New Arena Structure Feedback



  • BzeeBzee Member Posts: 258 ★★
    edited May 2021
    I am a cavalier player. I have an account which is 13 months old and I have like 10 six star champs rn. This arena has left me shattered. I am feeling so sorry for myself for spending a hell lotta money on offers and crystal in a game which simply pleases the ones who have been playing this game since a long time (with diverse roster)

    My advice is keep the six star arena. But bring back the old 4* and 5* arena for the intermediate level players. Or have some other kind of point system. If you keep drying units like this, the game will be like dead for 95% of the community.

    And that wont be a good for the company and for the players who love playing this game. So please Kabam. Please do the needful ASAP.
  • Il_nightriderIl_nightrider Member Posts: 1
    edited May 2021
    I dont like the new arena because the two 6stars arenas require the same champions to use.
    So basically i can do only one of these two and i cant reach all the goals ...
    In the old versione was possible to use 4stars in one arena, 5stars in another arena and 6stars in another arene ... And reach all the goals.

    A normal player dont have so much 5 and 6 stars champions ranked up to play the two arenas in the same time

    Thank you
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  • mydnightmydnight Member Posts: 671 ★★★
    edited May 2021
    Raganator said:

    Seems like a subtle way to reduce grinded units. The 6* basic should have lower milestones.

    This is EXACTLY what it is. If this isn't intentional, then I guess nobody over at Kabam actually plays arenas or they get free units to use.

    6* prestige was the paywall, this is just adding another storey onto that wall.
  • TheBoogyManTheBoogyMan Member Posts: 2,094 ★★★★★
    edited May 2021
    Recently kabam has been forcing players to involve more and more in arenas. Arenas are being used to get items needed for side quests, or extra rewards. Is it not enough that players have so much already to do, that more arenas are being forced down our throats??

    Does kabam not think that people have a life too?
  • LLStashLLStash Member Posts: 132
    edited May 2021
    Arenas r Absolutely pathetic now. Way too much grinding for nearly Same amount of units. Lower level players’ units supply literally cut in half for double the grind. Needs drastic change or you’re gonna lose 50% of your player base
  • TensioTensio Member Posts: 198
    Constructive feedback:

    - Nice to have 6* arena
    - Nice to have a 6ª basic arena
    - Nice to have 3ª & 4 champs in the milestones

    - Have to spend more time to reach less amount of units. Reduced from 15 units milestone to 10
    - Grandmaster shards??? We are thronebreaker or Cavalier. We should expect cavalier shards or 5*/6* shards in the milestones
    - In the beginning of 4* featured arena, Top 400 received the featured champ. With 5* were reduced to top 150, and now top 100. THIS IS ONLY AN ARENA FOR 24Hx3DAYS PLAYERS. NO TIME TO SLEEP IF YOU WANT THE CHAMP (OR SPEND IN CRYSTALS)
    - 6* basic arena is great! But again, only top 100!!???

    All this changes always have the same direction. More & more time playing the arena. It's a perfect place for mercs.
  • _Gmakhwani__Gmakhwani_ Member Posts: 1
    If they are combining the 4* featured and 4* basic areans they should have the properties of both areans.
    I mean to say that I used to run 4* in the 4* basic areans to quickly grab some units with point score of 1.5 mil.
    If the new areana would not give this chance it's a huge no go for the FTP players.
  • yuwyuw Member Posts: 316 ★★
    edited May 2021
    here is my suggestion: only allow five star in 6 star basic and 4 million points for 135 units, as for summor trail,1.5million for 135 units
  • Fit_Fun9329Fit_Fun9329 Member Posts: 2,297 ★★★★★
    Could be a solution to increase the multiplier from 3x to maybe 4x/4,5x?

    That would be, approximately, 105k points for a 6* R2 and 60k points for a 5* r5.

    Just a thought, don’t kill me :smile:
  • HolyWarriorHolyWarrior Member Posts: 3
    This is dumb. 5* feel like wasted in new arenas now. I liked to play with 5*r5 i love but now i am forced to play with my **** 6*s. I only grind for units and This arena is not helping me. Revert it to original.
  • WoowerinnWoowerinn Member Posts: 55
    Hi Guys
    I am not happy at all with the new area.The most important stuff the UNIT what you cut shorter.So I get much less unit than before so I need more to do arena play for that or buy it???? This is the point??And what can i do with the plenty of 3* arena boost??This area good for gamer who can play all day or has a thick wallet...and seriosly you get me cavalier chrystal??I have never opened any good hero from under the 6 year.
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  • KrishnaKrishna Member Posts: 2
    edited May 2021
    I used to grind all 4 arenas for units with my limited resources ( prestige 5000) and get around 600 units in total, that is without adding units from Battle chips. With the latest update I hardly get around 200. How do you expect free to play players to progress in this game? (I am not completely free to play, I still spend considerable amount of money every month) This is a big blow to everyone who doesn’t have a good 6* roster. I go 2 6* in total to date. Please give me old arena, otherwise no point in playing this money hungry game anymore.
  • Fit_Fun9329Fit_Fun9329 Member Posts: 2,297 ★★★★★

    Could be a solution to increase the multiplier from 3x to maybe 4x/4,5x?

    That would be, approximately, 105k points for a 6* R2 and 60k points for a 5* r5.

    Just a thought, don’t kill me :smile:

    Not a bad idea!
    Thank you, Sir! If we had this across all arenas, it would make up for the Effort, it would be more balanced (I think).
  • Tonio4006Tonio4006 Member Posts: 13
    @Kabam Miike before the new arena update I was grinding all milestones in all 5 arenas within the 3 day timeframe. With my current roster it would take me roughly 75-77 rounds in the 5* featured arena, and around 50-55 rounds in the 4* featured arena. Now it's going to take roughly 100 rounds, if not a little more, and that's just for one of the 6* arenas.

    If i stick to the same strategy I've been using to avoid death matches and maximize points earned, I will be able to hit all milestones in one of the 6* arenas but not both. There is definitely a discrepancy with the time we have to invest now, and the return we get compared to the old arena structure.

    This new arena structure definitely has some potential, but clearly more work needs to be done. Maybe lowering the refresh timers?

    I'll go over the strategy I use to make sure I don't get any death matches while at the same time maximizing points. I've been running the same strategy for a while now, and can't remember the last time I had a death match. I tested this out in the new 6* arenas and seems to generate the same result as the old arenas. I hope this helps out the rest of the community, as well as Kabam

    For 6* featured and 6* basic arenas:
    MATCHES 1-5
    • filter to all 5*s.
    • work your way down the list of champs until you find your last r2 5*. Make sure this champ has at least 4,500 PI if you're running suicides, or 4,000 PI without suicides (this is important because once you hit the infinite streak and you bring in a champ that is a r2 5* with less than 4,500 or 4,000 PI you'll run into a death match). Once you determine who that champ is, they will become your marker and cutoff point to let you know not to go past that champ once you reach the infinite streak.
    • from your marker, count the next 15 champs down. The 15th champ will be your starting point.
    • from your starting point (15th champ) work your way back up by proceeding with matches 1-5 until you get back to your marker. (I like to use the 16th champ to help me remember where I left off in case i forget)

    MATCHES 6-9
    (KANG and THANOS teams)
    • filter to all 6*s
    • proceed with matches 6-9 ONLY using your r3/r2 6*s

    MATCHES 10-16
    (10-13 KANG and THANOS teams)
    (14-16 SUMMONER teams)
    • if your roster allows it continue to use r3/r2 6*s, or use r5 5*s ONLY

    • if your roster allows it continue to use r3/r2/r1 6*s, or use r5/r4/r3/r2 5*s up until your marker. Remember do not go pass your marker.

    4*s can also be utilized once you reach the infinite streak, but do not use a champ lower than a r4 with 4,500 PI.
  • DannyezioDannyezio Member Posts: 1
    This new arena type is very worst compared to the previous one. Unable to get units,milestones are higher....very very worst........
    With having a less amount of 5* and 6* how we play this?
    Not even as like new cavilier players...then think about a new level players....please change the type of quest to previous type....
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    the new format is a trash. it looks like, below uncollected players are deprived of getting a 3* feutured champ and a 4* basic champ
  • Rival_saswata4Rival_saswata4 Member Posts: 1
    I have been playing this game since January 2021. As I played, I realized that this game is different. If someone does not spend money, he will not get a good reward. But I am a free to play player. So this is very disgusting for me. Still playing the game because I'm a mcu fan. Part of the particularly arena was very boring, but still 4 star champ was available. Although it was very time consuming. I am a player that has barely conqueror. Preparing to be uncollected. I need a better champ. I thought I would achieve that by playing arena tomorrow. But this time it was too bad for us. New arenas were introduced for uncollected players only and for pay to play players. Nothing for us. A 4star nexus crystal can be found by playing it all day. But we are students. We play the game for the purpose of recreation, we want to play the game with skill, not with money or wasting time all day. Now that is the unit and 4star grinding became tough. Since you have to be uncollected after losing a very bad a.i, then the unit is very important which we will not get anymore. If you don't change the structure of the arena, then it is impossible for me and our friends to play this game. We are all deciding on mass uninstallation. Now think about what you will do, think of lakhs of free to play players like us or play with a small amount of money to feed the player ‌. Thanks. Stay well.
  • Vishu96671Vishu96671 Member Posts: 1
    bring old arena back.
    Or make milestone low.
    This new arena is **** just adding 6* champion is not solution for everyone
  • Fit_Fun9329Fit_Fun9329 Member Posts: 2,297 ★★★★★

    Could be a solution to increase the multiplier from 3x to maybe 4x/4,5x?

    That would be, approximately, 105k points for a 6* R2 and 60k points for a 5* r5.

    Just a thought, don’t kill me :smile:

    Not a bad idea!
    Thank you, Sir! If we had this across all arenas, it would make up for the Effort, it would be more balanced (I think).
    So far I am at 7.5m in featured. This is with 28 6 star champs and 36 usable 5 star arena teams. I will hit last milestone but only in one arena. Pretty upset about new milestones but like the concept of less arenas.
    That’s actually impressive. Right now I have 9,8 million in one arena with almost 60 6* and 60 5* champs in usage. I like the now concept, too. I would appreciate it more, when the last milestones would be at, round about, 10 million each. Even for big and developed rosters it’s a big step up in comparison to the old version of arenas.

    The feedback of the community was wished and now received. I am exited what kabam concludes. A change is necessary :smile:
  • edited May 2021
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  • Robbo9Robbo9 Member Posts: 51
    There’s a lot of posts in here so this might have been mentioned already but are the 3 and 4* champs in the featured milestones supposed to be basic champs? I know Falcon is, but my 3* Shang Chi only went up by 1 sig after hitting the milestone. I’ve picked up the 4* as well but I didn’t have him so not sure about that one.

    Everything else I need to say has been covered already by others but if the 4* in the featured isn’t a full dupe then I’m losing out on a big iso source every week.
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