Suck it, Mercs
this is the most ballsy thing that kabam has done in a while. it is a huge win for everyone who hates cheaters and mercs, and now mercs are not going to have any source of income from legends run anymore. i know this is probably going to get closed, but just figured everyone should see this
this is the most ballsy thing that kabam has done in a while. it is a huge win for everyone who hates cheaters and mercs, and now mercs are not going to have any source of income from legends run anymore. i know this is probably going to get closed, but just figured everyone should see this
Now, they need to focus on the arena bots.
Limited travel to qualify.
Games have rules. If the rules can’t be enforced, then they need to be altered to serve the original goal. Sucks, but it’s the right move.
This isn't to say that mercs aren't a problem, they very much are, but they're not the only ones who were able to do successful legends runs.
This very much seems like a case of throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
On a side note, given the nature of mobile games and this game in general, I don’t really see a long-term fix that doesn’t sound easier said than done.
I would argue that the system should just be discontinued forever and replaced with something else.
I'll be waiting to see what alternatives will come up to replace it, instead of a speedrun thing or similar. And also in what other ways we will be able to get the exclusive rewards
I honestly just don't understand how they implemented a VPN ban, but chose not to account for people who said "alright I'll just get a merc without a VPN then".
At the end of the day though, this is clearly the mercs fault, not Kabams.
impose travel limits, kabam makes the competition. If person does travel, can note GPS location and duration.
Ban VPNs totally, perma ban all known mercs.
There are people who have legit reasons to use a VPN, but it also disqualifies you from a legends run, not sure why travel couldn't be the same.
To all of our players that do their Legends Runs without the aid of 3rd Party Software or Mercs, we are very sorry.