Questions You're Afraid To Ask



  • Scarcity27Scarcity27 Member Posts: 1,906 ★★★★★
    RaviDavi said:

    Crcrcrc said:

    Can someone link the thread detailing all the rewards this month's SQ has to offer?
    Thanks but I didn't mean this one. There was another post detailing all the rewards with pics

    This one?
    Yes! Thank you!
  • IvarTheBonelessIvarTheBoneless Member Posts: 1,282 ★★★★
    GGP: encroaching stun.

    I feel like I'm going mad, did encroaching stun work different a couple of years back?
    I thought you also didn't get stunned during enemy specials.

    I have noticed the wording has changed, or at least I think it has. So has the node been changed too or am I just delusional?
  • Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Member Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★

    GGP: encroaching stun.

    I feel like I'm going mad, did encroaching stun work different a couple of years back?
    I thought you also didn't get stunned during enemy specials.

    I have noticed the wording has changed, or at least I think it has. So has the node been changed too or am I just delusional?

    not being stunned during opponent's specials doesn't really make sense to me but i wasnt playing in content where encroaching stun was a thing a while ago
  • Destroyer123Destroyer123 Member Posts: 368 ★★
    When the lights go out on king groots special 3 what happens?
    Why is it censored?
    Is that why this game has age limits?
  • Sunny2Sunny2 Member Posts: 183 ★★

    1. An awakening gem - so does that awaken the signature ability? Yes Can that ability increase/change? With inc sig stones or dupes it gets stronger
    2. A signature stone does the same as an awakening gem but slower? No they do 2 different functions. You need the awakening gem to give them access to the sig ability and you need the awakening gem to make the sig ability stronger
    3. Why do some champs have abilities that you can turn on before a fight (like Invisible Woman)? Just to give variability to champs
    4. What does it mean to recover mastery points - do you lose mastery skills? It means to reset your masteries so you get the points back to do a different mastery build
    5. Before you start a fight, it shows you how many points the enemies have. How is that worked out/what does it refer to? I think u r talking to health and attack.
    6. Using boosts to increase points before a fight - does that mean your champ’s rating goes up? Yes as will health and attack depending on what boost is.
    7. When I run out of energy I often ask my alliance for help but never seem to get it. Am I missing something? You need x amount of ppl to hit help before u get energy.
    8. I don’t understand nodes at all - and how to use them. They just give champs extra abilities.
    9. I understand that certain champs have synergy but how does it actually benefit you? Because it can give your champ extra attack or abilities if you make a team with 2 or more syngergy abilities
    10. I have an alliance ticket but never use it - what’s it for?

    it's for aq but only if your aq run map 6 or 7s

  • Sunny2Sunny2 Member Posts: 183 ★★
    BuffBeast said:

    BuffBeast said:

    Is there any way to avoid darkhawks shield when he’s knocked down? It’s not that big of a deal but it can be annoying

    If you mean avoiding Darkhawk's Shield Mode from triggering, it's unavoidable since it's not affected by AAR. If you're talking about his Autoblock, True Accuracy and True Sense bypass Autoblock mechanics, so characters like Proxima, Aegon, and Red Goblin are all Autoblock counters.
    I was in fact talking about his shield mode. Shoulda been more specific. Anyway, thank you!
    What I do is fight thru it or just use a playstyle where just don't need to knock him down (ie no sps or heavies) until I know I can knock him out with it. Or just quake him.
  • Sunny2Sunny2 Member Posts: 183 ★★
    Ooc: are they ever planning on releasing new masteries or did they say they won't? Also why won't they increase level up past 60? It seems pretty arbitrary and would give ppl something more to aim for during the daily grind aspects of the game.
  • Soulreaver42Soulreaver42 Member Posts: 46

    So this is just a thread to answer some questions you're afraid to ask.

    Q1) What are ramp up champs?
    Q2) What is utility? And what abilities count as utilities and what don't?
    Q3) What are passive abilities?

    Q1) Why do I keep seeing 'RNG' in association with Domino?
    Q2) Why can't I get Old Man Logan to bleed?

    Q1) Why the hype over 1 star hulk?
    Q2) Why does everyone say Cyclops is a good AW defender?


    Q1) Ramp up champs are champs that gain persistent charges throughout a quest by doing certain things. Aegon, for example, if awakened, keeps part of his combo meter from his previous fight in a quest. Therefore, building up his combo meter is called ramping him up.

    Q2) Utility is basically special abilities a champ has outside of raw damage. Immunities, for example, are extremely useful, but they don't do damage. Power control is another example. Some more examples are power gain, slow, petrify, nullify, stagger, ability accuracy reduction, etc.

    Q3) In this game there are 2 kinds of effects: passive and active. I assume you've played Old Man Logan right? When he attacks, he gains bleeds right? But don't they look different than regular bleeds? That's because those bleeds are passive. Passives don't count as debuffs, and as a result, they can get around nodes that benefit from debuffs. When fighting against masochism, for example, every 7 seconds, the enemy gains health when you inflict a debuff. But if you inflict passives, they can't do that. Same thing for passives applies to buffs. If you're fighting against buffet, the enemy gains health when you gain buffs, but if you gain passives instead, buffet won't do anything.

    Q1) RNG stands for random number generator. When someone says you need good RNG, they mean you need good luck. Some of Domino's abilities rely on luck. I don't have Domino, so I'm not sure of a good example, but let's use the example of Magneto instead. Against metal champs, he reduces ability accuracy by 70%. This means that, if the enemy has good RNG (good luck), sometimes their abilities will trigger despite the reduction.

    Q2) Not sure about this one, I don't use Old Man Logan ever, but read his abilities and it'll probably become more clear.

    Q1) I'm assuming you know what variants are. If you don't, go to Fight, then go to Back Issues. The harder difficulty of that is variant. In Variant 4 (Waning Moon), in the last quest, there is a restriction where you can only use 1* champions. On multiple paths in that quest, there is a Mordo you have to fight, and on 1 path, I believe there is a Magik. Hulk is the best 1* option for both of those fights, as only a few champions are available as 1*. Vision also works, but Hulk is the best option. As a result, a lot of players want to pull 1* Hulk so they can explore Variant 4 without having to use a ton of units.

    Q2) I have never heard anyone say Cyclops is a good AW defender. He has sort of annoying special attacks to dex, but other than that, I don't see any reason why this would be true. However, in this new version of Alliance Quest, Cyclops is a good option because he gains an enormous fury (or maybe it's prowess? Idk, one of those) from the global node that makes his damage much better.
  • BuffBeastBuffBeast Member Posts: 1,075 ★★★★
    edited January 2021
    Here’s another question
    What masteries give you the highest PI for your roster WITHOUT suicides?
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,839 ★★★★★

    DNA3000 said:

    DNA3000 said:

    Djin said:

    Was pure skill ever fixed? I honestly don’t know if it was.

    @Scopeotoe987 Pure Skill was never broken.
    This was discussed a ton back then, but there are still people who aren't aware of what the problem actually was with Pure Skill. The problem stems from the fact that Pure Skill "ignores armor" which basically means the champion's attacks behave as if that many points of armor aren't there. It isn't like an armor debuff: if the target has 10% armor and you debuff it by -20%, it behaves as if it has -10% armor (I'm ignoring some complexity here for simplicity). But if Pure Skill ignores 20% armor and the target has 10% armor, it behaves as if it has zero armor. Pure Skill cannot make it seem like the target has less than zero armor. That's the critical difference between "reduces" and "ignores." Pure Skill can only benefit the player if the target they attack actually has enough armor to ignore.

    The Pure Skill mastery was created in the pre-12.0 days when the armor rating of opponents could commonly be very high. But if everything, or almost everything you fight doesn't have a lot of armor, Pure Skill can't ignore what isn't there. So if everything you fight has less than 32% armor, there's no difference between Pure Skill rank 4 (which ignores 32% armor) and Pure Skill rank 5 (which ignores 64% armor). Rank 5 has no benefit. But not because there's anything wrong with Pure Skill. Rather, it is Kryptonite bullets in a world where all the Kryptonians left.

    And it is worse than that, because critical hits *intrinsically* ignore the first 20% of armor. So attacking anything with less than 20% net armor will show no difference between having and not having Pure Skill. Only targets with more than 20% net armor will see any benefit. Only targets with more than 24% armor will see any benefit from rank 2, and only targets with more than 52% armor will see any benefit from rank 5.

    Post 12.0, it became much less common to see such large armor and resistance mitigation values. This gave Pure Skill less to do, which devalued it. That's why there's an issue with Pure Skill, and why Pure Skill can't be "fixed" in a conventional sense. It isn't broken. It is just that what it does is less valuable today than when it was created, but this fact isn't obvious to players who spend a lot of resources ranking it up.

    You can't "fix" Pure Skill in the sense of making it do what it did before. It does what it did before, it is just that nobody cares. The only way to address the issue of Pure Skill having insufficient value especially at high ranks is to make Pure Skill do something else, to restore value to the higher ranks. But it is debatable what that should be, and with no clear obvious change everyone would agree on, it has never become a priority to address.
    Should game developer do a refund for those rank where pure skill does little or nothing and then cap it to where it works max?

    The current situation is not good for players who have no idea this is the position now.
    I don't think there's a good answer to this. If it was me, I would probably have refunded Pure Skill. But the problem is that unlike for other masteries where they refunded them, the mastery itself is not in a state where you can easily state whether people should be allowed to buy it or not. There are rare places where high armor exists. Do you also compensate players who claim they wanted to use Pure Skill in those circumstances and were blocked from doing so? If there was a plan to amend Pure Skill to something else, then you could refund everyone and then immediately present them with a decision on whether or not to buy it. But without that new alternative you'd refund everyone now, but people would still buy into it and then when it was eventually replaced you'd have to refund everyone again.

    It is a sticky enough situation that I would probably make it a priority to just decide what should replace high rank Pure Skill and resolve the situation rather than let it drag on. But I can understand the desire to not do anything until a complete solution arrives.

    I should point out it is possible that there *is* a solution in the works that requires game mechanical changes, and since those can take a very long time to implement the solution is sitting on the drawing board waiting for programmer time to implement the prerequisites for. I'm unaware of any such thing, but of course I wouldn't be unless a developer explicitly told me about such a thing.
    I was thinking they could consider to refund only rank 4 and 5 and then cap that mastery at rank 3 (since it is close to 100% effectiveness) while they are working on a solution.

    The current position is lot like owing a creditor x amount of money for y number of invoices but refusing to pay any sum at all to that creditor because one of the y invoices have a mistake. At least pay those that are correct.

    They should just refund , in units, the full cost to unlock and upgrade the mastery. They did the same thing for mystic dispersion and willpower.
  • MaxGamingMaxGaming Member Posts: 3,211 ★★★★★
    Question not mcoc related but still a question

    can the browns beat the chiefs
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★
    MaxGaming said:

    Question not mcoc related but still a question

    can the browns beat the chiefs
    I hope so

    stupid touchback rule
  • MaxGamingMaxGaming Member Posts: 3,211 ★★★★★
    edited January 2021

    MaxGaming said:

    Question not mcoc related but still a question

    can the browns beat the chiefs
    I hope so

    stupid touchback rule
    And they lost, i feel like they would have had a chance if they didn't target the Higgins at the touchdown

    But it is what it is
  • GrueneMicGrueneMic Member Posts: 40
    What do the point values of the hits represent. Yellow seems to be a normal hit, red seems to be damage over time, and white seems to be crit damage. But is a 135 crit hit better than a 1000 reg hit?
  • SneakyWarriorSneakyWarrior Member Posts: 853 ★★★★

    When the lights go out on king groots special 3 what happens?
    Why is it censored?
    Is that why this game has age limits?

    youre over thinking it. its clearly because kabam devs couldnt be stuffed designing the animation.
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★
    GrueneMic said:

    What do the point values of the hits represent. Yellow seems to be a normal hit, red seems to be damage over time, and white seems to be crit damage. But is a 135 crit hit better than a 1000 reg hit?

    Yellow is Crit (Crits through Block are White, but show a "Critical" popup. Red is DOT, and White is normal. The point values just represent how much damage they dealt.
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★

    GrueneMic said:

    What do the point values of the hits represent. Yellow seems to be a normal hit, red seems to be damage over time, and white seems to be crit damage. But is a 135 crit hit better than a 1000 reg hit?

    Yellow is Crit (Crits through Block are White, but show a "Critical" popup. Red is DOT, and White is normal. The point values just represent how much damage they dealt.
    and then there’s the white hits turn orange when you have a fury buff on you
  • NojokejaymNojokejaym Member Posts: 4,127 ★★★★★
    Should I date this girl whose trying to date me?
  • CrcrcrcCrcrcrc Member Posts: 8,000 ★★★★★
    edited January 2021

    Should I date this girl whose trying to date me?

    Online, it’s probably a scam
    In real life, why not?
  • NojokejaymNojokejaym Member Posts: 4,127 ★★★★★
    Crcrcrc said:

    Should I date this girl whose trying to date me?

    Online, it’s probably a scam
    In real life, why not?
    It’s real life and because I’m young I like being a bachelor atm.
  • CrcrcrcCrcrcrc Member Posts: 8,000 ★★★★★

    Crcrcrc said:

    Should I date this girl whose trying to date me?

    Online, it’s probably a scam
    In real life, why not?
    It’s real life and because I’m young I like being a bachelor atm.
    Definitely don’t get into a relationship too early. That can lead to some issues because sometimes people just aren’t mature enough for something like that when they’re younger.
  • Destroyer123Destroyer123 Member Posts: 368 ★★

    Crcrcrc said:

    Should I date this girl whose trying to date me?

    Online, it’s probably a scam
    In real life, why not?
    It’s real life and because I’m young I like being a bachelor atm.
    If you are happy alone(bachelor) don’t start dating don’t fix what ain’t broke man.

  • NojokejaymNojokejaym Member Posts: 4,127 ★★★★★
    Thanks @Crcrcrc and @Destroyer123 y’all advice is smart.
  • Scarcity27Scarcity27 Member Posts: 1,906 ★★★★★
    Which champs have the best an worst attack and health?
  • The_Sentry06The_Sentry06 Member Posts: 7,804 ★★★★★

    Which champs have the best an worst attack and health?

    Attack: Best- Doom or BWCV I believe
    Worst- One of the pool's

    Healthpool: Best- Sasquatch
    Worst: Wasp or Rocket or OG Deadpool
  • Scarcity27Scarcity27 Member Posts: 1,906 ★★★★★

    Which champs have the best an worst attack and health?

    Attack: Best- Doom or BWCV I believe
    Worst- One of the pool's

    Healthpool: Best- Sasquatch
    Worst: Wasp or Rocket or OG Deadpool

    Yeah I figured rocket would be one of the worst for health...altho i think BWCV doesn't have that high of an attack (could be wrong tho)
    if a defender has 40% chance to activate an ability and you place 40% AAR, does that mean it becomes 0% chance to activate or does it take away 40% of 40% (16%), which makes it 24%.
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,331 ★★★★★

    Which champs have the best an worst attack and health?

    This is referring to Doctor Doom with highest base attack.

    Yes, he has the highest base Attack.
    Also, the highest base armour.
    And, the highest critical resistance.
    And the highest block penetration.

    Astonishingly little of that is apparent from his Spotlight.

  • CrcrcrcCrcrcrc Member Posts: 8,000 ★★★★★

    if a defender has 40% chance to activate an ability and you place 40% AAR, does that mean it becomes 0% chance to activate or does it take away 40% of 40% (16%), which makes it 24%.

    24% Think of it as a roulette wheel. When you hit the 40%, you have a 100% chance of getting the ability. With AAR, after hitting the 40% chance, you have a 60% chance for the ability to trigger. Does that make sense?
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