Oh yeah the AI is trash. He parried and reparried me multiple times (to get the daunted up) and turn off WP when I was dashing in. Funny how the AI can just do that
I see Shang Chi and Hawkeye are dual objective champs. I think Shang can do it. I did take 10% health with him. Though i would still wait for a youtuber to teach me. This is me without reading any nodes and doing trials.
So i was right, Shang can actually do it and infact he is a cheese option.
Alright guys I think I discovered a fantatic trick using Shang Chi. Use MLLLM in the block of Onslaught. After the stun just heavy to reset it, and build the charges again until spe2. With one try (one spe2), 20% of life is gone with a 7R2 Shang Chi. You just need to fully dex the spe1 of Onslaught
All thanks to this advice. Pretty easy to follow. Keep him stunned with MLLLM and heavy and repeat till a sp2. May R3 Shang easily takes 25% health with a sp2 with 8+ charges. I couldn't solo him but he can be soloed with Shang.
I see Shang Chi and Hawkeye are dual objective champs. I think Shang can do it. I did take 10% health with him. Though i would still wait for a youtuber to teach me. This is me without reading any nodes and doing trials.
So i was right, Shang can actually do it and infact he is a cheese option.
Alright guys I think I discovered a fantatic trick using Shang Chi. Use MLLLM in the block of Onslaught. After the stun just heavy to reset it, and build the charges again until spe2. With one try (one spe2), 20% of life is gone with a 7R2 Shang Chi. You just need to fully dex the spe1 of Onslaught
All thanks to this advice. Pretty easy to follow. Keep him stunned with MLLLM and heavy and repeat till a sp2. May R3 Shang easily takes 25% health with a sp2 with 8+ charges. I couldn't solo him but he can be soloed with Shang.
I just did it with r2 Shang 2 revives, just gotta perfect the sp1 dex and your chillin. Mlllm mm heavy is what I did.
the only thing that makes this fight an absolute tragedy is the AI on this dude's special attack ... all of his magical dexing and parry is fine ... if his special throwing behavior was at all in any fashion predictable or consistent it'd be a fun fight ... but his AI throwing specials is just one of the most stupid in the game .. bait, bait, bait .. doesn't throw .. bait bait some more .. nope ... but the second you even try to dash in to hit his block BOOM .. he throws it .. or he throws it right as you back off the hit into block ...
just one of the worst AI's on this specific character in the game.
Alright guys I think I discovered a fantatic trick using Shang Chi. Use MLLLM in the block of Onslaught. After the stun just heavy to reset it, and build the charges again until spe2. With one try (one spe2), 20% of life is gone with a 7R2 Shang Chi. You just need to fully dex the spe1 of Onslaught
Your "one weird trick" is to dex his special and damage him with your big damage rotation.
the only thing that makes this fight an absolute tragedy is the AI on this dude's special attack ... all of his magical dexing and parry is fine ... if his special throwing behavior was at all in any fashion predictable or consistent it'd be a fun fight ... but his AI throwing specials is just one of the most stupid in the game .. bait, bait, bait .. doesn't throw .. bait bait some more .. nope ... but the second you even try to dash in to hit his block BOOM .. he throws it .. or he throws it right as you back off the hit into block ...
just one of the worst AI's on this specific character in the game.
I gave up due to this even though in patch they said fixed specials on ai using xl went in with dkg what happens well just like war the dude just decides imma do medium block medium quickly stand there parries every run and now i give up as i can dex fine if he was like regular ai of u can intercept and bait fairly but nope rather defensive play and just parry which if ur daunted well the neuros will kill eventually as he blocks wp so cant heal from crush or power sting devuff whats worse is u cant even bait a heavy
I’ve now done every objective but dkg. The nodes and even his kit isn’t that bad after practice, just takes some getting used to. But no matter how much you practice his ai is a massive wild card. It’s act 3 ai. About 1/3 of my intercept attempts will be either parried, side stepped, or counter intercepted. I feel like I’ve learned all I can mechanically to make this fight easier for me, but I just have to roll the dice with the ai every single time.
M and Hero: Hercules. Intercept a lot and use sp2. Lots of additional burst + immortality will save your butt
DkG: See above. Stack 10 armor breaks and spam sp3
Avengers: Photon. Nothing special, dex sp1 like usual, the taunt helps, and spam sp2
Carina challengers: Shang Chi is the only viable option I see. Stack chi charges and rip a massive sp2. Only took 2 revives with a r3 6*. Thanks to the person who suggested the strategy above
M and Hero: Hercules. Intercept a lot and use sp2. Lots of additional burst + immortality will save your butt
DkG: See above. Stack 10 armor breaks and spam sp3
Avengers: Photon. Nothing special, dex sp1 like usual, the taunt helps, and spam sp2
Carina challengers: Shang Chi is the only viable option I see. Stack chi charges and rip a massive sp2. Only took 2 revives with a r3 6*. Thanks to the person who suggested the strategy above
M and Hero: Hercules. Intercept a lot and use sp2. Lots of additional burst + immortality will save your butt
DkG: See above. Stack 10 armor breaks and spam sp3
Avengers: Photon. Nothing special, dex sp1 like usual, the taunt helps, and spam sp2
Carina challengers: Shang Chi is the only viable option I see. Stack chi charges and rip a massive sp2. Only took 2 revives with a r3 6*. Thanks to the person who suggested the strategy above
You can use capiw to do both the avengers and carina challengers. Alternatively, shang can do both carina challengers and 2021 Hero, If I am not wrong.
M and Hero: Hercules. Intercept a lot and use sp2. Lots of additional burst + immortality will save your butt
DkG: See above. Stack 10 armor breaks and spam sp3
Avengers: Photon. Nothing special, dex sp1 like usual, the taunt helps, and spam sp2
Carina challengers: Shang Chi is the only viable option I see. Stack chi charges and rip a massive sp2. Only took 2 revives with a r3 6*. Thanks to the person who suggested the strategy above
Shang chi gets two objectives...
I didn’t even notice that. Oh well, that’s fine lol
The fight isn't that hard, mainly just a normal onslaught fight. But standard AI issues persist, game isn't fun anymore when it's stand and look at the blocking opponent simulator.
M and Hero: Hercules. Intercept a lot and use sp2. Lots of additional burst + immortality will save your butt
DkG: See above. Stack 10 armor breaks and spam sp3
Avengers: Photon. Nothing special, dex sp1 like usual, the taunt helps, and spam sp2
Carina challengers: Shang Chi is the only viable option I see. Stack chi charges and rip a massive sp2. Only took 2 revives with a r3 6*. Thanks to the person who suggested the strategy above
You can use capiw to do both the avengers and carina challengers. Alternatively, shang can do both carina challengers and 2021 Hero, If I am not wrong.
CAIW is also a #hero, so he’s a 3 for 1 champ 🥳 But, I think thats gonna be a hard time tho…
M and Hero: Hercules. Intercept a lot and use sp2. Lots of additional burst + immortality will save your butt
DkG: See above. Stack 10 armor breaks and spam sp3
Avengers: Photon. Nothing special, dex sp1 like usual, the taunt helps, and spam sp2
Carina challengers: Shang Chi is the only viable option I see. Stack chi charges and rip a massive sp2. Only took 2 revives with a r3 6*. Thanks to the person who suggested the strategy above
You can use capiw to do both the avengers and carina challengers. Alternatively, shang can do both carina challengers and 2021 Hero, If I am not wrong.
CAIW is also a #hero, so he’s a 3 for 1 champ 🥳 But, I think thats gonna be a hard time tho…
No the tag is #hero and released in 2021. Capiw is released in 2018
We got off easy, basically a normal onslaught fight.
Nah I take it back this fight sucks😂. Basically gotta time every sp1 dex or you’ll neuro to death. And I’m not getting the resistance buffs when dexing not sure why.
The whole point is for you to learn the sp1 dex. It’s not so bad, just like Dani’s
I find it way worse than Dani’s. But you don’t want to parry, you can’t punish his sp1 and you can’t punish his heavy. So basically play like he’s unblockable the entire fight and hope for msd level intercepting.
Wrong, actually you CAN punish his sp1, just dash before the last hit of his SA, then evade it and dash again.
DkG fight actually went super well. Stack perma armor breaks when in the fury mode and then spam sp3. You’ll heal and he can shrug the daunted
Won't he inflict passive daunted when DKG removes his daunted debuff?
He doesn’t replace it with a passive I know so for a fact it saved me quite a bit. I assume it’s because dkg “removes” a debuff and doesn’t “shrug” it, or at least that’s what I’ve seen others say
Almost soloed with r4 unascended Herc but I missed the last sp1 dex 😭
He’s easily the best option because of the additional damage though. Sersi and Chavez worked fine but no crits so way less damage
bait, bait, bait .. doesn't throw .. bait bait some more .. nope ... but the second you even try to dash in to hit his block BOOM .. he throws it .. or he throws it right as you back off the hit into block ...
just one of the worst AI's on this specific character in the game.
Your "one weird trick" is to dex his special and damage him with your big damage rotation.
Dr. Zola
Edit: Will add this here. I’m a little surprised at some of the AI behavior.
Never a good sign when you’re trying to get to the node and the hamster wheel just keeps spinning…
…on the other hand, it does work well as a warning.
Dr. Zola
M and Hero: Hercules. Intercept a lot and use sp2. Lots of additional burst + immortality will save your butt
DkG: See above. Stack 10 armor breaks and spam sp3
Avengers: Photon. Nothing special, dex sp1 like usual, the taunt helps, and spam sp2
Carina challengers: Shang Chi is the only viable option I see. Stack chi charges and rip a massive sp2. Only took 2 revives with a r3 6*. Thanks to the person who suggested the strategy above