Dash Back After Special Not working [Fix in Progress]



  • UnsaferBinkie7UnsaferBinkie7 Member Posts: 658 ★★
    @Ad0ra_ @Kabam Miike @Kabam Wolf @Kabam Zibiit

    Are the updates tested before being dished out or no? We all need a 100% confirmation kabam.
  • TK5523TK5523 Member Posts: 1
    The Oneplus 3 Turbo has this problem as well
  • baprice42403105baprice42403105 Member Posts: 22
    Scarlet Witch, Rank 5, Story (5.2.1/2), Psylock, Ghost Rider, Joe Fixit.
    Scarlet Witch, Rank 5, ROL, Winter Soldier.
    Storm, Rank 4, Story (5.2.1/2), Iceman, Electro
    Captain America WWII, Rank 5, Story (5.3.1/2), Ice Man, Iron Man, Iron Patriot, Electro.

    iOS 11
    Game Update 15.0
  • StavelotXoteStavelotXote Member Posts: 231
    Is anyone else having this issue with champs not moving and just hitting air after connecting with a special that stuns?

    A few people in my alliance are reporting this so it isn't my device, and it isn't OS specific either
  • BoatdudeBoatdude Member Posts: 11
    edited September 2017
    Samsung Galaxy S7 Active - yes, dashback bug affects me. Android 6.0.1
  • Ender_GuardianEnder_Guardian Member Posts: 26
    I’ve been experiencing this for a while, usually when fighting any character with ranged attacks, or when they dash forward. This glitch is very noticeable when using Rogue, and is often paired with the defenders having a ‘reflex’ and blocking/parrying (in Alliance Wars) when attacking, interrupting 4- and 5-hit combos, with no nodes indicating an ability that might trigger these errors. I have experienced these bugs in game versions 14.1.0, 15.0, and 15.1.0 using iOS 10 and 11 on my iPhone 7.
  • Tman0971Tman0971 Member Posts: 351 ★★
    Funny thing is, if you read 15.1 release notes this was supposedly FIXED for 'some' characters!
    Fixed an issue where players were unable to take any action after using Special Attacks of some Champions

    This happens with ANY of my champs in ANY game mode when I have the opponent pinned against the wall and launch SP1 or SP2.
    iPhone 7+ iOS 11
    iPad Mini-4 iOS 11
  • NoobstraNoobstra Member Posts: 8
    iPhone 7plus, still on ios10.3.

    Have not noticed in heroic Mode only because I'm auto fighting.

    Lost two champs in aw after trying to repeatedly parry and block. One champ didn't get a single hit in (ultron vs storm).

    My GR same issue.
  • AndyB1985AndyB1985 Member Posts: 41
    I first experienced this bug in LoL, on Abomination and using Iceman. I am on a Galaxy s7 running the latest OS and MCOC versions. I guess my month of farming units might have gone down the drain.

  • CiclistoCiclisto Member Posts: 10
    Seems like it is doing it with all champs. Blocking and dash back is spotty. Using android.
  • BigGuyDesignsBigGuyDesigns Member Posts: 38
    This “BUG” is worse on champs that their specials have at least some chance to stun the opponent. It is not just the ones you know it will. But the champs even on the right synergy teams that can have this issue as well.
  • ChojinnChojinn Member Posts: 1
    Happening with most champs after special 1 or 2. Night crawler, ultron, rocket luke cage and mordo. Including others. Phone s7 edge
  • TheProdXTheProdX Member Posts: 1
    Galaxy S6 edge plus. Every champ. Every game mode. Latest android update. Fix asap!!!!!!! This is unacceptable. I think you guys need to hire new beta testers!!
  • BostonjediBostonjedi Member Posts: 44
    I’m on iPhone 6s ios 11.1 and I’m having issues with most characters..ran through all my 4&5 stars in arena and it’s happened with just about all of them
  • JohnnyTsunamiJohnnyTsunami Member Posts: 11
    This is a horrible bug that causes you to have to use potions. Really questioning the amount of “testing” you go through as the users and people playing the game find it within the first 10 minutes of playing the game.

    I have an iPhone 8 and iPad Air 2, both running iOS 11.
  • BeingZinfullBeingZinfull Member Posts: 22
    Every champ I use whether it’s a special attack or even a 5 hit combo I’m having trouble about 90% of the time dashing back whether it’s an r5 50 Rogue or my r4 55 Magik still the same problem then I get absolutely rocked because my champ stand there like an idiot and won’t dash back. Cost me precious time in last months event and probably a chance at a legends badge having to revive champs from this bug. Just another way for Kabam to steal money from me which is why I vow to never spend another penny on this game. Free to play from here on out all because they don’t care about us like we try to care about their game!!!
  • NightCrackerNightCracker Member Posts: 157
    edited September 2017
    Here is a video in a duel using Magik. I enabled touches to show so you can see the swipes not registering after her L2. Unresponsive after Magik L2

    Samsung S8+ (SM-G955U)
    Android Version 7.0
  • Rob_Zom_BRob_Zom_B Member Posts: 4
    galaxy s8+. I noticed the issue after last update, but didnt think it was a bug. assumed kabam lengthened the recovery time after clickable specials on purpose to handicap so we could either choose to not use and kill slower or use more potions than we can farm forcing us to use units. seems to be winding down to 1 of two options. spend money or enjoy the massive time sink.
  • Kaycg1Kaycg1 Member Posts: 257
    If you want to get something fixed, didn’t we all learn that leaving a rating and description in the respective app stores was the way to go.
  • MikeyBoi69MikeyBoi69 Member Posts: 139
    Ive seen this happen to magiks sp2, hulks specials and thor. Happens in story and arena. Im using a sony z5. Please fix it i rely on hulk alot for AQ and war
  • MrcMumbleMrcMumble Member Posts: 161
    Dear "mods", load the game up use either deadpool in a duel, use s2, watch the bug happen. Plain and simple. Stop asking for proof when you clearly already have it and know about it. Either this was intentional or a horrendous over-sight. Either way your incompetence shines brighter than ever.
  • BostonjediBostonjedi Member Posts: 44
    Wake up call!! There is no, and there has never been beta testing..after 12.0 they said they would to appease the mob, they have never given any proof of it and each update is littered with problems. Stop buying the BS that this company is selling
  • BigPoppaCBONEBigPoppaCBONE Member Posts: 2,382 ★★★★★
    iPad pro 12.9
    iOS 11.0.1

    Samsung Galaxy Note 8
    Android 7.1.1

    Unable to move after specials and CPU swamping me with attacks after an L3 before I can move. Still happens in the center of play area, but almost always when specials end with you against a wall. Sometimes they recover and attack so quickly they whiff because I haven't gotten all the way up.
  • AuraAura Member Posts: 2
    Samsung s6 active. Android version 7.0
    Most champs, every mode.
    Come on guys, can we get one patch that doesn't cripple us in one way or another? It's like a random debuff each month.
  • S1N1STR3S1N1STR3 Member Posts: 53
    @Kabam Zibiit hey, its not only dash back i think. When i use the special attacks they not respond as fast as they should be. For example when i do sp1 of hulk when i dash foward to attack the stun time is almost in the end, so it kinda take some time to respond. Same thing as dash back when you want to dash back it's seems the timers are not write, so in most off time u get it now. I'm with Android system and i have an HUAWEI. hope u guy's find a solution, because it took me some revives and potions already.
  • rayhchrayhch Member Posts: 9
    used kamaka khan in arena and she couldn't dash back after her l1 too.
  • Jmax5154Jmax5154 Member Posts: 20
    edited September 2017
    Can confirm iOS 11.0.1 iPhone 7plus. Gwenpool, Voodoo, rogue, vision, all my normal attackers. It’s not just up against the wall either. Ability to dash back or even just block severely slowed/impaired.
    Don’t you think we’d notice these things pretty dang quick by now?
  • SumehaSumeha Member Posts: 3
    Same here... especially with Gwenpool after her s1, and some of the other champs as well. It's getting mildly annoying now
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