So how exactly are they going to fix this mess?



  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,560 ★★★★★
    Fryday said:

    Just checked this person's profile again, he lost the Storm dupe and his Sasquatch, in case anyone was wondering.

    That is interesting to know.

    Another question is, did this person have that profile pic before they open all of those Mythic crystals?

    I.e: Did they already had 5 or more 7* Champ and completed the Shooting Star Quest. Or were they able to do so after the exploit?

    Because if they did it aftet then it is clear that they will still able to benefit from the exploit.
    As I stated previously no they weren't even TB before the exploit. That's the main reason I made this post, this person went from Cav to TB and now even did the shooting stars quest thanks to the champs he got from the mythic crystals.
  • MrSakuragiMrSakuragi Member Posts: 6,089 ★★★★★
    Fryday said:

    Just checked this person's profile again, he lost the Storm dupe and his Sasquatch, in case anyone was wondering.

    That is interesting to know.

    Another question is, did this person have that profile pic before they open all of those Mythic crystals?

    I.e: Did they already had 5 or more 7* Champ and completed the Shooting Star Quest. Or were they able to do so after the exploit?

    Because if they did it aftet then it is clear that they will still able to benefit from the exploit.
    That profile pic is from completion, where you can do 1 path without any 7*.
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,560 ★★★★★
    2M rating down to 1.2M now, all his ranked up 6* have been removed. Still has TB title and shooting stars profile pic though which means so far, they haven't really done anything about game progress.

  • FrydayFryday Member Posts: 1,334 ★★★★

    2M rating down to 1.2M now, all his ranked up 6* have been removed. Still has TB title and shooting stars profile pic though which means so far, they haven't really done anything about game progress.

    Thanks for the insight.

    Umm well based on that it is really not a great or balance resolution all the players then.

    As players that exploited this bug, have made and kept some of those benefits, including solo contents, BG progress and Arena grind.

    Are Kabam planning or able to remove those benefits and if not is Kabam planning to do something for those players that didn't exploited the bugs?

    As right now seem abut unbalanced.
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,560 ★★★★★
    Fryday said:

    2M rating down to 1.2M now, all his ranked up 6* have been removed. Still has TB title and shooting stars profile pic though which means so far, they haven't really done anything about game progress.

    Thanks for the insight.

    Umm well based on that it is really not a great or balance resolution all the players then.

    As players that exploited this bug, have made and kept some of those benefits, including solo contents, BG progress and Arena grind.

    Are Kabam planning or able to remove those benefits and if not is Kabam planning to do something for those players that didn't exploited the bugs?

    As right now seem abut unbalanced.
    We'll have to wait and see, so far he still has his 5* at max sig so they're not done yet. Maybe they'll remove his progress after all his champs are removed we'll have to see.

    As for compensation for those who didn't use the exploit hard disagree. The ones that did are already going to lose all the champs they got thanks to the mythic crystals and the shards from the dupes, and while them keeping all the progress they made with those champs wouldn't sit well with me, compensation wouldn't sit well with me either. I could see Kabam maybe sending out a package with iso and gold maybe and I'd be fine with that but anything more than that I'm completely against.
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,560 ★★★★★
    Here's another one I just found on global bragging about it lol.

  • GinjabredMonstaGinjabredMonsta Member, Guardian Posts: 6,494 Guardian
    Polygon said:

    I’m pissed that people could have used these new champs to gain more points in the BG event and jump people who were playing fairly. I’d hate to lose out on higher rank rewards because of this exploit.

    I wouldn't get too worried. It's unlikely most of them had enough resources to do anything with the champs.
    Were you trying to farm disagrees here? Its not that hard to get iso even at lower levels? I dont even get what you’re saying or how this can be remotely true??? It’s a 7* for an early roster, ofcourse its going to make a difference
    The weakly iso and gold drought posts would say differently
  • DrZola said:

    DrZola said:

    DNA3000 said:

    DNA3000 said:

    I highly doubt it's going to encourage people to take advantage of exploits.
    I'm not usually this crass on here, but they'd be idiots if they did.
    People are lucky there wasn't a ban this time. I've seen it happen before.

    You seem to be forgetting we're only here now because a bunch of players decided that the risk associated with exploiting a problem like this was worth it and they were apparently right. Unless there are negative consequences, why should they believe anything different for the next one?
    We're only here now because employees decided double checking the product they developed wasn't worth the time, effort or the money. Yes, it would be beneficial to put the fear of God into the gamers, but it would be more beneficial to remind Kabam of what happens when their quality control measures stop controlling the quality.
    The employee who made that mistake is responsible to their employer. The players who made the mistake of exploiting that error are responsible to the operators of the game. There is no equivalency or transactional trade off here. There's no "well Kabam messed up first, so we get to do whatever we want and it will still be their fault." Kabam is not accountable to the players who exploited the bug. Players who exploited the bug are not doing the game a favor by disciplining the game developers. They acted out of self interest, and deserve to be treated as people who acted out of self interest.
    I agree that punishment—real punishment—is needed. But as I commented above, despite the posturing we’ve seen, I don’t think it’s coming. Sure, some resources will get removed, but not everything, and the calculus for most players who hunt for exploits like this one will remain the same. The cow is out of the gate (or choose your favorite euphemism), full correction is too difficult and time-consuming and the game must go on.

    In my opinion, so many aspects of the game haven’t felt tight or well-tested for a while. This was probably bound to happen. I’m more concerned with what happens next and whether we see more attention to detail on our end as players.
    The fact is, as long as exploits exist at the volume that they currently do, there will always be players who will jump to take advantage of that. It doesn't matter what the punishment is, they'll just do it. Kabam can't afford to waste employee hours punishing players every time this clearly broken system fails. Four exploits created this month alone, all to varying degrees. Then the fix failed to completely reverse the damage done and created more damage, causing AW to be shut down yet again.

    It's the responsibility of the player to make the decision to exploit and deal with the consequences. It's the responsibility of Kabam to never give them the opportunity. All of this mess is on them. I hope they'll finally take this as opportunity to learn, but as any veteran will tell you, we've seen worse. They clearly didn't learn then, it'll take a whole lot for them to start now.
    I don’t have a ton of sympathy for the team on this one. Not a developer, but it’s hard for me to comprehend the level of disconnect required to miss an error that confuses 1,250 crystals with 1,250 shards.
    I honestly can't even blame the devs. There are so many reasons that issues like these can happen, but there are supposed to be preventative measures even further than the original development work. Either Kabam hasn't yet realized how much better off they'd be hiring people to test this stuff or whoever's in charge of budgeting that department just doesn't care.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,991 ★★★★★
    Listen, I appreciate the sentiment, but as I said. Sometimes you have to leave well-enough alone. There's been a great deal of talk about what they're going to do or not do, what they did and didn't do, and what that could mean for the future.
    We can make suggestions and have discussions, but I think it's best to leave the punitive actions up to them.
    If anyone sees this as license to cheat, they're asking for whatever comes.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,991 ★★★★★
    Don't presume to tell me what I care and what I don't care about. You're expecting perfection from a situation that is already less than ideal, sparing no expense. That's not always reasonable.
    I don't think they should have gotten them. Since we're already here, should or shouldn't is irrelevant.
    When you're doing damage control, you have to be accurate, but you also have to weigh time and effort against overall effects. Not just personal feelings on what's fair and what isn't.
    Everyone seems to have the perfect answer, but very few people are aware of the actual work that has to go into that, and the internal resources you have to allocate to do it. To what extent is that a priority? That's a valid question in these things.
    It's not that I don't care if they keep them or not. It's that I'm not personally offended by it. I can see they weren't meant to have them. I'm just not pushing for Kabam to execute what I think is best.
    People talk about these things in such absolutes. Right and wrong. Success and failure. There are more layers to things than that. Especially when something as complex as this comes into play.
    No one said I don't care. I care about the health of the game more than I need to justify here. I also care about what actually has an overall effect and not just what I expect. I'd much rather them deal with what has the most significant impact and move on to other things than overcomplicate an already precarious situation just because "they messed up". We've already established that.
  • smdam38smdam38 Member Posts: 1,882 ★★★★
    They’ll do the best they can but this is pretty much unfixable short of the ban hammer which shouldn’t happen.
  • ChobblyChobbly Member Posts: 1,022 ★★★★

    Next time an exploit happens. Do it.
    The point of the thread!!

    No, don't.

    All it does is create bad feeling here, a headache for the unfortunate developer who has to sort it out, a hornet's nest for the mods and takes away resource that could be doing something way more constructive with the game.

    Ask yourself this: would you rather a Dev be fixing exploits, or working on Ascencion/Champion Buffs/Masteries 2.0/insert feature here?
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