Server Outage Information - Discussion Thread



  • FluffyFluffy Member Posts: 446 ★★
    Yeah, another compensation thread.
  • Maverick75Maverick75 Member Posts: 807 ★★★
    To Adora and Miiike

    First, thank you for information and your patience with us.

    I remember the big fail on Android and what we got, and it was pretty poor for a 8 hours knock down and all the impacts in alliances.
    Today it happens to iOS and Android. I hope all players will get the same compensation without regarding the OS.
    It would be useless to list all the problems for us today, you know all of them.

    2 suggestions

    1) Because emergency maintenances happen frequently this last weeks, why not to define standard packages of compensation?
    Some 4* and 5* class stones, a 4* awakening gem?, few units?... Usefull gifts for all, not for small summoners
    Spare discussions at every noticeable fail.

    2) Please forget.definitively the set back to 1 hour on the AQ timer. (sorry, it was an easy try :-) )
  • StormStorm Member Posts: 4
    edited December 2017
    Kabam mike
    Will we get compensated for this inconvenient , time lossage ? Of the continuous disruptions ? The amount of times I've been disconnected from areana , aswel as boss fights in AQ and story, has been very frustrating ! Considering its been happening quite so much .... With we get any sort of compensations for our losses? This has been happening a numerous tomes now since last night .... c8dycbogqak2.png
  • VIPgARRETTEgVIPgARRETTEg Member Posts: 2
    thanks Miike for the response ... =)
    i think i'll sleep now ... looking forward for compensation items tomorrow... heha =)
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,466 Guardian
    Maat1985 wrote: »
    So actually not their fault....
    Males you feel sorry for them....
    If their business partners are required to fix inwonder watnit actually is???

    Because there was so much wild speculation about this, I decided to break down and just figure it out. As far as I can tell, the backend servers for MCOC appear to be hosted on google cloud platform. At least, that's what the game client seems to talk to a lot.

    So speculating about any hardware component of the game infrastructure is probably fruitless. There's no obvious way to tell what they are running in the compute engines, whether it is Windows or Linux, but for game back end engines that's largely irrelevant given how most game engines are designed.

    The actual problem could be in the actual software running on the compute engines, the presentation or balancing layer (App engine or other), the Google cloud infrastructure, the Google Cloud Networking layer, the database engines (Google or other), or a lot of other things implementation-related. But people speculating that it is slow hard drives or running older versions of Windows are probably not on the right track.
  • FireStorm34FireStorm34 Member Posts: 83
    i am sick of the excuses this happened the last time starlord was feature arena i lost him by 100k points due to that 8 hours ever down time now yet again 24 hours of issues and down time so pissed off right now 3 years game been running you would think the servers would be sorted
  • AsmodeyusAsmodeyus Member Posts: 217
    Each time the servers have gone down, when they come back up the scoring for everything is off, ot lower. Example. Summoner Advancement, when this first started we had 388,000+ points, after a couple of the disconnects i checked and we were down to 355,000+ points. I checked the roster and members, no one left, no one joined in that time frame. Then today i logged in and we were down to 242,000+ points under and rank rewards still showing available. So I decided to check the perfect series event and same thing has happened. Points have dropped my tens to a hundred thousand.

    All of point totals have been getting screwy since thw outages.

    Now I tend to have to agree here with the players regarding AQ and Arenas, ive taken several "auto losses" because i win thw fight, suddenly game goes down, and then when back in, instead of redoing the fight, says network error, bam, auto loss. There is no fair, or correct score you can give for the system triggering auto losses. At this point, just conceed and give the people already in ranked arena the champ already. This has lasted for almlst 24 hours now.

    I even submitted a ticket when i noticed SA issues with scores. I got an automated response in general about the outages and then auto closed ticket.

    I get it that compensation comes later however, dont you think we at least deserve more than an email door slammed in our face when we report a seperate problem that may be linked? Still have the ticket number that got closed and no answer as to why scores have been changing.
  • BillLisBackBillLisBack Member Posts: 25
    Here is a win/win solution.

    Offer the $1 crystal again. This way we’ll actually pay you for our compensation and happily do so for the most part. Then maybe through in some energy refills and crystals for good measure. Call it a day. I’m serious.
  • WeezerKDI1WeezerKDI1 Member Posts: 228
    I started AQ, game crashed. Got back on, dead champ. Started again, game crashed. Got back in, another dead champ. Went as far as I could with one. Didn’t make it out of the first section. I was not the only one. Now we can’t even finish a map that we do four times a week because everybody is dead or almost dead. Make it good Kabam.
  • ThalionThalion Member Posts: 65
    Cancel AQ.... There is no point anymore. Just stress
  • 123Tyler123Tyler Member Posts: 2
    This is crazy this is affected alliance quest it has affected the item use event we have used things and have been denied being able to use them. Being locked out of your game because of constant server maintenance. I don’t know what’s going on but this is a little ridiculous this past week let alone this past three months. You should really think
  • Getinthehole33Getinthehole33 Member Posts: 17
    Yea that’s why I’m saying to do it in addition to compensation
  • ThalionThalion Member Posts: 65
    Cancel AQ......
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  • JFerg114JFerg114 Member Posts: 122
    Nah, son Generic 5☆ Awakening Gem, it's the ONLY compensation that will balance what we lost by what is happening.
  • WOKWOK Member Posts: 468 ★★
    IMO, I feel if we truly enjoy playing this game and want to continue without all the frustrations and wondering, we should simply call it a loss to this "anniversary/holiday" extravaganza of content/rewards and discontinue playing until the end of the holiday season or some time after since it's been announced that there is no estimate of time it will take to be corrected.
    Should be more than ample time for Kabam to put together a complete "package" of what remedies have been implemented to prevent such issues from continuing forward, player compensation, possible reload of events lost etc etc..... In an all inclusive announcement. Whether we accept it as fair can be argued over then.

    TBH, all the negative thoughts and frustrations I've been having is DEFINITELY NOT how I want my state of mind/emotions to be especially during the holiday season.
  • JFerg114JFerg114 Member Posts: 122
    Jestress wrote: »
    The post says that you're trying to be transparent, yet you never actually said what is causing the server outages. So... opaque?

    Pretty sure unless other know Adobe Photoshop your joke went right over their heads. You earned your LoL!
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  • KahrahtayKahrahtay Member Posts: 146
    Pfff why are all you guys begging for free stuff. Yea it is hard you can’t play for a while. Improving the game takes hard work. And in a few cases things can go wrong. They are trying their best to solve it. Deal with it. Evantually it will make the game better and more fun. If the server is down it affect every player so no one will gain any advantage.

    So man up. Get some sleep. Maby go outside for a while.
    But stop whining 🤫
  • JFerg114JFerg114 Member Posts: 122
    Jestress wrote: »
    JFerg114 wrote: »
    Jestress wrote: »
    The post says that you're trying to be transparent, yet you never actually said what is causing the server outages. So... opaque?

    Pretty sure unless other know Adobe Photoshop your joke went right over their heads. You earned your LoL!

    I'll be here for the rest of time.

    That's pretty true seeing we can't log in. Come to forums for some laughs. Or try to log in more laughs!
  • Sith_LordSith_Lord Member Posts: 254 ★★
    edited December 2017
    Love how posts get flagged for no apparent reason...
  • DubDub Member Posts: 12
    We need something for this. Lost out on on our map 6 due to guys getting kicked, using items just to get kicked and the items do nothing. So when they run out of items on a 10 path map and die it makes for a very frustrated alliance.... at very least we need our map costs back and something to compensate items. Pretty frustrated to say the least
  • TarugoTarugo Member Posts: 1
    Maintenance 3x then can't fix the problem again lag is still..
  • GQuantaoGQuantao Member Posts: 208
    Here is a win/win solution.

    Offer the $1 crystal again. This way we’ll actually pay you for our compensation and happily do so for the most part. Then maybe through in some energy refills and crystals for good measure. Call it a day. I’m serious.

    Not too bad an idea, but not sufficient- I was going for Starlord, I don't want or need another Quake dupe, nor several of the other possible draws
  • MoneyMERC36MoneyMERC36 Member Posts: 22
    Kahrahtay wrote: »
    Pfff why are all you guys begging for free stuff. Yea it is hard you can’t play for a while. Improving the game takes hard work. And in a few cases things can go wrong. They are trying their best to solve it. Deal with it. Evantually it will make the game better and more fun. If the server is down it affect every player so no one will gain any advantage.

    So man up. Get some sleep. Maby go outside for a while.
    But stop whining 🤫

    No one gains an advantage? How about the people with close to no 2*s who actually need to grind a lot to get the mil 5* shards?
  • Neroa65Neroa65 Member Posts: 302 ★★
    AQ should be cancelled entirely. It's just a waste of time at this point. Imo.
  • memexormemexor Member Posts: 3
    Well, you know it's a big deal when Ad0ra is posting. Looking forward to having everything back up and running and to the resolutions to everything this has snowballed into.

    i agree
  • DarkestDestroyerDarkestDestroyer Member Posts: 2,888 ★★★★★
    @Kabam Miike @Ad0ra_

    Can I just ask if the root of this issue is also the cause for the previous drops and emergency maintenance?

    For instance getting this fixed, will then keep it running smooth again.

    I can't remember a time there has been as many issues as the last few weeks, so hopefully getting this issue fixed will sort it out again.
  • memexormemexor Member Posts: 3
    _kenching wrote: »
    @Kabam Miike please consider extending or lowering the arena cut-offs many new players are grinding hard for Star-lord or trying to duped him.

    That would be great mabe mak it like 2.5 mill
  • Doomsfist79Doomsfist79 Member Posts: 922 ★★★
    HI GUYS ,,, still maintainance? how many more minutes should we wai? =)

    I wish I had an answer to that. We're actively working to get this outage fixed, but aren't really able to provide an estimate just yet.

    Hi Mike,
    I made a post, which was moved into the larger thread regarding this issue. Why not just leave the servers down until the current issue is resolved. Will be less headaches for you guys.. and less frustration for us. Maybe this hasn't been considered.. but could be an idea to take back to the team.
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