
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 10,715 ★★★★★
    Funny there’s hasn’t said anything yet
  • LordSmasherLordSmasher Member Posts: 1,541 ★★★★★
    Well today it will be putting out update fires
  • kus234kus234 Member Posts: 271 ★★
    Still no feedback
  • Thekiller8967Thekiller8967 Member Posts: 323 ★★
    edited March 4
    How are you meant to do path 4? (unblockable path). They go unblockable and can't parry them, and none of the attack tactic really help much.

    To make it worse any miss champ is immediately punished by indust charges too.
  • Doug555Doug555 Member Posts: 26
    Ok Kabam, please explain how (even if you adjust values and small tweaks do this tactic) are you going to fight chunky champs (with increased stat values in Elite map) on nodes like
    Stun reflection
    Conflictor + one eye open
    Knockdown protection nodes

    Along with parrying Gorr and Wiccan on node where you need specific counters..?!
  • GiusGiufGiusGiuf Member Posts: 12

  • thisisimpossiblthisisimpossibl Member Posts: 69
    GiusGiuf said:


    Iceman? Probably about it. Still be a lot of deaths.
  • zuffyzuffy Member Posts: 2,229 ★★★★★
    GiusGiuf said:


    I can’t fight bullseye to begin with. Throw in magic thief, all I can do was chip away with domino. 20+ deaths 🤣

  • Matty_IceMatty_Ice Member Posts: 594 ★★★
    Raganator said:

    I was listening to DLL's deep dive with context on The Serpent. He talks about creating a puzzle for summoners to solve. I wish the AW devs used the same line of thinking. Instead, they are creating punishing nodes for the sake of being punished, not puzzles to be solved. Being punishing for the sake of being punishing is just not fun at all. And this is a game (i.e., should be fun, not frustrating).

    This is my complaint with punishing content. I want a puzzle to solve, not being punished for the sake of punishment.

    Part of alliance war is being able to outthink what your opponent does. They place some difficult placements, but then it’s up to our alliance to use our brains to plan the best champs and strategy to counter that fight. That is where the fun is in war. Can we solve the puzzle and perform the fights.

    As has been stated in all 6 pages of this thread, this tactic is just garbage.
  • Revenge_of_the_NerfsRevenge_of_the_Nerfs Member Posts: 101
    Man this meta is so dumb. I know that’s not helpful or constructive feedback, but it’s just exhausting to try to QC this game for the devs. It’s not like it’s just a few little things that need tweaking. This is such **** that it’s just so much work to even begin. Kudos to y’all that have offered ideas for fixes. Personally, I’m just too worn down by it. The devs don’t care about or even think about the game as much as we do. It makes me sad because the game has been very fun, and I’ve made a lot of friends here, but at a certain point enough is enough. I dunno. Fingers crossed for a change in direction.
  • PIKESTAINPIKESTAIN Member Posts: 186 ★★
    It’s pretty comical at this point. No addressing, no “we will look into it”….. just the same song and dance. You guys don’t always have to be right, own your mistakes, like this meta. Or act like you care at least.
  • startropicsstartropics Member Posts: 740 ★★★★
    kus234 said:

    Still no feedback

    give it a few days. they need to go over things in meetings and come up with a full response. i'd be shocked if this reaction took them by surprise because they know better and if they don't reverse course they will alienate players from the mode and probably alliances, even t1 players.

    i don't know what happened and who's pushing this trend, but it feels like a few people are just messing around with the mode and making it just for themselves and a few of their elite friends. i'm not saying that's what happening but it feels like it, and it's so exclusionary.

    a mode can't just cater to 150 people and kick everyone else out. aw had some rough patches over the years but it was never a private hoity-toity club.
  • ZolobacsiZolobacsi Member Posts: 123 ★★
    Deacon said:

    #Magic Thief Defenders gain a stackable Indestructible Passive every 5 seconds, or when their attacks are Dodged, Evaded, or Miss. Max stacks: 3. This timer is paused during the Defender's Specials. As long as this Indestructible Passive is on the Defender, they gain 5% of a Bar of Power when hitting the Attacker's Block. 1 Indestructible Passive is removed whenever the Attacker Well-Time Blocks. These effects cannot be affected by Ability Accuracy.

    #Magic Thief Defenders gain a stackable Indestructible Passive every 5 seconds, or when their attacks are Dodged, Evaded, or Miss. Max stacks: 3. This timer is paused for 3, 5, or 6 seconds when the Attacker or Defender gains a bar of power. Hitting the defender with a Special Attack while the defender's back is against the wall removes all passives. As long as this Indestructible Passive is on the Defender, they gain 15%, 12%, 10% of a Bar of Power when the Attacker strikes the Defender's block. These effects cannot be affected by Ability Accuracy.

    Attack: X-Magica
    If the Attacker has the #X-Magica tag, their Well-Timed Blocks grant them an indefinite 2% Prowess Passive. Max stacks: 7. When a #X-Magica Attacker strikes a #Magic Thief Defender, they pause their Indestructible timer for 0.5 seconds. When a #Magic Thief Defender activates an Indestructible Passive, it and 1 Prowess Passive from this Tactic is instantly removed. These effects cannot be affected by Ability Accuracy.

    If the champion is tagged #X-Magica, gaining a bar of power grants the attacker an indefinite 5% prowess passive and inflicts a 1 second stun debuff (or passive; debuff makes it more interesting) on the Defender. If the attacker hits the defender while stunned with a special attack, increase the potency of prowess passives by 5%, 10%, 15%. These effects cannot be affected by Ability Accuracy.

    Here's what I thought was a much better punishing yet not restrictive experience.

    My problem with this is that the pool of xmagica champs is still too narrow. Most of them just simply couldn't handle certain nods and you can't use any other tactics therefore no other champs. With 3 bans you would be exactly there where you are now. Crush was better because of this, with not tactic champs who could handle unblockable specials or other tactics like decay that could give the upper hand against certain nods. You had many more options.
  • FunnyDudeFunnyDude Member Posts: 541 ★★★★
    Another beautiful war, brilliant design! keep going on this road Kabam, make everyone go with 1-loyalty war.

  • RydertheblackRydertheblack Member Posts: 296
    And AI is freakingly defensive. Nice going. No more pennies from my end.
  • Amms90Amms90 Member Posts: 338 ★★★
    worse than the previous tactic and that's saying a lot. Made a separate post about this a few days ago. Still no reply from kabam. Not addressing the elephant in the room seems like the new trend
  • PIKESTAINPIKESTAIN Member Posts: 186 ★★
    So what day is this? 4 or 5 with no response? Good stuff!
  • DeaconDeacon Member Posts: 4,234 ★★★★★
    Zolobacsi said:

    Deacon said:

    #Magic Thief Defenders gain a stackable Indestructible Passive every 5 seconds, or when their attacks are Dodged, Evaded, or Miss. Max stacks: 3. This timer is paused during the Defender's Specials. As long as this Indestructible Passive is on the Defender, they gain 5% of a Bar of Power when hitting the Attacker's Block. 1 Indestructible Passive is removed whenever the Attacker Well-Time Blocks. These effects cannot be affected by Ability Accuracy.

    #Magic Thief Defenders gain a stackable Indestructible Passive every 5 seconds, or when their attacks are Dodged, Evaded, or Miss. Max stacks: 3. This timer is paused for 3, 5, or 6 seconds when the Attacker or Defender gains a bar of power. Hitting the defender with a Special Attack while the defender's back is against the wall removes all passives. As long as this Indestructible Passive is on the Defender, they gain 15%, 12%, 10% of a Bar of Power when the Attacker strikes the Defender's block. These effects cannot be affected by Ability Accuracy.

    Attack: X-Magica
    If the Attacker has the #X-Magica tag, their Well-Timed Blocks grant them an indefinite 2% Prowess Passive. Max stacks: 7. When a #X-Magica Attacker strikes a #Magic Thief Defender, they pause their Indestructible timer for 0.5 seconds. When a #Magic Thief Defender activates an Indestructible Passive, it and 1 Prowess Passive from this Tactic is instantly removed. These effects cannot be affected by Ability Accuracy.

    If the champion is tagged #X-Magica, gaining a bar of power grants the attacker an indefinite 5% prowess passive and inflicts a 1 second stun debuff (or passive; debuff makes it more interesting) on the Defender. If the attacker hits the defender while stunned with a special attack, increase the potency of prowess passives by 5%, 10%, 15%. These effects cannot be affected by Ability Accuracy.

    Here's what I thought was a much better punishing yet not restrictive experience.

    My problem with this is that the pool of xmagica champs is still too narrow. Most of them just simply couldn't handle certain nods and you can't use any other tactics therefore no other champs. With 3 bans you would be exactly there where you are now. Crush was better because of this, with not tactic champs who could handle unblockable specials or other tactics like decay that could give the upper hand against certain nods. You had many more options.
    definitely agree was just an alternative that wouldn't have the nightmare of uproar as what it currently going on lol .. could absolutely be tweaked tag wise or even function wise but it's a proper start i think.
  • CrazyBunnyZoyCrazyBunnyZoy Member Posts: 34
    Over 17k views on this thread, should hint something , right ?
    Mcoc Community is being ignored, again.

    Just my opinion:

    Kabam know very well that they will squeeze out absolutely nothing from the majority of the player-base. The exact opposite outcome is more probable at this point: all wars up to platinum level will turn to L1-revive only wars.

    However, for the Master alliances, which in any case are those that actually spend money to run wars, the outcome could (without any certainty) be that players are forced to both burn more rankup resources (to rank up champs they wouldn't normally rank) and war resources using actual money.

    Of course, this will mean that the vast majority of the players will end up enjoying war far less. Where's the fun and the skill required when all you do is spam L1 revives to get through? Season wars will have no difference, as far as playing experience goes, from off-season ones. In the long run, I believe this will hurt the game, but hey, this is one man's opinion. Kabam is clearly targetting short-term gains here. Their bet.

    For those at Kabam still going through this thread and reading this, please take the above as healthy & constructive critisism. That's all it is.

    Their intentions are starting to be pretty clear at this point.
    Unfortunately all we can do is try to constructively making them understand with logic, numbers and facts , IF they re willing to care and not just ignore.
    I hope players don’t get so frustrated and start using terms or words that can be twisted as “toxic for community” cause that would actually give the perfect excuse to close the thread.
    Isn’t that the usual procedure ?

  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 5,899 ★★★★★
    I think this for sure needs checking on certain nodes as a lot are just revive go in again like stun immunes or dont want to parry and dot nodes are just bad like for this war, I put thing on stunning reflection for a t5 war and he got 25 kills i put my odin on a incinerate shock dot node near boss island and he got 6 nick got 12 a kate got 10 on shock bleed path 9 like this isnt a good season if it stays like this.
  • DeaconDeacon Member Posts: 4,234 ★★★★★
    edited March 5
    the most egregious problem with this tactic and MANY others like it that depend on actions from the AI is that often times you're at the mercy of an AI that just doesn't cooperate. it takes one stupid "RNG" of the AI to put you at max passives after failing to throw a special .. after parry failing to register a removal of a passive .... before you know it, you're in a loop because the AI is just so busted.

    it literally takes one moment of them refusing to throw a special and it's back at square one removing all of the passives again. so that's what i mean when i say they should just stop using nodes that require any specific action (be that a timer, or function) of the AI. their refusal to throw specials wouldn't be as punishing if they didn't have this timer. but they do. stuff like that just makes it worse and punishes the player when you have to depend on the AI in its current state.
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