Introducing the next Campaign Progression Level: Paragon!



  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★

    Believe it or not, you can wait to get Paragon. If you don't get it on the first day, that's okay, your account won't just explode or get deleted. It's not going anywhere

    My problem is that in the meantime, I’m gonna get second rate deals in July fourth, and my units/cash is gonna be worth less.
    Gee thanks kabam, I have 30 r3 six stars, I’m so happy you’re selling me a generic five star awakening gem.
    Well I mean so what? It's not Kabams fault you haven't met the requirements despite all the opportunities to do so in the game.
    And mark my words, there were t3a and t6b in the TB deals last Black Friday, those will be gone come July 4th.
    Boy oh boy is this gonna age like milk on a warm day.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,453 Guardian
    Kappa2g said:

    This is not even remotely comparable to the situation when thronebreaker was announced. Every FTP player had the option to obtain day 1 TB if they were willing to do the initial run of the abyss and were willing to take up a champion whatever class of T5cc they obtained.

    If time machines existed, I'm not sure what would be more satisfying: sending you back to tell the Cavs their complaints aren't really all that bad, or sending you forward to hear the Paragons tell you to the same thing.

    It is never remotely comparable. It is always completely different. And yet it is always exactly the same. Just imagine how completely different it will be next time, and how completely unimportant they will think these complaints are now, because then it will *really* be different.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,788 ★★★★★
    edited April 2022

    Jaded said:

    Idk why progression titles have to be tied to rank ups. Bad form to continue this trend imo.

    Because we can no longer tie them to Story Content without significantly raising the difficulty again, and that's not what players want. They are not just a random reward, but a differentiator for where Players are in-game, what content would be a challenge to them, and what rewards they need to move forward.

    Roster strength is a better indicator than just having completed Act 7 now.
    In other words, Skills don't value that much but spending cuz I don't see a single reason why it is not gated Ike TB where you have to ton of content or burn the soul in AOL but everyone had fair and equal shot at PROGRESSION TITLE.
    But this one is totally SPENDING TITLE .
    Which title was not able to be obtained by spending?
    That's not true. All of those titles can be obtained by spending.
    I would like to hear the argument cuz I didn't spend single penny on this. UC done BY holy Trinity ( 4*s). Cav before nerf on main account too. For TB did abyss. I think we don't even need units for it. Grinding revives is enough
    Just because YOU personally didn't do it doesn't mean it can't be achieved. There are many, many people that play this game that spend to blaze through content faster. They buy units to buy pots, revives and energy just to power their way through content.

    No title in the game requires spending but all titles can be achieved by spending.
    And hence you proved yourself wrong again 😂😂😂😂😂
    First of all, those titles were not gated behind spending only. Anyone with skills can do it. So spending had advantage but it doesn't monopolized it day 1

    Now to your next point. Yes new title is only accessible though spending. There's no way in this world where i can get to 3 r4s by 100%guantlet,SOP and act 7. Unless i purchased the deals
    And you cant even put valid point as why Solo content is being gates now behind alliance/competitive mode.😂😂😂 Seriously read your own post first. You are contradicting your own points one by one 😂😂😂

    Spending nature of alliance differ than Solo spending. And you are arguing the solo should be gated behind the spending requirement plus justifying INCLUDANCE of alliance too as deciding factor for SOLO PROGRESSION.😂😂😂😂i am excited your answer but seems you will only divert but will not answer😂
    No thanks. I'm getting of this merry-go-round with you.
  • SwarmOfRavensSwarmOfRavens Member Posts: 1,264 ★★★★★

    What Kabam should do is release a title no one can have day one.

    That would be a sight
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★

    What Kabam should do is release a title no one can have day one.

    I mean, they DID released content that, from their own words, wasn't supposed to be completed in the first couple of months.
    But of course, they knew that wasn't true and that people would still do it in the first week.
    So doing the same to a title is likely possible in the future
  • StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Member Posts: 5,019 ★★★★★

    Bro, I don't care if you're the biggest whale or the ultimate nonspender
    You can't sit there and tell me that these title requirements ain't pushing it.
    And yes, this exact sentiment was shared with thronebreaker, but this is MUCH worse.
    At that time, it was only ONE r3 6 star, and that was hard enough.
    The biggest and hardest part was getting the T5CC, one of them.
    This is THREE R4 6 star champs.
    That's including needing to get 3 T6BCs and 3 T3As for just ONE champ.
    Alone, that's rough enough.
    Of course they gave a rank 4 gem for 100% of Act 7 and at the time I thought they were looking back on the thronebreaker backlash and are at least putting a gem there for the requirement of only one R4 6 star needed.
    Boy was I wrong.
    Glad I finally became Thronebreaker a few months ago just for them to drop this.
    Normally I wouldn't really care that much about a lousy title, but they keep making extremely hype deals for the newest title, and shafting the previous titles.
    At least when Thronebreaker was first launched there wasn't the obvious issue with the game.
    This, this requirement, there's no way people can defend it.

    Well, if it was only one r4, then having a gem in Act 7 exploration makes it pointless. It might as well just have been Act 7 exploration as the requirement. At the minimum, it had to be two because of that
  • MrNonameMrNoname Member Posts: 23
    Should tell me before. I didn’t buy 7.4 deal and already 100% story. If i bought that deal, i can have my 3rd rank4 but now the deal is gone. Maybe you should enable it to comeback then? I have about 5000units+ right now. If i know beforehand, i would definitely grind or even bought some units for that deal.

    Carina vol 1, I didnt touch LOL because seem not worth.

    For vol 2, only 3 AOL left. They are very doable and not gonna cost massive but the reason I didn’t do them yet because even I 100% them, i can’t have my 3rd rank4.

    All other content 100% but I’m not in the top tier AW, too much stress.

    Also, I didn’t rank my 2nd one yet. i got skill gem and I donn’t find anyone in my roster attractive enough to rank them now. I have Nick, Monkey undup, even dup Nick seems unattractive, prestige wise and put hi sig for him is useless. Don’t like playing with Shang-Chi. Don’t have Kingpin. The rest like Falcon, BWorigin and etc seems very lackluster.

    If i got cosmic or mutanta, I have so many champs worth rank4 right away. Other colors not perfect choice but still better. Skill gem is the one that most unattractive to me.
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  • TensioTensio Member Posts: 198
    Another point of view.

    Act 7 has been released a month ago.

    Carina’s Challenge Vol 2 two months ago.

    When Thronebreaker were released Kabam gives us more time

    I have done some end game contents and explore 7.4 and I have now 1 6r4 and a half.
    Also have spent some money in offers. Always in 4th July, BF-Cyber M and others interesting offers.

    I’m not against this movement, it’s understandable, but the requirements are huge in a short period of time available.
    Kabam we have personal life and knowing how you will start to segment the offers giving better resources to Paragon players this will make me stop spending.

    A Bad movement, clearly done for the top spenders.
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  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,453 Guardian
    Mik81 said:

    DNA3000 said:

    Skiddy212 said:

    Oh here we go🤦🏻‍♂️. At the end of the day, no matter the requirements people were going to complain about them.

    I’m sure thronebreaker had the same backlash.

    Everything you needed for TB was in available in content at title launch.
    That is a huge difference.
    He's not wrong. Thronebreaker had a huge backlash. And saying this time there's a huge difference is not unique, because that was exactly what people said about Thronebreaker as well. And I'll say the same thing now I said back then: people said the same thing about Cavalier: this time it is different, this time it has requirements that never existed before, this time it is paywalled. Literally everything they said about Thronebreaker, they said about Cavalier. Only somewhat louder.

    The same thing is going to happen with Paragon. And the same thing will happen with Paragon after it launches: about six months later people will be telling complainers to get over it, and spend more time getting the stuff you need to get the title than complain about not having the title.
    I'd be curious to understand how that works for them on the sales perspective. Is this motivating players to spend? I was looking to spend cash on July 4th and some other offers, but the fact that I'm not getting the maximum return for my money, really pushes me away. It is like an instant devaluation of my currency, it also instead of keeping it up with the "value" at TB, that value needs to be reduced so the the top offer is more appealing.

    In my "old business mentality" you want to make your products as much available as you can to your target audience, but I always fell that something like this isn't really targeting well the target audience, since the separation between TB and the new title, isn't really that big, so you can divide clearly that audience
    The games industry has learned from experience. Do you want everyone to pay the same amount, and then have everything in the game be completely fair without anyone being able to buy an advantage? Is that fairness an attractive advantage? Answer: no. Free to play microtransaction supported games had to compete with the old school model of subscriptions. And they blew subs out of the water. It seems when you *ask* people if they want fairness, they always say yes. But when you give them a choice, most people gravitate towards games where they can either play for free while others pay for them, which isn't fair, or they can spend money to get ahead of everyone else, which isn't fair. People would rather choose their unfairness than actually play a fair game.

    Monetizing a free to play game is not like selling widgets. When you sell widgets, the only thing that matters is selling as many widgets as you can at the best price to make the maximum amount of profit. Apple doesn't do that. It could sell more phones at lower cost and still make as much or more money. But it chooses to sell at a higher price than it needs to, and far higher than most of the competition, specifically because that higher price creates a sense of value and brand exclusivity in their customers. Apple doesn't sell widgets. Apple sells Apple. The widgets are just the mechanism to sell Apple.

    MCOC doesn't sell widgets, and it doesn't sell a brand either (not really, even with the Marvel license). It sells something even more abstract, that the free to play gaming industry has learned to sell over the last twenty years. It sell unfairness. Everyone wants an edge. Some are willing to pay for it. If you microtarget too much, people lose the ability to distinguish what they are ultimately paying for. If you try to one-size-fits-all eveyrthing, no one can actually get an edge. You need to segment the marketplace enough to matter, and no more.

    Progressional titles are about aspiring to reach them, and then cultivating those that do reach them. I personally thought it was a bit early for Paragon, but Kabam seems to think the aspirational benefit of getting the title out there sooner than later outweighed the issue of there not being very many people to target in that group compared to the people left temporarily outside that group. And unless they open the books up to us, we'll never know if that gamble pays off. It is a very complex decision to make if we're talking about the economics of things.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,453 Guardian
    You can't sit there and tell me that these title requirements ain't pushing it.
    And yes, this exact sentiment was shared with Paragon, but this is MUCH worse.

    Someone save this for me to post when the next title comes out.

  • firemoon712firemoon712 Member Posts: 549 ★★★
    edited April 2022
    DNA3000 said:

    You can't sit there and tell me that these title requirements ain't pushing it.
    And yes, this exact sentiment was shared with Paragon, but this is MUCH worse.

    "Someone save this for me to post when the next title comes out."

    Already way ahead of you.
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  • Gildarts99Gildarts99 Member Posts: 449 ★★★
    Typhoon said:

    Ermmm how sure are u that EOP is even gon help u get enough resources for the third?these guys are stingy with rewards unless u spend.
    I'm not rushing for the title.I have almost 2 r4 6*s but this game just got annoying for me.
    Thank u

    probably because the post says it will.

    ReAdInG iZ hArD
    Open your eyes reads more rank 4 materials not enough resources to r4 a champ so unless the rewards are in and showing those 3 tier 3 alpha catalyst and how many of those t6bcs,then chill hard feelings my dude
  • Wozzle007Wozzle007 Member Posts: 1,096 ★★★★★
    Although I’m not particularly fussed about the 3x R4 requirement. We’ll all get there eventually, I don’t think progression level should be linked to rewards you can earn by being in an Alliance or purchasing unit deals. It should be based on skill and merit.

    I’ve 100% act 7 have 1x R4 and not far off my second. I’m nowhere near the skill level of those at the top of the game. As much as I’d like the title, I can’t say I would deserve it, at least in relation to the elite players in the game. Now if I don’t have my 3rd R4 in the next months I riot! Lol!
  • CloudOfContemptCloudOfContempt Member Posts: 97 ★★
    Gmonkey said:

    So here's my breakdown of what's been possible in-game through events. I've excluded any cash offers and high tier alliance play. Anybody willing to fact check me here?

    Personally a bit miffed that this announcement comes so late after the Act 7.4 drop. I'm one, of certainly many, that played through already and passed on the unit offer at the end.

    You missed the ftp unit deals from July 4 50% of each and another 50% of each from cyber weekend. Which gets you closer plus top 45 aq
    My summary only included content. I do remember those deals, but personally I see high unit offers similarly to cash offers to those that don't grind arena. I included the Act 7 deal at the end only because they added it in their edited post as a checklist item to qualify for the title.

    That said, adding in one of each catalyst from all of those offers is 45,000 T3A and 57,000 T6B, with both of those AND the Act 7 deal, you would still be short 9,000 T3A. That certainly closes the gap and I imagine that 9k can be acquired from AQ/AW.

    I'm not arguing that the title should be available to everybody right away or even quickly, I mentioned in another post that I wanted to identify the gap and what would be necessary to bridge it. Although, I will be disappointed if the Eternity of Pain objectives aren't available for players that have done most or all of the content, but simply didn't heavily grind arena, play top AW/AQ, or buy offers.
  • MigginslyMigginsly Member Posts: 61
    Agreed. Thronebreaker you could get when it launched. This you can’t. Unless you’ve done everything perfectly.
  • GoDlyZorGoDlyZor Member Posts: 150

    My summary only included content. I do remember those deals, but personally I see high unit offers similarly to cash offers to those that don't grind arena. I included the Act 7 deal at the end only because they added it in their edited post as a checklist item to qualify for the title.

    That said, adding in one of each catalyst from all of those offers is 45,000 T3A and 57,000 T6B, with both of those AND the Act 7 deal, you would still be short 9,000 T3A. That certainly closes the gap and I imagine that 9k can be acquired from AQ/AW.

    I'm not arguing that the title should be available to everybody right away or even quickly, I mentioned in another post that I wanted to identify the gap and what would be necessary to bridge it. Although, I will be disappointed if the Eternity of Pain objectives aren't available for players that have done most or all of the content, but simply didn't heavily grind arena, play top AW/AQ, or buy offers.

    There's 9k t3a in the side quest objectives.
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  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,788 ★★★★★
    Migginsly said:

    Agreed. Thronebreaker you could get when it launched. This you can’t. Unless you’ve done everything perfectly.

    So which is it? You can get this when it comes out or you can't because you're saying both.
  • CloudOfContemptCloudOfContempt Member Posts: 97 ★★
    GoDlyZor said:

    My summary only included content. I do remember those deals, but personally I see high unit offers similarly to cash offers to those that don't grind arena. I included the Act 7 deal at the end only because they added it in their edited post as a checklist item to qualify for the title.

    That said, adding in one of each catalyst from all of those offers is 45,000 T3A and 57,000 T6B, with both of those AND the Act 7 deal, you would still be short 9,000 T3A. That certainly closes the gap and I imagine that 9k can be acquired from AQ/AW.

    I'm not arguing that the title should be available to everybody right away or even quickly, I mentioned in another post that I wanted to identify the gap and what would be necessary to bridge it. Although, I will be disappointed if the Eternity of Pain objectives aren't available for players that have done most or all of the content, but simply didn't heavily grind arena, play top AW/AQ, or buy offers.

    There's 9k t3a in the side quest objectives.
    Honestly that's hilarious.
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