Version 13.1 Discussion Thread



  • ralmadaralmada Member Posts: 191
    You NEED to fix this **** with parry as soon as possible. It's driving me crazy. It simply not worked EVEN FOR ONCE during an entire fight between my ghost rider and Howard the duck in act 5, mission 2. Fps is decreasing aleatory, making controls hard to do. Gameplay is so strange actually. Appears to running in slow motion sometimes.
  • SlySlySlySly Member Posts: 352 ★★
    Guys Rogue is meant to heal off blocks, it even says so in the description. She wasnt heal so far because she was broken, healing of blocks is intended.
  • Mcord11758Mcord11758 Member Posts: 1,249 ★★★★
    Every time I enter arena game crashes after first fight. I do not lose so that is good, just need to reload app. Have had 6 crashes today already. Samsung galaxy s6
  • RvzRvz Member Posts: 185 ★★
    Morgan wrote: »
    Seems like clearing cache and re-running the game fixes the crashes problem.

    Smooth gameplay back again. One shotted venompool in road to lab as well as one shotted venom, that accounts for double evade and generally evade being messed up expecially vs these chars.

    As for other stuff:

    -Rogue heals off blocks too.
    -Elektra doesnt get the ability reduction (just change the passive and make it work as long as Elektra doesnt have debuffs on herself instead)
    -Parry is at its lowest.
    -Vodoo and Loas not working

    doesnt seem like gwenpool has been fixed either. she doesnt decrease ability accuracy on auto evade champs.
  • OmniOmni Member Posts: 574 ★★★
    Before I pass any judgments I need to see how the game plays in AQ day 4&5...I believe with 13.0 I didn't notice many issues until I got to the YJ in the 3rd section of map 5 and was taking heavies to the face.
  • Maximus_SpankersonMaximus_Spankerson Member Posts: 445 ★★
    I would really like a response about Gwenpool and Electra not reducing evade. It was explicitly stated as fixed.
  • PmisiPmisi Member Posts: 14
    A kifagyásokat,kidobásokat jeleztem több helyen kérem a hibák javitását!!!! Harc elött harc közben kidob. Kérem a probléma javitását! Samsung galaxy tab 3. Android 4.2.2
  • Xthea9Xthea9 Member Posts: 829 ★★
    @Kabam Miike , I just noticed that AW tier got messed up with this update, we were in tier 8 , if I see my AW history, we won last two wars and history shows me that we were in tier 9 for the last two wars, so I suppose we should be in the tier 8 , but currently it's shows us in tier 9.

    How this tier change works , we go up with every win or every two mins.
    Anyone else noticed this ?
  • RobbieRampageRobbieRampage Member Posts: 151 ★★
    SlySly wrote: »
    Guys Rogue is meant to heal off blocks, it even says so in the description. She wasnt heal so far because she was broken, healing of blocks is intended.

    I got her when she was basic, so missed her early use, always thought she used to, or should heal on block.

    Also, why the heck do people complain about this kind of stuff? You may well get her one day, why try to have her perform worse? Especially when Kabam nerf every other region champ
  • Jag1812Jag1812 Member Posts: 9
    eXtripa69 wrote: »
    Rubber99 wrote: »
    I have been crashing at the end of fights randomly since the update. i am up to 10 crashes so issues before the update. Other then that the patch has been great!

    In those fights when you crashed, who were the champions?

    In my case the crash always comes after finishing a fight during missions. With any character so far.

    Some lag, bu that could be just my ISP.

    Also been having connecting issues on celular, but no trouble on wifi.

    Alliance buddies have been having same issues, either on Android or on iOS
  • SlySlySlySly Member Posts: 352 ★★
    SlySly wrote: »
    Guys Rogue is meant to heal off blocks, it even says so in the description. She wasnt heal so far because she was broken, healing of blocks is intended.

    I got her when she was basic, so missed her early use, always thought she used to, or should heal on block.

    Also, why the heck do people complain about this kind of stuff? You may well get her one day, why try to have her perform worse? Especially when Kabam nerf every other region champ

    Exactly. She had that stated from the start but never actually did it, I tried pushing for a fix for that and not preventing buffaswhen she holds them for months on the old forums but nothing
    ...until this that is.
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,846 ★★★★★
    edited June 2017
    Why are Level 3 and Level 4 health potions giving us lower health than they used to???

    Level 3 health potions used to give us 3,600 health, I believe. Now, it's only 3,000 health.

    Level 4 health potions used to give us 7,200 health, I believe. Now, it's only 6,000 health.

    WTF is up with changing this?

    ..... and why wasn't this communicated to us?

  • LogeyBear87LogeyBear87 Member Posts: 41
    And wha
    MikeHock wrote: »
    Why are Level 3 and Level 4 health potions giving us lower health than they used to???

    Level 3 health potions used to give us 3,600 health, I believe. Now, it's only 3,000 health.

    Level 4 health potions used to give us 7,200 health, I believe. Now, it's only 6,000 health.

    WTF is up with changing this?

    ..... and why wasn't this communicated to us?

    I don't remember them being that high before, I used one the other day before the update in AQ and it was 6000 then as well
  • MagicBentonMagicBenton Member Posts: 296 ★★★
    Xthea9 wrote: »
    @Kabam Miike , I just noticed that AW tier got messed up with this update, we were in tier 8 , if I see my AW history, we won last two wars and history shows me that we were in tier 9 for the last two wars, so I suppose we should be in the tier 8 , but currently it's shows us in tier 9.

    How this tier change works , we go up with every win or every two mins.
    Anyone else noticed this ?

    AW tier is based purely off of your War Rating. It has nothing to do with wins/losses. Winning and losing increases/decreases your rating, but the quality of the opponent factors in as well (you can see how much a win/loss will adjust your war rating in the AW menu screen).
  • JoeVodkaJoeVodka Member Posts: 14
    I too was wondering about compensation, for all the revives necessary do to the acknowledgement of the double evade bug that cost so many player revives (no longer free to anyone) especially just for stepping into a fight with dormammu, just to get stuck from evading and would take block damage and die If not at 90%+ health upon entering. This caused many to revive and use many level 4 potions costing them units and glory used for precious t4b resources. a lot of players relied heavily on those who were willing to waste revives during this period. Any thoughts?
  • ralmadaralmada Member Posts: 191
    Game closed itself again this moment in arena, 3rd fight, black panther against Ronan.
  • RaaRaa Member Posts: 318 ★★
    This update is actually worse, bug fixes ok, but so much lag, i cant even grind arena now and it sucks because i really want voodoo.
  • Scotty2hotty33_Scotty2hotty33_ Member Posts: 85
    I was experiencing a bunch of lag today in arena other than that game play seems ok. Nice work. Took way too long, but nice work. Now all you need to do is compensate us for playing a bugged game for over a month.
  • Xthea9Xthea9 Member Posts: 829 ★★
    @MagicBenton , thanks for the explanation, I don't know how this calculation works, but I started my alliance from Zero rating , we had consecutive wins lost 3 wars , last I checked before the update we were in tier 8 , we didn't do any war after that, after the update on Wednesday we started new war matchmaking, I didn't notice but later I saw we got tier 9 , I checked our last 3 wars wins we moved to tier9 from tier 10 , so last two wars it shows us in tier 9. But in reality when we won last war we moved to tier8. Hope this explains what I am talking about.
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,846 ★★★★★
    And wha
    MikeHock wrote: »
    Why are Level 3 and Level 4 health potions giving us lower health than they used to???

    Level 3 health potions used to give us 3,600 health, I believe. Now, it's only 3,000 health.

    Level 4 health potions used to give us 7,200 health, I believe. Now, it's only 6,000 health.

    WTF is up with changing this?

    ..... and why wasn't this communicated to us?

    I don't remember them being that high before, I used one the other day before the update in AQ and it was 6000 then as well

    Perhaps I am wrong... I can admit fault (but won't offer any compensation).
  • MagicBentonMagicBenton Member Posts: 296 ★★★
    Xthea9 wrote: »
    @MagicBenton , thanks for the explanation, I don't know how this calculation works, but I started my alliance from Zero rating , we had consecutive wins lost 3 wars , last I checked before the update we were in tier 8 , we didn't do any war after that, after the update on Wednesday we started new war matchmaking, I didn't notice but later I saw we got tier 9 , I checked our last 3 wars wins we moved to tier9 from tier 10 , so last two wars it shows us in tier 9. But in reality when we won last war we moved to tier8. Hope this explains what I am talking about.

    Because War Ratings are always changing, you may have been bumped up to tier 8 after your last war, but were then bumped back down to tier 9 by the time you found your next AW match. This happens because other teams also increased their war ratings and passed yours. The tiers are fluid and you are not "locked in" to a tier until you find an opponent. The longer the time you have between one AW and the next one, the greater the chance you move down a tier (as other alliances finish wars, increasing their ratings).
  • WilliamJakesWilliamJakes Member Posts: 75
    Gwenpool and Elektra?? Are you guys having issues preventing evade too?
  • Maximus_SpankersonMaximus_Spankerson Member Posts: 445 ★★
    Gwenpool and Elektra?? Are you guys having issues preventing evade too?

  • Xthea9Xthea9 Member Posts: 829 ★★
    @MagicBenton , that makes sense, thanks for the explanation, I didn't know until now that tiers are fluid in nature. Will keep an eye now onwards.
  • ralmadaralmada Member Posts: 191
    edited June 2017
    Another game crash, this time in Doctor Voodoo's arena, after fight ends (2 of 3). X-23 against Moon Knight.
  • BurntbaconBurntbacon Member Posts: 73
    My champs will randomly not respond.
  • mydnightmydnight Member Posts: 671 ★★★
    Why were both Caps block proficiency removed and it wasn't mentioned in the notes?
  • AllenPauloAllenPaulo Member Posts: 18
    Keep getting an error unable to login please try again later this is after I updated the app
  • KingCrooksKingCrooks Member Posts: 176
    Soooo... Is this update why the game has Android locked out?
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