The difficulty increase is ridiculous



  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★
    That depends on what you call a positive change.
    We've already established that it's been overshot, so let's look past that. We have 2 separate arguments here. The fact that people can't breeze through on Auto, and the concern for newcomers.
    I think it's a valid concern that it needs to be at a level thar newer Players are going to cope with. So the bar needs to be reasonable. However, I also see the usefulness in making it somewhat more challenging in ways I've outlined. I think it's useful to have something for them to grow from, seeing as how Rosters are growing faster. What that looks like is up for debate, but on principle, the idea that it changes isn't something that should be stonewalled. The game has to evolve eventually.
    The second issue is of less consequence in my opinion. Letting people breeze through it on Auto isn't as much of a design priority as having the content accommodate the target Player audience.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★
    Oh, I get it. I run it myself. The point I'm making is I'm not running it because I depend on the Rewards to progress. I'd wager the majority of people with the same Auto issue are the same as well. It's something I run for spare Units and/or Hero Use/Event Completion. That's not exactly the top issue when addressing how challenging it is for people at that level. It's pretty secondary actually. That's a luxury issue.
  • ThomildoThomildo Member Posts: 551 ★★★
    As someone mentioned earlier, it feels similar to when they changed m6 so you would time out on path fights.
    Hopefully it gets adjusted. It’s a game, and for me it should be fun and relaxing. I usually explore the top difficulties, and i don’t mind having to read nodes. But the fights shouldn’t take forever to finish.
  • MoosetiptronicMoosetiptronic Member Posts: 2,166 ★★★★
    @""Kabam Jax" can you field whole teams of r4 and r3 of each class, plus at least 1 of the top 5 counters to the boss?

    If you can, then run, for example, 3.2 gate C, longshot path on both cav and TB. Using the exact same team, you'll notice something odd.

    It takes very similar amounts of hits and time on both TB and cav difficulty.

    I'm not sure that that should have been the intention? The paths, using say BWCV are faster and safer on TB than they are on cav.

    Something has definitely gone awry.
  • Glow_KingGlow_King Member Posts: 2
    I understand making new content and making it harder at least in the main "story" mode. What was done to the event quests and side quests are stupid and obscene. They made it so if you are a new player you can try and most likely fail or just burn units to do the side or event quests with no return because the rewards don't reflect the difficulty. I have 2 accounts both caviler with full 6* rosters now I know I'm far from the best at this game but they made it way way to hard for no reason. It took me years 5 to be exact to get the champs I need to get where I am just for kabam to do this that's messed up for us all. Add in all the control issues and it a recipe for a full K.O ed team. For example you do a successful perry it says so the sound goes off you go to attack the character you are fighting is not stunned like they should be you get your ass kicked and in 5 hits your dead like wtf kabam. If you put half the effort into fixing the game and listening to the community rater then making stupid profile pics this game would be better and you wouldn't be losing so many players and money.
  • Justin2524Justin2524 Member Posts: 1,626 ★★★★

    Yup, just did 100% TB EQ and pulled Iron Patriot. You really botched this, Kabam. My hit counts were 76- 200 which is not TB nor paragon but something much higher and some of the defender placement was plain cruel as mystics against Domino is what a stupid person trying to make people loose would do or give a bunch of furies but give the defender debuff immunity so you're back to hitting like a noodle. This kind of content is insulting as you know you're just trying to get units. You should be embarrassed that nobody tested the game first. The nodes were beyond paragon level for semi okay rewards. I'll never play it again if the rewards are that bad. What you should do, Kabam, is give new rewards for everyone who 100% as an apology to the community. I've completed all story quests in the game so I'm eligible to compare. Y'all are always asking for feedback this is my feedback. It also doesn't help the game is still broken and the AI acts nuts. Also there seems to be a problem with the defenders being rigged to stay at 1% health. I have over a dozen screenshots of this but hey, Iron patriot baby.

    Thanks for posting this. It’s made my decision NOT to do TB difficulty this month much easier.
  • DshuDshu Member Posts: 1,516 ★★★★

    ESF said:

    ESF said:

    If it

    ESF said:

    ESF said:

    ESF said:

    OK. I went into Uncollected EQ, Chapter 1. Here’s the team I took:

    Keep in mind, this is the Science Ascendancy quest — I am not getting the Attack boost. This is just me, just playing.

    Rhino lane, 5/50 Professor X, so I can get the Mutant/X-Men Special Attack boost:

    I lost Iceman to the Tigra, because of a dropped input. Just the truth. But it actually worked out OK because I could vulture another Persistent Charge for Professor X.

    Next up: Drax. Took him solo with Professor X, picking up another Persistent Charge, but I forgot the photo.

    Next up: Doctor Octopus, with, as you can see, a 3/30 Magneto:

    Seriously: What are we even talking about, here?

    Yes, it is more challenging. It is. About 80K-110K health pools.

    But you can literally clear it with 4-stars! I didn’t even have the Science Ascendancy attack boost going — I shudder to think what a Scorpion or IHulk or IBom would do with a 30 PERCENT ATTACK BOOST.

    Come on, people — I am not even a very good player. I have some skill and experience, but there are absolutely a ton of players who are better than me.

    What are we even talking about, here?

    You lost 60% health on a single fight against a Rhino and 20% on another one with Magneto against Doc Oc (#metal btw). Why don't you go fight the 25k Knull and 25k Sinister on UC 3.2 and see if you manage to even do those fights in one go each.
    More importantly, you think you're gonna take out a Zemo with a 200k health pool who crits through blocks, roots you just for hitting him and has protection with those champs and with that amount of health left? Don't even get me started on Absorbing Man's 210k health pool cause there ain't no way you're gonna outdamage his regen with those champs. You're right, what are we even talking about lmao you're delusional.
    So, i just want to try to understand this. Me beating the Doctor Octopus with a 3/30 Magneto doesn’t count?

    Are you saying that UC cannot be cleared with 4-stars? No boosts. That’s totally fine. I certainly wouldn’t burn my Revive stash on this.

    But I am just trying to make sure I understand what it is that you’re saying — you’re making the point that the five characters I grabbed couldn’t clear UC? Because that isn’t what I said.

    Are you saying that 4-stars cannot clear UC? Because that is what I said, and I would either be right or wrong about that, but you saying “those champs” when I clearly wasn’t saying that I would use those five characters is disingenuous

    Nope, what this means is that if you're losing 60% health per fight on the first quest from the EQ how exactly are you planning on clearing the rest of the path and the boss with no revives. Or even better, how are you planning on clearing the last chapter that has 23k-26k PI champs if you couldn't even beat a 13k one without losing any health? It's so easy according to you right? Lmao

    Yes, UC can't be cleared without revives and boosts, the last two chapters at least. First can be done if you're good but last two are absolutely impossible because of the nodes and the health pools.

    What you said? You literally said on that post that you can clear out the content with 4* even though the health pools are big, and before you pull the "I was being sarcastic" card you also told somebody else on this same thread to stop acting like the content can't be cleared with a developing roster. Furthermore, you sided with GroundedWisdom over here, someone who thinks the changes are fair and people need to "grow into them".
    Let’s find out, then — I am not the best player in the game. I wasn’t being sarcastic.

    Here’s the bet: Nothing but 4-stars.


    What I can do:
    I can use any 4-star.
    I can use health potions.

    What I can’t do:
    I cannot use revives.
    I cannot use boosts.

    The stakes:
    For you: Absolutely nothing. It will cost you nothing, if I can or can’t do it.

    For me: If I can do it? I get nothing. Nothing at all.

    If I can’t do it? I will close my Forum account. Won’t post here again.

    So now, we’ll see — and please don’t come on here if I do it and say “how do I know you did,” because again: It’s costing you NOTHING. I don’t cheat. I am a solo player. I have never said that I am an elite player.

    Either I can do it, or I can’t.

    So we’ll see.
    You had me until you said "I can use health potions". You lost 60% health against a 13k Rhino guy how many health potions you gonna use per path 5? If you do the math that's more than 100 health potions to 100% the entire EQ. Using a ton of health potions to clear content is not viable nor is it worth it considering health potions aren't exactly cheap (garbage ones that give 10% or 20% health are for obvious reasons useless). Not to mention, you obviously have a well developed roster and will probably have counters for a couple hard fights, someone who just hit UC will not, so whether you can 100% the EQ or not doesn't matter because the newer players still won't be able to pull it off which is the entire problem with EQ right now.

    The stakes: maybe you'll shut up and stop trying to argue against something that even Kabam Jax already acknowledged.

    You may not be a cheater but you certainly are a liar, or at the very least someone who back tracks a lot. So, if you "do it" (without using a gazillion health potions), I'm still not gonna believe it lol and I doubt anyone on these forums will.
    If it can’t be done like you said, then what are you worried about?

    It costs you nothing, either way
    It can be done with the right counters and taking the easiest paths. However, a player who doesn't have a developed roster will still not be able to do it because they won't have good counters, which is the entire problem here, you're so dense.
    So when people said “you can grow into the content,” what was incorrect about that?

    That’s literally how some of us had to learn how to play the game — nobody gave some of us 4-stars, let alone 5-stars and 6-stars. There was no Autofight.

    All I said was that UC could be cleared with 4-stars — which maybe I am wrong! You said it couldn’t be done! — but that doesn’t change the fact that there’s no law that anyone has to 100 percent every single piece of content every single minute of every single month.
    That the gap between a maxed out 4* and a maxed out 5* is huge you donut, and if they can't complete the EQ that "growing" is gonna be even slower.

    Right, cause back then there weren't 6 champ rarities, there were only 5 so they have to allow lower players to progress quicker. Increasing the difficulty by 10 is how you don't do that. I don't think you understand how online video games that constantly receive updates work, and it's concerning.

    Maybe not you, but UC players who are trying to get shards and materials (and obviously enjoy the game) have to be able to clear the EQ without having to spend 500 units on potions. You're so dense dude.
    You complain that it's not possible to do uncollected without health pots but having completed thronebreaker with only using 5 revives and around 20 health pots I would suggest you look at better rounding out your attack champs. Yes the health and attack pools are overturned but this sounds more like a poor me thread. Thronebreaker takes an average of 250-300 hits to drop an opponent. The nodes are much more punishing. The champ restrictions are much more limiting. You can easily die from chip damage and 1-2 combos from lag or dropped inputs. Its the equivalent of using 2 and 3*s in uncollected. Kabam Jax has already stated he is taking the tuning back to the game team. Use this eq as an opportunity to better your skills or learn new counters to opponents. Also another tip from a long term player energy is cheaper than pots and revives. Try different teams rather than just potting up and pushing through. Beyond that ignore this month's eq and focus on existing content to better your accounts champ options.
  • ChobblyChobbly Member Posts: 1,019 ★★★★
    Two things I'm noticing - there's a lot of different posters on this thread which is great to see and shows how widespread this issue is. The other is how most are putting their points across - in a calm, measured way with reasonable suggestions.

    The feedback here, and elsewhere, should hopefully be enough to convince those in charge of decisions on the Game team to restore the difficulty back down or at very least reduce it to a more manageable level, especially for those who do not yet have the widest of rosters.

    EQ and SQ are one of the aspects of MCOC that I enjoy the most. This month, less so because of the difficulty spike. Fingers crossed something can be done.
  • DshuDshu Member Posts: 1,516 ★★★★

    Maniek79 said:

    5 6* R3 knocked out on uncollected, yeah "slightly " tuned lol 😂 Ok, I'm not a guy that analysing nodes for half an hour before hit uncollected difficulty. I'm done this month with EQ.

    I totally agree that they overtuned it but I think you should be able to do it with that roster, I beat him with my 5
    Dshu said:

    ESF said:

    ESF said:

    If it

    ESF said:

    ESF said:

    ESF said:

    OK. I went into Uncollected EQ, Chapter 1. Here’s the team I took:

    Keep in mind, this is the Science Ascendancy quest — I am not getting the Attack boost. This is just me, just playing.

    Rhino lane, 5/50 Professor X, so I can get the Mutant/X-Men Special Attack boost:

    I lost Iceman to the Tigra, because of a dropped input. Just the truth. But it actually worked out OK because I could vulture another Persistent Charge for Professor X.

    Next up: Drax. Took him solo with Professor X, picking up another Persistent Charge, but I forgot the photo.

    Next up: Doctor Octopus, with, as you can see, a 3/30 Magneto:

    Seriously: What are we even talking about, here?

    Yes, it is more challenging. It is. About 80K-110K health pools.

    But you can literally clear it with 4-stars! I didn’t even have the Science Ascendancy attack boost going — I shudder to think what a Scorpion or IHulk or IBom would do with a 30 PERCENT ATTACK BOOST.

    Come on, people — I am not even a very good player. I have some skill and experience, but there are absolutely a ton of players who are better than me.

    What are we even talking about, here?

    You lost 60% health on a single fight against a Rhino and 20% on another one with Magneto against Doc Oc (#metal btw). Why don't you go fight the 25k Knull and 25k Sinister on UC 3.2 and see if you manage to even do those fights in one go each.
    More importantly, you think you're gonna take out a Zemo with a 200k health pool who crits through blocks, roots you just for hitting him and has protection with those champs and with that amount of health left? Don't even get me started on Absorbing Man's 210k health pool cause there ain't no way you're gonna outdamage his regen with those champs. You're right, what are we even talking about lmao you're delusional.
    So, i just want to try to understand this. Me beating the Doctor Octopus with a 3/30 Magneto doesn’t count?

    Are you saying that UC cannot be cleared with 4-stars? No boosts. That’s totally fine. I certainly wouldn’t burn my Revive stash on this.

    But I am just trying to make sure I understand what it is that you’re saying — you’re making the point that the five characters I grabbed couldn’t clear UC? Because that isn’t what I said.

    Are you saying that 4-stars cannot clear UC? Because that is what I said, and I would either be right or wrong about that, but you saying “those champs” when I clearly wasn’t saying that I would use those five characters is disingenuous

    Nope, what this means is that if you're losing 60% health per fight on the first quest from the EQ how exactly are you planning on clearing the rest of the path and the boss with no revives. Or even better, how are you planning on clearing the last chapter that has 23k-26k PI champs if you couldn't even beat a 13k one without losing any health? It's so easy according to you right? Lmao

    Yes, UC can't be cleared without revives and boosts, the last two chapters at least. First can be done if you're good but last two are absolutely impossible because of the nodes and the health pools.

    What you said? You literally said on that post that you can clear out the content with 4* even though the health pools are big, and before you pull the "I was being sarcastic" card you also told somebody else on this same thread to stop acting like the content can't be cleared with a developing roster. Furthermore, you sided with GroundedWisdom over here, someone who thinks the changes are fair and people need to "grow into them".
    Let’s find out, then — I am not the best player in the game. I wasn’t being sarcastic.

    Here’s the bet: Nothing but 4-stars.


    What I can do:
    I can use any 4-star.
    I can use health potions.

    What I can’t do:
    I cannot use revives.
    I cannot use boosts.

    The stakes:
    For you: Absolutely nothing. It will cost you nothing, if I can or can’t do it.

    For me: If I can do it? I get nothing. Nothing at all.

    If I can’t do it? I will close my Forum account. Won’t post here again.

    So now, we’ll see — and please don’t come on here if I do it and say “how do I know you did,” because again: It’s costing you NOTHING. I don’t cheat. I am a solo player. I have never said that I am an elite player.

    Either I can do it, or I can’t.

    So we’ll see.
    You had me until you said "I can use health potions". You lost 60% health against a 13k Rhino guy how many health potions you gonna use per path 5? If you do the math that's more than 100 health potions to 100% the entire EQ. Using a ton of health potions to clear content is not viable nor is it worth it considering health potions aren't exactly cheap (garbage ones that give 10% or 20% health are for obvious reasons useless). Not to mention, you obviously have a well developed roster and will probably have counters for a couple hard fights, someone who just hit UC will not, so whether you can 100% the EQ or not doesn't matter because the newer players still won't be able to pull it off which is the entire problem with EQ right now.

    The stakes: maybe you'll shut up and stop trying to argue against something that even Kabam Jax already acknowledged.

    You may not be a cheater but you certainly are a liar, or at the very least someone who back tracks a lot. So, if you "do it" (without using a gazillion health potions), I'm still not gonna believe it lol and I doubt anyone on these forums will.
    If it can’t be done like you said, then what are you worried about?

    It costs you nothing, either way
    It can be done with the right counters and taking the easiest paths. However, a player who doesn't have a developed roster will still not be able to do it because they won't have good counters, which is the entire problem here, you're so dense.
    So when people said “you can grow into the content,” what was incorrect about that?

    That’s literally how some of us had to learn how to play the game — nobody gave some of us 4-stars, let alone 5-stars and 6-stars. There was no Autofight.

    All I said was that UC could be cleared with 4-stars — which maybe I am wrong! You said it couldn’t be done! — but that doesn’t change the fact that there’s no law that anyone has to 100 percent every single piece of content every single minute of every single month.
    That the gap between a maxed out 4* and a maxed out 5* is huge you donut, and if they can't complete the EQ that "growing" is gonna be even slower.

    Right, cause back then there weren't 6 champ rarities, there were only 5 so they have to allow lower players to progress quicker. Increasing the difficulty by 10 is how you don't do that. I don't think you understand how online video games that constantly receive updates work, and it's concerning.

    Maybe not you, but UC players who are trying to get shards and materials (and obviously enjoy the game) have to be able to clear the EQ without having to spend 500 units on potions. You're so dense dude.
    You complain that it's not possible to do uncollected without health pots but having completed thronebreaker with only using 5 revives and around 20 health pots I would suggest you look at better rounding out your attack champs. Yes the health and attack pools are overturned but this sounds more like a poor me thread. Thronebreaker takes an average of 250-300 hits to drop an opponent. The nodes are much more punishing. The champ restrictions are much more limiting. You can easily die from chip damage and 1-2 combos from lag or dropped inputs. Its the equivalent of using 2 and 3*s in uncollected. Kabam Jax has already stated he is taking the tuning back to the game team. Use this eq as an opportunity to better your skills or learn new counters to opponents. Also another tip from a long term player energy is cheaper than pots and revives. Try different teams rather than just potting up and pushing through. Beyond that ignore this month's eq and focus on existing content to better your accounts champ options.
    It's not that it's not possible in general, you can do it without potions or revives with a full team of maxed out 5* and the right counters. It's the fact that most players achieve UC with 4* and you can't 100% EQ with maxed out 4* unless you spend 500 units on health potions and revives which is ridiculous.

    There's no poor me threads here, Kabam Jax already said the difficulties were indeed overtuned, why are you big brains still trying to argue against that? Lol.

    Are you even reading what you're typing? You're talking as if every UC player had a developed roster with a ton of counters like you. Your entire argument of UsE BeTtEr AtTacK cHaMpS is a very selfish argument, get well soon.
    Do you even read the posts yourself? Thronebreaker difficulty was much more punishing than uncollected. People doing this aren't using maxed out rank 4 or 5 6*s. Most are doing it with 5*s rank 4/5 or 6*s rank 2/3 if lucky and these aren't maxed sig champs. You say it can't be done without spending units. It can if you stop crying and look to counters outside of the God tier champs you probably have ranked. By your logic master will require maxed out 6*s and cavalier/Thronebreaker will just be impossible without massive spending. Yes I admit the difficulty increase sucks d****. All I'm saying is stop crying about it and try thinking outside the box. Look at 3/4* counters and try intercept/evade over blocking every opponent. Ask for some help with counters rather than crying it can't be done. Outside of that just skip it and work on Content more in line with your skill.
  • TesladonTesladon Member Posts: 351 ★★
    I hope they change the UC and down difficulty back to what it was. But if this isn’t possible, at least scrap the relic system. Swing and a miss. Especially the relic “rewards” in EQ. No one asked, no one like.
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