Introducing: Alliance Wars Persistent Placement



  • NeinoIIINeinoIII Member Posts: 64

    The selected bg number is 1bg but it say 3bg , what's the problem

    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Jax any update on how this will work? We've been seeing the same issue when setting 2 bgs. It shows 2 and when we move away it goes back to 3 bgs

  • FunnyDudeFunnyDude Member Posts: 592 ★★★★
    Where is the attacking phase? this was is just like this and no clarification?
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,782 Guardian
    zuffy said:

    The more I read and understand this new placement format, it completely screw any alliances that don’t do 3 BGs wars. It was so simple before. Anyone want to join war, place your champs. Now you have to worry if a player that join in war 1 will be available or want to join the next war.


    Add a “NEXT WAR ONLY” button (or conversely, a “PERSISTENT” button, although that word may not be typically understood by everyone, especially if you have to translate that into other languages, thus maybe the NEXT WAR ONLY which would be more clearly understood), which would let someone say whether their Defenders they are about to place would be just for next war, or would continue for all future wars unless changed.

    @NeinoIII , above would address your concern if they implemented that.
    Doesn’t prevent someone from saying “Persistent” though and then going away for a week.
    **Thus another SUGGESTION, that Leadership should be given the ability to CHANGE members assigned to which BG's, or REMOVE them from a BG, etc.
    Also Leadership needs to be able to place defenders onto map for defenders “joined” but not “placed” by people. Especially since 3 different options of Map Tier Difficulty possibilities, and people may only do that for 1 of them.
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,782 Guardian
    As for “WAR ROOM” tab being inconsistent when saying 3 BG's on top line, but only 1 or 2 BG's on line below that…
    That has ALWAYS been an issue before (had gotten better, but still often times was inconsistent).
  • Shadow_ShooterShadow_Shooter Member Posts: 509 ★★★
    edited July 2023
    If Summoners make changes to their masteries during the Attack Phase, they will need to take care to adjust their defensively-focused masteries prior to the conclusion of the next matchmaking period to ensure they are implemented in their defensive placement.

    After all that yada…
    Kabam, you’ve just bombed the alliance war. Well done. Why are you trying so hard to lose customers? Stop being too smart, be efficient instead. Please.
  • LeanbisonLeanbison Member Posts: 130 ★★
    Setting masteries during the 4 hour matchmaking is a problem. Although it’s refreshing to see the company hasn’t lost the “let them eat cake” mentality, It would be nice for once if you could behave with an attitude of abundance. Stop acting like you are broke and digging through my couch cushions for change.
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  • pseudosanepseudosane Member, Guardian Posts: 4,069 Guardian

    Just introduce defense mastery loadouts for war that can be locked for war defense (with fixed masteries) and not affect anything else, the way it works in BG defense

    Make them cost 1000-2000 units, those who need them will get them. It’ll save a lot of trouble for officers and members in competitive alliances

    If the idea of the new setup was “place and forget”, it’s not even remotely that at this point. With locked masteries it would be possible

    this is something i agree with
  • FisefarFisefar Member Posts: 86
    Maybe one new thread to adress the lack of attack. Needed these wars to get some loyalty 😢
  • FlushFlush Member Posts: 121
    has anyone else placement be running since Tuesday, our war been in placement since then no clue what's going on with war, members said they placed, game showing they haven't, been no response from kabam and this mess with aw, I taught attack Phase be up by now
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,782 Guardian
    Flush said:

    has anyone else placement be running since Tuesday, our war been in placement since then no clue what's going on with war, members said they placed, game showing they haven't, been no response from kabam and this mess with aw, I taught attack Phase be up by now

    Attack phase didn’t start. Hopefully just that war and hopefully matchmaking+attack will start for today's one.

    As for placing or not, could be that some ppl placed but ONLY for the - or + 1 Tier Map level (not the CURRENT Tier Map).

    Looking at summary BG roster from 3-BG main panel screens only shows if joined (or placed) for the CURRENT TIER. You would have to go in and Spectate that BG to be able to switch viewing to the +/- Tier Map views and see if they happened to place defenders in those instead.
  • BloodyCrueltyBloodyCruelty Member Posts: 260 ★★
    Nice that this is also bugged thank you kabam
  • DeaconDeacon Member Posts: 4,333 ★★★★★
    there is eventually a war in this alliance war?
  • FlushFlush Member Posts: 121
    Attack phase didn’t start. Hopefully just that war and hopefully matchmaking+attack will start for today's one.

    As for placing or not, could be that some ppl placed but ONLY for the - or + 1 Tier Map level (not the CURRENT Tier Map).

    Looking at summary BG roster from 3-BG main panel screens only shows if joined (or placed) for the CURRENT TIER. You would have to go in and Spectate that BG to be able to switch viewing to the +/- Tier Map views and see if they happened to place defenders in those instead.

    still no war attack after placement timer ran down and anyone who has placed there champs are locked into aw last few days now because this issue, placement ended last night, woke up this morning thinking be attack Phase but nope, War is broken
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,782 Guardian
    Flush said:

    still no war attack after placement timer ran down and anyone who has placed there champs are locked into aw last few days now because this issue, placement ended last night, woke up this morning thinking be attack Phase but nope, War is broken

    See new highlighted banner at top of forums.
    AW matchmaking has been disabled until further notice (because it wasn’t working and starting attacks).

    But, as of this month's update, AW defenders are NOT LOCKED out from other content anymore.
    You can use them elsewhere.
  • ValrozValroz Member Posts: 218 ★★★
    edited July 2023
    Here's a suggestion for those of us who don't have a Degree in Rocket Science to understand this new placement system:

    1. Do the usual defender placement of how it's usually done (meaning put the defenders like always).
    2. Next AW, MCOC AW AI system will automatically place the same defenders where they were placed in the previous AW. (Leader or officer can change if they so want to, and whatever new changes are made, this configuration will be saved and be used for the next AW).
    3. Rinse and repeat until the end of the season.
    4. If an alliance member leaves, his defenders will be automatically deleted from AW AI system and whoever is replacing him will put his defenders which will then be saved into the BG's defender's configuration. If nobody replaces him, the nodes his defenders are on will be left blank automatically.

    I don't know why something this simple can't be integrated. Why all the unnecessary complexity?
  • Dude17Dude17 Member Posts: 133 ★★
    AW Persistent Placement is a good idea but we need some tweaks please:

    1. Auto-placement option for players
    2. Auto-sort option for leaders and officers, so you can move players to different bgs or consolidate in case you aren’t running 3bgs
    2. Option for leaders to disable persistent placement for their alliance
    3. Mastery loadouts, like we have in BG
  • BayouemBayouem Member Posts: 99
    You disabled matchmaking but champs that were placed on defense are locked into defense. If war is going to be down is there anyway we could have our champs back lol?
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