Character Wishlist Thread 3.0



  • YungLampshade69V2YungLampshade69V2 Member Posts: 52
    I'm sure it's been said here many times, but I'd be overjoyed to see a "Goodest Boys in The Contest" event where Lockjaw and Cosmo are the 2 new champions. Now, obviously they'd both be cosmic, a class we have a bit of an overabundance of, but I still think it would be amazing for Kabam to design for a bit further down the line.

    I don't really have any ideas for abilities for the either of them, because other than the fact that lockjaw teleports and cosmo can fly/hover, I don't know much about their powers. One thing I know for sure is that they should both have amazing outgoing synergies with their usual teams, kinda like how dogs improve the health and lives of their owners. I think it would be amazing if Lockjaw had great individual synergies for Black Bolt, Medusa, Karnak, Kamala, and maybe (but probably not) Quake. For Cosmo, I think it would be really cool if it moreso focused on bringing a full team of Guardians of the Galaxy champs, or others usually closely related like Nova for large synergy benefits.

    Lastly and a bit obviously, they'd have to have custom incoming SP3 animations much like Mojo, Spider-Ham, and M.O.D.O.K. I think these animations should be very cartoony and try to avoid violent imagery just because animal violence is wrong and so is promoting it. On that point though, if you have a problem with dogs being in the game, remember there's already a macaque, a pig, and not 1, but 2 different versions of the same duck in this game- why not 2 dogs as well?
  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    Glob Herman (Mutant)

    Rictor (Mutant)

    Wild Child (Mutant)
  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    Avalanche (Mutant)

    Exodus (Mutant)

    Fabian Cortez (Mutant)

    Wolverine (House of M) (Mutant)

    Ricochet (Mutant)

    Marionette (Skill)
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Christoph Nord (Earth-616) Maverick

    Powers and Abilities

    Like a great many of Earth's mutants, Zero lost his Homo Sapiens Superior abilities as a result of the aftermath of Decimation.[20] Nord currently possesses no superhuman abilities due to the events of M-Day.[25]

    Original Powers:
    Kinetic Absorption: Nord's primary mutant power was the ability to absorb the energy caused by a kinetic impact. While this power did have limits, Nord could survive a 10 story fall, discharge powerful concussive blasts of energy, and be struck with superhuman force without suffering major injuries.
    Regenerative Healing Factor: Upon joining the Weapon X Program, Nord was artificially granted a slight healing factor by the program similar to the ones possessed by Wolverine and Sabretooth, though far inferior to theirs. As a result, he could fully heal from mild to moderate injuries faster and more extensively than a normal human. This healing factor also made him highly resistant, if not immune, to most diseases and toxins. It also greatly suppressed Nord's natural aging process, causing him to age much slower. However, after contracting the Legacy Virus, Nord burned out his artificial healing factor and his power to absorb the energy of kinetic impact was reduced considerably.

    Further Mutation:
    Kinetic Energy Conversion: After the Legacy Virus went into remission, Nord's kinetic power mutated to greater limits and the energy he absorbed had to be channeled into powerful blasts of concussive force or heat. He could also purposely channel the energy to increase the force of his physical blows. After absorbing his peak level of energy, Nord's punches and kicks were 10 times stronger than normal. It isn't known if Nord could channel the energy for the purpose of lifting great amounts of weight.

    Agent Zero:
    Anti-Healing Factor Corrosive Blasts: After Nord was forced to join the latest incarnation of the Weapon X Program, he underwent a procedure that altered his kinetic absorption ability. After absorbing the energy of kinetic impacts, Nord could now channel the energy into blasts of corrosive energy due to an acidic enzyme that was secreted from the tips of his fingers. This enzyme was specifically designed by the Weapon X Program that, aside from it's naturally acidic properties, could counteract an enemy's accelerated healing capabilities. The process of self-healing was actually reversed so that the more an opponent's body tried to heal injuries inflicted by the enzyme, the worse the injuries became. Nord also retained his ability to channel the energy for the purpose of increasing the strength of his physical blows.
    Scent Suppression: Due to the procedures he underwent at the hands of the Weapon X Program, all discernible scent was removed from Nord's body.

    Even without his mutant powers, Zero is an excellent hand-to-hand combatant, a precision marksman, and an expert in covert operations and demolitions. He also has vast experience with computers and communications equipment.

    Christoph Nord (Earth-616) Maverick

    Kräfte und Fähigkeiten

    Wie viele Mutanten der Erde verlor Zero seine Fähigkeiten als Homo Sapiens Superior infolge der Folgen der Dezimierung.[20] Nord besitzt derzeit aufgrund der Ereignisse des M-Day keine übermenschlichen Fähigkeiten.[25]

    Ursprüngliche Kräfte:
    Kinetische Absorption: Nords primäre Mutantenkraft war die Fähigkeit, die durch einen kinetischen Aufprall verursachte Energie zu absorbieren. Während diese Macht Grenzen hatte, konnte Nord einen 10-stöckigen Sturz überleben, starke erschütternde Energiestöße ausstoßen und mit übermenschlicher Kraft geschlagen werden, ohne größere Verletzungen zu erleiden.
    Regenerativer Heilungsfaktor: Nach dem Beitritt zum Weapon X-Programm wurde Nord durch das Programm künstlich ein leichter Heilungsfaktor gewährt, der denen von Wolverine und Sabretooth ähnelt, obwohl sie ihren weit unterlegen sind. Dadurch konnte er von leichten bis mittelschweren Verletzungen schneller und umfassender heilen als ein normaler Mensch. Dieser Heilungsfaktor machte ihn auch sehr resistent, wenn nicht sogar immun gegen die meisten Krankheiten und Toxine. Es unterdrückte auch Nords natürlichen Alterungsprozess stark, was dazu führte, dass er viel langsamer alterte. Nach der Ansteckung mit dem Legacy-Virusbrannte Nord jedoch seinen künstlichen Heilungsfaktor aus und seine Kraft, die Energie des kinetischen Aufpralls zu absorbieren, wurde erheblich reduziert.

    Weitere Mutation:
    Kinetische Energieumwandlung: Nachdem das Legacy-Virus in Remission gegangen war, mutierte Nords kinetische Kraft zu größeren Grenzen und die Energie, die er absorbierte, musste in starke Explosionen von Gehirnerschütterungskraft oder Hitze kanalisiert werden. Er konnte die Energie auch absichtlich kanalisieren, um die Kraft seiner physischen Schläge zu erhöhen. Nachdem er sein maximales Energieniveau absorbiert hatte, waren Nords Schläge und Tritte 10-mal stärker als normal. Es ist nicht bekannt, ob Nord die Energie kanalisieren könnte, um große Mengen an Gewicht zu heben.

    Agent Zero:
    Anti-Healing Factor Corrosive Blasts: Nachdem Nord gezwungen war, der neuesten Inkarnation des Weapon X-Programms beizutreten, unterzog er sich einem Verfahren, das seine kinetische Absorptionsfähigkeit veränderte. Nachdem nord die Energie kinetischer Einschläge absorbiert hatte, konnte er die Energie nun in Explosionen korrosiver Energie kanalisieren, die auf ein saures Enzym zurückzuführen waren, das von den Fingerspitzen abgesondert wurde. Dieses Enzym wurde speziell vom Weapon X-Programm entwickelt, das neben seiner natürlich sauren Eigenschaften den beschleunigten Heilungsfähigkeiten eines Feindes entgegenwirken kann. Der Prozess der Selbstheilung wurde tatsächlich umgekehrt, so dass je mehr der Körper eines Gegners versuchte, verletzungen zu heilen, die durch das Enzym verursacht wurden, desto schlimmer wurden die Verletzungen. Nord behielt auch seine Fähigkeit, die Energie zu kanalisieren, um die Stärke seiner körperlichen Schläge zu erhöhen.
    Geruchsunterdrückung: Aufgrund der Verfahren, denen er sich durch das Weapon X-Programm unterzog, wurden alle erkennbaren Gerüche aus Nords Körper entfernt.

    Auch ohne seine mutierten Kräfte ist Zero ein ausgezeichneter Nahkämpfer, ein Präzisionsschütze und ein Experte für verdeckte Operationen und Zerstörungen. Er hat auch umfangreiche Erfahrung mit Computern und Kommunikationsgeräten.

  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    The Mandarin (Marvel)

    Powers and Abilities
    The Mandarin possesses the ability to channel chi into superhuman physical abilities such as going without food or water for years at a time, superhuman strength, and superhumanly powerful martial arts strikes.

    Each of the Mandarin's ten rings has a different power:

    Left Index Finger - Flame throwing
    Right Index Finger - Energy projection
    Left Middle Finger - Lightning blasts
    Right Middle Finger - Air manipulation
    Left Ring Finger - Psionic Energy amplification
    Right Ring Finger - Matter Disintegration
    Left Small Finger - Ice formation
    Right Small Finger - Black Light manipulation
    Left Thumb - White Light manipulation
    Right Thumb - Matter Manipulation

    Der Mandarin (Marvel)

    Kräfte und Fähigkeiten
    Der Mandarin besitzt die Fähigkeit, Chi in übermenschliche körperliche Fähigkeiten zu lenken, wie z.

    Jeder der zehn Ringe des Mandarins hat eine andere Kraft:

    Linker Zeigefinger - Flammenwurf
    Rechter Zeigefinger - Energieprojektion
    Linker Mittelfinger - Blitze
    Rechter Mittelfinger - Luftmanipulation
    Linker Ringfinger - Verstärkung der psionischen Energie
    Rechter Ringfinger - Materiezerfall
    Linker kleiner Finger - Eisbildung
    Rechter kleiner Finger - Schwarzlichtmanipulation
    Linker Daumen - Manipulation mit weißem Licht
    Rechter Daumen - Materiemanipulation

  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Poisen vs Daken

    Akihiro (Earth-616) Daken

    Powers and Abilities

    Mutant Physiology: Akihiro is a second generation mutant and possesses powers similar to those of his father, Logan. Daken's accelerated cellular regeneration augments his natural strength, speed, agility, endurance, and reflexes.

    Regenerative Healing Factor: Daken has an accelerated healing factor that allows him to rapidly regenerate any damaged, missing or destroyed bodily tissues, cells, limbs and organs.[41] Daken has also healed from injuries sustained as a result of being severely beaten by the Thing within a matter of minutes.[136] However, Daken's mental state can influence the rate personal recovery. His healing factor has sometimes been hampered by underlying guilt and other self-impeding psychological blocks, thus weakening his ability to regenerate damage.[110]
    Foreign Chemical Immunity: Daken's natural healing also affords him resistance or immunity to conventional drugs and resistance to gas attacks, poisons, and nerve-toxins of any kind.
    Disease Immunity: Due to his highly efficient immune system, Daken is immune to all Earthly diseases and infections.
    Peak Human Strength: Due to his resistance to physical damage and ability to push himself to the limit without risk of permanent injury, Daken's strength is extended to the peak of human potential, which makes him stronger than typical humans.
    Enhanced Stamina: As is the case with his father, Daken's mutant healing factor grants him high immunity against lactic acid and other fatigue toxins generated by his muscles during physical activity, resulting in exceptional endurance. His lung capacity is at peak human level enabling him to hold breath for 6 minutes under water. As with most of his other powers, the full limits of his physical stamina isn't known. He can, however, exert himself for at least 24 hours before the buildup of fatigue toxins in his blood begins to impair him.
    Enhanced Agility: Daken's agility, balance, flexibility and dexterity are comparable to those of the finest human athlete, and then further enhanced by his resistance to muscle strain or injury and ability to push himself without fear of permanent damage.
    Longevity: Daken's healing factor grants him an extended lifespan by slowing the effects of the aging process. Though he was born sometime in 1946, he retains the health, appearance and physical vitality of a man in the physical prime of his life.
    Superhumanly Acute Senses: Daken possesses superhumanly acute senses that are comparable or superior to those of many animals. Daken's hearing is similarly enhanced, enabling him to hear with amazing clarity, across distance, and even frequencies outside normal human range. Daken's sense of smell is able to recognize people and objects by scent, even if they are well hidden. He can track a target by scent, even if it has been greatly eroded by time and weather factors, with an extraordinary degree of success. Daken can also use his keen sense of smell to detect lies and a person's feelings due to chemical changes in their scent.[130]

    Insulated Weather Adaptation: Body is highly resistant to certain elemental extremes, particularly cold. [127]

    Retractable Bone Claws: Daken possesses three retractable claws housed beneath the skin and muscle of his forearms, two claws which emerge from between the skin of his first and third knuckles and one from his inner wrist. These claws are much harder and denser than normal human bone and their natural shape provides them with a razor sharp edge capable of easily slicing through flesh and bone, and they have been shown to be able to penetrate metals as durable as Iron Man's armor.

    Dark Wolverine's pheromone control over Dark Ms. Marvel

    Pheromone Control: In addition to the powers he shares with his father and sisters, Daken also possesses empathic pherokinetic abilities as well as an ability to mask his own scent to such a degree that even Wolverine's senses are unable to track him. He can use his pheromones to manipulate the emotional state and sensory perceptions of other beings, and has been known to use this power to instill intense fear, happiness, depression, fascination, and a false sense of security. The latter allows him to seemingly appear out of nowhere at times, enabling him to inflect damage before an opponent realizes he's there. Such tactics give opponents the belief that he can either teleport or move at superhuman speeds, though he stated during his fight with Deadpool that he doesn't possess either of those powers. He also uses this ability against Spider-Man, telling him that his abilities allow him to distort or hinder an enemy's depth perception and visual acuity, causing them to fight sluggishly. When not deliberately controlled, Daken's pheromones cause those around him to mirror his own moods; during his youth and formative years, this caused his adoptive mother to be afraid of the supernatural seeming phenomena. Daken's pheromone abilities are at their most effective when a target is unaware of either their existence or their implementation, because unlike omega-level pherokinetics, he cannot assume direct control of a target's actions and reactions, and a wary target can push past their effects as an act of will.[10][104] His powers also don't enable him to create complex feelings like love in people, just amplify desires that were already present.[130] He also appears to have great knowledge as to the capabilities of pheromones in general, as well as their taste and smell. In conjunction with his enhanced senses and knowledge of pheromones, he can expertly judge the emotional/physical state of those around him, both animal and human.[137]

    Daken channeling Apocalypse's Death Seed

    Telepathic Resistance: Daken has demonstrated resistance to telepathy;[138] his mind contains a "trap" awaiting anyone attempting to delve into his head, and his mind is also able to recover lost memories or reject false ones.

    Death Seed Powers: As the Horseman of Death, Daken had been planted with a Death Seed after he was resurrected by The Apocalypse Twins.[11] He was endowed with the power and potential to become the new iteration of Apocalypse on Earth as a result.

    Energized Bone Claws: In his Horsemen guise, Daken's claws radiate some form of negative which seemingly augments their lethality.
    Multi-Claw Projection: While channeling the power of the Death Seed through Zach's abilities, Daken produces multiple jet black razor sharp protrusions coming out of his forearms with which to eviscerate opponents.[107]
    Anti-Healing Factor: The energy that Daken's claws are laced in have an effect similar to his old Muramasa Claws or even ingested Carbonadium.[139]
    Increased Biomass: While channeling the power of the Death Seed through Zach's abilities Daken gained additional physiological augmentation, such as increased skin density and muscle mass; making him appear bigger and vastly increasing his physical strength.[107]
    Accelerating Regeneration: The more Daken is wounded the quicker his healing factor takes action to mend himself.[107]
    Master Martial Artist: Daken has proven himself to be a superb hand to hand combatant. Cyber trained Daken at one time and acknowledges that Daken has superior skill. Daken has proven this skill by besting both Wolverine and Deadpool. It is unclear how much of this should be attributed to his unique ability to use his pheromones to alter the perception and emotional state of others, however he is undeniably highly proficient. He has also been trained in the use of a variety of weapons, including bow and arrow or daishō swords.

    Skilled Acrobat: Since Daken doesn't have adamantium coating his skeleton, he is much lighter weight than his father, and can do more "acrobatics". He has shown a skill in gymnastics, acrobatics and aerials, capable of complex acrobatic maneuvers in rapid succession during the heat of battle.

    Expert Tracker and Hunter: Due to his enhanced sense of smell, Daken is a prodigious tracker and has memorized the scents of many different people and animals, as well as being able to often distinguish the emotional state his target was in when they passed.

    Multilingual: Daken has shown the ability to speak and easily learn multiple languages including English, Japanese,[1] Greek,[1] Italian, and German.[140]

    Cunning Intellect: He possesses the ability to quickly process multiple information streams (e.g., threat assessment) and rapidly respond to changing tactical situations.

    Excellent Strategist/Tactician: He has shown the ability to easily enter and leave high security military installations and to manipulate and outmaneuver super geniuses such as Norman Osborn and Reed Richards with ease.

    Master Manipulator and Deceiver: Contributed to by his abilities to read and alter emotions, and augmented by his intellect and experience, Daken excels at scheming, planning and coaxing other into doing his dirty work for him. Daken has shown a particular prodigious skill in the art of the triple-cross, often playing two or more parties against each other to gain trust.

    Carbonadium: Daken's healing factor can be dramatically slowed if Carbonadium is implanted inside of him, such as swallowing something made of Carbonadium or being wounded by a bullet composed of it. It causes his healing factor to be reduced to a crawl, but doesn't fully suppress it.[25]

    Heat Pills: Temporarily slows or cancels the healing factor.

    Muramasa Blade: Nullifies healing factors, and is capable of killing Daken.

    Muramasa Bullets: Created out of the Muramasa blade, used for killing those with Healing Factors.

    Depression: Daken's healing factor is affected by his emotional state, and feelings of depression and guilt cause it to be severely slowed. While this may be common to mutants with healing factors, as his sister Laura's self-mutilation scars were much slower to heal than other wounds,[141] Daken has demonstrated frequent episodes of malaise since his resurrection.

    James Hudson Jr. (Earth-1610) Poisen

    Powers and Abilities

    Jimmy possesses similar mutant attributes to those of his father, Wolverine; though to what extent remains to be seen. Thus far, Hudson has demonstrated the following abilities:

    Regenerative Healing Factor: Like his father, Jimmy possesses accelerated healing powers. His powers first appeared when Jimmy crashed his car and it exploded. Jimmy climbed out of the wreck burned and broken, but healed in a matter of seconds. This "healing factor" is responsible for his slowed aging, bordering on immortality.
    Telepathic Resistance: Jimmy's healing powers also give him resistance to telepathy.[8]
    Retractable Bone Claws: He has inherited Wolverine's famous three bone claws per hand. He can form a metallic substance around his claws at will.[4]
    Organic Metal Skeleton: Jimmy claws were not synthetically bonded to adamantium like Wolverine, but covered in metallic substance secreted by his body immediately following the first time he extended his claws. Jimmy's claws are durable enough to cut through steel. At a later time, he coated his teeth in this substance and now appears to be able to do it with his whole skeleton. [16]
    Superhumanly Acute Senses: Jimmy senses of sight, smell, and hearing are all heightened to some degree of superhuman accuracy. He can see much further and with greater clarity than a normal human, even retaining much of this clarity even in near total darkness. Jimmy's hearing is similarly enhanced, enabling him to detect sounds normal humans cannot and sounds they ordinarily could but at much greater distances. Jimmy's sense of smell is able to recognize people and objects by scent, even if they are well hidden. He can track a target by scent, even if the scent has been greatly eroded by time and weather factors, with an extraordinary degree of success.
    Disease Immunity: Due to his highly efficient immune system, Jimmy is immune to all Earthly diseases, disorders, and infections. Jimmy's supernatural healing also affords him the virtual immunity to poisons and most drugs.
    Poison Physiology: During the Poison invasion on Earth, Jimmy was assimilated by one of the creatures[12] but seems to have gained control over it as a result of the Hive Queen's death.[1] Jimmy's Poison augments his natural abilities while adding some new ones.

    Superhuman Strength: The Poison enhances Jimmy's strength to superhuman levels.
    Superhuman Durability
    Superhuman Stamina
    Superhuman Speed
    Superhuman Agility
    Superhuman Reflexes
    Regenerative Healing Factor
    Genetic Memory
    Constituent-Matter Generation
    Shapeshifting: Jimmy can now manipulate his claws by stretching them out and controlling them as if they were tentacles as well as being able to generate large spikes from his body.
    Expert Tracker and Hunter: Due to his enhanced sense of smell, Jimmy is a dangerous tracker.

    Expert Combatant: Despite the lack of any training, Jimmy is a good fighter. He created his own improvised fighting style full of strength and speed.

  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    Lord Tyger (Science)

    Squid (Science)

    Iron Destroyer (Mystic)

    Zombie (Mystic)

    Deathcry (Cosmic)

    Groot (Venomized) (Cosmic)

    Biotron (Tech)

    Iron Man (Bleeding Edge) (Tech)

    Iron Man Noir (Tech)

    Spider-Man (Spider-Armor MK III) (Tech)
  • sudeep9680sudeep9680 Member Posts: 194
    edited August 2021
    Wishlist character
    IRON WOMAN Natasha romannova

    I am creating the story of alternate version characters called MARCU (Marvel Alternate Reality Cinematic Universe).

    This is my story characters

    Tony stark and ghost rider story to Natasha romannova
    Black panther story to nakia
    quicksilver story to speedstride(Girl version of quicksilver)
    New story telling of deadpool the black man version
    Spiderman story to Spidey electric enhanced
    New story telling to Loki the god of mischief
    Natasha story to yelena belova

    story can be changed here
    This is called alternate reality versions

    Villains list to match characters

    natasha - blackheart, modok, taskmaster and mandarin
    yelena- taskmaster, modok, drakos and drakos daughter(evil black widow)
    nakia - killmonger, ulysses claw, modok and monica rappacini
    Deadpool black man - mini sentinels, magneto, modok and taskmaster
    Spiderman - doc ock, taskmaster, modok and red goblin
    Speedstride - Magneto, modok, mister sinister and stryfe
    Loki - Loki the president, taskmaster, modok and frost giant

    Coming soon!

  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    Bluestreak (Mutant)

    Holocaust (Mutant)

    Morph (Mutant)

    Nature Girl (Mutant)

    Wild Thing (Mutant)
  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    Man-Beast (Science)

    White Tiger (Hector Ayala) (Mystic)

    Vengeance (Mystic)

    Aron (Cosmic)

    Blastaar (Cosmic)

    Marlo Chandler (Cosmic)

    Blizzard (Tech)

    Fury (Tech)
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Skaar – Marvel Comics Wiki Charakter (Erde-616)(Earth-616)

    Powers, abilities & weaknesses
    Old Power: Skaar possesses the Old Power of the Shadow People, which allows them to connect to and manipulate the earth and stone of the planet, control lava, speak through the earth, turn their own body into stone and even to do some kind of retrospective that shows him all who have walked the planet Skaar in the past "forty moons" and what they have done. This power was taken from him by the Silver Surfer and then given back by his mother.

    Former forces
    After being ousted by "Doc Green", Skaar was deprived of the Gamma-derived abilities:

    Superhuman Strength: As the son of the Hulk, Skaar presumably possesses the capacity for tremendous, if not limitless, physical strength, either evoked by intense anger, as with his father, or by channeling the Old Force. Once after absorbing 100 trillion tons of kinetic energy from a city to fight the Hulk, he made the Juggernaut fly across space with ease, knocking out beings for miles, killing the dragons of Sakaar, overturning tanks, and fighting with ease against Ben Grimm. Skaar's great strength extends to his legs as well, which allows him to jump great distances.
    Superhuman Endurance: During his time in search of Axeman Bone and trying to protect and survive the all in one, he has shown the ability to maintain his endurance for extended periods of time.
    Nigh-Invulnerability: In addition to its Hulk-like strength, Skaar's body possesses high levels of resistance to physical injury and pain, as well as a unique immunity to anything heat-related. Skaar's skin is able to withstand extreme heat without blistering and large bumps. As a Hulk empowered by the Old Force, Skaar has the potential for virtual to total invulnerability, having survived falls from planetary outer orbit, a full-blown blow from Iron Fist as well as the stronger Hulk persona; The Green Scar itself.
    Regenerative Healing Factor: Despite its high resistance to physical injury, it is possible to wound Skaar. He is able to regenerate damaged or destroyed body parts with far greater speed and efficiency than normal people. Wounds that are fatal to other beings heal in no time. He was impaled in the stomach in the battle against Axeman Bone, but healed quickly and hunted him down.
    Self-preservation: Skaar is able to survive in the vacuum of space without any help and does not need air, food, water or sleep.
    Postponed Aging: Basically, Skaar does not age. This is due to its great healing factor, which regenerates its cells, as well as the gamma energy and the old force that enable it.
    Rapid maturation: Shortly after Skaar's cocoon left his mother's body, he emerged from the burning waters at the age of ten. A year later he grew up into a teenager.
    Heightened Senses: Either a natural effect of its transformation or due to its extraterrestrial heritage, Skaar can sense the subtle biochemical changes within a functioning organism. He can distinguish machines from normal people and feels that Daken uses pheromones to influence his emotional state.
    Metamorphosis: Skaar can transform into the human form of a twelve year old boy. The human Skaar said that Skaar suppressed his alter ego until Osborn's bombshell. When the human skaar becomes angry, it triggers its transformation into the original form. The extent to which Skaar's transformation resembles his father's is unknown.
    Skaar is a self-trained armorer.
    Physical strength
    Class 100+ - Skaar inherited his father's great strength, of course, in addition to the Old Force that adds to his strength. However, Skaar's strength at the base level, with no anger or ancient power to augment it, is only listed as class 90.
    Weak points
    Skaar was vulnerable to the Muramasa Blade, which negates superhuman healing factors. Daken was able to cut him with the blade and seriously injure him.
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Inheritors (Earth-001)
    Erben (Earth-001)
    Solus (Erde-001)

    Powers and Abilities
    Solus possesses a variety of superhuman attributes as a result of Inheritors' unique physiology.

    Life Force Energy Absorption: Solus' primary power is the ability to absorb the life force energy of other living creatures, thereby granting himself superhuman physical abilities. Even though Solus can absorb the energies of virtually any being, he must occasionally renew himself by feeding upon pure forms of animal-related super beings from one of the four categories that make up his own, unusually pure, DNA such as animal, insect, human, and bird. Once Solus has touched a human, he is able to sense that person's life force across great distances. Unlike his children, Solus has shown to have no limit when absorbing life forces, as he could absorb the Enigma Force of the Cosmic Spider-Man [3]

    Superhuman Strength: Solus possesses superhuman strength that varies according to how recently he has fed and on what kind of source. Solus has shown the ability to destroy very dense objects with relative ease. He is also capable of fighting and killing Cosmic Spider-Man.
    Superhuman Speed: Solus can run and move at speeds that are beyond the physical limits of the finest human athlete.
    Superhuman Stamina: Solus' musculature produces less fatigue toxins than the fatigue toxins of human beings. While his stamina depends upon he's fed, Solus can physically exert himself at peak capacity for at least several hours before the build up of fatigue toxins in his blood begins to impair him.
    Superhuman Durability: Solus' body is tougher and more resistant to certain types of injury than the body of a human being. It is known that Solus can withstand great forces like the Enigma Force as was seen when he confronted the Cosmic Spider-Man.[3]
    Superhuman Agility: Solus's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete.
    Superhuman Reflexes: Solus' reflexes are similarly enhanced and are superior to those of the finest human athlete.
    Immortality: Solus is functionally immortal in the sense that he is immune to the effects of aging and all known diseases. However, he cannot "resurrect" by being cloned in Jennix' stronghold on Earth-802 anymore after the destruction of it by Kaine, Ben Reilly, and Black Widow.[10]
    After devouring the Enigma Force of Earth-13[3], Solus temporarily gained the following abilities:[4]
    Energy Manipulation
    Radiation: Solus and the Inheritors are extremely sensitive to radiation.[4]

  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Inheritors (Earth-001)
    Erben (Earth-001)
    Morlun (Erde-001)

    Powers and Abilities

    Morlun possesses a variety of superhuman attributes as a result of his unique physiology:

    Life Force Energy Absorption: Morlun's primary power is the ability to absorb the life force energy of other living creatures, thereby granting himself superhuman physical abilities. Even though Morlun can absorb the energies of virtually any being, he must occasionally renew himself by feeding upon pure forms of animal-related superbeings from one of the four categories that make up his own, unusually pure, DNA such as animal, insect, human, and bird. Once Morlun has touched a human, he is able to sense that person's life force across great distances. While the limit of this ability isn't known, it allowed him to easily follow and track Spider-Man across New York City.[8]
    Superhuman Strength: Morlun possesses superhuman strength that varies according to how recently he has fed and on what kind of source, but he has demonstrated strength capable of lifting an estimated 20 tons. While fighting the Black Panther, he ripped apart an Adamantium net with his bare hands. Spider-Man states that Morlun's punches are the hardest he has ever felt, suggesting that the 20 ton capability is his baseline.[7]
    Superhuman Speed: Morlun can run and move at speeds that are beyond the physical limits of the finest human athlete. Though the exact limit is unknown, he has been shown to climb several flights of stairs and cover several blocks in only slightly more time than it takes Spider-Man to reach the same destination by web-swinging.[8] However this is likely due to the experience and training that the mainstream Spider-Man has, as both Spider-Punk, and the Superior Spider-Man have stated that Morlun was too fast for their spider-sense. [30]
    Superhuman Stamina: Morlun's musculature produces less fatigue toxins than the fatigue toxins of human beings. While his stamina depends upon he's fed, Morlun can physically exert himself at peak capacity for at least several hours before the build up of fatigue toxins in his blood begins to impair him.[citation needed]
    Superhuman Durability: Morlun's body is tougher and more resistant to certain types of injury than the body of a human being. It is known that Morlun can withstand great impact forces, such as being physically struck by Spider-Man, that would severely injure or kill a human, most notably being hit by a vibranium-tipped nuclear missile.[citation needed] Morlun's resistant to penetration wounds from bullets and bladed weaponry is equally high, and was unfazed when Wolverine stabbed him. [29]
    Superhuman Agility: Morlun's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete.[citation needed]
    Superhuman Reflexes: Morlun's reflexes are similarly enhanced and are superior to those of the finest human athlete.[8]
    Immortality: Morlun is functionally immortal in the sense that he is immune to the effects of aging and all known diseases. However, he can be killed if wounded severely enough. However, he has been shown to survive at least two separate deaths, with one of his siblings stating that the only way to kill him permanently is to totally deplete his store of life force.[citation needed]
    Flight: Morlun can fly.[42]
    Even though it isn't known exactly how much, if any, formal training he's had, Morlun has proven himself to be a formidable hand to hand combatant.

    Morlun must regularly feed on the life forces of other living beings to stay alive. However, in order to renew himself and to prolong his extremely long lifespan, he must feed on totemic (purer) sources occasionally. Morlun has also proven highly vulnerable to exposure to high levels of radiation. However, Morlun must always be concentrating on keeping himself invincible. He eventually lets his guard down when he is feeding. This weakness enabled Ezekiel to break his nose and the Other to kill him. When his guard is down, he is as vulnerable as any regular human.
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Balder Odinson (Earth-616)
    Balder der Tapfere/Balder The Brave

    Powers and Abilities

    Asgardian Physiology: Balder possesses all of the superhuman attributes common among the Asgardians. However, as a son of Odin, some of them are superior to the majority of his race.

    Superhuman Strength: Like all Asgardians, Balder is superhumanly strong and possesses physical strength of an average Asgardian male. At his peak, Balder is able to lift about 50 tons.[6]
    Superhuman Speed: Balder is capable of running and moving at speeds much greater than that of even the finest human athlete.
    Superhuman Stamina: Balder's musculature produces considerably less fatigue toxins during physical activity than the musculature of a human being. He can exert himself at peak capacity for about 24 hours before fatigue begins to impair him.
    Superhuman Durability: Balder's body is much more resistant to physical harm than the body of a human being. He is capable of withstanding great impact forces, exposure to temperature and pressure extremes, powerful energy blasts, and high caliber bullets without sustaining injury. Also, while in Asgard, Balder cannot be mortally wounded by any weapon; however, after being reborn on Earth, he has lost this magical ability.
    Superhumanly Dense Tissue: Balder's bodily tissues have about 3 times the density as the bodily tissue of a human. As a result, Balder is actually much heavier than he appears. This increased tissue density also contributes somewhat to his physical strength.
    Superhuman Longevity: Like all Asgardians, Balder ages at a rate that is much slower than that of a human being. However, Asgardians aren't completely immune to ageing, as some other god pantheons are.
    Regenerative Healing Factor: Despite his body's resistance, Balder can be injured like any other Asgardian. However, his metabolism enables him to rapidly regenerate damaged bodily tissue with greater speed and efficiency than a human being is capable of. Injuries such as slashes and punctures can fully heal within hours, whereas broken bones can heal within a few days. However, he isn't able to regenerate severed limbs or missing organs.
    Danger Sense: While in Asgard, Balder was able to sense when Thor was in danger on Earth.[27]
    Photokinesis: As the Asgardian God of Light, Balder can generate an intense beam of light that is strong and hot enough to melt the fortress of Utgard-Loki and the Frost Giants within it down to small sizes.[28]
    Teleportation: Balder is able to teleport himself to Earth from Asgard.[29]
    Animal Communication: Balder has the ability to communicate with the animals he is charged to protect.[30]
    Energy Projection: Balder has limited energy and magical abilities. He has shielded himself from mortal eyes when he flew to Earth on Odin's behalf to find Thor,[30] He can create an enchanted fog to transport Thor from Earth to the Bifrost Bridge.[31]
    Trained Warrior: Skilled warrior and horseman, Balder is also a capable leader and swordsman.

    Allspeak: Thanks to the Allspeak Asgardians can communicate in all of the languages of the Nine Realms, Earth's dialects, and various alien languages.

    Physical Strength
    Superhuman class 50. Balder is significantly stronger than the average Asgardian and can lift 35 tons.[32] However he may be stronger now as he is the king of Asgard and is also said to be able to lift 50 tons in his latest OHOTMU entry.[6]

    Balder is vulnerable to weapons made of mistletoe; can die of natural means (such as severe lack of food, water or air); according to Loki as he warned Balder after helping him slay a Frost Giant on Midgard as part of a ploy to gain his trust, the spells of invulnerability no longer shield him beyond the boundaries of the now-lost Asgardian dimension and he can be far more easily slain, even by mortal weapons.

    Powers & Abilities:

    Superhuman Asgardian Physiology: Balder has the typical superhuman abilities of the Aesir. He is stronger than the average Ase and can lift over 50 tons in weight. He has superhuman speed, reflexes, agility and a healing factor. His skin and muscle tissue are three times as dense as that of a normal person. Furthermore, he ages much more slowly because he is an Asgardian deity.
    Photokinesis: As the god of light, Balder can create a powerful beam of light that is strong and hot enough to melt the fortress of Utgard-Loki and the frost giants in it. With the help of this beam he can also blind his opponents.
    Teleportation: Balder can teleport anywhere between Midgard and Asgard.
    Communication with animals
    Warrior & Leader: Balder is a highly trained soldier, leader and martial artist.
    ● weaknesses:

    As in mythological legends, Balder is susceptible to mistletoe. He can even be killed by weapons made from mistletoe.
    ● Equipment:

    Svraden: Balder carried a sword named Svraden, enchanted by Odin.
  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    Blink (Age of Apocalypse) (Mutant)

    Graymalkin (Mutant)

    Kylun (Mutant)

    Wolf Cub (Mutant)
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Bor Burison (Earth-616)

    Powers and Abilities

    Asgardian Physiology: Bor is an ancient Asgardian God who commands an unimaginable level of power, power that rivals and perhaps exceeds that of even the Odin Force, power that enhances and increases all of his physical attributes astronomically. With this power he can also control the elements, such as wind and lightning, project powerful energy beams from his eyes capable of harming Thor, and can bring about great cataclysms with just a thought, as he proved not only during his battle with Thor and the Dark Avengers, threatening to unleash sufficient raw power to destroy the entire planet, but also when he punished Odin for bringing life to Earth. Bor was shown levitating in a vision Thor had through the Well of Mimir before the creation of Mjolnir, indicating he is capable of such a feat, and is capable of feeling Odin's presence, anywhere in the Nine Worlds, if he had still lived. Bor is capable of lifting even Mjolnir itself, one of the few worthy beings ever to exist able to do so.[5][3]

    Superhuman Strength: Being an Asgardian, Bor possesses superhuman strength. However, his strength far surpasses that of a regular Asgardian. He was able to match Thor blow for blow and even gain the upper hand once or twice during their fight, despite Thor being the physically strongest Asgardian. He also proved to be too much for the Dark Avengers. It is implied that he can further augment his strength through the use of his godly magic.
    Superhuman Speed: Bor can move and react at speeds far surpassing even the finest human athlete.
    Superhuman Stamina: A typical Asgardian can exert himself for about 24 hours before their bodies begin feeling fatigue. Since Bor is one of the oldest and mightiest of his race, it is implied that he can push himself for far longer than that.
    Superhuman Durability: Bor's skin, muscles and bones are much tougher than even some of strongest Asgardians. His incredible durability allows him to go toe-to-toe with some of the heaviest hitters of the Marvel Universe. He was able to withstand full force blows from Thor's hammer, the same that were able to knock down Hercules with ease, who in turn held his own against an enraged Worldbreaker Hulk.
    Regenerative Healing Factor: Despite his godly durability, it is still possible to injure him. However, even if he does get injured, his Asgardian metabolism allows Bor to heal from most wounds much, much quicker than an ordinary human or even fellow Asgardians.
    Extended Longevity: Like most Asgardians, Bor is extremely long-lived, being one the oldest Norse gods in existence. However, he is still not immortal.
    Allspeak: Thanks to the Allspeak, he can communicate in all of the languages of the Nine Realms, Earth's dialects, and various alien languages.
    Along with his powers, Bor is a master among masters in both unarmed and armed combat, favoring a scythe capable of withstanding multiple blows with Mjolnir in physical combat, making him a deadly combatant in any situation.

    Physical Strength
    Class 100+; Bor possesses vast physical strength, able to lift well in excess of 100 tons effortlessly.[9] He appeared to be capable of matching an Odin Force empowered Thor pound per pound in their first encounter and seemingly dominate their bout to a certain extent. Thor even comments on Bor's power (although at one point of their duel, Thor managed to overpower him, by catching his scythe and hurling him away), as Bor breaks Thor's rib with a single strike from the blunt side of his axe and had it not been for the Odin Force, he would not have survived the first blow of their battle.[5] It should be noted that as the powers of most Earth gods are weakened on Earth (as in the case of Odin and Amora), the extent of Bor's power was reduced during his battle with Thor as well.

    Bor does have one weakness: pride and arrogance, in his belief that there was none who could so easily overpower him, that brought about his demise. Knowing that the frost giants could summon only weak and subtle magic, Bor left his defenses down which in turn allowed him to be affected by strong magical spells.
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Sif (Earth-616)

    Superhuman strength, endurance, longevity, durability, skilled in hand to hand combat, and proficient use of cold weapons

    Powers and abilities
    Sif shares powers common among all Asgardians, with her dense physiology granting superhuman strength greater than the average Asgardian female and on par with the average Asgardian male, limited invulnerability, as well as advanced stamina, speed, agility, and reflexes. Sif is also extremely long lived and maintains her youth and vitality through the consumption of golden apples. She is also highly skilled in hand to hand combat and proficient in the use of cold weapons, favoring a sword and shield in battle. She is often said to be the best female fighter in Asgard, on par with Valkyrie.[47]

    In early appearances, Sif also possessed the innate ability to teleport herself and others from Earth to Asgard.[13] At some point, Sif began relying on her enchanted sword, which could "cleave" open gateways to other destinations besides Earth and Asgard through a complex array of swinging motions.[22][48] However, during The Reigning, after Thor failed to truly resurrect a young girl, Sif was once again able to teleport herself and Thor away without the use of her sword.[volume & issue needed] Sif and Balder relied on the Norn Stones to teleport when they were looking for Thor.

  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Beta Ray Bill (Earth-616)

    Powers and Abilities

    Beta Ray Bill has powers and physical attributes similar to Thor's, which augment his already powerful cyborg body. He possesses incalculable strength, near invulnerability, immunity to disease and other ailments, and virtual immortality. He was deemed to be an Alpha Plus threat by the Galadorian Spaceknight Ikon.[24]

    Transformation: By tapping his enchanted hammer on the ground, he is transformed from his Beta Ray Thor form to his mortal form. For his Korbinite body, it is transformed into a cane. He can transform back into his Beta Ray Thor form by tapping his cane upon the ground or when he was in the body of Simon Walters, by pounding his fist on the ground.
    Superhuman Strength: Bill is phenomenally strong. He was capable of matching Thor pound per pound in their first encounter as foes to a certain extent. Bill has claimed to possess enough strength to crush entire moons with his fists[1], and to shatter entire planets with the force of his blows.[49] In fact, combined with Thor's help, his hammer thrown was powerful enough to destroy a portal that dwarfed stars in size.[50]
    Superhuman Speed: He is capable of running and moving at speeds greater than even the finest human athlete. With Stormbreaker, he can fly at speeds faster than light.
    Superhuman Stamina: Bill has superhuman stamina which can allow him to function at full capacity for many days at a time without tiring at the very least. In hot climates, his stamina is limitless.
    Superhuman Reflexes: His reaction time is superior to the finest human athlete and most superhumans.
    Superhumanly Dense Tissue: As a Korbinite his skin, muscle, and bone tissues had 3 times the density than the same tissue of a human being. This contributed, to his superhuman weight. He is immune to penetration wounds, tremendous impacts, and falls from great heights.
    Superhuman Durability: Bill's body is far more resistant to physical injury than the body of an ordinary human. He is capable of withstanding great impact forces, temperature and pressure extremes, surviving in the heart of a Sun without even a slight discomfort, and even survive at point blank range, powerful energy blasts capable of destroying entire planets without any visible physical injury.[51]
    Regenerative Healing Factor: If injured, his body can heal itself with superhuman levels of speed and efficiency. However, he cannot regenerate missing limbs or organs.
    Extended Longevity: In his cyborg body, he is immune to the effects of aging making him effectively immortal. When he was in the body of Simon Walters, he was the same as a mortal.
    Allspeak: Thanks to the Allspeak, he can communicate with and be understood by all races.
    Korbinites excel in hot climates. Bill is a very skilled and fierce warrior and is able to detect any other Korbinites regardless of their location.

    Physical Strength
    Class 100+. Bill possesses enough strength to shatter entire planets and so on.

    Armor of Asgardian design, including a helmet

    Twilight Sword: Bill claimed the sword on Muspelheim and used it to slay Surtur. With the power of the sworld, Bill is able to revert to his mortal form.[52]

  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Cindy Moon Silk (Erde-616) (Earth-616)

    Powers and Abilities

    Spider Physiology: Silk possesses the proportionate powers of a spider, granted to her from an irradiated Black Widow Spider (Latrodectus) which bit Cindy Moon that was apparently already mutated from prior exposure to certain frequencies of radiation and received a final, lethal dose during Moon's attendance of the exhibition. The radioactive, complex mutagenic enzymes in the spider's blood that were transferred at the time of the bite triggered numerous body-wide mutagenic changes within Moon, granting her superhuman strength, speed, toughened flesh, and numerous arachnid-like abilities. Unlike Spider-Man, she has less superhuman strength than him, but she also possesses more agility than him and an advanced Spider-Sense far more sensitive than other totems.[citation needed] She possesses the ability to produce organic webbing from her fingertips.[citation needed] Her powers include:

    Wall-Crawling: Silk's exposure to the mutated spider venom induced a mutagenic, cerebellum-wide alteration of her engrams resulting in the ability to mentally control the flux of inter-atomic attraction (electrostatic force) between molecular boundary layers. This overcomes the outer electron shells normal behavior of mutual repulsion with other outer electron shells and permits the tremendous potential for electron attraction to prevail. The mentally controlled sub-atomic particle responsible for this has yet to be identified. This ability to affect the attraction between surfaces is so far limited to Silk's body (especially concentrated in her hands and feet) and another object, with an upper limit of several tons per finger.[citation needed]
    Superhuman Strength: Silk possesses superhuman strength enabling her to press lift a few tons, though she possesses significantly less strength than Spider-Man.[citation needed] This is probably due to approximate strength based on her lighter mass.
    Superhuman Speed: Silk is capable of running and moving at speeds that are far beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete. Her speed even surpasses that of Spider-Man as shown when she outmaneuvered him during their first encounter.[citation needed]
    Superhuman Stamina: Silk's advanced musculature produces less fatigue toxins during physical activity than an ordinary human. This allows her to exert herself physically for much longer periods of time before fatigue begins to impair her.[citation needed]
    Superhuman Durability: Silk's body is physically tougher and more resistant to some types of injury than the body of a normal human. Her body is more resistant to impact forces than anything else. She can withstand great impacts, such as falling from a height of several stories or being struck by an opponent with super strength, that would severely injure or kill a normal human with little to no discomfort.[citation needed]
    Superhuman Agility: Silk's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are all enhanced to levels that are far beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete. Her agility is more advanced than Spider-Man's.[citation needed]
    Superhuman Equilibrium: Silk possesses the ability to achieve a state of perfect equilibrium in any position imaginable. She seems able to adjust her position by instinct, which enables her to balance herself on virtually any object, no matter how small or narrow.[citation needed]
    Superhuman Reflexes: Silk's reflexes are similarly enhanced and are possibly about 40 times greater than those of an ordinary human due to her and Spider-Man being bitten by the same spider. In combination with her spider-sense, the speed of her reflexes allows her to dodge almost any attack even gun fire if far enough.[citation needed]
    Silk-Sense: Silk possesses an extrasensory "danger" or "silk" sense which warns her of potential immediate danger, and links with her superhuman kinesthetics, enabling her to evade most any injuries, unless she cognitively overrides her automatic reflexes. Her Silk-Sense is more advanced than the Spider-Sense of Spider-Man and other spider totems; it allows her to react significantly faster in combat,[1] has superior range, and can even sense the identity of an attacker before a fight begins;[5] however, while her sense is sharper, it is often out of sync with time and generally very fickle and unreliable.[4]
    Organic Webbing Generation: She has the ability to organically produce her own silk webbing from glands within her forearms, possibly limited by her body's health and nutrition. These organic webs have many of the same properties as Spider-Man's artificial webbing, but can also be woven into clothing. She releases her organic webbing through her fingertips.[citation needed]
    Claws: Her ability to spin webs with her fingertips also allows her to form claw-like extrusions from them.[citation needed]
    Superhuman Tracking: Due to her and Peter being bit by the same spider, Silk can find and sense Spider-Man anywhere in the Multiverse.[19]

    Eidetic Memory[4]

    Physical Strength
    Silk can lift (press) about 8 tons.[9]

    Her Silk-Sense seems to be out of wack. She was alerted one night when a girl was left by friends after a party and was crying. Her sense has also continuously fired off when there seemed to be no immediate danger making it very sensitive to the point where she will ignore it even when she is in direct danger.[4]

    Master hand-to-hand combatant
    Superhuman strength, speed, agility, stamina, reflexes and endurance
    Long range precognitive spider-sense
    Eidetic memory
    Ability to cling to most surfaces and shoot strong spider-web strings from fingers

    Powers and abilities
    Cindy gained similar abilities to Peter Parker when she was bitten by the same radioactive spider that gave him his abilities, though her spider-sense (dubbed by her as "Silk Sense") is far stronger than Peter's. On their first meeting, Peter observed that she was even faster than him, though not quite as strong. She also has the ability to shoot webs out of her fingertips, and she has an eidetic memory.[49]
  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    Owl (Science)

    Goose Rider (Mystic)

    Prodigy (Mystic)

    Shaman (Mystic)

    Ultimate Doctor Doom (Mystic)

    Serpent (Cosmic)

    Arcade (Tech)

    Iron Man (Arctic Armor) (Tech)

    Justine Hammer (Tech)
  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    Sasha Hammer (Tech)

    Blackwing (Beak) (Mutant)

    Wolverine (Mangaverse) (Mutant)

    Lady Dorma (Skill)

    Superia (Science)

    Baron Blood (Mystic)

    Thorbuster (Mystic)

    Caiera (Cosmic)

    Torunn (Cosmic)
  • DoomRichardsDoomRichards Member Posts: 1
    edited August 2021
    Ultimate Reed Richards, The Maker (Science) Ultimate Reed Richards

    Ultimate Doctor Doom (Mystic)

    The Maker’s all black suit look existed before Prof X in the comics. Existing Mr. Fantastic model can be used to build him. He can really push his body in the animations if he were to become a champion. His Special 3 can involve his evil supercomputer with the red eyes pictured there. Another special move can utilize a press of a button that is more like a detonator.

    Ultimate Doctor Doom is both Sorcerer Supreme and Scientist Supreme on his world. As a champion he can utilize his poison breath as a poison debuff source. He also utilizes nanite swarms.

    If these two would be a good pair to debut in a month. Storywise should also be easier to integrate to existing cast.
  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    Arcturus Rann (Tech)

    Rocket Racer (Tech)

    Fitzroy (Mutant)

    Magma (Mutant)

    Greenskyn Smashtroll (Skill)

    Savage She-Hulk (Science)

    Loa (Mystic)

    Goddess (Cosmic)
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Allvater/Thor Thor König von Asgard Bote des Donner Herr der Zerstörung
    Allfather/Thor Thor King of Asgard Herold of Thunder Lord of Destruction

    Thor has been in relationships with Jane Foster,[44] Sif,[53] Enchantress,[74] Valkyrie,[151] Shawna Lynde,[152] Lorelei,[153] Bloodaxe,[154] and She-Hulk.[155]
    Powers and Abilities

    Thor's powers, abilities and strength level can vary due to a broad degree of artistic license employed by various comic book writers and artists. Below is a broad list of powers and feats Thor has shown over his more than five decades of comic appearances. If you wish to add more or discuss improvements to this section, please head to his power's discussion page.
    Odin, the All-Father of Asgard, said to Jord (Gaea the Earthmother of Midgard), "I seek an heir whose powers surpass Asgard."[51]

    Asgardian/Elder God Hybrid Physiology: Biologically half-Asgardian on his father's side and half-Elder God on his mother's side; Thor possesses a number of superhuman attributes common among the Asgardian and other gods. However, due to his unique birth, some are considerably more developed than those of the vast majority of his race, including his strength, endurance and resistance to injury.[45]

    Superhuman Strength: In addition to being the God of Thunder, Thor is also the Asgardian God of Strength. As such he is physically the strongest of the Asgardian gods and he is said to be able to lift 100 tons.[45][41] However, many sources classify his strength as well above 100 tons, according to his Powergrid.[156][157] Thor has shown many feats of strength over the years and defeated or battled to a standstill many of the world’s most powerful creatures including the Midgard Serpent,[158] the Hulk,[159][160] the Silver Surfer,[161] Namor,[162] the Abomination,[163] the Bi-Beast,[164] Red Hulk,[165] Colossus,[166] Gladiator,[167] and Hercules.[168] Thor has also been shown be able to dent Captain America's Shield[169] and has snapped adamantium alloy cables.[170] He has towed the island hydrobase into New York Harbor [171] and held up the George Washington Bridge long enough for Damage Control to fix it.[172] Thor has also resisted the gravity of a neutron star.[173]
    Above Normal Intelligence: Thor has above normal intelligence, but Thor possessed and retains the medical knowledge of Donald Blake, even as Thor.[174]
    Superhuman Speed: Thor can move significantly faster than any human on foot, and can reach up to Mach 32 when throwing Mjolnir.[41][175]
    Superhuman Stamina: Thor's advanced musculature is more beyond efficient than that of a human and most other Asgardians allowing him to sustaining himself almost indefinitely without any exhaustion.[175] Using the Belt of Strength also doubles his stamina to incalculable levels.[176] While in the state of Warrior's Madness, Thor's stamina also increases tenfold.[177][178]
    Superhuman Durability: [175] Thor has been able to withstand attacks from several of the universe's most powerful beings including the Asgardian Destroyer,[179] several blasts from Odin,[180] and even survived blasts from Celestials.[151]
    Superhuman Agility & Reflexes: Thor's reflexes, agility, balance, and bodily coordination are beyond the natural physical limits of even the finest human athlete.[175]
    Vast Energy Manipulation: Thor has the ability to manipulate vast amounts of energy, using Mjolnir he can channel the storm’s energy into blasts so powerful that he can destroy secondary adamantium. Thor can also channel his godly energies through Mjolnir, creating rays powerful enough to kill even immortals.[181]
    Weather Control: Thor has the ability to control the elements of storms, both with and without Mjolnir. [45]
    Superhuman Longevity: It is a common misconception that Thor and the other Gods of Asgard are truly immortal, they do age but at a rate so slow that to other beings they give the appearance of immortality. This is in turn enhanced by the Golden Apples of Idunn.[45][182][41]
    Invulnerability: Being a god whose heritage is both half-Asgardian and half-Elder God affords Thor virtual invulnerability and immunity to any such human ailments as diseases, toxins, poisons, and highly resistant to most conventional injuries.[182] He has also shown immunity to lead and radiation poisoning,[183][184][170][185] and he has an immunity to extreme heat and subzero temperatures.[186][187]
    Superhuman Dense Tissue: Like all Asgardians, Thor's skin, muscles, and bones are about three times denser than similar human tissue, contributing to his superhuman strength and weight.[45]
    Superhuman Senses: Thor's superhuman senses allow him to see objects as far out as the edge of the Solar System,[44] allow him to track objects traveling faster than light,[188] and hear cries from the other side of the planet.[189]
    Rapid Healing Factor: Thor is not invulnerable to all harm and it is possible to injure him. But due to Thor’s Asgardian physiology he is able to heal from most injuries much faster than a human being could. [45]
    Super Breath: Thor can use his breath to create hurricane force winds.[190]
    Flight: Thor has shown the ability to fly[191][14][192] and levitate[193] without his hammer.
    Allspeak: Also called the All-Tongue. Thanks to the Allspeak, Thor can communicate in all of the languages of the Nine Realms, Earth's dialects, and various alien languages.[194][110][195]
    Odin Force/Thorforce: The Odin Force enabled him to tap into the resources of cosmic and mystical energies of the dimension Asgard exists within, enhancing all of his abilities in turn. The sum total of Odin's power as the king of Asgard plus the power of his brothers Vili and Ve, as well as his own, the Odin Force significantly increased Thor's powers. Thor damaged Captain America's shield by striking it,[169] teleported Asgard into the skies above New York City,[196] and contained a nuclear missile's explosion.[197] According to the avatar of the Odin Force, Thor recreating celestial bodies and his other accomplishments during his time on Earth were minimal compared to the Odin Force's full power.

    After Mjolnir was damaged in his battle with Bor, Thor sought Stephen Strange to help repair the hammer. Dr. Strange informed Thor that Odin invested his life energies into the hammer's creation and the only way to repair it was to use the same life energy. Thor was willing to sacrifice what little amount of the Odin Force he still possessed but Dr. Strange also informed him that it would require taking 'all' of the Odin Force he possessed and the end result would be Thor at the same power level he was at before he inherited the Odin Force. He also informed Thor that he and the hammer would be bound together so that if Mjolnir was ever destroyed or damaged then Thor would die. Thor accepted the situation and Dr. Strange performed an ancient ritual to siphon the Odin Force from Thor into Mjolnir, making it whole again.[198] After becoming the All-Father of Asgard following the War of the Realms, Thor inherited the power of the All-Father once more.[145]

    Thorsleep: When Thor uses the Thorforce too greatly or too fast he needs to replenish his energies by entering the Thorsleep. There is no definite time frame as to when he has to enter the Thorsleep or how long he has to be in it. Having learned from his father's past experiences of being vulnerable while in the Odinsleep, Thor used a casket made by Odin's metalsmith Falki. The casket contains enchantments that create a state between life and death to reduce the time required for the Thorsleep. Once it has been closed from within, it cannot be broken by any force known to man or gods and can only be opened from the inside.[199] While asleep in the casket in the state between life and death, Thor's mortal persona Donald Blake temporarily separates from him until he awakens again.[200]
    Former Powers
    Master Combatant: Trained in the arts of war, Thor is a highly skilled warrior, proficient in unarmed combatant,[174][182] and proficient with most Asgardian weaponry.[175] Thor has enough skill to battle against foes with millennia experience such as Hercules in numerous occasions.[205][206][207][208][209][210][211][212]

    Expert Strategist: Thor is an excellent strategist due to centuries of combat training and experience.[citation needed]

    Telepathy Immunity: Thor has the ability to resist the mental influence of powerful beings. He resisted a mind thrust attack of the Rigellians,[213] the magical music of Ares,[citation needed] a mental attack from Glory,[214] Morgana le Fay's attempt to dominate his mind,[citation needed] the power of the Eye of Horus,[215] and the mind blast of the Man-Beast.[216]

    Diplomatic Immunity: After Thor's rebirth, he used Mjolnir to recreate Asgard on Earth in Oklahoma. At this time, Iron Man was head of S.H.I.E.L.D. and confronted Thor about his bringing Asgard in U.S. territory. After Thor beat down Iron Man, Stark suggested that Asgard be treated as a foreign embassy and with it citizens full diplomatic privileges, to which Thor agreed.[217]

    Strength level
    Adam Warlock has stated that he considers Thor as one of the physically strongest beings in the universe.[218] He has been stated to be at the 95-ton level,[182] then at 100 tons.[11][175] However, his Power Grid also indicates a capacity to lift well over 100 tons.[156][157]

    Warrior's Madness: The Warrior's Madness also known as the Sin Unpardonable,[219] is the most forbidden malady in Asgard by law of Odin. Any who fall under it must pay the penalty, only the most bitter sacrifice can atone for it.[220] The Warrior's madness enabling Thor to increase his strength and stamina tenfold.[221] Despite this, it threatens Thor's sanity. The symptoms include berserker rage, massive headaches, mentally erratic, savage, animalistic, uncontrollable behavior, and unreasoning.[177][178][222][223][224]

    Beta Ray Bill

    Powers and Abilities

    Beta Ray Bill has powers and physical attributes similar to Thor's, which augment his already powerful cyborg body. He possesses incalculable strength, near invulnerability, immunity to disease and other ailments, and virtual immortality. He was deemed to be an Alpha Plus threat by the Galadorian Spaceknight Ikon.[24]

    Transformation: By tapping his enchanted hammer on the ground, he is transformed from his Beta Ray Thor form to his mortal form. For his Korbinite body, it is transformed into a cane. He can transform back into his Beta Ray Thor form by tapping his cane upon the ground or when he was in the body of Simon Walters, by pounding his fist on the ground.
    Superhuman Strength: Bill is phenomenally strong. He was capable of matching Thor pound per pound in their first encounter as foes to a certain extent. Bill has claimed to possess enough strength to crush entire moons with his fists[1], and to shatter entire planets with the force of his blows.[49] In fact, combined with Thor's help, his hammer thrown was powerful enough to destroy a portal that dwarfed stars in size.[50]
    Superhuman Speed: He is capable of running and moving at speeds greater than even the finest human athlete. With Stormbreaker, he can fly at speeds faster than light.
    Superhuman Stamina: Bill has superhuman stamina which can allow him to function at full capacity for many days at a time without tiring at the very least. In hot climates, his stamina is limitless.
    Superhuman Reflexes: His reaction time is superior to the finest human athlete and most superhumans.
    Superhumanly Dense Tissue: As a Korbinite his skin, muscle, and bone tissues had 3 times the density than the same tissue of a human being. This contributed, to his superhuman weight. He is immune to penetration wounds, tremendous impacts, and falls from great heights.
    Superhuman Durability: Bill's body is far more resistant to physical injury than the body of an ordinary human. He is capable of withstanding great impact forces, temperature and pressure extremes, surviving in the heart of a Sun without even a slight discomfort, and even survive at point blank range, powerful energy blasts capable of destroying entire planets without any visible physical injury.[51]
    Regenerative Healing Factor: If injured, his body can heal itself with superhuman levels of speed and efficiency. However, he cannot regenerate missing limbs or organs.
    Extended Longevity: In his cyborg body, he is immune to the effects of aging making him effectively immortal. When he was in the body of Simon Walters, he was the same as a mortal.
    Allspeak: Thanks to the Allspeak, he can communicate with and be understood by all races.
    Korbinites excel in hot climates. Bill is a very skilled and fierce warrior and is able to detect any other Korbinites regardless of their location.

    Physical Strength
    Class 100+. Bill possesses enough strength to shatter entire planets and so on.

    Armor of Asgardian design, including a helmet

    Twilight Sword: Bill claimed the sword on Muspelheim and used it to slay Surtur. With the power of the sworld, Bill is able to revert to his mortal form.[52]

  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    Space Knight Venom (Cosmic)

    Machinesmith (Tech)

    Mainframe (Tech)

    Blink (Mutant)

    Hellion (Mutant)

    Shark Girl (Mutant)

    Trance (Mutant)

    Batwing (Science)
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Anna-May Parker (Earth-18119) Spiderling

    Powers and Abilities


    Precognition: Anna's Spider-Sense is much more evolved than that of her father and allows her to see events in great detail shortly before they happen.[10][17]
    Web of Life and Destiny Manipulation: As the Patternmaker, Spiderling can read the connections of the Web of Life and forge them into something stronger,[3] such as using them to create mystical armor for herself and others made from the Web's threads.[18]
    Inhibitor Chip
    AMP's/Spiderling's Suit

    Samuel Alexander (Earth-616) Nova

    Powers and Abilities

    Sam has shown the ability to see the map of dead Novas even without his helmet, though it is unknown if he has any direct connection to the Nova Force.[22]

    Sam can speak some Spanish due to his mother using the language frequently.[9] He has also started to teach himself Morse Code, though his understanding of it is still imperfect.[citation needed]

    Physical Strength
    Currently 30 tons.[59] His power grid indicates that he can lift into the 75-100 ton range,[11] probably accounting for an ability to harness more of the Nova Force than he currently does.

    His powers are dependent of his Helmet.[citation needed]

    Since his battle with Kluh, he suffers memory disorders.[60]
    Avengers ID Card, granting him a Full Security Clearance.[61] It's unknown if he still has the ID Card in his possession following his departure from the Avengers.[50]
    Nova Helmet: His helmet grants him these powers and abilities because of its access to the Nova Force:
    Flight: As Nova, Sam is able to fly at great speeds beyond escape velocity and past lightspeed. Able to fly from galaxy to galaxy under his own power.[26]
    Energy Manipulation:
    Sam compiling the Nova Force into a ball and firing it at Kaldera.

    Like most Novas, Sam is able concentrate the power of the Nova Force into a beam or a ball of energy and fire it from his hands. He can also utilize the energies he generates to create protective or reflective force fields,[23] power star-ships,[23] focus it into an energy razor capable of decimating ships,[23] amplify his own striking power by covering blows in nova force energy or even his whole body with said energy to strike like a cannon round,[20][37][62] detect and remove toxic elements within a living being,[25] and much like his predecessor; the ability to create hyperspace portals which shorten the distance between different points in the universe.[63]
    Molecular Acceleration: During battle with a War Bringer robot on Knowhere, Nova utilized his nova force energy in the most creative way, taking a bunch of cables from the Celestial head and supercharging them with his power turning them into a hyper-charged guillotine.[24]
    Solid Energy Constructs/Simulated Telekinesis: While training with Gamora and Rocket Raccoon, Sam was able to move Rocket Raccoon's favorite gun with his mind. This power seems limited and he is the only Nova ever shown to use this power.[9] He also has shown telekinetic capabilities when he used telekinesis to knock over the Hulk during a camping trip.[64]
    Superhuman Strength: Sam has access to the same strength as that of a centurion from the Nova Corps. Possibly more since he has the share hold of the Nova Force within his helmet, with this strength he has lifted a large metal pillar,[18] and a train car,[27] helped Beta Ray Bill stabilize a descending cargo ship the size of a city,[3] and carried around a boulder of condensed solid gold created from the heart of a supernova.[27] According to himself, Nova can bench roughly 30 tons.[59]
    Superhuman Speed: Nova can move at incredible velocities even while running, concentrating his speed mostly on flight though, but more than able to move through the galaxy and back to earth with utmost ease.[26] Nova can leave the atmosphere of a planet very quickly,[4] travel across the country,[17] fly into space,[21] fly from Arizona to Alaska, while carrying a car,[42] move faster than the speed of sound,[42] and can allegedly fly a hemisphere in a few seconds.[16] Sam is able to use his speed especially in flight to exceed the speed of light to enter Hyperspace, for example he flew over a parsec - 80,000 light-years away, in a relatively short period of time.[14][15] His helmet augments his reaction time so he can react at superluminal speeds (during flight),[15] he can also make very tight corners while flying,[18] and can easily avoid the shots of Titus' automatic weapon and blocks 4 more shots,[13] Titanis was unable to tag him.[5]
    Superhuman Durability: As a Nova, Sam has an uncanny amount of resistance to abrasion and concussive force. Sam has been hit by superhuman strength blows from the likes of; Gamora,[9] Ms. Marvel,[65] Annihilus,[66] Beta Ray Bill with Stormbreaker,[3] a Cancerverse infected Richard Rider,[67] and having once been knocked halfway across the world by Hulk's evil Kluh persona, from which he only suffered a concussion.[68] He regularly flies at Hyperspace speeds and has re-entered Earth's atmosphere from deep space,[69] and can take crashing through an airplane, multiple buildings and streets,[70][15] and is not overly harmed when hit by concussive blasts from incredibly powerful entities, relics, and war engines.[24] Other examples of Sam's durability include being slammed into the ground, creating a small crater,[71] crashing into the moon at speeds well in excess of escape velocity,[4] when his helmet wasn't fully functional, he still survived a crash landing,[21] took a hit that sent him through a metal wall,[25] when already significantly injured and his powers were on the fritz, he withstood a fall from orbit.[60] Sam was also to blocks a sword strike from Gamora,[9] blasts from Rocket Raccoons energy pistol,[9] and received fire from Titus' automatic weapon at point-black range,[72] a venom sting from Miles Morales,[65] a lightning strike from Beta Ray Bill,[3] and an energy blast from a Chitauri ship.[73] Sam even managed to survive unharmed a bombardment at ground zero - which destroyed planet Hala,[74] that just left him unconscious - just a short time.[45] Sam is immune to most forms of heat and radiation such as re-entering the orbit of a planet,[9][14][70][15][21] heat blasts,[25] an energy explosion from Warbringer at point-black range,[75] and has withstood plunges into stars.[76]
    Xandarian Worldmind: His helmet carries the remnants of what's left of the Nova Corps' Xandarian Worldmind, as such, through the device Sam is bestowed a plethora of unique attributes such as;[77]
    Universal Translation: The helmet can make any alien species' language appear to him as English.[64]
    Cosmic Awareness: Sam's Nova helmet flashes him different colors to depict different scenarios. It also allows him knowledge of most situations going on near him.[78]
    Enhanced Intellect: Through the helmet's Worldmind, Sam gains a vast increase in cognitive capacity, filling his mind with knowledge and understanding about the universe as a whole and the scores of countless alien societies and cultures living within it.[11]
    Hard-Light Holographic Projection: Sam has shown he can use a combination of the Nova Force and the Xandarian Worldmind to create convincing visual displays.[24]
    Cosmic Atlas: The helmet acts as a universal positioning system that enables Samuel to find his way around the galaxy as well as discern the location of just about anything the helmet picks up on like fallen nova sightings, distress signals, and foreign elements in a living body.[22][23][79]
    Affiliate Recognition: Able to discern certain individuals from around the universe and their current affiliations.[15]

    Dan Bi (Earth-TRN012) (Halbmond) (Cresent)

    Powers and Abilities
    Dan Bi is a taekwondo prodigy.

    Mysterious Red Bear Mask: It is an enchanted mask that can summon and control Io.

  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    Ghost Spider (Mystic)

    Lilith (Mystic)

    Power Man (Victor Alvarez) (Mystic)

    Thunderball (Mystic)

    Luna Maximoff (Cosmic)

    Corsair (Tech)

    Gauntlet (Joseph Green) (Tech)
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Molly Hayes (Erde-616)

    Powers and Abilities

    Molly is a mutant, and has demonstrated the following abilities:

    Superhuman Strength: The upper limits of her powers have never been tested. Molly has been seen to be capable of toppling monsters as large as skyscrapers (albeit while supercharged with magic), she was also able to tunnel through miles of rock by punching and can lift a car with ease[2] as well as being able to hold up the Leapfrog without difficulty.[51]
    Invulnerability: Molly has some level of invulnerability, though she is not invincible, when the Excavator attempted to attack her with his Shovel it broke over her head and caused her no harm.[23]
    Bioluminescence: When Molly's strength increases, her eyes glow pink. Sometimes, she also emits a pink aura. This is a similar power signature to both her parents.[11]
    Physical Strength
    Between 800 lbs-25 tons.[52]

    Exhaustion: Molly's strength rapidly drains her endurance, the more she expends herself the quicker this happens and after particularly large or long lasting feats of strength she will often fall asleep and be unable to use her powers again until she has sufficiently rested.

    Lunella Lafayette (Earth-616)
    Moon Girl

    Powers and Abilities

    Consciousness Transference & Neuralkinesis: Following Terrigenesis, Lunella inadvertently discovered she now possessed the ability to swap consciousnesses with Devil Dinosaur when she became enraged, hungry, or experienced other strong emotions, transferring her mind into his body and vice versa.[9] Upon transference, she was subsequently able to utilize the motor functions of the body of the Mutant Devil Beast, which she then inhabited, as well as increase its level of intelligence, allowing it to speak.[3]

    Super-Genius Intellect: Lunella possesses remarkable intelligence, even as a child.[4] Based upon the limited data available, Kid Kree's analyzer rated her intelligence as a 100% threat to a Kree.[9]Amadeus Cho later declared Lunella the "smartest person in the whole world" after giving her a device with a competence test, which she quickly completed,[18] despite the fact that no one else had ever, not even its inventor and previous owner, Dr. Bruce Banner. This assertion was then verified by the staff of Rockefeller University.[1]

    Skilled Inventor & Engineer: Despite her youth and limited resources, Lunella has devised and created many contrivances, such as the Kree detector that she used to uncovered an Omni-Wave Projector,[4] as well as the various contraptions that augment her battle suit.[7]

    Skilled Hacker & Computer Programmer: Lunella is a gifted hacker, as she was able to locate Devil Dinosaur by hacking into the NYPD from a computer in her secret lab. She has also demonstrated an aptitude for programming by developing an early warning system, which utilizes an advanced algorithm for detecting and tracking the Terrigen Cloud, based on local weather conditions.[7]

    Physical Strength
    Lunella possesses an unspecified degree of enhanced strength, derived from her eugenically superior Inhuman heritage;[5] however, based upon the limited data available, Kid Kree's analyzer rated her physical strength as a 1% threat to a Kree.[9]

    Lunella is nearsighted to the point that she is legally blind,[19] requiring glasses with corrective lenses.[4]
    Lunella was terrified that undergoing Terrigenesis would turn her into a freak, making life an even greater struggle for her to fit in.[5]
    Lunella is uncoordinated, untrained, and inexperienced.[4] Based upon the limited data available, Kid Kree's analyzer rated her offensive capabilities, dexterity, defensive efficacy, and experience each as 1% threats to a Kree.[9]
    While Lunella's consciousness is in the body of Devil Dinosaur, his consciousness is placed within her body, making it appear as if Lunella has become feral,[9] a situation which she attempted to mitigate with the Dyno-byte Prototype.[18]

    Super intellect and consciousness transferal

    Powers and abilities Edit
    Lunella Lafayette's primary gift is her advanced intelligence. She is dubbed the "smartest person in the whole world" by Amadeus Cho, implying that she is more intelligent than other geniuses in the Marvel Universe such as Bruce Banner, Tony Stark, Reed Richards, Victor Von Doom, and Cho himself.[28] She uses her intelligence to build a wide variety of gadgets that she uses in battle. Her "battle armor" consists of boxing headgear, goggles, suspenders, a computerized utility belt, backpack, some minor weapons (notably her spring powered boxing glove), and a special pair of roller-skates.[29]

    As a result of her Inhuman heritage, Lunella possesses the ability to switch consciousness with Devil Dinosaur whenever she is angry or extremely hungry. Due to her intelligence, she is also capable of speech while in the body of the dinosaur. However, her regular body takes on a feral like personality due to Devil Dinosaur having taken over.[12] She also possesses some manner of enhanced strength, but according to Captain Kree it is radically insignificant compared to her other abilities.[30] She noticed that it tends to happen on the night of the full moon.

    Devil Dinosaur

    Superhuman strength and durability
    Above normal intelligence

    Powers and abilities
    Devil Dinosaur is a gigantic reptile, with the instinctive savagery of a carnivore, and possesses super strength and durability. He also possesses above normal intelligence, on par with a human's.[52] He can switch bodies with Moon Girl because of her as yet unexplained Inhuman powers and may also be able to change his physical size, sometimes appearing nearly five stories tall with Moon Girl dwarfed by his foot and at other times closer to the size of an average Tyrannosaurus rex

  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    Doorman (Mutant)

    Legion (Mutant)

    Jack of Hearts (Science)

    Kaine (Science)

    Iron Man (Excalibur Armor) (Mystic)

    Hepzibah (Cosmic)
  • Sunnyz_786Sunnyz_786 Member Posts: 262
    2 words
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