Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Diversity points

Tx_Quack_Attack6589Tx_Quack_Attack6589 Posts: 645 ★★★★
Diversity points were changed for this past war not upcoming war as stated. @Kabam Miike


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    Tx_Quack_Attack6589Tx_Quack_Attack6589 Posts: 645 ★★★★

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    BendyBendy Posts: 4,298 ★★★★★

    Diversity points were changed for this past war not upcoming war as stated. @Kabam Miike

    This war onwards that starts later today diversity points change
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    JJ4JJ4 Posts: 44
    We just won a war based on old scoring but lost 1350 points for having 5 diversity less. What is that about? We lost when we should have won. @Kabam Miike fix this please
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    CentrifugeCentrifuge Posts: 110
    Same thing happened in our war. We lost because the change went into place too early.
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    Tx_Quack_Attack6589Tx_Quack_Attack6589 Posts: 645 ★★★★
    Bendy said:

    Diversity points were changed for this past war not upcoming war as stated. @Kabam Miike

    This war onwards that starts later today diversity points change
    Correct but it went into effect early and applied to war that just ended
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    Pit_0f_MiseryPit_0f_Misery Posts: 139
    We lost as well which is bs. The post Kabam made said it was clearly changing for the upcoming war today. This should NOT be a loss.
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    BendyBendy Posts: 4,298 ★★★★★

    Bendy said:

    Diversity points were changed for this past war not upcoming war as stated. @Kabam Miike

    This war onwards that starts later today diversity points change
    Correct but it went into effect early and applied to war that just ended
    Oh damn that is bad and nothing can be done its the easter break there now hence why stream was yesterday
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    KoiBoy18KoiBoy18 Posts: 326 ★★★
    We lost this war as well because the diversity point change DID apply even though not supposed to start until today's war

    We could have made mad scramble to change defenders but Kabam forum post clearly said it wouldn't apply until the next war

    We would have won if not for this error. Very very angry right now
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    MukeshthegamerMukeshthegamer Posts: 4
    We lost a war too because of the diversity changes applying to this war itself instead of the next war. Please explain @Kabam Miike
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    QuikPikQuikPik Posts: 810 ★★★★
    Yep, we lost the war as well due to the change to diversity points early !!
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    Pit_0f_MiseryPit_0f_Misery Posts: 139
    Would like my alliance's win please.
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    Ceo_WakefordCeo_Wakeford Posts: 117
    edited March 29
    Same here,we must won but it is what it is ,unfair!
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    BendyBendy Posts: 4,298 ★★★★★
    Seems on discord they are passing it along
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    FlushFlush Posts: 111

    taught points from next war we lost on diversity this can't be right
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    QuikPikQuikPik Posts: 810 ★★★★
    edited March 29
    At this point, you need to cancel the season and give people rewards one level about where they are. You can't spring a change like this and expect alliances to get perfect diversity in less than 2 days. And before an upcoming holiday no less.
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    Distal_lessDistal_less Posts: 17
    edited March 29

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    Mattn1288Mattn1288 Posts: 11

    Cost us as well. We easily could have swapped out the handful of dupes we had if they didn’t say Friday.
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    GamerGamer Posts: 10,389 ★★★★★

    Cancel this season already!!!
    The well intended fixes did more harm agh

    I think Kabam forgot not all war end a bit different so those who ended earlier had the right but those who ended a bit later got the chance
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    Haloman312Haloman312 Posts: 13
    We lost our war as well.. This is ridiculous
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    FlushFlush Posts: 111
    they screwed alot allys out wins that they should got, doesn't matter if they had dupes, points weren't ment go live and this changes ranks for alot allys
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    xLunatiXxxLunatiXx Posts: 1,279 ★★★★★
    When you thought season couldn't get any worse... Embarrassing
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    Pit_0f_MiseryPit_0f_Misery Posts: 139

    We lost as well which is bs. The post Kabam made said it was clearly changing for the upcoming war today. This should NOT be a loss.

    While it feels bad for those who lost due to missing members, your case, I do not feel bad at all.
    100 diversity. Punishing opponents with such poopy defender copies, Karma hit hard doesnt it.
    Yeah ok buddy. Not like most allies didn't take advantage of a broken tactic cause Kabam doesn't test them out properly. I'm sure we deserved the loss. It has absolutely nothing to do with Kabam not sticking to what they said in THEIR post. Thank you for your opinion though.
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    iDestroyerZiDestroyerZ Posts: 717 ★★★★
    Same thing happened here, this is really messed up cause the announcement happened AFTER the start of the current war, there was no way for us to change the diversity....seriously just cancel this season already :/
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    Mattn1288 said:

    Cost us as well. We easily could have swapped out the handful of dupes we had if they didn’t say Friday.

    you didnt fully explore, that would have cost the war
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    BonettiBonetti Posts: 6

    We lost our AW too…….😑
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