just a request kabam, just change it to finishing with a special using your 6*. it will be so much better.
Yeah and maybe halve the number of fights? I mean last time around it was 10 fights a day, so that's 70 fights a week. What's with the BS requirements and the increase in the number of fights.
This should have been finish a fight using YOUR 6* with a special...not against a 6*. This is just worthless.
That would still suck. How often do you finish with a special attack?
I didn't say it wouldn't suck...but it would sure suck a whole lot less.
Defeat champions with a 6* or defeat a 6* champion, while counting defeating a 6* with a 6* as double. Scrap the special attack nonsens. 50 fights in a week is more manageable.
just a request kabam, just change it to finishing with a special using your 6*. it will be so much better.
Yeah and maybe halve the number of fights? I mean last time around it was 10 fights a day, so that's 70 fights a week. What's with the BS requirements and the increase in the number of fights.
What's worse is that we can't unlock next objective unless we complete this one.
I guess this whole event is a wash if we don’t complete week one solo objectives. Two months wasted
Too bad for Kabam. Honestly this was designed horribly. Don't know what they were thinking, if they were at all.
Tbh I didn’t even read the thread on the two months of solo objectives till today. Now I’m far behind on the goals I don’t want to bother. Already 100% cavalier difficulty but the cavalier goal isn’t done. This was bad planning, solo objectives are now over used and very annoying.
Well hopefully Kabam takes this feedback and adjust the numbers for the next weeks, as its looking to be 100 fights for week 3 and 5 and 50 for week 4........
Locking next months quest behind what is now a horrible grind is terrible for the game. These past two months have me missing the WORST side quests in MCOC history. I really feel for UC/cav players who were unable to do summer of pain because otherwise this has been a terrible summer for the game.
You don’t have 2 months to do one set of objectives, there are new ones every Wednesday for two months (5 sets of solo goals). You have to complete one set to get the new set, then at the end there is special quests released if you done one goal in the week 5 set of solo goals. So no we don’t have 2 months to do it.
Defeat 6star champs 100 times with special attacks.. This is now getting ridiculous! Now I really miss SQ.
I mean last time around it was 10 fights a day, so that's 70 fights a week. What's with the BS requirements and the increase in the number of fights. Too bad for Kabam. Honestly this was designed horribly. Don't know what they were thinking, if they were at all.
How are the rewards tho?
It's more about needing to complete these objectives to unlock the later rewards...
Am I missing something?