What’s happening with AI?



  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,785 ★★★★★
    I just asked ChatGPT about why the AI is bad in mcoc and this is what it said

    In *Marvel Contest of Champions* (MCOC), the AI can seem "bad" for a few reasons:

    1. **Predictability**: The AI often follows set patterns and has a limited range of behaviors. Experienced players can easily predict these patterns, making the AI seem less challenging.

    2. **Programming Limitations**: The AI is designed to provide a balanced experience for a wide range of players. If the AI were too advanced, it might discourage newer or less skilled players. As a result, the AI may sometimes make suboptimal decisions to keep the game accessible.

    3. **Difficulty Scaling**: In some game modes, the AI is intentionally less aggressive or reactive to maintain a certain level of difficulty. In other modes or higher levels, the AI can become more challenging, but in lower levels, it might seem "bad" to make the game easier to progress through.

    4. **Player Skill**: As players get better at the game, they can outmaneuver or outsmart the AI, making it seem less competent.

    5. **Game Balance**: The AI’s difficulty is often balanced with other game mechanics, such as the power of the champions, synergies, and node buffs. This balance can sometimes make the AI feel less intelligent when it doesn’t use its abilities optimally.

    Overall, the AI in MCOC is designed to provide a varied experience, but as with many games, it may not always pose a significant challenge to more experienced players.
  • DarkNightRiseDarkNightRise Member Posts: 468 ★★★

    EdisonLaw said:

    I Swear I'll lose my mind if one more time onslaught dash back and light intercept me when I try to dash in. It is too annoying nowadays costed me another good bg match.

    Also he recovers ridiculously fast after his specials
    Still skipping frame rate issue bro, however until this time, I doubt this is bug anymore, feels like an intentional cheating from Kabam
    And then you wonder why they don't take you serious... Yeah pretty sure the new CMs will politely keep you updated.
    Lol my patience is gone! This update makes everything even worse with the flood of thread about every issues. Just look at how many dislike you got! I don’t ask the issue need to be fixed immediately, but I want some update at least what is the root cause? And what is the potential solution along with eta to fix

    At least I don’t have to block profile like you kid
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 7,366 ★★★★★

    EdisonLaw said:

    I Swear I'll lose my mind if one more time onslaught dash back and light intercept me when I try to dash in. It is too annoying nowadays costed me another good bg match.

    Also he recovers ridiculously fast after his specials
    Still skipping frame rate issue bro, however until this time, I doubt this is bug anymore, feels like an intentional cheating from Kabam
    And then you wonder why they don't take you serious... Yeah pretty sure the new CMs will politely keep you updated.
    Lol my patience is gone! This update makes everything even worse with the flood of thread about every issues. Just look at how many dislike you got! I don’t ask the issue need to be fixed immediately, but I want some update at least what is the root cause? And what is the potential solution along with eta to fix

    At least I don’t have to block profile like you kid
    Your evolutuon on this thread.
    1- Trash previous CMs
    2- Bootlick new CMs
    3- Call the company cheaters.
    Calling me kid when you have the mood swings of a fuzzy toddler..
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 7,366 ★★★★★

    EdisonLaw said:

    I Swear I'll lose my mind if one more time onslaught dash back and light intercept me when I try to dash in. It is too annoying nowadays costed me another good bg match.

    Also he recovers ridiculously fast after his specials
    Still skipping frame rate issue bro, however until this time, I doubt this is bug anymore, feels like an intentional cheating from Kabam
    And then you wonder why they don't take you serious... Yeah pretty sure the new CMs will politely keep you updated.
    Lol my patience is gone! This update makes everything even worse with the flood of thread about every issues. Just look at how many dislike you got! I don’t ask the issue need to be fixed immediately, but I want some update at least what is the root cause? And what is the potential solution along with eta to fix

    At least I don’t have to block profile like you kid
    Your evolutuon on this thread.
    1- Trash previous CMs
    2- Bootlick new CMs
    3- Call the company cheaters.
    Calling me kid when you have the mood swings of a fuzzy toddler..
    1- Who said “trash” previous CMs here? Please quote
    2- Saying someone doing better job than others before mean “bootlick”
    3- So sad but this is my assumption now! I already gave them time to solve or at least give some updates, but we got nothing so far. In real world job, if you delay like this, you already lost your job and customer, but this is a game, kind of special industry.

    P/s: Those words like “trash”, or “bootlick” an adult should not use it in a forum public, a kid may think it’s cool but I highly recommend don’t use them as well. CMs will not happy if they see it :))
    To trash to bad talk, you said they were doing a bad job...maybe they were just ignoring your constant conspiracy theories.
    Anyway you got another update.
    Thanks for the advice, i don't think calling you a bootlicker is any worse than implying they are cheating; but if I am in the wrong I will let the guardians and mods deal with it.
  • BasNLBasNL Member Posts: 70
    Don't mind the sound.

    These little things. When Bill uses his SP1 the first two blasts you can dex. But during the last part I almost seem to be rooted. Is this a node or mechanic that I'm not aware of or is it a bug?

  • PT_99PT_99 Member Posts: 5,684 ★★★★★
    BasNL said:

    Don't mind the sound.

    These little things. When Bill uses his SP1 the first two blasts you can dex. But during the last part I almost seem to be rooted. Is this a node or mechanic that I'm not aware of or is it a bug?


    It's the screen spacing limitations, like he's going as far as he can for special animation (for some reason) and you're also dex dex dex, so what happens is game is force stopping you to go back any further because that's the limit
  • DocWestDocWest Member Posts: 437 ★★★
    edited August 2024
    Double post.

  • BasNLBasNL Member Posts: 70
    PT_99 said:

    BasNL said:

    Don't mind the sound.

    These little things. When Bill uses his SP1 the first two blasts you can dex. But during the last part I almost seem to be rooted. Is this a node or mechanic that I'm not aware of or is it a bug?


    It's the screen spacing limitations, like he's going as far as he can for special animation (for some reason) and you're also dex dex dex, so what happens is game is force stopping you to go back any further because that's the limit
    But how to dex a multiple hit special? Only dex 3 times in this case?
  • BosleyBosley Member Posts: 480 ★★★
    The closer to wait until getting hit the more blasts you can dex. It’s about the timing. Same with any multi champs hit special from a distance (iceman sp1 for example).

    But now that AI reacts so quickly you can barely punish ANY special without getting the timing exactly right or get pounded into oblivion. Fun times…… 🙄
  • TerminatrixTerminatrix Member Posts: 3,698 ★★★★★

    Again today 9 out of 10 times after sp3 with double debuff of Titania, the AI immediately launch their special! What’s going on Kabam???
    I need an explanation about how much time do you guys need to fix it or is it just simply can’t fix? @KabamDORK

    This happened to me too. I thought I was trippin. I used her Sp 3, but after that the defender immediately used their special. Doesn't her Sp 3 inflict a stun debuff??
  • JackTheSnackJackTheSnack Member Posts: 1,293 ★★★★

    Ok firstly I thought because both me and my iphone are getting older but after watching Beroman stream for half hour, I realize that even the best BG player now getting punish frequently either by
    _ AI backdraft intercept professionally like Dorky Dave video’s tutorial
    _ AI wait for your dash in to light intercept
    _ AI skipping frame rate during their heavy attack or special
    _ AI holding special until power sting debuff on them gone
    _ AI parry and whiff crazily

    I may miss something. Well…

    I’ve noticed the holding block/specials until the power sting debuff goes away a TON when using piggy and torch. It’s insane. That and not throwing specials in general. And then right when you try to dash in or heavy punish they smack you.
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,785 ★★★★★

    EdisonLaw said:

    Can we get like an actual update on this instead of just “we’re having discussions”?
    These issues have been going on for so long and it seems to get worse with every patch. AI, crashing, lag, frame skipping

    We used to get compensation for the game acting up, or bugs affecting people’s in game experience.

    Now we get told to just accept it and deal with it till they get resolved (if they get resolved) at our expense.

    @KabamDORK and @Kabam Pinwheel said they are having regular meetings about AI and they will give us an update soon
    That was weeks ago though. I think they've had enough time to give an update on their plans at least. I mean how long should it take for the team to have a discussion, and form a plan of action and resolve for these constant issues? This is starting to go in the same direction it went in earlier this year, and last year. We bring up issues, Kabam claims to be listening and are having discussions, and then the topic falls silent and is quietly forgotten.

    As someone who experienced more dropped inputs, Specials failing to work when pressing button, rapid reaction from AI, and more striker-dodging AI bs in BGs last night, I'm starting to get impatient just like others are.
    I hope soon, we’ll get an update
  • DarkNightRiseDarkNightRise Member Posts: 468 ★★★

    I’m so tired of all the Kabam apologists in this forum. This game is a business. The biggest money maker for Kabam. We are customers. When you have a bad experience at a business you voice your concern and frustration and they remedy the problem. This A.I. has been an issue for a long time. They don’t know how to fix it. That’s the problem. Once you tinker with artificial intelligence good luck getting it back to normal. Now the game AI is back to not throwing specials, parrying last hit of a 5 hit combo, dexing back with a parry intercept, just hitting right through your block, receiving error codes after a win in BG’s and then giving you a loss. These are all things that are ruining the game experience for me. No problem like this should be allowed to pester around. Will a AMC theater let a broken elevator or escalator continue to be broken? No, they will fix it because the customer demands it or they will lose said customers. I don’t think Kabam worries about losing players because they would have fixed it already. Stalling is not a fix or progress. Lack of personnel at Kabam is a Kabam problem and shouldn’t be a customer problem. Wake up people. There’s a reason why employees over there are leaving. Demand better and stop making excuses for them.

    It’s acceptable for a couples of time! But repeat and for a long time is very frustrating since I lost so many BG match because of this issue
  • J0eySn0wJ0eySn0w Member Posts: 1,002 ★★★★
    EdisonLaw said:

    J0eySn0w said:

    It is some of these stupid things that annoys me.

    Bullseyes parries Hulkling second hit combo which was supposed to be unblockable, he then proceeds to give me a 8 hit combo and then straight into a special attack…couldn’t show all. I won the round but I’ve also lost many as well due to strange AI capabilities.

    After infuriate is applied, Guardian dashed in and cooperated first time, but second time he held back, paused a little bit and would have definitely intercepted had it not been my special attack. Also want to point out, that special I ate should have been a dex, but its fine, maybe I was slow. However, AI interaction with the infuriate is my main focus.

    Anyways, you guys are still investigating, hopefully this helps.

    How did he parry you even if your attack was unblockable? He doesn't even have an ability that allows him to block unblockable
    A question I asked myself. If the game registered the parry first before Hulkling’s unblockable triggered, Kabam has to educate us on that. Regardless, the AI parrying mid-combo to begin with is just unacceptable in my opinion. I’ve lost track of how many times this has happened to me in BG and AW. You can’t even trust champions with abilities that requires you to hit AI on their block. It can go sideways easily. At this point, either they removed that ability from AI completely or increase the time gap between combo for AI to reparry.
  • YodaKajYodaKaj Member Posts: 244
    Skynet is evolving
  • geokenngeokenn Member Posts: 45
    J0eySn0w said:

    Lets try to keep things respectful to one another even if we're disagreeing.

    Just to update on our end, still investigating but wanted to still drop in and let y'all know its not fallen off our radar just cause we dont have news to share right this moment. Will pass along new info as soon as I can.

    I don’t mean to be a pain in the butt but these issues have been going on for a while now even before this post. This post for example is from July 24, and all we’ve heard from the team is investigations are being carried out. I appreciate that the team acknowledged not being great at communicating and wants to do better, but I think we need more than this at this time. Not just communicating but also transparency. Just dropping in to tell us you’re investigating makes us happy because in the past we hardly get that. So yes, we’re happy when you do that but take it a bit further. And this is just on AI behavior, not drop inputs nor how laggy the game has been since last update.

    What does investigating mean? Does the team know or do not know the cause of these AI issues? Has the team also observed what we have as well? Is the team observing normal and intended AI behavior, nothing out of the ordinary? Have they seen a change in the behavior of AI not just what we’re reporting? Has there been an attempt to fix it? Was it successful or not?

    I’m no expect in game development but clearly some changes were made. I remember when Hercules infuriate worked seamlessly, and one day it didn’t. 1 hit combo dash back and defender stand still, walk up to you and them light intercept you. 2 hit combo, then they wait for you to make a move and then intercept you. Intercepts you know very well is landing, and somehow the defender manages to hit first. So many odd AI behavior, and defender reaction and response timing is completely off.
    Pointless, obviously this A.i must be in someone beneficial to Kabaam, hmmm I wonder? Otherwise after playing 10 years trust me Kabaam would have fixed A.i issues if it was losing money. Again the worse bugs over 10 years and still A.i not fixed.. Come one Kabaam. Us LONG TIME players know better. Enough with saying investigations and Just fix this please
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