Thanks ladies (Boss Rush Discussion!)



  • JadonflikkJadonflikk Member Posts: 6
    would guillotine counter emma stone's regens?
  • doctorbdoctorb Member Posts: 1,937 ★★★★
    It says that the boss rush is daily challenge. So does that mean u get 10K 5* shards every day for the duration?
  • Wfox12345Wfox12345 Member Posts: 29
    PantherAP said:

    I'm just a casual player with moderate skill (Can't intercept, suck at evading specials, have a hard time remembering everyone's heavy attack patterns, always lose my groove after doing 80% damage) so, like with all Boss Rushes, I can't handle this challenge.

    I have some great 5 Star champs, like Void or Hyperion, that might be decent counters but they're either unduped or still at low Ranks... Same thing goes for my 4 Stars, which are mostly still at Rank 2 because all my resources go towards very slowly building up my 5 Stars. I know some highly skilled players can probably do this with 3 Stars but I get killed as soon as I make a mistake.

    It's frustrating to see endgame players keep saying how all these challenges are too easy and that the rewards are "meh" when I could definitely use them but am locked out by a glass ceiling of ridiculous difficulty that caters to highly skilled players that don't even need these rewards.

    If there was a Master difficulty for this, I could live with that. That's usually where I'm capped off. I've only been able to complete Uncollected EQ twice with a lot of effort and blowing away a lot of resources.

    Sorry, guys...I'm just a bit salty because there's little worthwhile content for me to play through. I get excited to see new stuff and cool rewards only to get pushed out because I don't have the newest champs/counters, Rank 2 6 Stars, or a strong Holy Trinity Domino team. It's no fun when half my team gets melted away in the first fight and the only thing I have to look forward to is exploring Normal and Heroic EQ's for mediocre rewards that barely help me progress.

    Eh, enough ranting, I think I'll just avoid this event and go back to parrying Mole Man for some 5 Star shards, heh!

    I agree completely, I'm no insane player, I don't memorize characters attack patterns and stuff very well but im not the worst at the game. Just like you I only ever go up to like master difficulty on missions and even that is kinda difficult sometimes depending on nodes, and I can beat some epic difficulty people but never the bosses or really good characters. It also frustrates me too, because I want to get the best characters I can given my ability, but for me to not have a single character above 4000 PI, it just seems to difficult and I would use to many potions and revives for it to be worth it.
  • PsychoakumaPsychoakuma Member Posts: 566 ★★
    Dshu said:

    For all those complaining about the boss rush being too easy or the rewards not being enough. Simple solution don't do it.
    For all those complaining that boss rush is too hard or only for end game players. Stop. Take a breath and relax for a second. This event just came out. Yes some will find this content too difficult. For those ask yourself. Can I solo minibosses in aq easily on maps 5 and up? Can I solo aw bosses easily in the majority of aw? If the answer to those questions is no then this content may be beyond you without using massive resources. If the answer was yes or almost continue reading.

    etc etc

    Good luck and happy gaming

    Very well summarised. I was able to complete this in my mini account (started Sept-Oct last year, became UC last month) with a few revives I had in inventory. definitely better bang for your buck than trying to 100% UC for 3.5k shards to build roster.

    Got Karnak which sucked but still 5* is good atleast next time I pull him it'll be 6* shards
  • TiffBiff13TiffBiff13 Member Posts: 14
    You all did a fantastic job! This was my first boss rush and it was both very challenging and fun! I don’t quite have a big enough roster but I was able to get through with the good champs I have and some revives. I chose the title from the one I thought was most difficult which was Rogue. Thank you again ladies for an awesome event and I can’t wait til your next one. Also can I join one of your alliances? Hate always being the only female in the ones I join 😝
  • SceptilemaniacSceptilemaniac Member Posts: 1,247 ★★★★

    I personally didn't like it.
    Not because it is too difficult but because there is no creativity!
    Nodes being used multiple times, Emma is almost what we fought in some event and even we fought the same freaking rouge in another challenge.
    Just..come up with something new guys.

    I thought these were well designed nodes. I’ve completed virtually all content in this game and these nodes were different and fun. The content creators spent their time and energy creating these challenges for us. Why not just enjoy it and take your 5* crystal vs. complaining.
    Just stating my opinion dude. I'm just saying I didn't like it, not that it's bad content.
  • JadonflikkJadonflikk Member Posts: 6
    Dshu said:

    For all those complaining about the boss rush being too easy or the rewards not being enough. Simple solution don't do it.
    For all those complaining that boss rush is too hard or only for end game players. Stop. Take a breath and relax for a second. This event just came out. Yes some will find this content too difficult. For those ask yourself. Can I solo minibosses in aq easily on maps 5 and up? Can I solo aw bosses easily in the majority of aw? If the answer to those questions is no then this content may be beyond you without using massive resources. If the answer was yes or almost continue reading.

    For those who answered yes or almost to the above questions it now comes down to understanding the champs and nodes and how to abuse them.
    X23- no specific counter required she has no special 3. Beat her down with a ramp up champ or abuse the spite node and spam special attacks to kill her. (If you are planning to use corvus or aegon this is a great fight to ramp up on)
    Medusa- this fight can get nasty really quickly if you rely on parry and blocking. Any champ can work if you can intercept but the key to beating her lies in abusing the invade node. Champs that deal extra damage through the block like massacre or have high or guaranteed crits like corvus or aegon make this fight relatively fast and easy. Evade her until she backs into a block 4 hit evade rinse repeat until she drops.
    Wasp- no special counter needed. Her health pool is lower than most so spiked armor shouldn't be a major issue. Parry 3 hit win the video game.
    Emma frost- Katy candy really put the screws to people with this fight. Osolate, kinetic transference, aggressive regeneration, and unblockable special 1. 2 parts to beating her down. Part 1 is the regen which will build when shield mode is up. Warlock and void are 2 of the easiest counters for this but sentinel at max analysis works well too. You definitely want a heal block champ of some sort or heal reversal. Part 2 is the rest of her nodes. You can use them to your advantage. She gains power when hitting into your block so if dexting her special 1 is too hard let her build to special 2. If using void evade until she goes defensive and hit into her block to keep her that way while debuffs build. 4 hits evade rinse repeat. Once you get petrified up she melts.
    Rogue- similar to medusa but with regeneration. You can use void and evade a lot while trying to hit into her block to keep her on the defensive. Between the debuffs and the invade node she goes down fast. Hard hitting champs or champs with guaranteed crits like corvus or ramped aegon make her melt even faster with the invade node. Brawl works to your advantage since it triggers on both of you giving you and opening to dash back and evade while its active. The one thing to remember is after a special attack you need to intercept her (if the brawl timer is in cooldown) and land a combo or evade until the death touch expires.
    Bw clairvoyant- pretty straight forward its going to be a long fight with safeguard. Rulk is the best counter I found since she isn't immune to his alt damage on every hit. Don't go in with a bleed champ or bleed immune champ or you are in for a very bad time. If she hits 20 charge counters she activates death touch.

    For those struggling I hope this helps. Take your time and try the fights without using resources. The energy cost is low so back at when you lose your team and go back in. These fights will definitely be challenging but aren't impossible with 4*s for most players. In the end if you fail to finish the boss rush take pride in how far you got. You are only competing with yourself so please ignore the players saying this was to easy and focus on your own development.

    Good luck and happy gaming

    can guillotine reverse emma's regen with G's special 2?
  • SlashingSunsetSlashingSunset Member Posts: 244 ★★
    All I'm saying is why exclude half the player base (if you don't consider this only for End-Game players), say the level 10s-40s with just a couple of 3 and 4 Stars. Surely you don't expect them to attempt this Boss Rush, so have one that's half the difficulty with say maybe a 4* Hero Crystal as the final reward.
  • DshuDshu Member Posts: 1,516 ★★★★
    @Jadonflikk I see no reason she cant reverse the regen. The problem with using guillotine will be getting the souls up while at the same time allowing the aggressive regeneration to build. You would need to build the souls and drop the special 2 then evade until the regen builds. While it would reverse it I don't think it would be enough to kill her without force closing the fight and restarting multiple times. It could work but would be an expensive way to do it
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,983 ★★★★★

    Dshu said:

    For all those complaining about the boss rush being too easy or the rewards not being enough. Simple solution don't do it.
    For all those complaining that boss rush is too hard or only for end game players. Stop. Take a breath and relax for a second. This event just came out. Yes some will find this content too difficult. For those ask yourself. Can I solo minibosses in aq easily on maps 5 and up? Can I solo aw bosses easily in the majority of aw? If the answer to those questions is no then this content may be beyond you without using massive resources. If the answer was yes or almost continue reading.

    For those who answered yes or almost to the above questions it now comes down to understanding the champs and nodes and how to abuse them.
    X23- no specific counter required she has no special 3. Beat her down with a ramp up champ or abuse the spite node and spam special attacks to kill her. (If you are planning to use corvus or aegon this is a great fight to ramp up on)
    Medusa- this fight can get nasty really quickly if you rely on parry and blocking. Any champ can work if you can intercept but the key to beating her lies in abusing the invade node. Champs that deal extra damage through the block like massacre or have high or guaranteed crits like corvus or aegon make this fight relatively fast and easy. Evade her until she backs into a block 4 hit evade rinse repeat until she drops.
    Wasp- no special counter needed. Her health pool is lower than most so spiked armor shouldn't be a major issue. Parry 3 hit win the video game.
    Emma frost- Katy candy really put the screws to people with this fight. Osolate, kinetic transference, aggressive regeneration, and unblockable special 1. 2 parts to beating her down. Part 1 is the regen which will build when shield mode is up. Warlock and void are 2 of the easiest counters for this but sentinel at max analysis works well too. You definitely want a heal block champ of some sort or heal reversal. Part 2 is the rest of her nodes. You can use them to your advantage. She gains power when hitting into your block so if dexting her special 1 is too hard let her build to special 2. If using void evade until she goes defensive and hit into her block to keep her that way while debuffs build. 4 hits evade rinse repeat. Once you get petrified up she melts.
    Rogue- similar to medusa but with regeneration. You can use void and evade a lot while trying to hit into her block to keep her on the defensive. Between the debuffs and the invade node she goes down fast. Hard hitting champs or champs with guaranteed crits like corvus or ramped aegon make her melt even faster with the invade node. Brawl works to your advantage since it triggers on both of you giving you and opening to dash back and evade while its active. The one thing to remember is after a special attack you need to intercept her (if the brawl timer is in cooldown) and land a combo or evade until the death touch expires.
    Bw clairvoyant- pretty straight forward its going to be a long fight with safeguard. Rulk is the best counter I found since she isn't immune to his alt damage on every hit. Don't go in with a bleed champ or bleed immune champ or you are in for a very bad time. If she hits 20 charge counters she activates death touch.

    For those struggling I hope this helps. Take your time and try the fights without using resources. The energy cost is low so back at when you lose your team and go back in. These fights will definitely be challenging but aren't impossible with 4*s for most players. In the end if you fail to finish the boss rush take pride in how far you got. You are only competing with yourself so please ignore the players saying this was to easy and focus on your own development.

    Good luck and happy gaming

    can guillotine reverse emma's regen with G's special 2?
    MODOK does the same with an L1.
  • DshuDshu Member Posts: 1,516 ★★★★

    All I'm saying is why exclude half the player base (if you don't consider this only for End-Game players), say the level 10s-40s with just a couple of 3 and 4 Stars. Surely you don't expect them to attempt this Boss Rush, so have one that's half the difficulty with say maybe a 4* Hero Crystal as the final reward.

    I would say the short answer to that question would be the time involved. From what past content creators have said they are given a short period of time to create and test their champ designs for the boss rush. Creating multiple levels of a boss rush would be asking the content creators involved to invest more time (remember these aren't paid kabam employees) into this event or take time away from developing and testing what the current rush is. This could lead to both being either way over or under tuned for the game. Just my guess.
  • DshuDshu Member Posts: 1,516 ★★★★

    Dshu said:

    For all those complaining about the boss rush being too easy or the rewards not being enough. Simple solution don't do it.
    For all those complaining that boss rush is too hard or only for end game players. Stop. Take a breath and relax for a second. This event just came out. Yes some will find this content too difficult. For those ask yourself. Can I solo minibosses in aq easily on maps 5 and up? Can I solo aw bosses easily in the majority of aw? If the answer to those questions is no then this content may be beyond you without using massive resources. If the answer was yes or almost continue reading.

    For those who answered yes or almost to the above questions it now comes down to understanding the champs and nodes and how to abuse them.
    X23- no specific counter required she has no special 3. Beat her down with a ramp up champ or abuse the spite node and spam special attacks to kill her. (If you are planning to use corvus or aegon this is a great fight to ramp up on)
    Medusa- this fight can get nasty really quickly if you rely on parry and blocking. Any champ can work if you can intercept but the key to beating her lies in abusing the invade node. Champs that deal extra damage through the block like massacre or have high or guaranteed crits like corvus or aegon make this fight relatively fast and easy. Evade her until she backs into a block 4 hit evade rinse repeat until she drops.
    Wasp- no special counter needed. Her health pool is lower than most so spiked armor shouldn't be a major issue. Parry 3 hit win the video game.
    Emma frost- Katy candy really put the screws to people with this fight. Osolate, kinetic transference, aggressive regeneration, and unblockable special 1. 2 parts to beating her down. Part 1 is the regen which will build when shield mode is up. Warlock and void are 2 of the easiest counters for this but sentinel at max analysis works well too. You definitely want a heal block champ of some sort or heal reversal. Part 2 is the rest of her nodes. You can use them to your advantage. She gains power when hitting into your block so if dexting her special 1 is too hard let her build to special 2. If using void evade until she goes defensive and hit into her block to keep her that way while debuffs build. 4 hits evade rinse repeat. Once you get petrified up she melts.
    Rogue- similar to medusa but with regeneration. You can use void and evade a lot while trying to hit into her block to keep her on the defensive. Between the debuffs and the invade node she goes down fast. Hard hitting champs or champs with guaranteed crits like corvus or ramped aegon make her melt even faster with the invade node. Brawl works to your advantage since it triggers on both of you giving you and opening to dash back and evade while its active. The one thing to remember is after a special attack you need to intercept her (if the brawl timer is in cooldown) and land a combo or evade until the death touch expires.
    Bw clairvoyant- pretty straight forward its going to be a long fight with safeguard. Rulk is the best counter I found since she isn't immune to his alt damage on every hit. Don't go in with a bleed champ or bleed immune champ or you are in for a very bad time. If she hits 20 charge counters she activates death touch.

    For those struggling I hope this helps. Take your time and try the fights without using resources. The energy cost is low so back at when you lose your team and go back in. These fights will definitely be challenging but aren't impossible with 4*s for most players. In the end if you fail to finish the boss rush take pride in how far you got. You are only competing with yourself so please ignore the players saying this was to easy and focus on your own development.

    Good luck and happy gaming

    can guillotine reverse emma's regen with G's special 2?
    MODOK does the same with an L1.
    Modok would probably be a more cost effective option than guillotine but someone would have to test how many stacks of aggressive regeneration were needed to make this work. Add in the osolate node and you would need to be a master level evade to pull it off.
  • SidDDragonSidDDragon Member Posts: 1,183 ★★★

    All I'm saying is why exclude half the player base (if you don't consider this only for End-Game players), say the level 10s-40s with just a couple of 3 and 4 Stars. Surely you don't expect them to attempt this Boss Rush, so have one that's half the difficulty with say maybe a 4* Hero Crystal as the final reward.

    It takes time to build up ur roster to tackle most content...i remember sitting out of the boss rush over a year ago which had ddd's iceman as the final boss because i didn't have the roster at the time...u have tons of content to tackle so focus on that
  • ESFESF Member Posts: 2,084 ★★★★★
    It was fun for the effort/rewards. Forgot Rogue had DeathTouch once so that was annoying
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    JessieS said:

    It’s practically impossible for lower level players? Why not have a normal/ heroic and so setting with less powerful bosses? Seems weird to exclude so many players

    Take it as incentive. I couldn't do Chloe the 1st time around and it frustrated me. I've done every celebrity challenge since. This one is totally doable by mid level players. Practice, watch youtube for counters, and if you can't do it, do the next one. This gave a 5*. You really need one that gives a 4* and a 3* to feel included? I pulled a GG dupe btw so you didn't necessary miss much if you don't get it done lol.
  • MoNsTeR_804MoNsTeR_804 Member Posts: 726 ★★★
    Why is it so difficult. Please please please @Kabam Miike Make an easier level, so beginners can have a chnace to taste the awesomeness of boss rush too!
  • JessieSJessieS Member Posts: 1,613 ★★★★★
    phil56201 said:

    JessieS said:

    phil56201 said:

    JessieS said:

    Too difficult indeed.. except for the person who just streamed doing it with 4* or the person who is currently half way through streaming with only 3*.. but thanks for coming out champ..

    I don’t think you get how human beings work if you think this is a clever answer. The vast vast majority of people are not hardcore obsessive gamers but regular people who want to have fun. They could have easily made the boss split in difficulty levels the same way they did with other quests. Instead they chose to willingly take side the majority of the players and only focus on the hardcore ones. And I get that they are the cash cows but it’s still a **** move
    So the game should just cater to you, then? What about everyone else who couldn't do it on every other boss rush challenge? I never got intermediate difficulties on the ones I couldn't do. Everyone thinks the game should just hand these rewards out. No sense of accomplishment.

    The game should cater to all players and not just to a minority of hardcore gamers. I thought it was pretty obvious. The fact this is controversial for some people blows my mind. Seriously it’s not like this is some shocking new concepts. The majority of quests have different difficulties. Please grow up dude
    Your in here crying because it's too hard, the rewards aren't easily obtainable for you , you apparently don't want to work towards anything, and you're telling me to grow up? That's hilarious :D
    Are you pretending to be stupid on purpose because you realised how silly you sound or is this for real? I am honestly baffled . In case you really do have such problem with basic reading comprehension let’s make it even more simple for you.

    The game makes sure that their quests have diffent the difficulty so that players of different levels can enjoy the game equally . We have things like normal, heroic, master and so on

    This boss rush on the other hand absolutely excludes lower level players from ever participating . There is no lower level with corresponding lower reward so that everybody can enjoy it. I find this to be weird. Wasn’t even hostile about it just said it was weird. I expected that I would get some answer like “ well the coding is too complicated and they couldn’t get it done in time so it remained only for high level” I could understand something like this. Instead I get pretentious nerds who actually think they sound cool by going “ lol you haven’t spent years or hundreds of dollars invested in game to reach a high enough level to take on this? And you expect the game to cater to you and other idiots who think that games are meant for being fun instead of obsession ? Lol”

    So yes grow up
  • JessieSJessieS Member Posts: 1,613 ★★★★★
    edited March 2020
    Apologies to normal people who love the game. As long as it doesn’t interfere with your life and you enjoy it then is nothing wrong with being obsessed with a game .My rant was only for the pretentious asses who seem to love dismissing the legitimate questions of players who aren’t on the same level as them
  • Lucifer1810Lucifer1810 Member Posts: 366 ★★★
    For the people telling that it is possible with 4*s only, it is only possible with the "right" 4* champs. I agree with the perfect counters it is possible with 4*s and a certain amount of skill, but lower or mid level players don't have the roster to have every counter for every champ, example - I don't have a cap iw not even a 2* or 3* which would be really good for that Emma. Just because it can be done with 4*s doesn't mean lower or mid level players can do it because their roster isn't that huge at that point.

    In general I get that boss rush isn't meant for us yet it is more geared towards higher level players (not endgame), and I don't really have a problem with that. It is for when we develop our roster further, like a lot of other content.
    What I said was just for the people bluntly saying that it is easily doable with 4*s.
  • TheLegend27TheLegend27 Member Posts: 1,319 ★★★★★

    Too easy - boring. I just muscled my way through it. Guess free 5* is a free 5* tho

    Why not just be thankful?
    Never said I wasn't thankful. I just gave my personal review of the content.
    Neotwism said:

    Too easy - boring. I just muscled my way through it. Guess free 5* is a free 5* tho

    If it's so easy and boring why did u even waste your time being bothered with such content that's beneath your amazing level? It's not hard to at least appreciate the rewards and the time and effort the ppl took designing these fights. It's not like it's their job or anything. They did it as a fun event for the whole community and not just for ppl with your advanced skills in the game. Nowhere else in-game can u get a basic 5* crystal in the amount of time it takes. Maybe you should look for another game since this is so easy and boring for you.
    lol "time and effort the ppt took to design these fights". I could design these same fights in all of 3 seconds. There was nothing interesting about any of them. They all just chose nodes we've seen on these champs before - for example, that Rogue was basically a literal copy and paste from one we've seen before. You thought it was fun and I thought it was boring. Opinions differ from person to person, deal with it. And, please, it doesn't take some high level of skill to run through this content.
  • lkgcdtyhflkgcdtyhf Member Posts: 10

    Yep! You can run it as many times as you’d like to gather more Titles.

    I completed my initial run and started going through to get all the titles. After getting a couple of them, the little present where you get them stopped spawning. Anyone else having this issue?

  • Inventor6bInventor6b Member Posts: 33
    Thanks for the great boss rush ladies! I enjoyed it, even though I had to use a few revives.

    By the way, to anyone out there, you can do this with a typical Uncollected roster. It just takes practice. It's more about how skilled you are than the champions you have. Good luck!
  • blazingskyx27blazingskyx27 Member Posts: 42
    Guys, there's no point stressing yourself over this boss challenge. Move on, and do something more productive with your lives than this. You can not accomplish this challenge? It's okay, you're self worth has nothing to do with this. : )
  • BowTieJohnBowTieJohn Member Posts: 2,519 ★★★★
    So far I've completed one match using Namor. I was surprised, but if anyone has suggestions for fighting the other champions please drop me some advice.
  • BowTieJohnBowTieJohn Member Posts: 2,519 ★★★★
    Here is my 5* roster

    Corvus Glave
    Stealh Suit Spiderman
    Iron Fist
    The Hood
    Unstoppable Colossus
    Iron Man (Original)
    Iron Patriot
    Doc Ock
    Green Goblin
    Agent Venom
    Luke Cage
    Vision (original)
    Iron Man Infinity War
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,459 Guardian

    All I'm saying is why exclude half the player base

    The Olympics exclude 95% of all participants from winning medals. Why not allow half of them to win medals? Because then the medals wouldn't mean as much. Success only means something if there's a chance to fail, and the lower the chance to fail the lower the value of success.

    The vast overwhelming majority of content in the game has tiered difficulty. That tiered difficulty is there to shepherd players upward progressionally. Some content is super high difficulty (at least at the time it is released) but permanent, so everyone can work their way up to doing it, and everyone can really only complete it once (factoring in exploration). And some content like the Boss Rush events are both high difficulty and temporary, to specifically be a challenge that tests players at a single point in time, and then is gone. Each of these kinds of difficulty create a different kind of challenge and experience, and they all exist to specifically allow for those kinds of experiences. The kind of experience where everyone gets to participate regardless of skill, availability, or progress is one kind of experience, but not a universally appreciated one. The idea that this should be the goal ignores the fact that there are different kinds of players who want different kinds of things.

    The vast overwhelming majority of content doesn't "exclude" half the playerbase. But some content does *deliberately* even if the devs had infinite resources to create it, because that's what it is supposed to do: present content that players can test themselves against in a pass-fail scenario, without consolation prizes.
  • DshuDshu Member Posts: 1,516 ★★★★

    Here is my 5* roster

    Corvus Glave
    Stealh Suit Spiderman
    Iron Fist
    The Hood
    Unstoppable Colossus
    Iron Man (Original)
    Iron Patriot
    Doc Ock
    Green Goblin
    Agent Venom
    Luke Cage
    Vision (original)
    Iron Man Infinity War

    Scroll back a page or 2 and there is a breakdown of how to beat all the fights
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