is kabam killing marvel champions ?

with the recent update, the game has been….less then enjoyable. Yet this isn’t the first time something like this has occurred, there has been uncountable bugs, glitches, and things that just don’t make sense over the last year, and yet kabam wont listen to their playerbase.
instead of fixing the mobile game, and making sure it’s running smooth, they release a PC version, which almost nobody asked for, and it’s simply to bring in more money, yet the game itself isn’t even enjoyable as much so who wants to play on PC ? If the games not good, what is moving it to a computer gonna do ?
Kabam fails to listen to their playerbase, they fail to provide the highest rank of player with the highest rank of reward, they fail to update parts of the game that are meant to be updated monthly, this is in regards to the EQ, its the same thing EVERY month, thronebreaker difficulty was released like 2 years ago, and now there’s a whole 2 progressions past it. The side quest is all about mysterioum now, I remember when it used to be a unique thing and only every now and then would a store come into play, yet now we have the traders outpost that doesn’t even get updated ?
Yet not all is bad, they updated the sigil ( which costs money ) they also had the 10 reveals from December, which most were good , introducing 60fps, reworking the backgrounds, and reworking champions, yet even their most successful event ( the banquet ) fell shy of being good. They also released the DSE without a time limit, which is great, yet even already the rewards are feeling a bit stale between the limited attack boosts, and the small fragments of t4a
at this point, the game isn’t even being upheld properly anymore, yes I’m sure there’s much that goes on behind the scenes, but what happens when that gets released and is bugged too? I’m sure making a game is hard, but it’s been 10 YEARS, and you guys still can’t find a proper way to keep the game together..?
instead of fixing the mobile game, and making sure it’s running smooth, they release a PC version, which almost nobody asked for, and it’s simply to bring in more money, yet the game itself isn’t even enjoyable as much so who wants to play on PC ? If the games not good, what is moving it to a computer gonna do ?
Kabam fails to listen to their playerbase, they fail to provide the highest rank of player with the highest rank of reward, they fail to update parts of the game that are meant to be updated monthly, this is in regards to the EQ, its the same thing EVERY month, thronebreaker difficulty was released like 2 years ago, and now there’s a whole 2 progressions past it. The side quest is all about mysterioum now, I remember when it used to be a unique thing and only every now and then would a store come into play, yet now we have the traders outpost that doesn’t even get updated ?
Yet not all is bad, they updated the sigil ( which costs money ) they also had the 10 reveals from December, which most were good , introducing 60fps, reworking the backgrounds, and reworking champions, yet even their most successful event ( the banquet ) fell shy of being good. They also released the DSE without a time limit, which is great, yet even already the rewards are feeling a bit stale between the limited attack boosts, and the small fragments of t4a
at this point, the game isn’t even being upheld properly anymore, yes I’m sure there’s much that goes on behind the scenes, but what happens when that gets released and is bugged too? I’m sure making a game is hard, but it’s been 10 YEARS, and you guys still can’t find a proper way to keep the game together..?
seriously, my original post did mention how it was all for money when I said what I said, yet I didn’t like the way it sounded so I took it out
This new playform transitions are never smooth, and MCoC was never smooth, so yeah I don't expect much for 2025
There are always going to be issues. Sometimes more sometimes less. They're doing what they can to move forward.
Good ol days.
Bring back server crashes again! 👀
- EVERY UPDATE is riddled with bugs. Sometimes (like January) they released a Hotfix, but it was bugged for 2 weeks (just shy by 2 days). So the lack of QA and Testing is seen as non-existent.
- Nerfing AQ RAID Revives as soon as new champs were refreshed which always results in bugs 100% of every release change to this mode we have seen. The only difference this time, it was more a busted Boss in player's favor. A rarity but still a bug.
- Two weeks of the Paid Sigil was down onlytocome back lackluster with promise of it being "fixed" with minor things that we asked for back but still not addressing the insanely high cost of some items as well as requiring everything to be paid by Sigil Credits which we only get once a month. Biggest changes that haven't been addressed are: Potion Trade-ins, shard trade-ups and reasoning for such high cost of Titan to name but a few. This re-launched out dated already which is disappointing to Valiant players the most.
- Power Boosts being nerfed and hidden in an update and not properly addressed beforehand in either the Livestream to explain the reasoning after 10+ years of being this way or a detailed Forum/in-game mail/Discord well ahead of time.
- Speaking of which: COMMUNICATION has been severely lacking and typically we don't hear a response UNTIL the majority of summoners are already upset and frustrated.
- Banquet backlash that has never been properly addressed as it was seen as one of the worst over-hyped events to date, but the whales helps make Kabam lots of money, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯?
- No Lunar Event in 2025 and was not even addressed until community expected and asked when it was supposed to be starting. The reasoning was stated as because it was "Stale" but that hasn't stopped many other items from not being changed in years (Alliance Quest for example) whilst simultaneously ignoring this was a cultural relevant event that is celebrated by BILLIONS of people around the world, but since it didn't affect those in North America or some of Europe, no one cares, right? Even the promise of the same "rewards" ojpy said to be Units (no mention of Loyalty, Battlechips or Artifacts) being "spread out" in the past vague fashion it feels like a blow off. (may not be intent but it is what it is).
So with all those I just listed happening in past 6 weeks alone, yeah it feel like either Kabam is trying to kill the game or lack of respect for the community can be only two reasons this is continuing.
But this is just one person's opinion based on all the feedback I see and hear within multiple communities within MCOC. What do I know?
- Mando
The game has run for 10 years. Except for possibly the first few updates, we've always experienced bugs. they fixed them in like 3 hours or less. You're always going to have bugs. This game is built over layers of new and old code that sometimes, doesn't play well with each other. There isn't a single game you can mention that doesn't have bugs with new updates yet most people think MCOC has to be perfect.
Why do you need a in-game event to celebrate lunar new years? Do we have an event for Dewali? We don't celebrate hanukkah right? What about Juneteenth?
Banquet was addressed pretty fairly. Not hearing the answers you'd like doesn't mean it wasn't adequately answered. You wanted to hear that it was utter failure and it wasn't. Crashed said there was room for improvement and explained how he overvalued some items.
I get the frustration with the power boosts but it's like revive farming. What we should be asking is for those nodes in war to change that essentially require those boosts. But we can't as a community continue to trivialize content without Kabam making changes. It's either change the boosts or make the fights even worse.
Listen the thing is u r just 1 person maybe 10 more or what ever let's say 1000 more . .. do u really think Kabam cares about 1000 vs millions who play this game religiously?
They are a profit making organization and they will focus on profits like any other organizations out there.. they are not here for community service.
First, I completely agree with you about our monthly content. We have been investing a lot of resources into addressing this, including working on some new large systems that are designed to not only get us where we need to be, but make sure we never fall behind like this again. I don't know when these things will be done but they are actively being worked on by one of our largest teams. It means the resources that would be used to catch up are being spent to catch up AND get ahead, hopefully forever. But I understand in the meantime it's very frustrating.
Second, one thing I think a lot of players don't consider is that most live service games take their games offline for a few hours every week to do maintenance. We update the game while it's live. It is ABSOLUTELY not OK for the game to be broken for weeks like it was last build, I am not saying that is OK. However, when something happens like today you need to ask: would you rather some crystals disappear for a few hours or the game be offline for a few hours? That's really the tradeoff we are making.
Nobody likes bugs, but once upon a time we didn't used to have broken content and broken clients, we used to have wholesale server instability. New content day wasn't "oops my crystals are not visible" day, it was "oops, emergency maintenance is kicking everyone out because the servers are about to die" day. Do you think players then would see the issues you're reporting now as a serious degradation in service?
The day I did my RoL run way back when critical hits somehow got magically turned off game-wide. There was no announcement about it until significantly after the fact. It just took me a thousand hits for some fights to beat it. Sure, fights are buggy now, but that too is something that isn't unique to recent events. It happens, and it has happened.
And as to the banquet event "backlash" sure, there was a lot of chatter about it on the forums, but that also happens all the time. It literally happened last year and much of the issues people complained about this year were specifically traceable to changes the devs made to address last years' complaints. Meanwhile, a lot of those complaints were borderline delusional. My favorite part was the people who were puzzled by the fact that the participation data - which was strong enough signal that even I could report on it without resorting to private Kabam data - did not match the "obvious" player discontent, and so concluded that somehow the participation data was wrong, misleading, or somehow irrelevant to player satisfaction with the event. Because if there's a contradiction between what players are doing and what their opinions are, it certainly can't be their opinions.
I see the same feedback you do. I also remember all the feedback from last year, and the year before, and the year before. I've been involved in all those threads going back to 2015. Once upon a time people used to come here on the forums and try to organize boycotts of the game because according to them things were so bad the game needed to be saved from itself. Nobody does that anymore. Do you know why? Because every single one of those attempts failed horribly, because extrapolating eighty people complaining on the forums to what several hundred thousand people think and are willing to do has always ended in abject failure.
Here's a petition on to boycott MCOC due to the fact the game is broken and unplayable. I recall this petition was posted on the forums. At the time of the petition (April 2018) there were several thousand active forum participants, and over a million active players. It got 126 signatures. A petition to rehire an AP history high school teacher got three times as many. And I would say public sentiment in early 2018 was significantly more negative then than it is now.
Here's a "why I might quit" post from that month:
Here's one advising Kabam to spend more time fixing bugs than other stuff:
Here's one complaining about transparency:
Game is heading in the wrong direction:
Just a reminder this was the month that Kabam "broke" AQ by replacing the minions without asking us first:
And causing everyone to quit in the process:
Oh look, a Gold thread And it got to 600 posts before being closed because it turned into a firefight.
Unlike this one that barely got to 120:
Game is lagging, crashing, has been getting worse for months, and Kabam doesn't care:
This one is more for me than anything else, since it gives me a sense of nostalgia: Matchmaking is unfair:
Once upon a time, instead of "why is the client broken" threads we used to get "why is the game down" when emergency maintenance happened, which it did very often:
I'm going to skip over all the Dungeons-related complaints, although there were a lot of those at that particular time as well. And just to remind you, that was all in one month that I picked randomly as coinciding what that amusing petition's inception.
None of this is to excuse bugs and other problems. We should try to be getting rid of those, or better yet not introduce them into the game in the first place. But the idea that things are way worse than they have ever been, or that the playerbase has never been more unhappy with the state of the game, or that any of this is likely to have unforeseen consequences is very difficult for me to really buy into, given the fact that I've lived through 12.0, several cycles of AW and AQ adjustments, the arrival of Dungeons, three different cycles of burnout, a billion gold scarcity threads, the community team being called stooges and gaslighters, actual death threats against players and developers, and this thing called the gifting event that we no longer have that everyone complained about but spenders continued to spend on anyway. The game is always dying, the studio is always slapping the players in the face when they pay attention to them at all, and things are always better in retrospect but worse at the time.
People are comparing client interfaces missing stuff these days to the past when the servers would randomly go down in the middle of the day and people's phones were actually catching on fire. And missing the good old days.
- 1 cup (200g) granulated sugar
- 1/2 cup (115g) unsalted butter, melted
- 2 large eggs
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 1/3 cup (40g) unsweetened cocoa powder
- 1/2 cup (65g) all-purpose flour
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 1/4 teaspoon baking powder