Alliance Quest Miniboss and Sentinel Refresh - April 2018 - Discussion Thread [Updated April 13]



  • raffsterraffster Member Posts: 1,071 ★★★
    This game is broken and needs to be fixed. ASAP.

    Sentinels just basically added insult (% drop rates are basically telling the players to go suck an egg) to injury (increasing difficulty without ample time to adjust and/or rewards).
  • Stark_90Stark_90 Member Posts: 19
    edited April 2018
    @Kabam Miike I am not sure if you have noticed the general opinion on the Sentineliods being introduced in AQ. It is clear the player base is not at all excited about them. Yet, you say the difficulty has not increased. It indeed has increased from what it used to be, your come back "sentinels melt at the power of armor break champions" assumes each one of us has armor break champions. So let me ask you a question, which I am unsure if at all will be answered.

    How are you sure everyone has a viable armor break champion?
    and also, how are sure everyone is enjoying the changes made to the AQ?

    I would really appreciate you answer these questions.
  • Stephen_LynchStephen_Lynch Member Posts: 3
    edited April 2018
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    My alliance is a 15 million rated alliance we have been doing map 5x5 for past year 100% every time. You added Sentinels and all of a sudden we struggled to get through the first section without using pots and day 4 had a BG not finish. We also have had 4 people quit the game and 5 more waiting until the end of our war we are in to finish. But no you didn’t make it harder. You just killed Wolverine because he heals too much and you don’t get enough people buying alliance pots. Be honest @Kabam Miike this is a way to increase difficulty. I know there are counters. But symbiods don’t need counters. There for you did increase the difficulty and you know you did. Get rid of the stupid sentinels. They are annoying as hell. I did the halls of healing everyday and stocked up knowing it was going to be rough. I maybe use 1-3 pots on day 4 and 5. I use all 15 pots day 2 and 3. Only fights I lost on were sentinels that can hit me even when I’m blocking and all there many other annoying abilities.

    @Stephen_Lynch you can still use wolverine and regen against them you know?

    They hardly have any health it’s a simple fight.

    I’m so mind blown by all the outrage

    Its now an observable fact that the combined changes to AQ have made it a huge quantum leap harder for a large percentage of the players. Precisely why it is happening is debatable, but that it is in fact a huge difficulty jump is no longer debatable. The question now is what to do about it. If you don't understand how it could be more difficult, that's simply a fundamental limitation of your ability to engage in the details of the situation.

    I'm saying this as someone whose alliance materially benefitted from the change. We jumped over 200 places in AQ standing last week even though we scored fewer points. That doesn't impact my ability to see that the change would have a large negative impact on players as a whole. And as Kabam's official position was and still amazingly is that there was no intent to increase difficulty beyond novelty, it is entirely understandable that players would be upset about a change that clearly went completely overboard what it was described to do.

    If the devs say a change will do X, and it actually does something completely different than X, and that change materially harms the playing experience of a large percentage of the players, and the devs refuse to even acknowledge this is actually happening I would expect those players to react strongly negatively. I don't see how anyone's mind could be blown by the obvious and predictable. It is doubly annoying when the devs were so obviously wrong it is difficult to invent an excuse that allows for that level of wrong to happen by accident.

    Dude just because they can’t bleed or be poisoned doesn’t make them more difficult to fight.

    Yeah the mini bosses are slightly difficult but when there are 10 people with 3 champs each it’s easy to defeat them, they all have various counters, NC is bugged so he won’t evade.

    I mean instead of trying to sound clever why not give a solution? What is it you want done?

    You are right. Just because they are bleed and poison immune doesn’t make them hard. But last time I checked symbiods weren’t bleed and poison immune so that makes them harder. Bringing wolverine against sentinels means long fights which more unavoidable damage because Kabam hates free heals. If Kabam wants to make AQ harder I’m cool with that. But make compensate by increasing the rewards. It feels like they changed for change sake cuz @Kabam Miike and other workers were sick of seeing the same thing every AQ. But that’s not right. Should have waited until they were ready for a complete remake of AQ including new better rewards. Could have made a line or 2 of sentinels so only a couple people needed to bring sentinel counters and not everyone is bringing sentinel counters because not everyone ranked up or were lucky enough to get sentinel counter champs.
  • MEKA5MEKA5 Member Posts: 344 ★★
    Jesse0013 wrote: »
    Congratulations Kabam! Keep releasing unfinished content with untested changes, unworthy rewards and "unintentional" features...people are quitting or retiring from this game.
  • BigDaddyJoeBigDaddyJoe Member Posts: 357 ★★
    Mcord117 wrote: »
    So Morningstar

    Day 1 second sub modest 5400 prestige rank 3 5* ultron 250 hits 2 time outs 6 pots mixed of 3k and 1200 to heal past processing points. Real fun gaming experience

    Yea same here with my Ultron. Thought he was hitting like a wet noodle @Mcord117
  • Vincew80Vincew80 Member Posts: 196 ★★

    Mcord117 wrote: »
    So Morningstar

    Day 1 second sub modest 5400 prestige rank 3 5* ultron 250 hits 2 time outs 6 pots mixed of 3k and 1200 to heal past processing points. Real fun gaming experience

    Told our guys before this round ever started that timing out would be an issue the last couple days. One member used an r4 dorm & finished with around 40 seconds left... gonna be real fun on day 5.
  • RockonRockon Member Posts: 271
    but why is cyclops viable for aq anymore with the mini boss changes? unless cyclops is getting adjusted to work with aq
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  • Primmer79Primmer79 Member Posts: 2,968 ★★★★
    Mcord117 wrote: »
    Throwing this out there but who is the heavy hitting bleed immune champ to counter this morning star? Come day 5 I am expecting 3 to 4 members needing to time out unless maybe you have rank 4 or 5 5* iceman and even then you will probably time out

    Didn't you pay attention to Kabam? they said if we intercept her we will never need a bleed immune!!!

    I'm wondering how GR is matching up. Longer fight, will be able to get multiple specials off as well as maybe 2-3 sp3. I used ultron and didn't go well. Morningstar herself would probably be a decent option
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  • Primmer79Primmer79 Member Posts: 2,968 ★★★★
    Mcord117 wrote: »
    Primmer79 wrote: »
    Mcord117 wrote: »
    Throwing this out there but who is the heavy hitting bleed immune champ to counter this morning star? Come day 5 I am expecting 3 to 4 members needing to time out unless maybe you have rank 4 or 5 5* iceman and even then you will probably time out

    Didn't you pay attention to Kabam? they said if we intercept her we will never need a bleed immune!!!

    I'm wondering how GR is matching up. Longer fight, will be able to get multiple specials off as well as maybe 2-3 sp3. I used ultron and didn't go well. Morningstar herself would probably be a decent option

    If you have collected 5 souls a high rank morning star may make sense.

    I can’t see ghost rider not timing out but on the plus side you can completely heal back every fight

    It sounds like any 4* version of these characters will time out. Wish I had a 5* or 6* of them.

    So I had to laugh at myself when I thought of this... but what about OML? Probably have to go 5*, at least r3, but I am curious if anyone has tried him.
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    The fact that AQ is still full price AND full timers is a joke. At least give us free maps and/or 30 min timers while you "look at your data".

    Glad my top 100 alliance is just running a week of map 3 while they sort their **** out.
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,839 ★★★★★
    Mcord117 wrote: »
    Throwing this out there but who is the heavy hitting bleed immune champ to counter this morning star? Come day 5 I am expecting 3 to 4 members needing to time out unless maybe you have rank 4 or 5 5* iceman and even then you will probably time out

    Maybe ghost rider?
    Nebula with 20 charges ?
  • General_VisGeneral_Vis Member Posts: 138
    Luke Cage has the class advantage so might see if he can take her down in one go.
  • lazapridvorice91lazapridvorice91 Member Posts: 2
    Please fix Daredevil dont use auto evade against sentinel sp1 @kabam miike
  • Pc1988Pc1988 Member Posts: 10
    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Wolf @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Loto @Kabam Zibiit

    Sorry for the mass tag and apologies if this is a repeat question but can’t find the answer anywhere:

    Given than medusa’s armour shatter is theoretically supposed to reduce ability accuracy by 100%, should the skill sentinel be able to “purify” armour shatter? Is this working as intended or is it a bug that will be rectified? I understand that they can purify her armour breaks but L3 armour shatter should prevent them from being able to activate purify.

    Thanks in advance!
  • SomeoneElseSomeoneElse Member Posts: 424 ★★★
    It is extremely disappointing to see how out of touch Kabam is with their players, despite their very vocal community. The Sentinels are a significant jump in difficulty, but the rewards remain small. We will not get increased resources to adjust our rosters for this new challenge.

    Some say we want something for nothing, but that could not be further from the truth. We play for the challenge. But there is a huge difference between well-designed challenges that we can beat with skill and practice and challenges that have no counter or are just plain annoying. They added Sentinels, which should give us a challenge of having to fight differently, e.g. no repetitive attacks, and should encourage us to use different champs, like those with armor break. But then they starve us of resources so that we can’t level up our armor break champions, which have not been as useful in other areas. This makes the challenge frustrating insteading of enjoyable. There is a lot of backlash from the community. It really should not come as a surprise given that this pattern has been repeating for a long time.
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  • Jjwarrior55Jjwarrior55 Member Posts: 1
    Rank down tickets would be nice. At the very least I can rank a previous AQ player down and now rank up a sentinel counter
  • MarzGrooveMarzGroove Member Posts: 903 ★★★
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    bugs that benefit the players are acted upon faster than bugs that hurt the players.

    Actually it is more like this: "bugs that benefit one player over another player are acted upon faster than bugs that hurt all players equally"
  • mostlyharmlessnmostlyharmlessn Member Posts: 1,388 ★★★★
    The block damage is insane on day 2 this week... a 4* 5/50 lvl 99 blocked the second set of missiles from a science sentinel sp2. This happend twice during the fight and each time lost 20% health.... the first part of the sp2 was evaded.

    This can't be right...
  • TonedefTonedef Member Posts: 137
    Heck yeah, I R5d Ultron because I wanted a good(lol) regen champ and wolverine wasn’t cutting it. I then discovered he’s as bad or worse against sentinels, and definitely worse for the majority of fights. For a high-powered robotic villain that stood his ground vs the Avengers, his punching power is unbelievably woeful and I’d rank him down in a heartbeat!
  • Crine60Crine60 Member Posts: 1,447 ★★★★
    Game keeps crashing when I start AQ fights so I lose 50% health. This is unfair and needs fixed. So much worse since last update.
  • Vincew80Vincew80 Member Posts: 196 ★★
    Hey Kabam, there’s no such thing as admitting a mistake too soon.. however, it’s very possible to admit it too late. Just saying
  • teekqteekq Member Posts: 190
    Well this is just rediculous
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,454 Guardian
    Jesse0013 wrote: »
    I would imagine that players would be happy to “live” test these issues with proper compensation.

    Testing could be helpful in many places, like the errant node or perhaps in the awakened Morningstar (if that is a bug). But testing alone would not have been useful with regard to the Sentinels. Kabam's case is that the Sentinels are more difficult, but only because we don't have as much experience with them. To me, that's logically false. But testing would only confirm what their initial position was: namely that we would say it was hard.

    Testing has to occur within a context where the test results are useful. So if Kabam's position is the Sentinels are only difficult because they are novel, what test would prove that belief false? That's not easy to set up without a lot of time testing.

    Incidentally, at the moment I'm at the point where all of the non-immunity path Sentinels are getting easier due to a lot of practice, but I can say with absolute certainly that no amount of experience will make them have the same difficulty as the Syms they replaced. They will always be several times more difficult, even if I can eventually dispatch them reliably. The really noteworthy thing is that I'm still finding the immunity Sentinels very dangerous. In fact, they are arguably approaching the difficulty of Morningstar. I would currently estimate that the difficulty of all the Skill Sentinels on the immunity path combined (just the Sentinels, not the other skill champs on that path) to be slightly less difficult than the second Morningstar miniboss and significantly more difficult than the first one. That seems wildly unbalanced in terms of difficulty to me. It certainly makes Map 5 a completely different thing relative to the previous iteration.
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