Future of Progression: Relics, 7-Stars and Ascension Roadmap - Discussion Thread



  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★

    6* Rank 4 = 7* Rank 1 = 6* rank 3 ascended

    If this is accurate, and I trust you to know, then why do I need to care about 7 stars, right? I have loads of rank 3s and a growing list of rank 4s. I feel like I’ll be good to go with whatever content for quite a while.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    A word of caution for anyone willing to heed it. One of the biggest misinterpretations people made with 6*s was that 5*s were obsolete moving forward. I would suggest not viewing it that extremely.

  • MackeyMackey Member Posts: 1,597 ★★★★★
    Loyalty should be awarded for AQ
    Glory should be awarded for AW
  • NeverWasBornNeverWasBorn Member Posts: 79

    why not add a new rank to the existing 6* (r6,r7 ....etc) instead of 7*?

    That wouldn't add the same longevity to the game overall.
    Why not?
    These Rarities aren't just for the Top Players who will need something new to push for. They're for the entire game to grow into, including the Players and the Devs.
    you can still chase the new catalysts for every new rank
  • NeverWasBornNeverWasBorn Member Posts: 79
    7* will be available as opponents in November content, does that mean we will get a new difficulty? @Kabam Miike
  • BigPoppaCBONEBigPoppaCBONE Member Posts: 2,446 ★★★★★
    Badass84 said:

    How about giving us level 75 (instead of 60) and Mastery2.0 first?

    Too easy. They thirst for true challenges.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,466 Guardian
    Badass84 said:

    How about giving us level 75 (instead of 60) and Mastery2.0 first?

    Because those things have absolutely nothing to do with what rarity tiers do.
  • krystolixkrystolix Member Posts: 118 ★★
    So, are we going to get a gold increase? Iso increases?
  • NimravusNimravus Member Posts: 49
    Sorry but Kabam had better retroactively give us the 7 shards for the duped 6 stars we have been getting nothing but iso for the last … years I mean seriously even 100 duped would only give you a 20 thousand shards which would probably give you one 7 star … kabam it’s the least you can do …
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,175 ★★★★★
    Nimravus said:

    Sorry but Kabam had better retroactively give us the 7 shards for the duped 6 stars we have been getting nothing but iso for the last … years I mean seriously even 100 duped would only give you a 20 thousand shards which would probably give you one 7 star … kabam it’s the least you can do …

    That's now how it works. It's not how 5 or 6* worked when they came put either. Simply put, it will not happen.
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  • IvarTheBonelessIvarTheBoneless Member Posts: 1,282 ★★★★
    I just hope this means we can start getting at least 10K 6 star shards in side events now
  • SearmenisSearmenis Member Posts: 1,758 ★★★★★
    Nimravus said:

    Sorry but Kabam had better retroactively give us the 7 shards for the duped 6 stars we have been getting nothing but iso for the last … years I mean seriously even 100 duped would only give you a 20 thousand shards which would probably give you one 7 star … kabam it’s the least you can do …

    This can't be done, retroactively from when? Last year? Two months ago? The dinosaurs?
  • McocBestGameMcocBestGame Member Posts: 31
    i would like 6* able to be rank to 6r6 6r7 6r8 instead 7* ! i think it's better like this'
    7* will kill our game and all for what we worked
    . please listen kabam.
    more Rank of 6* it's better than 7*.
  • Qwerty12345Qwerty12345 Member Posts: 865 ★★★★
    there becomes a point when you have all the champs at a certain star level, and even have them all at max sig.

    There will always be a need in a game like this to keep having reasons to open champion crystals (better than just saying you want that champ... $200 or 10k units, and its yours... for top tier champs).

    Being able to "trade in" you R5 sig 200 champ for an unawakened 7 star might be interesting... but selling champs caused so many issues... trading them in long term will create other issues too.
  • JonathanMarkConnollyJonathanMarkConnolly Member Posts: 1
    edited September 2022
    With Relics coming first, we’ll be focussing primarily on them in this post, but we wanted to give you all some insight into 7-Stars and Ascension as well, and how they all complete the picture of Power Progression in The Contest.

    I can't wait for this. I've been playing for a while and to see Relics, Ascension and 7*s begining I'm excited. That's just me. #MCOC #JonathanMarkConnolly

  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,175 ★★★★★
    edited September 2022
    The one thing I'm still curious about, how are we supposed to afford all these new ranks and levels not just for 7* but relics too? Are we going to start getting more gold than what we get now? I think even heavy arena grinders will start to feel a pinch at this point if they're upgrading both 7* and relics.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,466 Guardian
    Nimravus said:

    Sorry but Kabam had better retroactively give us the 7 shards for the duped 6 stars we have been getting nothing but iso for the last … years I mean seriously even 100 duped would only give you a 20 thousand shards which would probably give you one 7 star … kabam it’s the least you can do …

    They never have, and likely never will give out shards retroactively. Lots of reasons why, but completely separate from all of them this is not something that is tracked in a convenient way, so even attempting to do this would require a massive amount of log tracing. You aren't entitled to 7* shards before they exist. And the cost to give them to you would be prohibitively high even if they wanted to.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,466 Guardian

    there becomes a point when you have all the champs at a certain star level, and even have them all at max sig.

    There will always be a need in a game like this to keep having reasons to open champion crystals (better than just saying you want that champ... $200 or 10k units, and its yours... for top tier champs).

    Being able to "trade in" you R5 sig 200 champ for an unawakened 7 star might be interesting... but selling champs caused so many issues... trading them in long term will create other issues too.

    The law of unintended consequences would make that option really bad. Right now, the introduction of a new rarity tier comes with the relaxation of the limits on the prior tier. As 7s get added to the game, the ability to acquire, rank, and sig 6s will get easier over time. But *not* if 6s can turn into 7s. If 6s can turn into 7s, then 6s must remain just as hard to get and just as hard to rank up as 7s. Because 6s *are* 7s in this situation.

    There must be separation between the rarities, to allow for the game to move on. 7s become the new top of the chase, 6s become something less than that, and 5s drop even lower. This stepping down process relies upon the fact that 5s can't become 6s, and 6s can't become 7s. The game can give you more 6s, because they don't significantly impact the 7* chase. And *only* because they don't significantly impact the 7* chase.

    6s are no longer hard to get, hard to rank, or even hard to sig. That creates a vacuum that 7s must fill. If 6s can be upgraded to 7s, then even 7s will be easy to get, easy to rank, and easy to sig. This will instantly force 8s to enter the game to fill the vacuum that neither 6s nor 7s can fill.
  • VanitasVanitas Member Posts: 47
    I think they should not add previously released champ to 7 stars as they will make the 6 stars obsolete like they made 5 stars after releasing 6 stars
  • edited October 2022
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  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,175 ★★★★★
    Vanitas said:

    I think they should not add previously released champ to 7 stars as they will make the 6 stars obsolete like they made 5 stars after releasing 6 stars

    So your saying you never want to pull a doom or apocalypse stronger than a rank 5 6*?
  • Crine60Crine60 Member Posts: 1,447 ★★★★
    MCOC Team said:

    Greetings Summoners!
    You'll likely have a lot of questions, and we'll do our best to answer, but the information is still in development, so we might not have the answers right now, especially surrounding 7-Stars and Ascension.

    Read the Roadmap here!

    I don't think I've seen many, if any, replies from Mods to our many questions. I know it is now the weekend but you guys chose a mid-week info dump so are there any plans to actually address our questions/concerns/comments? It seems like most of the time you make posts for us to ask questions there is basically no engagement after a day or two and given the longer term nature of the timeframe for the content in this post it seems especially important that you actually stay engaged in this thread if you meant what you said about doing your best to answer our questions since you should have more info the more time that goes by but you are usually less likely to respond to things the more that time passes.
  • Panchulon21Panchulon21 Member Posts: 2,605 ★★★★★
    Nimravus said:

    Sorry but Kabam had better retroactively give us the 7 shards for the duped 6 stars we have been getting nothing but iso for the last … years I mean seriously even 100 duped would only give you a 20 thousand shards which would probably give you one 7 star … kabam it’s the least you can do …

    Lmao this might be the funniest thing I’ve seen here
  • ESFESF Member Posts: 2,084 ★★★★★
    Took some time to really think about it all.

    I will try to be brief:

    1. I truly have no interest in 7-stars. But I understand why they will come and hope others will enjoy that pursuit.

    2. I am very interested in Relics IF they allow for this kind of customization: Say I have OG Iron Man. The kit is likely never getting buffed. IF I can equip Relics that allow for me to reasonably say “I can use OG Iron Man in any of listed game mode and feel good about playing the kit because of how I have chosen to customize the character with Relics,” then I am totally along for the ride. But if the Relics can’t make the weakest characters fun and effective, then I simply don’t have interest. I know others might disagree, but I don’t want to make Corvus Glaive better with Relics. I want to make, IDK, OG Ms. Marvel better with Relics. See the difference?

    3. I think Ascension is a great idea and I would have significant interest in that aspect, if the mechanisms are reasonably achievable. If it’s something like 5,000,000 gold and 20 T5CCs and 15 T5Bs for one Limit Break…it’s crucial that the cost of the Limit Break feel “right.”

    In summary: I don’t have interest in 7-stars, but I can see where Relics and Ascensioj could be great. But I also think that if any of it is implemented poorly — such as insanely expensive resource costs, unit costs or cash pricing, it will be dead on arrival.

    We shall see. I hope Kabam plays the long game and understands that Relics and Ascension needs to be attainable and enjoyable for EVERYONE, as soon as they are implemented, or I do believe that’s gonna be the ballgame
  • norgonorgo Member Posts: 16
    I made up my mind to stop spending on this game once the 7* r released. Guess that time would come sooner than I expected
  • Crine60Crine60 Member Posts: 1,447 ★★★★
    ESF said:

    Took some time to really think about it all.
    We shall see. I hope Kabam plays the long game and understands that Relics and Ascension needs to be attainable and enjoyable for EVERYONE, as soon as they are implemented, or I do believe that’s gonna be the ballgame

    To your point about Relics and Ascension being attainable and available for everyone this part of their post is very concerning to me.

    I posted on Wednesday asking for clarification on the, "most active summoners" part but there has been no response. It sounded before like they were planning on locking Relics behind BG and cash (I could be wrong on how it will ultimately be implemented but that was my impression from their limited comments) and now this comment for Ascension sounds like it will be something difficult like top rank rewards from Arena or something that only the top spenders or people running bots can attain.
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