War counted towards season??



  • Brizzley_34Brizzley_34 Member Posts: 15
    Yeah. Plus now multipliers are way off now that there has been wars in between then and now
  • WrathandhavocWrathandhavoc Member Posts: 14
    Excellent point. Not all points earned are 1:1 ratio. Now factor multipliers based on tier changes, meaning differences in upwards of (50,000 victories pts + assorted bonus pts) * multiplier along with related shard gains.
  • WrathandhavocWrathandhavoc Member Posts: 14
    As a rough estimate.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,945 ★★★★★

    Excellent point. Not all points earned are 1:1 ratio. Now factor multipliers based on tier changes, meaning differences in upwards of (50,000 victories pts + assorted bonus pts) * multiplier along with related shard gains.

    Shard gains are earned based on performance. There's no such thing as Shards you shouldn't earn. You earn those based on the War you play out.
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  • -sixate--sixate- Member Posts: 1,532 ★★★★★
    The season should have been put on pause until the screwed up day was wiped clean. Since that didn't happen it needs to be stopped because too many alliances have been screwed. Start a new season in a week and move on.
  • WrathandhavocWrathandhavoc Member Posts: 14

    Shard gains are earned based on performance. There's no such thing as Shards you shouldn't earn. You earn those based on the War you play out.
    Performance has nothing to do with rewards being skewed as a direct result of an issue. The argument is not whether or not people are putting in effort, it is that the issue has caused war ratings to be wrong.

    Points translate into war rating. War rating translates into rewards. If the points are skewed, the rest are skewed.

  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,945 ★★★★★

    Performance has nothing to do with rewards being skewed as a direct result of an issue. The argument is not whether or not people are putting in effort, it is that the issue has caused war ratings to be wrong.

    Points translate into war rating. War rating translates into rewards. If the points are skewed, the rest are skewed.

    Points can be adjusted after the fact. Individual War Rewards are a direct result of what you do in the War. You can't argue that people should or shouldn't have advanced based on a War, because you can't say they would have won or lost either way. Which means you can't say they're earning Shards they shouldn't be. No matter what War you're in, what Tier, wherever you are, the individual Rewards are given based on your performance. If you went up or down after the bug, and you earn or lose Shards in your War, you still earn or lose them fairly because it's based on how you do there.
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  • WrathandhavocWrathandhavoc Member Posts: 14
    *Edit: just war 5.*

    Above comment stands.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,945 ★★★★★

    *Edit: just war 5.*

    Above comment stands.

    People aren't talking about Compensation. They're talking about ending the Season because everything is a write-off. It isn't, really. When you say they're earning Shards they shouldn't, that's not the case. Both instances, if they adjusted things back before the next War, or they wait and adjust the Points at the end, people earn what they put in. You can't account for "should have/if not". Which means whatever people put in is what they earn. Whether they're there because the Wars that were bugged got them there or not. You can argue that they said it wouldn't count, and the Rating changed. No arguments there. They also said they would manually adjust it, and it would change either way. What wasn't said was when it would be adjusted. That much was assumed to be that the Ratings would be wiped before the next War.
    They said it would change and it would be manually adjusted later. That's about it. They didn't say no one would move as a result of the bug. Quite the opposite, actually. They said it would still happen. The results of the bad War are not going to count for the Final Ranking. So regardless of where you go from there, it's not going to matter. If you moved, you will either win or lose based on what you do moving forward. Which means you win or lose Shards you earn, and you advance or go back to wherever you belong. One War doesn't mess up the entire system.
  • Canrdboy36Canrdboy36 Member Posts: 78
    This really needs to get fixed now in one form or another, we just dropped to gold 3 because of this garbage.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,945 ★★★★★
    Which I haven't debated, really. If people want to ask for Compensation, that's up to them. It would most likely be generic, since you can't account for who might have earned 6* Shards had they not fallen, in the case of examples given, but nevertheless, I don't have an argument to people asking for it. What I've been addressing is stopping the Season. I don't agree that it's irreparable, and I don't think putting it on hold until they manually reset the Rating is the right solution. That's the essence of the debate. Some think it's best, I think it's completely adjustable later on. So rather than go around and around, I'm ready to just see what happens. If they feel it's too complex to address, they'll tell us, I'm sure. As it stands, War is underway.
  • RektorRektor Member Posts: 678 ★★★
    The season is compromised. You can’t restart it because of a massive amount of Glory, boosts, units, mastery changes, and other resources already spent without receiving season rewards for them. You can’t pause it and then resume in a week or so because everything at kabam is scheduled in advance and it will interfere with established timetables for future content.

    They can either do nothing at all and end it in 2 weeks as originally planned while all this justifiable frustration from your customers continues to grow. Or they can end it early as they have done when something similar happened in the past. No compensation needed. Give everyone their current season rewards and fix the bugs before next season’s schedule start date. Really straightforward actually.
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  • StellarStellar Member Posts: 1,126 ★★★★
    A little bit of communication would be greatly appreciated

    We’re at the point where there are two reasonable outcomes right?

    1.) season reset + rating reset
    2.) Viable rating reset for the past two wars since we were told they wouldn’t count.

    Personally I’d say option 1.

    There is only one war that should not count, as they said.
  • LogarooLogaroo Member Posts: 100
    My alliance was affected by the bug and not only did we earn 0 pts for that war (no one managed to place or attack during the 10min window) we lost over 70pts from our war rating for the "loss" Because we earned 0pts we also lost out on win/lose rewards and shards. I'm very curious how they plan to fix the issue at this point.
  • Jkw634Jkw634 Member Posts: 297 ★★
    Our alliance knew better then to trust kabam still placed and went for boss kills once we saw aw rating was not locked. Teams that dropped a tier got screwed. It usually takes 2 straight wins to get back up a tier and losing those mult is big.
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  • WrathandhavocWrathandhavoc Member Posts: 14
    Here’s the thing-

    We knew the war wouldn’t [shouldn’t] count. So we put in effort, but saved items for wars we knew would [should] count. Would’ve used them if the understanding was the war was to count. We may have still lost, but the opportunity was lost due to a faulty/false premise.

    I know a number of alliances willfully took that opportunity to use top champions to do quests and got shafted even more. Multipliers open up a massive gap in rating if the season isn’t being presented properly.
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