So how exactly are they going to fix this mess?



  • ChobblyChobbly Member Posts: 937 ★★★★

    Chobbly said:

    Next time an exploit happens. Do it.
    The point of the thread!!

    Ask yourself this: would you rather a Dev be fixing exploits, or working on Ascencion/Champion Buffs/Masteries 2.0/insert feature here?
    I, personally, would rather they just not push the exploit into the live game. I don't blame the devs for making a mistake, but I don't think presenting Kabam as the victim of immoral exploiters represents the situation very well.
    And so would I. But it happened.

    This mistake was on Kabam's side and probably just someone putting the value in the wrong box, forgetting to declare that it was shards not crystals, whatever. Someone probably got a disciplinary or at worst needs to find a new job over this. The fact that the mistake happened was with Kabam.

    How Kabam deal with it, and I would argue a strong case for some form of acknowledgement or compensation if the accounts that benefited cannot be rolled back fully, is with them.

    How we as a community respond to it, from our different and limited perspective, that's on us.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,505 ★★★★★

    Don't presume to tell me what I care and what I don't care about. You're expecting perfection from a situation that is already less than ideal, sparing no expense. That's not always reasonable.
    I don't think they should have gotten them. Since we're already here, should or shouldn't is irrelevant.
    When you're doing damage control, you have to be accurate, but you also have to weigh time and effort against overall effects. Not just personal feelings on what's fair and what isn't.
    Everyone seems to have the perfect answer, but very few people are aware of the actual work that has to go into that, and the internal resources you have to allocate to do it. To what extent is that a priority? That's a valid question in these things.
    It's not that I don't care if they keep them or not. It's that I'm not personally offended by it. I can see they weren't meant to have them. I'm just not pushing for Kabam to execute what I think is best.
    People talk about these things in such absolutes. Right and wrong. Success and failure. There are more layers to things than that. Especially when something as complex as this comes into play.
    No one said I don't care. I care about the health of the game more than I need to justify here. I also care about what actually has an overall effect and not just what I expect. I'd much rather them deal with what has the most significant impact and move on to other things than overcomplicate an already precarious situation just because "they messed up". We've already established that.

    The situation wouldn't be half as bad if they'd frozen all accounts the next day like some people (including myself) suggested instead of waiting two whole weeks. Now they ruined war matchmaking and left Cav players with a bunch of 7* and 6* on their accounts because of it.

    What about internal resources? Nobody here suggested they fix the issue through a different method, all we suggested was that they fixed the issue the same way they fixed it just not two weeks later after people completed a bunch of content with the 6* and 7* they got.

    Good for you, your feelings and whether you're offended or not don't really change the fact that those extra 7* and 6* make a difference though, it's not fair.

    You don't realize how a single 7* can change a Cav account? Months of progress in two weeks just like that, that obviously has an impact on the game.
    Overall? Depends on how many, where they're at, a number of things. I've seen Cav Accounts with multiple R4s the last 2 BG Seasons.
    You're talking about 2 things there. Making a difference, and "it's not fair".
  • Bugmat78Bugmat78 Member Posts: 2,362 ★★★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    People who want kabam to remove everything they earned after the exploit, it's the same as banning them right after the exploit, then why didn't those bans issued? People could have earned some rewards regardless of exploiting so taking that too is not punishing them, it's injustice.


    Are you saying that when someone steals stuff, punishment is when you take that stuff back, and costing them more than what they stole is an injustice?

    Before anyone says it, I'm not equating the exploit to theft directly, I'm using a convenient example of where someone gains something through acts that are prohibited, and questioning how the line between punishment and injustice is the point of their ill-gotten gains. If someone takes something they shouldn't have taken and then that's taken back, that's not punishment at all - that's restitution. Punishment is where you end up worse of than when you started, not when you end up exactly where you started.

    If the only consequence of taking things you shouldn't take is that someone takes them back, then taking things you shouldn't take is a risk-free behavior. It is all upside and no downside. That sends the wrong message.
    Fully agree.

    However taking in the other one if this thread - the benefits of getting all those champs, iso, gold and shards, then having 2 weeks to use them before the accounts were suspended implies to me the effects cannot be undone fully.

    Taking the champs, sure but other things like story progress, tokens, and of course the direct impact on other players in versus modes (aq, arena placement, bg placement etc). I don't see any of that being corrected properly
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,505 ★★★★★

    Don't presume to tell me what I care and what I don't care about. You're expecting perfection from a situation that is already less than ideal, sparing no expense. That's not always reasonable.
    I don't think they should have gotten them. Since we're already here, should or shouldn't is irrelevant.
    When you're doing damage control, you have to be accurate, but you also have to weigh time and effort against overall effects. Not just personal feelings on what's fair and what isn't.
    Everyone seems to have the perfect answer, but very few people are aware of the actual work that has to go into that, and the internal resources you have to allocate to do it. To what extent is that a priority? That's a valid question in these things.
    It's not that I don't care if they keep them or not. It's that I'm not personally offended by it. I can see they weren't meant to have them. I'm just not pushing for Kabam to execute what I think is best.
    People talk about these things in such absolutes. Right and wrong. Success and failure. There are more layers to things than that. Especially when something as complex as this comes into play.
    No one said I don't care. I care about the health of the game more than I need to justify here. I also care about what actually has an overall effect and not just what I expect. I'd much rather them deal with what has the most significant impact and move on to other things than overcomplicate an already precarious situation just because "they messed up". We've already established that.

    The situation wouldn't be half as bad if they'd frozen all accounts the next day like some people (including myself) suggested instead of waiting two whole weeks. Now they ruined war matchmaking and left Cav players with a bunch of 7* and 6* on their accounts because of it.

    What about internal resources? Nobody here suggested they fix the issue through a different method, all we suggested was that they fixed the issue the same way they fixed it just not two weeks later after people completed a bunch of content with the 6* and 7* they got.

    Good for you, your feelings and whether you're offended or not don't really change the fact that those extra 7* and 6* make a difference though, it's not fair.

    You don't realize how a single 7* can change a Cav account? Months of progress in two weeks just like that, that obviously has an impact on the game.
    Overall? Depends on how many, where they're at, a number of things. I've seen Cav Accounts with multiple R4s the last 2 BG Seasons.
    You're talking about 2 things there. Making a difference, and "it's not fair".
    Whether they have r4s or not (which most Cavs don't) doesn't change the fact some people now have a free 7* for using an exploit while the people who didn't well, they have nothing (yes, I am asking for compensation now if they're going to let some of these accounts get away with it). If you don't care about fairness good for you, most of us do.
    Apparently you're missing the point of what I'm saying. This isn't Oprah. It's not about making sure everyone gets a car. It's about resolving the issue to the best of their ability, given constraints.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,505 ★★★★★
    edited July 2023

    Don't presume to tell me what I care and what I don't care about. You're expecting perfection from a situation that is already less than ideal, sparing no expense. That's not always reasonable.
    I don't think they should have gotten them. Since we're already here, should or shouldn't is irrelevant.
    When you're doing damage control, you have to be accurate, but you also have to weigh time and effort against overall effects. Not just personal feelings on what's fair and what isn't.
    Everyone seems to have the perfect answer, but very few people are aware of the actual work that has to go into that, and the internal resources you have to allocate to do it. To what extent is that a priority? That's a valid question in these things.
    It's not that I don't care if they keep them or not. It's that I'm not personally offended by it. I can see they weren't meant to have them. I'm just not pushing for Kabam to execute what I think is best.
    People talk about these things in such absolutes. Right and wrong. Success and failure. There are more layers to things than that. Especially when something as complex as this comes into play.
    No one said I don't care. I care about the health of the game more than I need to justify here. I also care about what actually has an overall effect and not just what I expect. I'd much rather them deal with what has the most significant impact and move on to other things than overcomplicate an already precarious situation just because "they messed up". We've already established that.

    The situation wouldn't be half as bad if they'd frozen all accounts the next day like some people (including myself) suggested instead of waiting two whole weeks. Now they ruined war matchmaking and left Cav players with a bunch of 7* and 6* on their accounts because of it.

    What about internal resources? Nobody here suggested they fix the issue through a different method, all we suggested was that they fixed the issue the same way they fixed it just not two weeks later after people completed a bunch of content with the 6* and 7* they got.

    Good for you, your feelings and whether you're offended or not don't really change the fact that those extra 7* and 6* make a difference though, it's not fair.

    You don't realize how a single 7* can change a Cav account? Months of progress in two weeks just like that, that obviously has an impact on the game.
    Overall? Depends on how many, where they're at, a number of things. I've seen Cav Accounts with multiple R4s the last 2 BG Seasons.
    You're talking about 2 things there. Making a difference, and "it's not fair".
    Whether they have r4s or not (which most Cavs don't) doesn't change the fact some people now have a free 7* for using an exploit while the people who didn't well, they have nothing (yes, I am asking for compensation now if they're going to let some of these accounts get away with it). If you don't care about fairness good for you, most of us do.
    Apparently you're missing the point of what I'm saying. This isn't Oprah. It's not about making sure everyone gets a car. It's about resolving the issue to the best of their ability, given constraints.
    It definitely is about making sure everyone either gets a car or nobody does, hence the compensation for the SQ bug this month, problem is they couldn't give out 1250 mythic crystals to everyone for obvious reasons.

    You think this is the best they could do? Oh please stop sucking up to them for once will ya? You're always trying to justify every single thing they do, and go against what the community says and wants regardless of it being right or wrong.
    See now, that's the problem with these things. Something happens once, and people expect it everytime.
    That's not the standard outcome, and that's the first time I've ever seen them hand out Compensation for not exploiting something.
    This whole best they can do scenario is really moot. They did the best they could given the circumstances, for whatever reason. We don't know what was going on with their side. You can pass judgment all you want, but there's more going on that we can't see.
    That whole perspective is a losing game. Many things could be done differently.
  • GvnxGvnx Member Posts: 7

    Gvnx said:

    Now can yall stop with this? Guys we should not abuse any future bug, Lets just forget this and leave all these jealous feelings im reading from most of yall, i didnt exploited so im not being biased but most of yall looking hella toxics, just stop It and move on guys

    Lol I don't see how any of this is being "toxic", they said they were going to fix the problem they created, they didn't, so yes everyone can talk about the issue as much as they want. If you don't care that a bunch of Cav accounts are keeping the 7* they got fair enough, some of us do care and will continue to discuss the issue until everything is removed from those accounts as it should've been. If they're not fully removed then personally I will be abusing every single exploit I come across from now on 😀
    Lol so you fr think that just by crying on a forum they will change anything? If any other action is taken will be all on a kabam, not a kid being mad about a cav player kept something, this Is simple as move on, if you want to abuse from a bug just do it who cares, kabam Is prob taking harder actions on any future bug so up to you
  • I_tell_no_tales_1I_tell_no_tales_1 Member Posts: 1,198 ★★★★
    Chobbly said:

    Next time an exploit happens. Do it.
    The point of the thread!!

    No, don't.

    All it does is create bad feeling here, a headache for the unfortunate developer who has to sort it out, a hornet's nest for the mods and takes away resource that could be doing something way more constructive with the game.

    Ask yourself this: would you rather a Dev be fixing exploits, or working on Ascencion/Champion Buffs/Masteries 2.0/insert feature here?
    Kabam probably has a different team for tackling exploits, modders and bugs so we are in the safe there...
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,403 ★★★★★
    Coppin said:

    It would be so much easier to just ban those accounts.. feels like all the work and money I put into this game..all the units I used during the 7* Paragon event were completely pointless when you see Cav accounts benefit from this stupid bug...

    At this point yes, that is the only solution that would fix the issue 100% cause even if they went for a second temporary ban wave and removed what's left, a lot of these Cav players already made the jump to TB and covered other content these past two weeks and I doubt Kabam can roll back any of that.
    It is frustrating seeing Cavs with 7* when most of us had to grind for those shards, I agree.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,505 ★★★★★

    Don't presume to tell me what I care and what I don't care about. You're expecting perfection from a situation that is already less than ideal, sparing no expense. That's not always reasonable.
    I don't think they should have gotten them. Since we're already here, should or shouldn't is irrelevant.
    When you're doing damage control, you have to be accurate, but you also have to weigh time and effort against overall effects. Not just personal feelings on what's fair and what isn't.
    Everyone seems to have the perfect answer, but very few people are aware of the actual work that has to go into that, and the internal resources you have to allocate to do it. To what extent is that a priority? That's a valid question in these things.
    It's not that I don't care if they keep them or not. It's that I'm not personally offended by it. I can see they weren't meant to have them. I'm just not pushing for Kabam to execute what I think is best.
    People talk about these things in such absolutes. Right and wrong. Success and failure. There are more layers to things than that. Especially when something as complex as this comes into play.
    No one said I don't care. I care about the health of the game more than I need to justify here. I also care about what actually has an overall effect and not just what I expect. I'd much rather them deal with what has the most significant impact and move on to other things than overcomplicate an already precarious situation just because "they messed up". We've already established that.

    The less than ideal condition was due to their mess up, so don't blame the community for it. They should remove the 7*s as not removing them will only incite players to exploit future bugs and it will eventually become a norm.
    Also, these 7*s and 6*s are also gonna push legit Cav,thronebreaker and paragon players down or atleast halt their progression to some extent in BG next season.
    Also, how do you manage to blame the community and say that they are in the wrong in every single post which points out a mistake made by Kabam?
    (Genuine question, no disrespect)
    The community isn't responsible for the bug. What the community is responsible for is their actions due to the bug. No question. The community is also responsible for being fixated on what they're doing to everyone else's Accounts.
  • Drago_von_DragoDrago_von_Drago Member Posts: 802 ★★★★

    I've yet to really see a compelling argument against banning the exploiters beyond "Well, Kabam said they wouldn't".

    Do you mean a temporary 7-day ban or permanently ban the account and make them start over?
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,505 ★★★★★
    edited July 2023

    I've yet to really see a compelling argument against banning the exploiters beyond "Well, Kabam said they wouldn't".

    I don't believe anyone is arguing against that. Not that I've seen. That certainly wasn't my point. I said I originally thought that was going to be the outcome. Kabam themselves decided not to. After the amount of work they've already put into removing things, I'd say that's a done deal.
This discussion has been closed.