Character Wishlist Thread 3.0



  • Supercaptain18Supercaptain18 Member Posts: 166

    Just going to leave these here and say this guy might have some great ideas for some champs
  • DoppelgangerDoppelganger Member Posts: 39
    The Shocker

    Signature Ability
    Shocker gains the ability to place a stackable concussion if the opponent is under the influence of both shock and stuns this is a non-perishable concoction that when it becomes a power steal when the opponent is hit by Shockers first special purifying the concoction or the concussion is purified by the opponent.
    Light Attack
    Shocker's light attack has a 20% chance to inflict stun or shock.
    Whenever Shoker Hits a stunned opponent there is a 25% chance to transform the stun into a Daze debuff, that cannot be purified.

    A Daze debuff reduces the opponent's energy gain by 10% per charge if the opponent tries to use a special all Daze debuffs will be purified and act as a power sting.

    If for any reason Daze is purified without the opponent using a special the opponent a shock debuff dealing an X amount of damage over 5 seconds.
    Blunt Force
    If the opponent is stunned and is hit by a heavy attack then a Blunt Force debuff has a 100% chance to be placed this is none stackable this lasts for 10 seconds and cannot be refreshed before it ends.

    Will under the influence of Blunt Force if the opponent is hit by a light attack they have an added 20% chance to be stunned and will become stunned if the opponent still has more than one bar of power before this debuff ends.
    At the start of the fight, Shocker starts with a Shockwave buff that increases shocker's chances of inflicting stun, shock, or blunt force debuff by 30%, if the opponent has a class advantage this is reduced by half.

    If the Shockwave is transferred to the opponent then the opponent becomes susceptible to and weak against stun, shock, and blunt force.

    If neither the opponent nor Shocker have Shockwave on them then both effects are present however Shocker’s energy gain will be cut in half.
    Special 1
    Using shocker’s enhanced body armor he both of his fist into the opponent's chest and then into the ground firing shrapnel at the opponent.

    If his attack hits the opponent then Shock Wave is moved to the opponent along with 3 shock debuffs that each deal an X amount of damage and lasts 3 seconds.
    Special 2
    Shocker lays a beat down onto the opponent with a barrage of hits to force the opponent back then does an unblockable shock wave blasted from his goblets.

    If shockwave is on the opponent then it is returned to Shocker, if Shockwave is still on Shocker then this attack deals an additional 10% damage.
    Special 3
    Shocker grabs the back of the opponent's head and rams it into his knee after which charges his gauntlets as the opponent gets up and moves closer than releases the explosive charged energy by hitting his fists together.

    This will remove the Shockwave form both Shocker and or the opponent.

  • Dazzler_12Dazzler_12 Member Posts: 5
    I was really sad when Longshot got added but Dazzler didn't. Her powerset is literally designed to have cool visuals.
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 5,628 ★★★★★

    I was really sad when Longshot got added but Dazzler didn't. Her powerset is literally designed to have cool visuals.

    Imagine both dazzler and jubilee in the same month. While badass as it will be, I dont think phones will be able to handle it hahahaha.
  • Dazzler_12Dazzler_12 Member Posts: 5
    Buttehrs said:

    I was really sad when Longshot got added but Dazzler didn't. Her powerset is literally designed to have cool visuals.

    Imagine both dazzler and jubilee in the same month. While badass as it will be, I dont think phones will be able to handle it hahahaha.
    Yeah, we might crash a few servers.
  • Dazzler_12Dazzler_12 Member Posts: 5
    The other question would be exactly how overpowered to make her given that she is technically immortal right now.
  • Marvel2289Marvel2289 Member Posts: 1,008 ★★★
    edited May 2020

    Class: Tech
    # size:M #Villain
    Bio: Gregor Shapanka was once an employee at Stark Industries until he was caught attempting to steal and sell Stark technology and fired. He developed a suit with freezing powers and became known as the supervillain Blizzard.

    Signature ability: Frozen Particles

    Blizzard continuously Freezes his opponent lowering their block proficiency the more they Freeze.

    Each Frostbite charge on the opponent lowers Block proficiency by 10%.Whenever the Frostbite charges cap at 10, Blizzards next attack is unblockable.
    Passive: Frostbite every 1.0 seconds the opponent is near Blizzard they are inflicted with a Frostbite charge, Frostbite charges Max at 10, once at 10 they run on a 6 second timer before detonating dealing x amount of energy damage. If the opponent is below 10 Frostbite charges and no new Frostbite charges are applied within 1.5 seconds, any active Frostbite charges begin to wear off

    Immunities: Blizzards suit grants him immunity to Coldsnap, Frostbite, and Incineration debuffs

    Fury: landing a medium or heavy attack grants Blizzard a 30% Chance to activate a Fury buff increasing all attack by ×% for 7 Seconds

    Evade: Whenever the opponent is inflicted with cold snap Blizzard gains a 35% chance to evade incoming attacks

    Heavy attack (3 hits): each hit gains a 75% Chance to inflict an Armor break debuff, decreasing opponent Armor rating by x% for 8 Seconds. If the opponent is inflicted by any Frostbite charges Blizzards heavy attack cannot be interrupted

    Armor Shatter: if the opponent is inflicted by 5 armor break debuffs, the Armor break debuffs are consumed an replaced by an Armor shatter debuff lasting 17 seconds(does not stack)

    Special 1:
    Description: Blizzard blasts the opponent with a beam of Ice.
    100% Chance to inflict Coldsnap dealing x damage over 12 seconds

    Special 2:
    Description: Blizzard knocks his opponent back before blasting them with a series of Icicles.
    Each Icicle hit gains a 100% Chance to inflict a bleed debuff dealing x damage over 10 seconds and an 50% chance to inflict an Armor break debuff reducing opponents armor rating by x% for 10 seconds. If the opponent is Bleed immune the chance to inflict Armor break increases to 100%

    Special 3:
    Description: Blizzard unleashes a mini Blizzard on his opponent completely freezing them into a block of ice before skating into the opponent shattering the ice and sending the opponent flying.

    100% chance to inflict Armor Shatter for 12 seconds

    100% Chance to inflict 1 Coldsnap debuff dealing x damage for 8 Seconds, in addition this attack gains a 100% chance to stack one additional Coldsnap debuff for each active buff on the opponent.

    Damage dealt by this attack increases by 15% for each active Frostbite debuff.
    Unique Synergies (does not duplicate)

    Frozen Trinity: Iceman/Vision(Aarkus)/Blizzard

    Iceman: Coldsnap debuffs last 50% longer

    Vision (Aarkus): special attacks cost 50% less power

    Blizzard: Armor Shatter debuffs last an additional 10 seconds

    Frozen Revenge: Blizzard/Iron Man/ Iron Man (Infinity War)

    Blizzard: gains 3 permanent Armor up buffs

    Iron Man/Iron Man(IW): gains 2 permanent Fury buffs

  • h2o_maxxh2o_maxx Member Posts: 14
  • DoppelgangerDoppelganger Member Posts: 39
    The Shocker(Revised)

    Signature Ability
    Shocker gains the ability to place a stackable concussion if the opponent is under the influence of both shock and stuns this is a non-perishable concoction that when it becomes a power steal when the opponent is hit by Shockers first special purifying the concoction or the concussion is purified by the opponent.

    Light Attack
    Shocker's light attack has a 20% chance to inflict stun or shock.

    Whenever Shoker Hits a stunned opponent there is a 15% chance to transform the stun into a Daze debuff, that cannot be purified and lasts 10 seconds.

    A Daze debuff reduces the opponent's energy gain by 10% per charge if the opponent tries to use a special all Daze debuffs will be purified and act as a power sting.

    If for any reason Daze is purified without the opponent using a special the Daze is replaced with a shock debuff dealing an X amount of damage over 5 seconds.

    Blunt Force
    If the opponent is stunned and is hit by a heavy attack then a Blunt Force debuff has a 100% chance to be placed this is none stackable this lasts for 10 seconds it also cannot be refreshed before it ends.

    While under the influence of Blunt Force if the opponent is hit by a light attack they have an added 20% chance to be stunned and will become stunned if the opponent still has more than one bar of power before this debuff ends.

    At the start of the fight, Shocker starts with a Shockwave buff that increases shocker's chances of inflicting stun or shock by 30%, if the opponent has a class advantage this is reduced by half.

    If the Shockwave is transferred to the opponent then the opponent becomes susceptible to and weak against stun, shock, and blunt force.

    If neither the opponent nor Shocker have Shockwave on them then both effects are present however Shocker’s energy gain will be cut in half.

    Special 1
    Using shocker’s enhanced body armor he rams both of his fists into the opponent's chest and then into the ground firing shrapnel at the opponent.

    If his attack hits the opponent then Shock Wave is moved to the opponent along with 3 shock debuffs that each deal an X amount of damage over 3 seconds.

    Special 2
    Shocker lays a beat down onto the opponent with a barrage of hits to force the opponent back then does an unblockable shock wave blasted from his goblets.

    If shockwave is on the opponent then it is returned to Shocker, if Shockwave is still on Shocker then this attack deals an additional 10% damage.

    Special 3
    Shocker grabs the back of the opponent's head and rams it into his knee after which charges his gauntlets as the opponent gets up and moves closer than releases the explosive charged energy by hitting his fists together.

    This will remove the Shockwave form both Shocker and or the opponent.
  • DoppelgangerDoppelganger Member Posts: 39

    Signature Ability
    Sauron gains the ability to breathe fire adding a 10% chance to inflict an incinerate debuff onto the opponent which does an X amount of damage over 3 seconds.

    Medium Attack
    Whenever Sauron’s medium attack hits the opponent's block there is a 15% chance to inflict hypnosis. If the medium attack hits the opponent and they are not blocking then it has an extra 5% chance to do the same.

    Pre-flight Ability
    If Sauron uses a charge he will regain it after a fight, before a fight, Sauron can choice to expel if expel is not active then Absorb is activated.

    Absorb: When under this effect whenever Sauron hits his opponent with a critical attack he drains the opponent's energy and increases his critical chance by 5% these cape at 50% increased chance and return to zero if Sauron's combo ends.

    Expel: When under this effect Sauron’s heavy attack does a bonus 15% damage or 30% if the attack is a critical(this effect is only active when Sauron's cambo is above 10), however drains Sauron's energy, the amount of energy drained is dependent on Sauron's combo.

    When the opponent is under the influence of Hypnosis the opponent cannot get critical hits on Sauron. This debuff lasts for 7 seconds and cannot be stacked.

    If the opponent is already under the influence of Hypnosis and Sauron trys to add a second one then the debuff is purified and Sauron gains 10% of the opponent's energy.

    Special 1
    Sauron rushes forward and bashes the enemy with his wings after that he spreads his wings apart and flies backward.

    If this attack hits the opponent head-on then Sauron takes all of the opponent's buffs.

    Special 2
    Sauron uses his increased strength and talents to tear into the ground as he flies at the opponent after making contact he swoops up and back and uses his talents to release rock clods at the opponent.

    This attack has a 50% chance to either stun the opponent for 3 seconds or drain one bar of power from the enemy.

    Special 3
    Sauron calls on his pterodactyl friends to hit the opponent into the air after which he himself flies into the opponent hitting them once from below then looping around just to grab the opponent by the back of their head, absorbing their energy will use them as a landing pad.

    Sauron uses 10% of the damage dealt to the opponent to heal and gains a furry that lasts 10 seconds increasing Sauron’s damage by X amount.
  • Monstrocity603Monstrocity603 Member Posts: 2
  • Nick_Martinez_0799Nick_Martinez_0799 Member Posts: 1
    I think that more movies characters should be added, updated movie variants and characters like that. While everyone might not like that, I believe the majority would. Many people have grown to love these characters through the movies, myself included. While I have read some of the comics, I really grew attached to them through the movies. Beyond that, some characters desperately need something like that, either because their look is outdated or they need more power behind them. Just to name a few, some of these characters should be:
    Thor (Infinity War or Endgame)
    Scarlet Witch (Infinity War)
    Star-Lord, Gamora, Drax, Rocket, Groot (Infinity War/Endgame/GotG2)
    Winter Soldier (Infinity War/Endgame or TFAWS)
    Falcon (TFAWS)
    Some characters like Iron-Man, Captain America, Spider-Man don't necessarily need an Endgame variant, but it'd be cool
    Hulk (Endgame)
    Thanos (Endgame)
    Doctor Strange (Endgame)
    Ant-Man (AMatW)
    Taskmaster (Black Widow)
    Loki (Ragnarok)
    I just think it's a cool idea so people can play as the characters they see in the movies and be more invested in them. It's just a thought.
  • Jacob_427Jacob_427 Member Posts: 1
    Some characters I feel would be really cool to see in the contest
    * Blob
    * Toad
    * Scorpion
    * Tiger shark
    * Kraven the hunter
    * Sandman
    * Mystique
    * Morbius
    * Quicksilver
    * Jubilee
    * Shocker
    * The lizard
    * Bullseye
    * Fin fang foom
    * Shang chi
    * Galactus
    * Kitty pryde
    * Spider-woman
    * Radioactive man
    * Arcade
    * Lady Deathstrike
  • Alex_12Alex_12 Member Posts: 2
    Add more characters the likes of Sentinel the future versions from xmen day of future past, quicksliver is another character I think deserves a chance the games does have any speeders and it brings a new element to the game.Some spidey villians need to come to the game. Molten man,Kraven the Hunter,Beetle,and why not an improved doc ock and the lizard a classic of spiderman.
  • Another_NameAnother_Name Member Posts: 180
    Hey Kabam, Today i saw a video that some fella had coe up with a promo teaser pic of Tigra. Seeing your for diversity in the contest, I have to ask: is it true? And if so, who are you releasing with tigra or is she standalone like surfer was back in december? I've also heard Wizard and Impossible man may be in the game as well, so is it true?
  • Marvel2289Marvel2289 Member Posts: 1,008 ★★★

    Class: Science/Tech
    Attributes: #Size:M #Mercanary

    Signature ability: Refraction
    Cardiacs vibranium skill allows him to reflect debuffs from the opponent

    Whenever Cardiac is inflicted with a debuff he gains a 45% Chance to Reflect the debuff onto the Opponent. This chance increases as his sig level goes up and is 100% at Max Sig level.
    Damage Reflection: whenever struck Cardiac absorbs 50% of all incoming damage converting it into a reflection charge.

    Blocked attacks: Cardiac gains a 40% Chance to absorb all damage from Blocked attacks and convert it into 1 reflection charge for each blocked attack

    Reflection Charges: Reflection charges store incoming damage from the opponent absorbed by Cardiac.

    Immunity: Vibranium Skin grants Cardiac immunity to Bleed and Armor Break Debuffs

    Medium attacks: Medium hits gain a 25% chance to inflict a Fatuige debuff lowering the opponents critical rating by x for 12 seconds (Max Cap 5)
    Heavy attacks: 100% Chance to Nullify 1 active buff

    All Special attacks: absorb any active Reflection charges. the damage stored in each reflection charge is added to the total damage of the special attack

    Special 1
    Animation: Cardiac hits the opponent with his staff 3 times.
    Disorients the Opponent reducing Block Proficiency by 50% and Defensive ability accuracy by 60% for 13 Seconds
    Each hit gains a 75% chance to power drain x% of the opponents Power

    Special 2
    Animation: Cardiac knocked his opponent backwards before blasting them with a Beta Particle Beam
    100% Chance to power lock the opponent for 8 seconds
    If 5 or More Reflection charges were consumed by this attack, Cardiac gains an True Strike buff for 16 Seconds
    100% Chance to Stun Opponents for 2 seconds. Duration of Stun increases by 1 second for each Fatiuge debuff active on the opponet.

    Special 3
    Animation: Cardiac Slams his staff on the Ground sending his opponent backwards before proceeding to give his opponent a beat down
    100% Chance to stun the opponent for 2 seconds. Stun duration gains an additional second for each Fariuge debuff active on the opponent
    100% Chance to inflict degeneration dealing x amount of damage for 12 seconds. Damage from degeneration increases by x amount for each reflection charge consumed by this attack
    Unique Synergies( does not stack or duplicate)

    Vibranium Armored: Cardiac/Black Panther(CW)/ Killmonger
    Cardiac: begins the fight with 4 Reflection charges active
    Black Panther(CW): Special attacks become unblockable
    Killmonger: gains a permanent True Strike Passive

    Unwilling Foes: Cardiac/Spiderman/ Spiderman Stark Enhanced

    Cardiac: Max Cap for Fatigue debuffs extends to 8

    Spiderman (SE): Whenever below 5 poise charges, instantly gain 5 poise charges

    Spiderman( Classic): 70% chance to evade special attacks

    Vigilante Justice: Cardiac/Punisher
    Cardiac: chance to absorb blocked attacks increases to 90%
    Punisher: gains 5 permanent Fury passives

  • Another_NameAnother_Name Member Posts: 180

    (really focus on the numbered requests)
    (look at the champs on Marvel Future fight and pick a few out of that list to add to the champ roster, if you want to represent diversity, then look at the Future fight Roster)

    I think we need
    1 Human Torch (Jim Hammond)(tech)
    2 Sandman (science)
    3 Werewolf by night (mutant, mystic)
    Some more of the Invaders from the 40's marvel comics (various classes, mostly skill/science/tech)
    4 Gauntlet (cosmic(he found alien weaponry in the sudanese desert. plus the animation would be awesome))
    Stan Lee and Jack Kirby (as NPC's like Jessica Jones, or Silver SUrfer for most of 2019)
    5 Doctor Druid(mystic)
    6 Vulcan(mutant/cosmic)
    Mystique(mutant(an amped up buff steal, nit able tp snatch character specific buffs (Namor's outrage, Doc voodoo loa, etc)))
    multiple Shiar (cosmic, maybe act 8, maybe a possible storyline coming from this)
    Beast and Angel form 1965(mutant)

    Jim Hammond would have synergies with Namor, Clair Voyant, Winter Soldier, Cap WWII, Vision Aarkus for Invaders
    Johnny Strom synergy where incinerate and nova flame damage is increased
    Vision (OG) because Hammond's brain patterns were used in development of Vision
    one with just namor for being the OG's of marvel comics

    Sandman could have a synergy with Wizard, various Spidermen and gwen, Doc Ock, Goblin, Venom, Human Torch, iceman, etc

    werewolf by night, you need to put him with moon knight, beast, blade, man thing, and etc

    We need a pandemic calendar. Until the pandemic is over, starting July 1st, an indefinite calendar appears. Nothing dramatic, few more ultimates and legendaries, energy refills, a cav or 2 per grand master cycle, etc
  • Marvel2289Marvel2289 Member Posts: 1,008 ★★★
    Add to Cardiac
    Reflection Charges Cap at 10, but after the charges cap Cardiac can continue to completely absorb Blocked attacks causing them to inflict 0 damage
  • ArtALCAArtALCA Member Posts: 31

  • ArtALCAArtALCA Member Posts: 31

  • shadow_lurker22shadow_lurker22 Member Posts: 3,245 ★★★★★
    ArtALCA said:

    How about we call him Captain America (worthy)
  • ArtALCAArtALCA Member Posts: 31

  • ArtALCAArtALCA Member Posts: 31

  • ArtALCAArtALCA Member Posts: 31

  • ArtALCAArtALCA Member Posts: 31

  • ArtALCAArtALCA Member Posts: 31

  • ArtALCAArtALCA Member Posts: 31

  • ArtALCAArtALCA Member Posts: 31

  • ArtALCAArtALCA Member Posts: 31

  • ArtALCAArtALCA Member Posts: 31

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