Brian Grant just insinuated he may quit the game over the gifting event.....



  • AverageDesiAverageDesi Member Posts: 5,260 ★★★★★

    I’m pretty salty about the fact that there’s an Abyss nexus in the rewards. That crystal is meant to be a reward for completing the most grueling content in the game (not most difficult, so don’t get on me about that) but now they’re just letting people buy it.
    Same with six star Weapon X. Don’t get me wrong, I was wanting him to be in the GGCs because I love him and want more people to have access to him but having be able to be outright bought rubs me the wrong way.
    Don’t even get me started on the fact that there’s a generic r4 gem before there was ever a class based crystal one.

    The rank up rewards are better than summoner showdown
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,518 ★★★★★

    I’m pretty salty about the fact that there’s an Abyss nexus in the rewards. That crystal is meant to be a reward for completing the most grueling content in the game (not most difficult, so don’t get on me about that) but now they’re just letting people buy it.
    Same with six star Weapon X. Don’t get me wrong, I was wanting him to be in the GGCs because I love him and want more people to have access to him but having be able to be outright bought rubs me the wrong way.
    Don’t even get me started on the fact that there’s a generic r4 gem before there was ever a class based crystal one.

    I’m agerd I’m don’t even hav one r4 one do’s not play much so it makes sens but com one can’t even get one r4 before people hav 3 that’s wrong
  • Lovejoy72Lovejoy72 Member Posts: 1,858 ★★★★

    tafre said:

    tafre said:

    I doubt any f2p player has a r4 champ and some people will have 3 of them by the time this event ends. .

    3 of them is achievable in just a few hours, if not less.
    I wouldn't doubt some people would have 20 or more of them at the end of the event
    20 is a bit too much lol but I get your point. They are selling rewards that cannot be consistenly obtained from any part of the game. That is the point. And they can get as much as their bank acct allows.
    Judging by what we've been seeing in the last couple of years, the average top spender would have more than enough for at least 5000 of these crystals.
    Now how much r4's can be achievable there? I have no idea, but probably a good couple of them
    Tell you what, if they pulled approximately the same rate of T4 materials that I did out of 50 crystals, instead did it with 5000 crystals they would be able to make five R4s with a bunch of T3a leftover.
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  • DualityCopeDualityCope Member Posts: 436 ★★★
    edited December 2021
    Why is there an abyss nexus in the rewards? That's insulting and takes away one of the main things abyss had.

    Also weapon X? I know he was just an extra for legend runs but still, putting him in the crystal and rank rewards is a bit scummy and devalues having him a significant amount.

    The rest I don't care about honestly. The higher rewards they give out in the milestones/crystals, the more they are forced to give f2p players in the future to keep the "economy" in balance. I expect a large power creep in rewards just like what happened earlier this year.

    I am worried though as to how quick we will be getting r5 6*. I hope they hold off on those for at least another year.
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  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,155 ★★★★★

    Why is there an abyss nexus in the rewards? That's insulting and takes away one of the main things abyss had.

    Also weapon X? I know he was just an extra for legend runs but still, putting him in the crystal and rank rewards is a bit scummy and devalues having him a significant amount.

    The weapon x makes sense because they no longer will be doing act legends runs and kang and thanos who were previously acquired the same way have always been in the crystals too. The abyss crystal is an odd choice tho.
  • DualityCopeDualityCope Member Posts: 436 ★★★
    Buttehrs said:

    Why is there an abyss nexus in the rewards? That's insulting and takes away one of the main things abyss had.

    Also weapon X? I know he was just an extra for legend runs but still, putting him in the crystal and rank rewards is a bit scummy and devalues having him a significant amount.

    The weapon x makes sense because they no longer will be doing act legends runs and kang and thanos who were previously acquired the same way have always been in the crystals too. The abyss crystal is an odd choice tho.
    Yeah the abyss crystals especially I'm disappointed about
  • zuffyzuffy Member Posts: 2,263 ★★★★★

    Watch the video below and I'm curious of people's thoughts...

    he's basically saying they went too far this time

    Not sure how familiar you are with BG.. but this is the 3rd time he's suggested he'd quit the game.. first time was with the cosmic boost for 7.1.. next was the pre fights with odin when you could apply them from more than one odin.. i'm sure there will be something later on that he doesn't like and once again insinuates he's thinking to quit the game..

    Don't worry.. he's not going anywhere..
    Yup, he is not quitting. Between YouTube and the donations from his stream, he make a decent living.
  • GrandOldKaiGrandOldKai Member Posts: 796 ★★★★
    I don't know what to think about this.

    This event has always brought out the whales, so... uh...
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  • theMercenarytheMercenary Member Posts: 643 ★★★
    kabam should appreciate the time spenders to this game. bg is a great example. guy is literally streaming every piece of arena he does. he helps community. he shows the enjoyment to the people. as a f2p. he’s by far one of the best voices of the community. sure i had some disagreements with him but that never went to disrespect him. a lot of players owe him their progression. so no need to be disrespectful here.

    if kabam keeps doing this they won’t have players playing the game. only 1% of spenders are gonna do things. it’s just not cool that they completely ignored non spenders here. but hey we’re spending our time to this game and if we’re just ignorable assets just say it to our faces.

    as for me i traded some ggcs with alliance and looking to have fun. don’t expect to be on top even tho i’m in high level endgame player. but i really hear what BG says here and he has my full support.

    just sad.
  • AverageDesiAverageDesi Member Posts: 5,260 ★★★★★

    Watch the video below and I'm curious of people's thoughts...

    he's basically saying they went too far this time

    Not sure how familiar you are with BG.. but this is the 3rd time he's suggested he'd quit the game.. first time was with the cosmic boost for act 6.. i think 6.3.... next was the pre fights with odin when you could apply them from more than one odin.. i'm sure there will be something later on that he doesn't like and once again insinuates he's thinking to quit the game..

    Don't worry.. he's not going anywhere..
    The cosmic boost and Odin prefights were changed though?
  • Doomsfist79Doomsfist79 Member Posts: 922 ★★★

    Watch the video below and I'm curious of people's thoughts...

    he's basically saying they went too far this time

    Not sure how familiar you are with BG.. but this is the 3rd time he's suggested he'd quit the game.. first time was with the cosmic boost for act 6.. i think 6.3.... next was the pre fights with odin when you could apply them from more than one odin.. i'm sure there will be something later on that he doesn't like and once again insinuates he's thinking to quit the game..

    Don't worry.. he's not going anywhere..
    The cosmic boost and Odin prefights were changed though?
    They were.. I was just pointing out to the OP that this isn't the first time he's suggested leaving the game..
  • AverageDesiAverageDesi Member Posts: 5,260 ★★★★★

    Watch the video below and I'm curious of people's thoughts...

    he's basically saying they went too far this time

    Not sure how familiar you are with BG.. but this is the 3rd time he's suggested he'd quit the game.. first time was with the cosmic boost for act 6.. i think 6.3.... next was the pre fights with odin when you could apply them from more than one odin.. i'm sure there will be something later on that he doesn't like and once again insinuates he's thinking to quit the game..

    Don't worry.. he's not going anywhere..
    The cosmic boost and Odin prefights were changed though?
    They were.. I was just pointing out to the OP that this isn't the first time he's suggested leaving the game..
    If his grevience was addressed he won't leave
  • Wozzle007Wozzle007 Member Posts: 1,097 ★★★★★
    I absolutely get BG’s point. It must be a sucker punch every year to see the gap widening in prestige and overall PI.

    I would say there’s lots of content he hasn’t completed yet that could bridge a small part of this gap. KT1 has made similar point. It’s impossible to stay competitive at the very top of the game unless you are dropping thousands of £££ on this event. As someone who is Thronebreaker but not good enough to play competitively at the top, if I won the lottery and money was no object, I drop mad stacks to get into the top 30. Mad stack bro!

    Personally I don’t think it’s good for the game economy. I think when you look at the recent buff to SA rewards only adds 250x 6* shards for the top milestone but you can buy out resources to take multiple champs to rank 4 I do think Kabam takes us for fools when it comes to rewards. We need to start seeing a very quick trickle down of R4 resources that we can earn through playing the game.
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