Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Alliance Wars Season 33 Changelog, Rewards Update, Loyalty Store and Glory Store Updates!



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    Mobile_P0tat0Mobile_P0tat0 Posts: 966 ★★★★
    Wozzle007 said:

    I cannot comprehend the reasoning behind the AW potion move. The change made should have been to increase the glory store health pots to 14k, but instead we have this.

    It’s one thing for someone at Kabam to come up with these ideas, it’s another thing for it be agreed upon as a good decision and enact. Does no one at Kabam think through the consequences to players, or do they only think through the potential $$$? Even the whales must look at this and realise this is absolutely exploitative joke.

    Only seen a video by KT1 at the moment. I hope everyone in the CCP posts there honest opinions on this. I can’t imagine anyone would think it’s a good move for the game, although happy to hear any arguments to contrary.

    Whenever Kabam make 1 positive move forward they take 4 steps back.

    I think the intention was to provide a way to get higher value health potions for aw to help keep up with the higher health values. They just failed so unbelievably hard.
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    MoosetiptronicMoosetiptronic Posts: 2,136 ★★★★
    Bonkers change. I would have thought that kabam income rising through the period of compensation would have shown they don't need to get people spending units on potions for war.

    Finally enjoying war with the free comp and this change indicates it's coming to an end on both fronts.

    Pro player this change is not and another nail in the war coffin.
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    De_Potato_SaladDe_Potato_Salad Posts: 471 ★★★
    Does anyone know what the selector is?
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    Agent_X_zzzAgent_X_zzz Posts: 4,494 ★★★★★

    @Agent_X_zzz welcome to the whale club apparently

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    Andi_144Andi_144 Posts: 12
    A lot of great changes to Glory Store but the prices and limits for AW potions in the loyalty store are crazy!!

    I will not be able to afford healing my R4 Apocalypse :(

    Please dont kill AW kabam!!!
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    KnightZeroKnightZero Posts: 1,427 ★★★★★
    edited March 2022
    New tactic is pretty dumb as well. Keeping defenders and nodes where you definitely will trigger a buff and then making you miss? How does that even work with dex? So if you dex, you can only intercept?
    I know this might work with the defiance tactic, but then you have a season in war where they don't go together.
    Add the potion mess to that, and all you're doing is making people quit war.
    I really want to know what the person who approved the potion change was thinking because it's one of the dumbest moves made in the game.
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    WorknprogressWorknprogress Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★

    @Agent_X_zzz welcome to the whale club apparently

    I'm just truly happy I was the one to be able to welcome you in.
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    CaryonCaryon Posts: 42
    This is ridiculous. No more AW potions in glory store but can now buy for loyalty amd units. The amount that we can get from loyalty is pennies on the thousands and can only get 2 per two weeks. Those 2 are only enough to cover one war if that. No one will be able to maintain the amount of units it will take in order to take AW seriously unless they are paying out of pocket. Kabam you need to change it back or you will lose a ton of players because of this move. It's horrible!!!
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    OGAvengerOGAvenger Posts: 1,121 ★★★★★
    Kabam is subtly saying you all need to git gud. If you guys never get hit, then you’ll never need potions….
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    Teds_1_RoosterTeds_1_Rooster Posts: 41
    20k for a single R4 AW potion is ridiculous. That’s about one week’s loyalty rewards for AW. Put it back the way it was
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    SandPounderSandPounder Posts: 345 ★★★

    Clarification question on season rewards…. To quote Se7en “what’s in the box”?

    Specifically the selector box starting at Plat 4

    What’s in the booooxxxxxxx?
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    BuffalaxBuffalax Posts: 113
    Can someone please confirm what is in the selector for 4 and above? That will go a long way as to whether our alliance cares about the season.
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    Mik81Mik81 Posts: 88 ★★
    I'll be retiring from AW soon I guess... Too bad because I have enjoyed the game competition lately.

    Loyalty is already spent in buying alliance tickets and war boosters, can't afford to pay the expensive war potions, so I'll play very casual and do something better with my time.
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    Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Posts: 8,270
    Buffalax said:

    Can someone please confirm what is in the selector for 4 and above? That will go a long way as to whether our alliance cares about the season.

    Sorry! I had the answer but forgot to reply. Those are 25% T5CC Fragment Selectors. The Crystals are also 25%, but obviously, those are random.
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    BuffalaxBuffalax Posts: 113
    Thanks for the answer @Kabam Miike
This discussion has been closed.