Yo Ho, Yo Ho! A Summoner's Life For Me!



  • BowTieJohnBowTieJohn Member Posts: 2,363 ★★★★
    I do hope this will be back soon. Just going to wait patiently with hope it will be sooner as opposed to later.
  • MaxGamingMaxGaming Member Posts: 3,211 ★★★★★
    Lets just hope that is comes back at 10p.m.
  • MaxGamingMaxGaming Member Posts: 3,211 ★★★★★
    Guys lets give Kabam a break they are running this game on a old platform and has a bug here and there but they try to fix it they may have their ups and downs but arguing about the downs won't help anyone it will just get annoying even if it is true what you are arguing about its not going to make the fix come faster so stop complaining about this bug and look toward the good things they done
  • DR89DR89 Member Posts: 5
    To exploit = make use of (a situation) in a way considered unfair or underhand.
    Many people have used a lot of units (or real money to get units) in order to defeat the silver surfer in the show up difficulty of the summer slam (before the nerf). Kabam then nerfed the node but the people who already did the initial fight never got anything back or in return for this error. This was intentional and an obvious exploit done by Kabam. This does not even compare to a couple of sig stones obtained in a way that did not seem unnatural - sig stones some ppl never even used. Sig stones are not an awesome resource and nowhere did it say you should do a path only once, thus can be assumed normal.
    So if I have a bug in my game, I punish my employees, not my customers. Taking the items away makes sense, but giving 7 days ban to money spenders for a mistake made by kabam makes no sense at all. I could understand 1 day, but 7??? And all for **** rewards even. If I go to a restaurant and get 2 deserts, should I be told to never go back there? I do believe this to be abuse and nothing else.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,489 ★★★★★
    MaxGaming said:

    Guys lets give Kabam a break they are running this game on a old platform and has a bug here and there but they try to fix it they may have their ups and downs but arguing about the downs won't help anyone it will just get annoying even if it is true what you are arguing about its not going to make the fix come faster so stop complaining about this bug and look toward the good things they done

    Well, somewhat my sentiment. They're doing what they can, and there's no use falling apart over it. I'm waiting myself, but it'll be up when it's ready. Not much we can do but do something else.
  • NavieenNavieen Member Posts: 137 ★★
    Kabam Boo said:

    Dearest Summoners,

    It has been a straining two days for us all. Firstly, please allow us to express that we are fully aware of the undue stress and toll this bug has taken on the community, and also to express our most sincerest apologies to you all. Like you, we were very excited about this event as it would have been the first time we are trying out some new mechanics, carefully crafted through feedback from all of you (no energy, open paths, etc). Again, we’re disappointed that it didn’t quite work out the way we’d hoped. But we promise we had only good intentions and hoped to deliver on some of the feedback you’ve given us.

    We acknowledge that we have let this unfortunate bug slip through the cracks, and we’re very sorry about it. Our team is deeply disappointed about this unforeseen circumstance and regret the necessary course of actions. However, as we hope you’ll come to understand, the show must go on, and so we must maintain the economy and stability of the game, which led us to enforce this temporary ban on players who have either knowingly or unknowingly participated in the bug exploit.

    To those of you facing this consequence: we still appreciate you deeply as a player and have chosen to take some time to balance your accounts so that you may continue to enjoy the game again. This is a complicated situation and so in order for us to adjust your account properly and without jeopardizing its health otherwise, we will need that length of extra time. We hope you will all come to understand this very difficult decision we have had to make, and know that we did this with all your and your fellow Summoners' best interests at heart and in mind.

    Finally, another word of apology to all of you for the grief. Please do not fight among yourselves. Summoners must stick together and we, at Kabam, stand by all of you as well.

    With a heavy heart but filled with love,

    The Kabam team

    Thank you Boo, we understand that it is a difficult challenge to face to overcome the obstacles that this unfortunate bug has created. Can we get a time on when the side event can come back up. We have waited very long and all I ask is for a time/date. I can wait however long this takes patiently but all I ask is for a time/date for when this approximately might come back. Thank you again for doing your best for the community. 😀😀
  • Scopeotoe987Scopeotoe987 Member Posts: 1,552 ★★★★★
    edited September 2020
    @kabam Boo, you guys killed it with the quest with the one run I did, I say you guys hit this ball out of the park. But me like many others would like to know a time the content may enter the game once more? Will it be today or early next week? Thanks again.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,489 ★★★★★
    Kabam Boo said:

    Dearest Summoners,

    It has been a straining two days for us all. Firstly, please allow us to express that we are fully aware of the undue stress and toll this bug has taken on the community, and also to express our most sincerest apologies to you all. Like you, we were very excited about this event as it would have been the first time we are trying out some new mechanics, carefully crafted through feedback from all of you (no energy, open paths, etc). Again, we’re disappointed that it didn’t quite work out the way we’d hoped. But we promise we had only good intentions and hoped to deliver on some of the feedback you’ve given us.

    We acknowledge that we have let this unfortunate bug slip through the cracks, and we’re very sorry about it. Our team is deeply disappointed about this unforeseen circumstance and regret the necessary course of actions. However, as we hope you’ll come to understand, the show must go on, and so we must maintain the economy and stability of the game, which led us to enforce this temporary ban on players who have either knowingly or unknowingly participated in the bug exploit.

    To those of you facing this consequence: we still appreciate you deeply as a player and have chosen to take some time to balance your accounts so that you may continue to enjoy the game again. This is a complicated situation and so in order for us to adjust your account properly and without jeopardizing its health otherwise, we will need that length of extra time. We hope you will all come to understand this very difficult decision we have had to make, and know that we did this with all your and your fellow Summoners' best interests at heart and in mind.

    Finally, another word of apology to all of you for the grief. Please do not fight among yourselves. Summoners must stick together and we, at Kabam, stand by all of you as well.

    With a heavy heart but filled with love,

    The Kabam team

    I like this one.
    Thanks Boo.
  • MaxGamingMaxGaming Member Posts: 3,211 ★★★★★

    @kabam Boo, you guys killed it with the quest with the one run I did I say you guys hit this ball out of the park. But me like many others would like to know a time the content may enter the game once more? Will it be today or early next week? Thanks again.

    Or today just saying...
  • Stagedear85Stagedear85 Member Posts: 774 ★★★
    @kabam Boo may be the best person Kabam could've hired man this guy know how to talk to people what a well written apology, i understand and hope you guys get things right looking forward to whats ahead and while you guys are at it please put back completion rewards on uncollected difficulty.
  • Yodabolt21Yodabolt21 Member Posts: 2,592 ★★★★★
    edited September 2020
    Also, just FYI, they removed the chests and replaced them with the actual rewards now. Would have been nice to know as I wasted a key on the Iron Fist path hoping to get an AG, but instead, will end up with 25 tier 4 catalysts... woo hoo. My fault for not looking I guess.

    Also, it is back up, for me at least.
  • elwe1990elwe1990 Member Posts: 9
    The map is revealed. We see all the rewards trough the map. I didn't move just in case is a bug and you think I'm cheating :D
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 8,893 ★★★★★
    edited September 2020
    Kabam Boo said:

    Dearest Summoners,

    It has been a straining two days for us all. Firstly, please allow us to express that we are fully aware of the undue stress and toll this bug has taken on the community, and also to express our most sincerest apologies to you all. Like you, we were very excited about this event as it would have been the first time we are trying out some new mechanics, carefully crafted through feedback from all of you (no energy, open paths, etc). Again, we’re disappointed that it didn’t quite work out the way we’d hoped. But we promise we had only good intentions and hoped to deliver on some of the feedback you’ve given us.

    We acknowledge that we have let this unfortunate bug slip through the cracks, and we’re very sorry about it. Our team is deeply disappointed about this unforeseen circumstance and regret the necessary course of actions. However, as we hope you’ll come to understand, the show must go on, and so we must maintain the economy and stability of the game, which led us to enforce this temporary ban on players who have either knowingly or unknowingly participated in the bug exploit.

    To those of you facing this consequence: we still appreciate you deeply as a player and have chosen to take some time to balance your accounts so that you may continue to enjoy the game again. This is a complicated situation and so in order for us to adjust your account properly and without jeopardizing its health otherwise, we will need that length of extra time. We hope you will all come to understand this very difficult decision we have had to make, and know that we did this with all your and your fellow Summoners' best interests at heart and in mind.

    Finally, another word of apology to all of you for the grief. Please do not fight among yourselves. Summoners must stick together and we, at Kabam, stand by all of you as well.

    With a heavy heart but filled with love,

    The Kabam team

    Thank you. Glad it’s up and running again!

    Dr. Zola
  • WhaaaatWhaaaat Member Posts: 407 ★★★
    @Kabam Miike will you get the extra recources bacl from the people that are banned?

    We would really like to know
  • Roots553Roots553 Member Posts: 1
    Kabam с острова Взял рот великолепного и 8 кристаллов , с 8 кристаллов два раза получил ноги великолепного. Что делать со вторыми ногами ?
  • Scopeotoe987Scopeotoe987 Member Posts: 1,552 ★★★★★
    I’m still hyped for the event, but I got another useless science gem which has nearly killed the excitement I had. But it’s still a great event.
  • AqrexAqrex Member Posts: 1
    edited September 2020
    @Kabam Miike After the mutant treasure island returned , I have faced a few bugs which i want to inform the kabam team
    1.there is a visual bug where the rewards are not displayed on the completion pop up screen but i have still received the reward(the reward is 5* featured crystal)
    2.when i quit a quest as i could not defeat the boss, i got my keys back and the path i took was closed but the reward was missing. So when i checked the crystals tab i had got the reward even when i had not defeated the boss(reward is the 5* awakening gem crystal)

    (P.s. i hope this is not considered as a exploit and i am not banned)
  • AlexBossuAlexBossu Member Posts: 146
    How many keys are necessary for that platinumpool piece?
  • AceOfDiamondAceOfDiamond Member Posts: 197 ★★
    This is probably the best side quest ever in terms of effort, difficulty and rewards.
  • elwe1990elwe1990 Member Posts: 9

    Kabam Boo said:

    Dearest Summoners,

    It has been a straining two days for us all. Firstly, please allow us to express that we are fully aware of the undue stress and toll this bug has taken on the community, and also to express our most sincerest apologies to you all. Like you, we were very excited about this event as it would have been the first time we are trying out some new mechanics, carefully crafted through feedback from all of you (no energy, open paths, etc). Again, we’re disappointed that it didn’t quite work out the way we’d hoped. But we promise we had only good intentions and hoped to deliver on some of the feedback you’ve given us.

    We acknowledge that we have let this unfortunate bug slip through the cracks, and we’re very sorry about it. Our team is deeply disappointed about this unforeseen circumstance and regret the necessary course of actions. However, as we hope you’ll come to understand, the show must go on, and so we must maintain the economy and stability of the game, which led us to enforce this temporary ban on players who have either knowingly or unknowingly participated in the bug exploit.

    To those of you facing this consequence: we still appreciate you deeply as a player and have chosen to take some time to balance your accounts so that you may continue to enjoy the game again. This is a complicated situation and so in order for us to adjust your account properly and without jeopardizing its health otherwise, we will need that length of extra time. We hope you will all come to understand this very difficult decision we have had to make, and know that we did this with all your and your fellow Summoners' best interests at heart and in mind.

    Finally, another word of apology to all of you for the grief. Please do not fight among yourselves. Summoners must stick together and we, at Kabam, stand by all of you as well.

    With a heavy heart but filled with love,

    The Kabam team

    I like this one.
    Thanks Boo.
    The map is revealed. We see all the rewards trough the map. I didn't move just in case is a bug and you think I'm cheating :D
  • MacvillMacvill Member Posts: 9
    how many keys we can get in total ? all the 28? cause im gonna skip the gold rewards and the sig stones in legendary to get another awekening gem in epic mode, need just 7 epic keys to get the 5* gem
  • Darkrider05Darkrider05 Member Posts: 288 ★★★
    Kabam Boo said:

    Dearest Summoners,

    It has been a straining two days for us all. Firstly, please allow us to express that we are fully aware of the undue stress and toll this bug has taken on the community, and also to express our most sincerest apologies to you all. Like you, we were very excited about this event as it would have been the first time we are trying out some new mechanics, carefully crafted through feedback from all of you (no energy, open paths, etc). Again, we’re disappointed that it didn’t quite work out the way we’d hoped. But we promise we had only good intentions and hoped to deliver on some of the feedback you’ve given us.

    We acknowledge that we have let this unfortunate bug slip through the cracks, and we’re very sorry about it. Our team is deeply disappointed about this unforeseen circumstance and regret the necessary course of actions. However, as we hope you’ll come to understand, the show must go on, and so we must maintain the economy and stability of the game, which led us to enforce this temporary ban on players who have either knowingly or unknowingly participated in the bug exploit.

    To those of you facing this consequence: we still appreciate you deeply as a player and have chosen to take some time to balance your accounts so that you may continue to enjoy the game again. This is a complicated situation and so in order for us to adjust your account properly and without jeopardizing its health otherwise, we will need that length of extra time. We hope you will all come to understand this very difficult decision we have had to make, and know that we did this with all your and your fellow Summoners' best interests at heart and in mind.

    Finally, another word of apology to all of you for the grief. Please do not fight among yourselves. Summoners must stick together and we, at Kabam, stand by all of you as well.

    With a heavy heart but filled with love,

    The Kabam team

    Thanks for the update Kabam Boo.
    I'm pretty sure its been a stressful couple of days for the dev team as well. Hopefully this gets sorted as soon as possible.
  • RogerRabsRogerRabs Member Posts: 548 ★★★★
    This event was well worth the wait. Kalam fixed their mistake as fast as they could, that's all we can ask for.
  • HyogasaintHyogasaint Member Posts: 25
    Kabam Boo said:

    Dearest Summoners,

    It has been a straining two days for us all. Firstly, please allow us to express that we are fully aware of the undue stress and toll this bug has taken on the community, and also to express our most sincerest apologies to you all. Like you, we were very excited about this event as it would have been the first time we are trying out some new mechanics, carefully crafted through feedback from all of you (no energy, open paths, etc). Again, we’re disappointed that it didn’t quite work out the way we’d hoped. But we promise we had only good intentions and hoped to deliver on some of the feedback you’ve given us.

    We acknowledge that we have let this unfortunate bug slip through the cracks, and we’re very sorry about it. Our team is deeply disappointed about this unforeseen circumstance and regret the necessary course of actions. However, as we hope you’ll come to understand, the show must go on, and so we must maintain the economy and stability of the game, which led us to enforce this temporary ban on players who have either knowingly or unknowingly participated in the bug exploit.

    To those of you facing this consequence: we still appreciate you deeply as a player and have chosen to take some time to balance your accounts so that you may continue to enjoy the game again. This is a complicated situation and so in order for us to adjust your account properly and without jeopardizing its health otherwise, we will need that length of extra time. We hope you will all come to understand this very difficult decision we have had to make, and know that we did this with all your and your fellow Summoners' best interests at heart and in mind.

    Finally, another word of apology to all of you for the grief. Please do not fight among yourselves. Summoners must stick together and we, at Kabam, stand by all of you as well.

    With a heavy heart but filled with love,

    The Kabam team

    Thanks for the update. We appreciate the effort. Keep it up with the good work!
  • Scopeotoe987Scopeotoe987 Member Posts: 1,552 ★★★★★
    @kabam boo your a life saver! Thank you!!!
  • Capn_DanteCapn_Dante Member Posts: 565 ★★★
    Kabam Boo said:

    This has been a journey for us all. We're happy to confirm that the event is back up and running as intended. Most of the event functionality is going to be the same, so please review the main post for a refresher, if you need it! However, we appreciate that you may have some questions in light of the recent interruptions, so please also read this quick Q&A. We hope this answers your pressing questions about the event!

    Q: Can I run the first path (before the event was paused) and claim the rewards there again?
    A: Yes, you may. But all paths going forward will only allow you to claim the rewards once.

    Q: Are all the rewards shown on the path now instead of hiding in treasure chests?
    A: Yes! They will be laid out on the path now instead of being hidden in treasure chests.

    Q: Have any of the rewards moved since the original map (before the pause)?
    A: Yes, unfortunately, they've gone on a bit of a shuffle. But they are also laid out on the map now so you will be able to see where the rewards you want are located!

    Q: Will the Keys still disappear after they use it to unlock a path? Will the path remain open (with no more rewards) once it's unlocked?
    A: Yes, the Key will still disappear once you've unlocked the path. If you do not complete the path and quit, the Key will be returned to you and the path will be locked again. If you complete the path, then the Key will disappear and the path will remain unlocked. Remember! You MUST COMPLETE the path in order to claim all the rewards you've earned along the path; if you DO NOT COMPLETE the path, then the path will be locked and reset (rewards are placed back along the path), and you get your Key back.

    Q: Will the Champions along the path and Bosses stay the same?
    A: Yes! Any mysterious Champions along the path marked with a "?" will be a random (from a limited pool) Mutant, and the Bosses are still random (from a limited pool of Mutants) for everybody!

    Q: Can you claim the rewards on the open paths more than once?
    A: Again, NO, you cannot! Besides, the rewards won't be there anymore once you complete the path and claim all the rewards along the path!

    Boo gets all the helpful jobs! Haha
  • MattManMattMan Member Posts: 435 ★★★★
    edited September 2020
    So some folks get extra rewards being able to run the same path again?
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