Alliance Quest Miniboss and Sentinel Refresh - April 2018 - Discussion Thread [Updated April 13]



  • Herk_DerpsonHerk_Derpson Member Posts: 33

    Absolutely, but I'm merely pointing out that others may be having a different experience than you are. I haven't threatened to quit since 12.0 and I wasn't alone in that. Solid points though, especially on rewards I'm also not of the opinion that increasing them fixes the issues people are having. The issue for me is that what was once the easy side of the Alliance imo, aq, is now far more difficult and time consuming, even understanding the abilities of the sentinals and specifically playing around with different fighting styles and champs. I've had good fights and bad fights with them and recognize that with time I would eventually have and EASIER time if not as easy as before. You're right, this is their game and it's their prerogative to make whatever changes they want. I just see these changes disrupting the community and my own enjoyment of this game and find that concerning. To each their own though, I totally get where you are coming from, just givin ya a hard time lol
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,947 ★★★★★

    Absolutely, but I'm merely pointing out that others may be having a different experience than you are. I haven't threatened to quit since 12.0 and I wasn't alone in that. Solid points though, especially on rewards I'm also not of the opinion that increasing them fixes the issues people are having. The issue for me is that what was once the easy side of the Alliance imo, aq, is now far more difficult and time consuming, even understanding the abilities of the sentinals and specifically playing around with different fighting styles and champs. I've had good fights and bad fights with them and recognize that with time I would eventually have and EASIER time if not as easy as before. You're right, this is their game and it's their prerogative to make whatever changes they want. I just see these changes disrupting the community and my own enjoyment of this game and find that concerning. To each their own though, I totally get where you are coming from, just givin ya a hard time lol

    To be clear, I wasn't talking about you specifically. Just the general air.
  • Herk_DerpsonHerk_Derpson Member Posts: 33
    Totally. Digital handshake, I respectfully agree to disagree.
  • StellarStellar Member Posts: 1,126 ★★★★
    If you compare QA 5 to uncollected Quests, you will see that the uncollected quest of the Mutant was far easier !

    We had only 2 sentinels to battle before going to the boss. Here we have 4 or more sentinel per path before going to the mini-boss and that for each mini boss

    You said that sentinels are sensitive to class relationship and armor breaking but not all summoners are able to get that kind of champion in QA while doing the Event Quest and battling in alliance war !

    The way i see it, QA will become less and less attractive for players who can't afford to get 16 top champions at the same time for those 3 events and will choose to sacrifice QA as AW are far more interresting
  • Repto23Repto23 Member Posts: 840 ★★★
    @Kabam Miike Care to comment as to why the Senteniels in AQ still gain charges and activate their abilities after either Medusa's armor shatter or Nebula having 10+ electro charges. Which they didn't in the last event quest or if you duel a players Senteniel
  • Vincew80Vincew80 Member Posts: 196 ★★
    I don’t plant to quit (yet) in hopes they’ll start listening to customers. However, I won’t spend another dime & gave them the App Store rating they’ve earned. I’d encourage anyone else that’s not pleased to let them know through those means, as that’s all that will really get their attention.
  • nickkala_648kalandanickkala_648kalanda Member Posts: 62
    Yeah changes is always good, but as sentinels are hard opponents then simbiods and quest become more harder, also needs recourse to finish it, probably it's time to make some changes in rewards to, I mean make them better.
  • DukeZmanDukeZman Member Posts: 698 ★★★
    Ok having now tested the AQ changes in Map 5, there’s no question things are harder, especially the Sentinels...especially the Mystic ones. The mystic Sentinels need a nerf on their power gain bad. And Sentinels in general need their sig abilities turned off.
    There’s no way you can sit there and say with a straight face that replacing generally easy champs (symbiods) with a champ with block penetration and unblockable specials plus other random abilities doesn’t make this quest significantly more difficult. I don’t even care that they don’t bleed or poison. It’s their plethora of other crazy abilities.
    @Kabam Miike you said your stated goal was just to shake things up without increasing difficulty and that’s simply not been the case. Something needs to be done to bring the difficulty of the Sentinels more in line with what we had.
  • DukeZmanDukeZman Member Posts: 698 ★★★
    DukeZman wrote: »
    Ok having now tested the AQ changes in Map 5, there’s no question things are harder, especially the Sentinels...especially the Mystic ones. The mystic Sentinels need a nerf on their power gain bad. And Sentinels in general need their sig abilities turned off.
    There’s no way you can sit there and say with a straight face that replacing generally easy champs (symbiods) with a champ with block penetration and unblockable specials plus other random abilities doesn’t make this quest significantly more difficult. I don’t even care that they don’t bleed or poison. It’s their plethora of other crazy abilities.
    @Kabam Miike you said your stated goal was just to shake things up without increasing difficulty and that’s simply not been the case. Something needs to be done to bring the difficulty of the Sentinels more in line with what we had.

    It seems seriously unbalanced to make Sentinels now the hardest fight on the map.
  • AgentCoulson777AgentCoulson777 Member Posts: 1
    Ascoop24 wrote: »
    420sam wrote: »
    So, you are making it more difficult yet not adjusting anything like rewards or even glory? Can I ask why? How does this benefit the players?

    As we said in that post, we are working on a full refresh. We are not at a place or time where we can increase the rewards or fully refresh the mode right now.

    If you aren't at a place or time to refresh the rewards then you shouldn't be at a place or time to refresh the difficulty. One should not go without the other. This is a great example of pure laziness

    But how are you so sure that the difficulty has gotten worse?

    Granted, Bleed and Poison champions may not be as effective in Alliance Quests as they were before, but Sentinels melt at the power of a Armor Break Champion, and a lot of the new Mini-Bosses have very common counters!

    Buff rewards then do some change’s,at this time you are doing nothing

    I would agree with the armor break except there are sentinels that have purify and then they shrugg off everything. That is way more difficult...
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  • ChefSkallywagChefSkallywag Member Posts: 69
    No, they are only allowed one response per 100 warning
  • GusaphusGusaphus Member Posts: 1
    Too many sentinels...every other fight is a sentinel. Would be better to add some of the other new champs in. It’s more difficult, but it isn’t more fun
  • D14rockD14rock Member Posts: 31
    Has anybody even mentioned the fact that kabam clearly stated that they didn't want AQ to be the focus anymore and they wanted AW to be the game mode everyone focused towards for the better rewards. Why then am I spending more pots in each of the first 3 days of AQ than I ever do in AW, even against a really good defense?.... it can't be just because I'm not used to sentinels.. i have fought plenty of them in master and uncollected eq on 2 different a count and they near as bad the AQ ones.. you tell us to use class advantage to bear them.. exactly what skill champ can i use against science sentinel on heal block path? Or right there as garnet any bleed immune skill Champs... and the only science champ I can use against the mystic sentinel on that same path is LC.... give me a break?! Of course there are other bleed immune champs, but how many of them have strong armor break to counter not being able to have a class advantage? Ultron has armore break.. used him.. he sucks too..So you guys had to go ahead and rush this new map out even though it wasn't ready or even the end of the season yet and just lazily switched syms out for a sentinel of the same class when they don't even fit with a path..
  • Spurgeon14Spurgeon14 Member Posts: 1,665 ★★★★
    DukeZman wrote: »
    DukeZman wrote: »
    Ok having now tested the AQ changes in Map 5, there’s no question things are harder, especially the Sentinels...especially the Mystic ones. The mystic Sentinels need a nerf on their power gain bad. And Sentinels in general need their sig abilities turned off.
    There’s no way you can sit there and say with a straight face that replacing generally easy champs (symbiods) with a champ with block penetration and unblockable specials plus other random abilities doesn’t make this quest significantly more difficult. I don’t even care that they don’t bleed or poison. It’s their plethora of other crazy abilities.
    @Kabam Miike you said your stated goal was just to shake things up without increasing difficulty and that’s simply not been the case. Something needs to be done to bring the difficulty of the Sentinels more in line with what we had.

    It seems seriously unbalanced to make Sentinels now the hardest fight on the map.

    I've thought the same thing! They are harder than Dormammu and you have to fight them like 10 times an AQ quest and Dormammu only once and you get a ton more points for him. Lol
  • JuanZqJuanZq Member Posts: 1
    I have read some comments and a lot of people agree this change of making so hard AQ is making some Alliances are breaking, including mine.
    AQ is now far more difficult and time consuming than ever.
    And why did you increase the difficulty if you didnt increase rewards too?, that would help to understand this changes.
    If Kabam don't want people play AQ, should tell that and disable AQ. So people can focus on Wars or missions.
    AQ was intented to give us resources to increase the level of your team for wars or missions.
    But now you have to use more resources just to finish AQ. Kabam have to get better the game not worse.
    People in my alliance are just leaving the game and the ones that stay are frustated. Can't even finish AQ and worse can't even start a war because people leaves and we haven't enough resources.

    Finally: I think Kaban should go back and start missions of healing and gold because we lack of both.
  • caseyrybackcaseyryback Member Posts: 3
    no sentinels pls.
  • JamagJamag Member Posts: 6
    Finally this game has sucked the life out of me and makes me want to quit. The sheer increase in difficulty is overwhelming and don’t think I’ve ever had to use as much potions ever in Aq so a big hand clap to whoever thought of this latest change. The game just isn’t fun for me now and actually hate thought of doing Aq. Sure we need time to adapt but come on this is crazy, I’ve have seriously struggled this week and if keeps up will call it quits. I complete uncollected every month, cleared act 5 etc and seriously struggle with a sentinel, although I do expect a few bugs are at work too. Just my feedback Kabam but it’s destroying the game for me
  • CurtisLowCurtisLow Member Posts: 14
    @Kabam Miike this outcry is worse than the changes from last year. I came back to see what people were saying and it’s the same thing being said in my alliance. We were joking about going back to map 1 since map 5 is on the edge of impossible. I don’t care if sentinels are here to stay. I don’t care if they’re immune to bleed, poison and incinerate. That makes sense. The other buffs make them impossible to fight. That makes no sense.
  • Maverick75Maverick75 Member Posts: 804 ★★★
    Good game Kabam ! You’re killing your game.

    As a company, the goal is to get and increase benefits.
    That’s ok.

    How ?
    By increasing objects use and selling more crystals.

    AW don’t make enough money ?
    Make players use more in an AW season, where all players must participate for more points and where players must heal to reduce KO that can decide a defeat or a victory.
    To sell more champion crystals, diversity is introduced and can also decide a victory.

    What about AQ ?
    Players have habits and more powerful champions.
    Let’s change basic enemy (symbioids) for more powerful with more difficult buffs, and change mini-boss for more difficult too. There will be more used objects.

    Players don’t like the new system ?
    Just quit the game or don’t play in high level (I didn’t mean the elite).

    Well some of us took these decisions. My 3-year alliance (11m) is loosing 5 players at the end of this AQ serie. Like some other teams.

    Maybe one day kabam will understand that some players and alliances are just interested in playing together with a decent challenge, not for the contest above all. Without them the contest will be more reduced.
  • MidnightfoxMidnightfox Member Posts: 1,443 ★★★★
    At this point unless they want to kill the game then kabam needs to rescind the changes or increase rewards. This was a horrible rollout.
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    They need tweaking, the mystic dispersion shouldn’t work that much, they shouldn’t be on powergain node and charges shouldn’t build up for swiping back. Plus their counters medusa and nebula aren’t working properly. There shouldn’t be this many identical fights in each day of aq, clumsy rollout as usual kabam, majorly fix them or take them away
  • NathanparkerNathanparker Member Posts: 25
    My alliance is running map 5 every day, that's what we have done since 8 or 9 months, and in the course of this months alliance quest have change, so, why is everybody geeting so angry now? simple, the state of the game, the lag, the missing hits, the poor state of parry, the lack of response when dashing back/foward. We have to change our champs according to the new meta and get used to fighting centinels, yes, you are right on that, but it is imposible to do this if the game doesnt respond the way it should, I lost a lot of health on my champs because the game doesnt respond the way it should, so either I get hit or I lost health by blocking.
    I can't speak for everybody else, I can only speak out of my own personal experience on the game an if somebody has no issues with the game I'm glad for you, but some of us have it bad, so I hope kabam stop delaying a solution, some need more content, I need the game to get fixed, it's getting really unplayable
  • LegendsendLegendsend Member Posts: 92
    I just don't understand the minimal changes for the elite who have all the characters and perks and whatnot but such a drastic change for everyone else... Map 6 doesn't have sentinels and come on now... void is easy as hell to beat and so for ppl doing map 6 who already have such a diverse character database, they should have no problem with this minimal change but for everyone else there is a lot more to deal with... Why such a minimal change for map 6 but such an outrageous change for all other maps that will include the less fortunate? I would love to know the reasoning.
  • RuhengeriRuhengeri Member Posts: 5
    I like the game overall but! Sentinels in aq are a terrible idea without better rewards! That aside, They’re too defensive! There is nothing more frustrating then fighting an enemy that will keep blocking until they get unblockable specials...I don’t like the new aq update at all. In my view it is unfair to the player base to increase difficulty without increasing rewards to compensate.
    It would have been better to leave the game as is was if you weren’t ready to increase rewards.

    **Proposed solution: Remove the sentinels or increase rewards or both!
  • HomerJBondHomerJBond Member Posts: 122
    edited April 2018
    I wanted to take the time to add that the Sentinels are not fun to play and the laggy misqueued control in this game has it to the point where it’s not even fun. That’s all I hear anymore is that the game is ruined.

    It started with a brilliant design years ago. What happened?!? So many bad decisions
  • miracle85miracle85 Member Posts: 13
    You guys need to do something with the lag or nerf the sentenils a little bit and what happens to no 3rd special are you guys blind
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    Yeah we’ve got guys slacking in aq, morale is down, if my alliance folds over this bs I can tell you most of our spenders will just leave the game, the alliance that has been functioning well is what keeps most of them in the game, most of our leaders have acknowledged that they wouldn’t still be here if it wasn’t for the alliance, and if we have to do another rebuild, we will just retire, to have to drop right back to map 3 is just a kick in the balls, rankup progression has gotten slow enough as it is, and as mentioned many times before the gameplay is a pile of **** right now, evades not working, blocks not working, lags, getting stuck to the ground when we swipe, if I get a battery notification in my phone, there’s is a 20 second lag before gameplay will start again at the moment. too much all at once, this needs urgent attention, I seriously worry for the future of the game
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  • ChefSkallywagChefSkallywag Member Posts: 69
    Map 5 day 4. I am used to running the immune lane. The Skill Sentinels make it impossible. Just lost my entire team to the first one. I quit
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