Brian Grant just insinuated he may quit the game over the gifting event.....



  • ChriissRChriissR Member Posts: 655 ★★★★
    Searmenis said:

    I think the most important part, is that with money grabbing events like this one, there's no competition fun anymore. Just like he said, why run abyss if you get the same rewards with money? This is not only affecting ftp players, but a large majority that do buy a few stuff here and there occasionally, but don't spend 3k bucks in a month. It's really sad, you don't have the same excitement anymore getting a cav nexus by working hard on abyss, when you know that lots of other whale-players got it just by spending cash for fun.

    The same people you're complaining about completed abyss in the first week. They don't care about the crystal, it's useless to them because they have every 6* in the game. It's literally meaningless to them.
  • smdam38smdam38 Member Posts: 1,866 ★★★★
    He’ll just have to drop to a non-paying alliance.
    The people that pay and keep the game running and profitable will be fine.

    I don’t get the crying. Maybe go back to playing for fun.
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  • BimboDanBimboDan Member Posts: 14
    Ebony_Naw said:

    also you guys need to keep in mind that KT1s entire gimmick and how he gets views is anti kabam talk, so of course he HAS TO be negative and hammer them for everything, regardless of what he actually thinks

    Based on what are you saying he’s insincere? I don’t care for the guy, but if you’re going to say stuff like that in a public forum, I’d recommend you back it up. And if you won’t, maybe don’t go there
    you dont play in top ali do you? it's a public knowledge about kt. that's like saying 'back up a statement that illacks has anti-cheating rhethoric' lol
  • KapkrazyKapkrazy Member Posts: 2
    Bruh the game is a for profit business... Last time i checked in real life poor people always had less then rich people... Do you go to a rich person and tell them to stop wearing shoes that cost thousands of dollars, while you wear whatever it is poor people wear... I'm poor by the way and this is just a game afterall...
  • Aegon87Aegon87 Member Posts: 45
    6star r4 rank up gem shouldn't be there
  • GOTGGOTG Member Posts: 1,040 ★★★★
    edited December 2021
    This gifting event does not affect me. The top 30 if they spend 30 thounsand dollars for digital items then its fine to me, it surely affects players who play competitive game like BG but the biggest problem is AQ while AW needs skill so he might still can compete in AW.

    For AQ its over for him. 100%. 4Loki was dropping out of top 20 alliance in AQ and may drop down even further and who want to stay at the top will leave. You cant keep up in AQ with someone who can buy his way to 4 rank 4 6*. This event is just the first. There will be more like this, maybe next year we will see first rank 5 6* after gifting event who knows?
  • GOTGGOTG Member Posts: 1,040 ★★★★
    edited December 2021
    I remembered in January that people guessed that we would see first rank 4 in one maybe even 2 years, and now we have players with 3 or 4 rank 4 6* lol. You dont know how much money and how fast Kabam wants to squeeze from the game.
  • CoMinowCoMinow Member Posts: 364 ★★

    Watch the video below and I'm curious of people's thoughts...

    he's basically saying they went too far this time

    Maybe he shouldn’t have single handedly destroyed the only way for free players to use the system to get ggc then
  • BigManOnCampusBigManOnCampus Member Posts: 376 ★★★
    Deeparvi said:

    The Game which is BG'S daily bread earner, I seriously don't think so...He can't quit this game Bcoz if he does, he will be drained financially Bcoz he is depended financially on this game..

  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★

    Are we still pretending that people who play for free should have everything that people who spend have?

    People by the end of this event will have 4+ r4 6-stars. Me, thronebreaker and everything 100% except abyss will not even have a single one. I'm not asking for 4 but by the time people are getting fully prestiged out with r4s I should get to have at least one.
    Spending has always been an option in the game. They will always have more than the people who play for free because money saves time. There is NO way to keep up with people who spend. However, spending is not necessary to play. Which is great, considering the fact that spending makes the game possible for those that don't.
    Moreover, Resource will open up more and more as people advance higher up. It's been that way since the game started.
    You are completely ignoring the point. The gap here is massive and I have zero way of earning these things apart from dropping massive amounts of cash. How am I ever supposed to get to high tier aw if the resources I need to get there are only offered through cash? Then by the time they get to me the next resource I need to continue to catchup is only offered through cash? And not a miniscule reasonable amount of it. An unreasonable amount is offered making it nearly impossible to catchup. "Money saves time" if that was all it did that wouldnt be a problem but the money is buying time that isnt even available yet.
    *for now. As I said, they will become more available down the line. Spenders will always have first dibs. Welcome to the game.
    how far "down the line" is fair to you? I'm curious... 6 months? a year? How much of a head start should people paying get from those who do not to be fair to both ends of the spectrum?
    Considering how new R4s are, some time. When R3s were introduced, people weren't Ranking them in mass numbers at first. The same goes with any new Rank.
    People who pay will always have an advantage. I'm aware that BG prides himself in trying to compete with spenders, but the game isn't really designed with that in mind. There is no "us vs. them". It allows people to play both for free, and for pay.
    Would you like to actually answer the question I asked now? lol
    I asked GroundedWisdom "how far "down the line" is fair to you? I'm curious... 6 months? a year? How much of a head start should people paying get from those who do not to be fair to both ends of the spectrum?".... as of me writing this.. he has replied many more times.. and still not answered this question? Is this a common thing?
    I answered your question. I related it to when R3s were introduced. Just like anything else in the game, people who spend will likely have it first. It's also not an easy question to answer because it entirely depends on how fast they're prepared to adjust to the progression increase, and what's gradual enough for the system to remain stable. In terms of what I think is fair, at least a year to be as common as R3s are now. Consider the fact that R3s aren't as rare as they used to be at all, and they first showed up late 2019.
  • AMS94AMS94 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★★
    I cn see a lots & lots of disagree spams in this entire thread but I don't understand why
    Both BG & Kt1 have made some extremely valid points irrespective of whether they're going to quit making videos or not
    And it's nt like it's only the F2P perspective
    Kt1 is not from the big whale category but he frequently keeps spending on the game to stay competitive
    This event is going to cost many alliances their top AQ spots due to no fault of their own so it makes sense fr them to feel strongly about it
    And not just AQ but it offers lots of advantages in AW as well specially with the new tie breaker system, & probably in the upcoming PvP mode as well
    It doesn't affect most players like us
    But now many at the top have also started to feel like it's hard to keep up with the divide even after spending
    Even Swedeah has expressed his disappointment in his own way
  • Thewarrior4357Thewarrior4357 Member Posts: 6
    edited December 2021
    Kabam Mike & Kabam HQ,

    I wanted to thank you for screwing the 95% of the players in MCOC due to the gifting event. The only thing you did right in this event, was have rank 4 materials in the Greater Gifting Crystals (GGCs), and other stuff in the GGCs that can help advance any account. Unfortunately, you made a massive mistake with the top 30 solo rank rewards. Putting in a 6 star Weapon X is a slap in the face to people that did act 6 & 7 legends runs for that champ and sig stones. Putting in a rank 3-4 gem and 2 6 star +100 sig stones and a 6 star generic awakening gem in there is a permanent advantage to those people because you have only released one 6 star generic awakening gem that you don't have to spend money for and that is in Abyss of Legends. Speaking of Abyss of Legends, its unacceptable that you put in an Abyss Nexus Crystal Selector in there as well, because like many others who 100% explored Abyss of Legends, it took a ton of units and revives and resources and your giving it and all the other stuff mentioned in the solo rewards in the top 30 bracket. The rewards in the 31-60 are also including 1 and 1/2 T6B and T3A and the ability to select 2 T5CC and take a 6 star to sig 100 with one stone and throwing in a Weapon X.

    The Alliance Rank rewards are just as responsible as one person gunning for the top 30 solo event ranking can carry an alliance to the top rank and that is an extremely high advantage to other players who can and can't spend because they are in an alliance with a whale account that can spend over 10 grand in gifting and that and the solo rankings caused an exponential shift for high end spenders to be miles ahead of me and the other players who don't spend much on the game outside of July 4th and Cyber Weekend. If kabam were smart, they would remove the rank rewards for solo and alliance rewards and just do milestones but put more rank 4 materials and shards and other materials in both alliance and solo gifting milestones, so people that can spend a lot of money and give them an advantage can still do so by opening hundreds of GGCs without breaking the balance of the game through the Gifting event. This event also shows that Kabam is preparing to open the vault of rank 4 materials into the game. Kabam Mike and HQ, I am calling you out on that because every gifting event you've ever done, you have opened the vault for the next big thing in the game and give it out like candy during gifting, I am expecting that you do the right thing when you release Act 7.4 and put in at least 1 T6b and T3A for exploring act 7 and put in a healthy amount of generic rank up gems from 1-2 and 2-3 and put in generic 6 star awakening gems because crystals are old news with how developed 90% of 6 star rosters right now.

    The best thing you can do is to release new content like a new abyss for rank 4 6 stars and give people their first rank 4 and that would make most of the player base happy.


    The Warrior4357.

  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★

    Kabam Mike & Kabam HQ,

    The only thing you did right in this event, was have rank 4 materials in the Greater Gifting Crystals (GGCs)

    That's one of the worse things they did here
  • MauledMauled Member, Guardian Posts: 3,957 Guardian

    Aegon87 said:

    6star r4 rank up gem shouldn't be there

    but the rest of the rewards are completely worthless for those top they should get nothing for spending 10-20k+?
    Tbh the 6* AG and R4 materials are the only things that really interested me in the GGC. I think the real thing that those who spend 20k and aren’t being funded by their subs need to have a good hard look at themselves in the mirror. I’d be most curious about what they get their families for Christmas, I’d be quite disappointed if they’re not getting spectacular presents too lol.

    That said, they keep this game free for me and I still beat most in AW so it is what is it.
  • Thewarrior4357Thewarrior4357 Member Posts: 6

    Kabam Mike & Kabam HQ,

    The only thing you did right in this event, was have rank 4 materials in the Greater Gifting Crystals (GGCs)

    That's one of the worse things they did here
    The reason that it was the fight thing is that anyone who was getting these crystals would benefit from a chance at the GGCs and that would prevent an exponential gap between spenders and big spenders
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  • pseudosanepseudosane Member, Guardian Posts: 4,073 Guardian

    Kabam Mike & Kabam HQ,

    The only thing you did right in this event, was have rank 4 materials in the Greater Gifting Crystals (GGCs)

    That's one of the worse things they did here
    The reason that it was the fight thing is that anyone who was getting these crystals would benefit from a chance at the GGCs and that would prevent an exponential gap between spenders and big spenders
    anything a normal player can buy, a spender buys more lol.

    Ive never liked the gifting event, it is just whaling without a limit.
    either way, the solo rewards dont really affect me, I just do hope it does not accelerate r5 6*.
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