Announcing Act 5 Chapter 4: Cornerstone



  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★
    Dhruvg wrote: »
    Instead of giving 5* ag on completion of act 5.4 can you please do it on completion of act 5 , that would be good for a lot of us.

    So instead of getting an AG at the end of act 5, you want one at the end of act 5?

    Yeah GG mate shows you pay attention.
  • TBJ1118TBJ1118 Member Posts: 228
    190396 wrote: »
    One mant 6*crystal shards do we need to make one 6*crystal ??

    It’s been said like a hundred times. 10000
  • MaXavierMaXavier Member Posts: 6
    final boss is gonna be the grandmaster's newest side kick _Mephisto_
    With all the money flushing abilities
    good luck people
  • MaXavierMaXavier Member Posts: 6
    edited November 2017
    But great rewards tho
  • AcanthusAcanthus Member Posts: 447 ★★★
    Sha59 wrote: »
    xNig wrote: »
    Sha59 wrote: »
    Kabam DK wrote: »
    Simple question
    Why a time attack method for legends?
    This is totally unfair, and i explain why
    People will have a lot of time to gather info, wait the last 2 days of the eligible period to submit the time... And in this case all is down to **** RNG system based on the luck with the 5* pulls, and is total unfair
    The right way for a legend run in a hard and competitive event like this, is to do it "first to complete first to get it" order
    Because that's is the meaning to risk everything and go immediately into a rush for 100% of it without have any info, like was for Act4 and for LoL

    Please, i'm asking to you all team and community, give me your feedback and start a discussion about this, maybe with a dedicated thread for the legend run method

    Thanks for your time

    This has been mentioned by others, but the main reason is that it isn't a level playing field for anyone who has a day job where they can't take time off work, or lives in a time zone that doesn't line up with our specific release times (usually 10 AM Vancouver time). That's pretty rough for someone who lives in China where it would be around 2 in the morning...

    This way, people have time to set aside a chunk of time and really invest in a legends run, instead of just giving up before they tried because they had to work that day.

    And yet you give over a month and a half?

    I completely understand your logic, but its ridiculous sorry, it should have to be started within 24 hours to apply for the legends badge.

    All you are going to get now is the same 10 people, who will get paid to merc 10 different accounts in the top 100.

    Thus not benefiting the actual players atall.

    Yet another reason why i have retried but you guys are completely clueless on how to manage a game of this kind.

    What are you still doing on the forums if you have retired?

    What are you doing on the forum instead of grinding and working on your account?

    Does it really matter?

    How much did you sell your account for? Wink wink
  • RotmgmoddyRotmgmoddy Member Posts: 916 ★★★
    Haji_Saab wrote: »
    The camera lock does nothing but annoy the players.

    The camera is locked in labyrinth but that only achieves one thing i.e. me going into my photos folder and look at the maps... nothing else. There is no surprise, there is no sense of exploration.

    This is kind of the same thing as hiding identity of opponents in AQ. No one goes "Oh I can't wait to see who is that science guy just before Dormammu in map 5" ... everyone knows its YJ ... Same with Labyrinth. Same is going to happen with this in literally 2 days of release.

    The annoyance is exacerbated by the fact that the game is shut down if you go in and out of it since iOS 11 release.

    Gotta semi-agree with this point here. While it does pose a challenge when the content is first released, it really only takes a few days for some people to take screenshots, craft and consolidate the final images and post them on the internet for all to see. After those images are up, there's not much challenge in navigating the map, and the camera lock simply is there to act as an inconvenience.

    It's not a really good feature in the long run, but for the short run and legend runners, it does pose as a significant challenge
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    Sha59 wrote: »
    xNig wrote: »
    Sha59 wrote: »
    Kabam DK wrote: »
    Simple question
    Why a time attack method for legends?
    This is totally unfair, and i explain why
    People will have a lot of time to gather info, wait the last 2 days of the eligible period to submit the time... And in this case all is down to **** RNG system based on the luck with the 5* pulls, and is total unfair
    The right way for a legend run in a hard and competitive event like this, is to do it "first to complete first to get it" order
    Because that's is the meaning to risk everything and go immediately into a rush for 100% of it without have any info, like was for Act4 and for LoL

    Please, i'm asking to you all team and community, give me your feedback and start a discussion about this, maybe with a dedicated thread for the legend run method

    Thanks for your time

    This has been mentioned by others, but the main reason is that it isn't a level playing field for anyone who has a day job where they can't take time off work, or lives in a time zone that doesn't line up with our specific release times (usually 10 AM Vancouver time). That's pretty rough for someone who lives in China where it would be around 2 in the morning...

    This way, people have time to set aside a chunk of time and really invest in a legends run, instead of just giving up before they tried because they had to work that day.

    And yet you give over a month and a half?

    I completely understand your logic, but its ridiculous sorry, it should have to be started within 24 hours to apply for the legends badge.

    All you are going to get now is the same 10 people, who will get paid to merc 10 different accounts in the top 100.

    Thus not benefiting the actual players atall.

    Yet another reason why i have retried but you guys are completely clueless on how to manage a game of this kind.

    What are you still doing on the forums if you have retired?

    What are you doing on the forum instead of grinding and working on your account?

    Does it really matter?

    Nothing to work on. I have 530k PI and 6 5* r4s and clock all milestones in arena within 2 days.
  • vrtovrto Member, Content Creators Posts: 218 Content Creator
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    Simple question
    Why a time attack method for legends?
    This is totally unfair, and i explain why
    People will have a lot of time to gather info, wait the last 2 days of the eligible period to submit the time... And in this case all is down to **** RNG system based on the luck with the 5* pulls, and is total unfair
    The right way for a legend run in a hard and competitive event like this, is to do it "first to complete first to get it" order
    Because that's is the meaning to risk everything and go immediately into a rush for 100% of it without have any info, like was for Act4 and for LoL

    Please, i'm asking to you all team and community, give me your feedback and start a discussion about this, maybe with a dedicated thread for the legend run method

    Thanks for your time

    I don't think it is more or less fair to run the Legends run first to finish or best time to finish. Yes, the people who do it first will have a harder time completing it than the people who start later and can gather information from the earlier runners. But that's only if the earlier runners choose to share that information and every Legend runner is in the same position to decide when to start.

    I'm not even sure you mean "unfair" when you say the legend system is unfair. Unfair presumes it is unfair to someone, but there's no one you can point to that has an unfair disadvantage: everyone has the same opportunities to try to improve their knowledge of the map. I think you mean it is less competitive doing it this way because you see learning the map to be part of the competition, and thus allowing legend runners to learn from other players first and then attempt the run after having additional information removes an element of the competition. I think that is a fair criticism, but Kabam seems to believe that allowing legend runners the most flexibility to choose their starting time is more desirable than maximally limiting the information they can collect from other players.

    There's always a little bit of tension between the game designers wanting to limit the amount of information the players have about the game and the player communities wanting to share that information. After all, LoL also has a locked camera and hidden nodes, but its not like many players go into it blind. Is it "unfair" that LoL runners have the benefit of that knowledge when LoL was "intended" to hide that information from the player? Yes and no. It goes against the quest design, but in part that is what you have to expect will happen when you make an MMO that is presumed to have active player communities.

    You are forgetting that some people have other accounts to scout ahead, and that some people will do it without caring about the legend run, and be more than happy to share the quest details... Act 4 was probably where the most relevant legend runs were made due to the great extra rewards and need to finish first, e. g. there was someone who got legend using a 3* Thor, and someone with a 90k roster that was one of the first to figure out the SW crit team power, nothing like that will happen again, we will just see people doing live runs on YouTube playing badly yet getting it due to the device and roster... We should have a bit of time zone friendly window to start but not like it is being proposed IMHO.
  • WhaleMilker07WhaleMilker07 Member Posts: 6
    Spicy rewards. Am going for a Legends run now
  • WhaleMilker07WhaleMilker07 Member Posts: 6
    Could the final boss be Grandmaster?
  • DhruvgDhruvg Member Posts: 287
    Dhruvg wrote: »
    Instead of giving 5* ag on completion of act 5.4 can you please do it on completion of act 5 , that would be good for a lot of us.

    So instead of getting an AG at the end of act 5, you want one at the end of act 5?

    Yeah GG mate shows you pay attention.

    Dude , if you'll read my post correctly it states that instead of giving ag on 100% exploration of act 5.4 , you can give ag on completion of act 5.
  • TaintedTainted Member Posts: 16
    Kabam DK wrote: »
    Well… Okay (don’t worry guys, I haven’t fooled myself into thinking you won’t tell us to spill the beans about the above question, we’re just gonna move along though), Are there other new Buffs?

    Yes there are! These Buffs will be featured on different themed paths. You can read up on them below:

    - Every 15 seconds after the start of the fight, Regenerate for 50% of Base Health over 5 seconds. The timer refreshes when this Champion reaches intervals of 25% missing Health.

    - This Buff means you’ll want to bring Champions who deal lots of Damage, and try and push them to intervals of 25% Max Health every 30 15 Seconds.

    EDITED at 12:55 PST 11/29/2017 The above note incorrectly stated the timer kicked in every 30 seconds - the time is actually 15 seconds.

    - When struck with an Energy or Physical Attack, activate a corresponding Resistance Buff increasing respective Resistance by 20%. When an Energy Resistance Buff is activated, remove a Physical Resistance Buff, and vice-versa.

    - The more physical damage you do, the more Physical Resistance the Opponent Gains, and vice versa, so you’ll want to bring Champions who have a good mix of both types through Basic and Special Attacks.

    Explosive Personality
    - When Blocking an attack, activate an Armor Up Buff, boosting Armor by 25%. Upon reaching 5 stacks of Armor Up generated by Explosive Personality, Armor Up stacks explode and remove 25% of opponent's Health.

    - This one is pretty simple: don’t hit your opponent’s block or they’ll get a huge Armor bonus, and you’ll risk taking a lot of damage.

    Feats of Power
    - When above 1 Bar of Power, gain a Fury Buff. When above 2 Bars of Power, gain a Precision Buff. When at 3 Bars of Power, Gain a Cruelty Buff.

    - These Buffs are VERY strong, so this is meant to have you control your opponent’s Power Bar effectively to avoid having to deal with the very strong effects.

    - These Buffs DO Stack, so at 2 Bars, the Boss will have Fury and Precision, and at 3 Bars, they’ll have Fury, Precision, and Cruelty.

    - Damage taken in a single hit is capped at 2.5% of Max Health. When damage cap is reached, gain a Fury Buff. Upon reaching 5 Fury Buffs activated by Rage, attacks become Unblockable.

    - Here, your strategy should be to avoid burst Champions and focus on bringing Utility or Damage Over Time Champions. These Furies CAN be nullified, which will bring the champion out of their Unblockable state.

    - When struck, 20% chance to inflict Bleed, dealing 100% of Attack as direct damage over 7.5 seconds. When Blocking an attack, 50% chance to inflict Poison, dealing 100% of Attack as direct damage over 7.5 seconds.

    - This is meant to require a Bleed Immune Champion, and be even easier for those who are Poison Immune. If you’re both, you can play normally. If you’re Bleed Immune only, you will want to play normally, but intercept instead of block wherever possible.

    So… how hard does this mean the fights will be?

    In general, VERY hard. Here’s the range of PIs you can expect in each Quest:

    Quest 1:
    Paths: ~15000 to ~19000
    Boss: ~25000

    Quest 2:
    Paths: ~16000 to ~20000
    Boss: ~26000

    Quest 3:
    Paths: ~17000 to ~21000
    Boss: ~26500

    Quest 4:
    Paths: ~18000 to ~22000
    Boss: ~28000

    Quest 5:
    Paths: ~18500 to ~22500
    Boss: ~29000

    Quest 6:
    Paths: ~19500 to ~23500
    Boss: ~40000

    Alright… So that seems pretty hard, what do we get?

    We know that’s what you’re looking for, so here you go! We’ll start with Chapter 4 Quest Rewards:

    For Completing Quests 1-6 of Chapter 4, you will receive:

    60,000x Tier 4 Basic Catalyst Fragments
    1,750x 5-Star Crystal Shards
    13x Tier 4 Class Catalyst Fragment Crystals
    220x Units

    For Exploring Quests 1-6 of Chapter 4, you will receive:

    120,000x Tier 4 Basic Catalyst Fragments
    3,250x 5-Star Crystal Shards
    17x Tier 4 Class Catalyst Fragment Crystals
    18,000x Tier 2 Alpha Catalyst Fragments
    330x Units

    For Completing Chapter 4, you will receive:

    5,000x 5-Star Crystal Shards
    1x Tier 4 Basic Catalyst
    60x Tier 4 Class Catalyst Fragment Crystals
    1x Tier 4 Class Catalyst Crystal
    18,000x Tier 2 Alpha Catalyst Fragments

    For Exploring Chapter 4, you will receive:

    10,000x 5-Star Crystal Shards
    2x Tier 4 Class Catalyst Crystals
    1x 5-Star Basic Crystal
    10x Generic 5-Star Signature Stones
    1x 5-Star Awakening Gem Crystal (1 of 6 Class Awakening Gems)

    For Completing Act 5, you will receive:

    6x Tier 4 Class Catalyst Crystals
    5x Tier 2 Alpha Catalysts
    2,500x 6-Star Crystal Shards
    1x 5-Star Basic Crystal
    20x 5-Star Generic Signature Stones

    For Exploring Act 5, you will receive:

    2x Tier 5 Basic Catalysts
    2,500x 6-Star Crystal Shards
    1x Generic 5-Star Awakening Gem
    1x 5-Star Rank 3 to Rank 4 Rank Up Gem Crystal (1 of 6 Classes)
    1x “Elder’s Bane” Rare Title

    For the first time in more than a year I am in awe of both the rewards and the communication. Such clear info on what is happening and how, such transparency in answering questions that typically are not answered for the surprise effect, that's rara avis right there.

    I really hope you did not screw up the buffs and there won't be any buggs.

    Bravo, Kabam. Bravo, DK.
  • gohard123gohard123 Member Posts: 1,017 ★★★
    Those rewards.. "ooh wee" (in Mr poopybutthole's voice)
  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★
    edited November 2017
    Dhruvg wrote: »
    Dhruvg wrote: »
    Instead of giving 5* ag on completion of act 5.4 can you please do it on completion of act 5 , that would be good for a lot of us.

    So instead of getting an AG at the end of act 5, you want one at the end of act 5?

    Yeah GG mate shows you pay attention.

    Dude , if you'll read my post correctly it states that instead of giving ag on 100% exploration of act 5.4 , you can give ag on completion of act 5.

    Actually your post says “Instead of giving 5* ag on completion of act 5.4 can you please do it on completion of act 5”
    So don’t tell me to read your post correctly.

    Go back and check if you want.
    And in case you aren’t aware, when you complete chapter 4 that also completes act 5 so yes, they are the same thing.
  • Legendary_GattoLegendary_Gatto Member Posts: 83
    Lagacy69 wrote: »
    Hey why don’t you guys do 2 legend type events? First one being first 100 people to beat 5.4 get legends and then fastest 100 people after the cutoff get legends and 1 person cannot qualify for both it would be great done this way!

    100% agree on this
  • flogeoflogeo Member Posts: 1
    Cum pot lua reconpensele?
  • JOHNOSA1995JOHNOSA1995 Member Posts: 536 ★★
    So mephisto is everywhere :D
  • TooCHillerTooCHiller Member Posts: 3
    When do we get free fully maxed 6* Champs just for logging in 365 days or more in a row? (You know, with no missed days. Sort of a "Thank you to consumers," for being such loyal game fanboys. :D>:)
  • TooCHillerTooCHiller Member Posts: 3
    Oh yea and a free phone, this my third one and the screen is wiggin on me like the other two. I wouldn't say it's from my thumbs mashing the screen in a hopeless, sometimes, attempt at beating a Bauss that has, oh something like, 5x my Health and 3x my Attack strength, but we dont tell Samsung or telephone carrier that's why my phone is no longer acknowledging any of my touch screen is not longer responding to my touch . No matter how hard, or nice and gently, I touch my screen.
  • TooCHillerTooCHiller Member Posts: 3
    What about just 1 no max, 1st Rank, undupped 6* Champ of our choice. Just one.😕😟😦
  • CapWW2CapWW2 Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★
    So mephisto is everywhere :D

    Use iceman 😂
  • xhhxhhhjjjjujjjxhhxhhhjjjjujjj Member Posts: 30
    Wow the rewards are awesome,good job Kabam!
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,584 ★★★★★
    CapWW2 wrote: »
    So mephisto is everywhere :D

    Use iceman 😂
    Use blade
  • AlexVanDamme81AlexVanDamme81 Member Posts: 83
    Some prediction for quantity of units (revive, energy refill ecc)?
  • JudespideyJudespidey Member Posts: 1
    I'm waiting
  • LocoMotivesLocoMotives Member Posts: 1,200 ★★★
    Why would you assume there won’t be an act 6? Obviously we dont know a timeline, but it will happen at some point. I’m equally sure there will be a new Legend area (ROL, LOL) at some point in 2018 because they have to keep escalating.

    To point out a flaw in your logic @Mcord117, players were able to complete everything in game without r4 5* also. It’s competition and new content, that’s all it will ever be.
  • This content has been removed.
  • Rabbit10Rabbit10 Member Posts: 1
    Looks like I'm upgrading my 5* SL and Magik asap :)
    I need to get through 5.2 first though.
    Rewards are amazing !
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