackle them another time once I've got my villain team nicely ranked up. But onto the 6* Crystal to round out the week...
Now, my immediate thoughts were not positive. Her buff wasn't great, she doesn't have use for me, and largely I'm just not fussed. But between yesterday and today I've been thinking about it a lot more, and I have come around on it. Yes, her buff wasn't incredible, but those preliminary thoughts were from End-game player BitterSteel, not Thronebreaker challenge Mini-Steel. Guilly has some nice utility that will be useful for the challenge. Firstly, I've seen a 1/25 Guilly solo 6.3 Medusa, and honestly I think she will be my option alongside Hawkeye to go for it. Secondly, heal reversal is great utility to have, while I have torch, you do need to be aggressive, and I feel Guilly's is a little more accessible. Thirdly, she has a great synergy with Morningstar, perhaps leading me to bring them both a bit more often.
Whether her healing will be useful is yet to be decided, but to be honest, I think it's a nice pull and overall I'm intrigued to try her out from the perspective of a newer player. She doesn't need to be awakened which is a bonus. It's a solid pull, and definitely not as disappointing as I first felt. I'm excited to see what she can do for the account
Notable pulls
6* Guillotine
6* Colossus awakening
5* Nova awakening
5* Night Thrasher
5* Cull Obsidian
5* The Champion
5* Rogue
6* Nexus3* GwenpoolNotable Rank ups
Hawkeye to R3
Hawkeye to R4
War Machine to R4
Omega Red to sig 154
Sorcerer Supreme levelled to L43
Content Completed
Act 6.2.4 - 6 completed
6.2 completion
Side Quest EQ 100%
Variant 4 Chapter 1-3 completion
Variant 6 Chapter 1-2 completion
Most Wanted Champs
I feel that I have my options for Medusa now, between Guilly and Hawkeye (hell even Moonknight) I think I can get her down once I have some more revives from gifting. So I'm shifting my focus a little onto 6.3 Cap IW (someone to come alongside Hawkeye), and looking more to the future, 6.4 bosses
Skill: Daredevil (either)- She Hulk needs a synergy to increase her fury passive durations in order to take down 6.3 Cap IW. So getting that synergy unlocked would probably persuade me to rank her up for the fight
Science: Mr Fantastic - Prefight's have such a huge benefit all over. Could be so amazing to have that in my roster for tackling act 6.
Mystic: Symbiote Supreme- He's such a good buff control champ, and I could really do with one to be honest. Sorcerer is definitely good enough to be used for it, but it's not her strongest suit. She doesn't shut it down like Sym does. Plus, if I get him before Medusa that would be great too.
Cosmic: Medusa - Same as last week, I think she has a lot of potential still. And there's that nasty Darkhawk in 6.4 she would handle nicely.
Tech: Stark Spidey- Same reasoning as last week, he would be such a good option for 6.3 Cap, who looks like he'll be my biggest roadblock at the moment.
Mutant: White Mags- still...
T5CC Tracker
Just a little more tech from last week, not had any opportunities to get T5CC. I am curious if I'll get anything from gifting rank rewards, they're always up in the air about how highly people rank. If I do, I could get anything from a 10%-50% selector, I kind of feel that would be cheap for a TB challenge account, and I think I'd just select the lowest class I have. I want this to be a challenge where I can point to it and say "That's how I got to Thronebreaker" and a once a year event with great rewards isn't really what I want to have got me there.
The thing is, at this point, all I need to guarantee getting Thronebreaker is to get 25% mutant. That will put me on over 75% of the catalyst and I can select 25% from completing act 6.4. Hopefully by that time I will have made up the other 25% of Mutant I need to get me to 75%. That's my plan at the moment, but I'm being careful not to have too much weighing on RNG! Monthly SQ is a nice little trickle, at some point I'll start focussing on trying to 100% Cav EQ when I have a bit more depth in my account, and hopefully I can 100% a variant, which would be great to be able to do! I may also at some point say sod it, go for 6.4 completion and start trying to complete some act 7 chapters where there's some 25% T5CC crystals. But this is all long term plans.
Plan for Next Week
As it is Christmas, there isn't a whole lot I've got planned really! I'll do a bit more arena here and there to get some gifting ready. I'm excited for the Xmas Gift, looking forward to seeing what it is. Gifting will be fun to do, hopefully something spicy from the milestone GGCs! I think I'll get 3 or 4 more to open from there. I may do some XP grinding, because I believe I need to get to Level 50 to be able to R2 Colossus, I need to be able to hold another T4CC and T4B in my inventory to be able to do it.
As for 6.3, I may try and do a little, but I won't rush revives with it. I want Hawkeye R5 before I try Cap IW anyway, so there's no use rushing and using revives. Guilly would benefit from levels, so would Moonknight for Variant 8, Hawkeye to R5, Omega to R4 (maybe 5 too), and hopefully Colossus to R2 if I can get the levels. All of that before 6.3 is probably the best idea. So a lot of grinding ISO...
At the end of Week 14, this is what the roster looks like
And lastly, Merry Christmas (or Happy Holidays if you don't celebrate). I hope you and your families are safe over the winter and have a wonderful time. Thanks for keeping up with the challenge!
Merry Christmas to you too
I've been putting off 6.2 for like 3 months now. Just been ranking champs to make my roster a lil bit more stronger. That being said, do you think I'm ready for 6.2 roster-wise @BitterSteel ?
The only 6*s I'm gonna use are Ultron (if I need him), Sym Supreme and Heimdall.
Thank you!
In terms of roadblocks, here’s what you need roster wise. I’ll do the first 3 quests, then let me know if you’d like further advice when you get there
I’d recommend the path starting with Kamala Khan
Life cycle counter - you have archangel, torch pre fight, warlock. Save torch for the dormammu mini boss
Sym counter - use Spidey 2099 imo
I’d recommend going the path starting with gwenpool with biohazard
Backblast counter - you have warlock and colossus who will do well. Just be careful with warlock if he crits too hard he’ll be incinerated
Sinister counter - warlock with the heimdall synergy with Angela is the best option for you probably. You don’t want to bring ultron AND warlock though, because that’ll give them a synergy that constantly gives you furies and will feed Sinister’s power. So pick one.
Team: colossus, warlock/ultron, heimdall, Angela, then Ibom I’d say.
I’d recommend going left, all the way until masacre, then go right to cap ww2. That’s the easiest path imo
Icarus counter - Corvus will do a lot for you and you can get 3 charges on the path. Falcon will also be quite good at keeping furies off yourself. Spidey 2099 is immune to buffs if you want to avoid the node completely. There’s a tough emma frost to deal with since you can’t heavy attack her, Spidey would be good here.
Corvus will wreck the boss with a cosmic power boost.
Hope this helps
One question - How will I be feeding Sinister's power with Ultron and Warlock?
Here's an example of my nebula with that synergy, see how the power goes up a lot.
It's definitely possible to use it, but really, since you have heimdall and Angela it'll just be better to use that synergy