Pain is Eternal! The Eternity of Pain starts on May 11, 2022!



  • LpooLpoo Member Posts: 2,231 ★★★★★
    Jtakala said:

    Kind of horse **** that only paragon players can get the full rewards. They don’t need the full catalyst as much as others do. But it is what it is I guess

    It does feel weird that as a TB player I could get all of the points with using only like 6-7 revives the entire 5 week period and not get full rewards. I understand that there has to be some scaling of rewards based on progression, but when that reward difference keeps me from the next progression? Tough pill to swallow

    Looking forward to taking on the next EOP rotation and eventually getting paragon!

  • ccrider474ccrider474 Member Posts: 717 ★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    Lpoo said:

    I understand that there has to be some scaling of rewards based on progression, but when that reward difference keeps me from the next progression? Tough pill to swallow

    It is not a coincidence that the rewards that are appropriate to Paragon players are the same rewards that would rapidly catapult Thronebreakers into becoming Paragon. That's *why* Thronebreakers don't get them, but Paragons do.

    If the reward difference that Paragon players got wasn't dramatically significant to Thronebreaker progress, they would also be completely worthless to Paragon players.
    I agree and don't. As ftp or low spenders to get the title you had to do gauntlet. No worries if you couldn't do it then as it will be back. Guessing 1 year later it is nowhere to be seen yet means it's still coming?

    You have to do carina and they are disabled hopefully not as long as gauntlet but no time frame was given so potentially can be.

    Progression titles are marketing ploys and nothing more in my eyes. Company needs to make money so all good I guess. But 2 of the main sources (if you decided not to push through gauntlet and wait return and didn't do act 6 carina stuff) are unavailable.

    Eop is a great new feature and will help heaps. Top rewards for already paragon seems legit they have the money to keep game running, but rapidly catapult is a stretch when heaps have 100 all content in the game and not there yet.

    In saying that kudos to kabam for adding more ways to get there with these objectives and eop stuff.
  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,144 ★★★★★
    Overall the event was ok. The only issue I'd had if I needed to do paragon objectives, is I'd probably had to r5 5* dragon. Others were quite easy. I'd wish they give paragons more difficult objectives, like dimensionals for blade, maybe something like using a 3* champ for cb... Just so I could be happy not doing it
    Also the only fight I did enjoy was ikarus, blade and cb were long and boring, and I can't remember what was the 4th.
  • altavistaaltavista Member Posts: 1,635 ★★★★
    Aleor said:

    Overall the event was ok. The only issue I'd had if I needed to do paragon objectives, is I'd probably had to r5 5* dragon. Others were quite easy. I'd wish they give paragons more difficult objectives, like dimensionals for blade, maybe something like using a 3* champ for cb... Just so I could be happy not doing it
    Also the only fight I did enjoy was ikarus, blade and cb were long and boring, and I can't remember what was the 4th.

    I mean, doesn't this highlight how difficult it is to design this type of content?

    Compared to you, I hated the Ikaris fight, enjoyed the Blade fight, but also thought the Crossbones fight to be long and boring. Dormmamu was a little annoying but okay.

    Even narrowing the playerbase down to TB and Paragon, there are a wide range of what someone might consider fun or challenging. Yes, it can be roster dependent, but it can also be player preference. Where someone might consider heavy baiting Ikaris a fun experience, someone else considers that a drag. Where someone enjoys playing keep away from Blade until the timer ticks down, another would find that frustrating.

    Overall, this was an enjoyable event to look forward to each week. It certainly livened up the game these past few weeks, as the May/June side quests and event quests have felt somewhat lacking.
  • OldManSkreddyOldManSkreddy Member Posts: 51
    Lpoo said:

    I understand that there has to be some scaling of rewards based on progression, but when that reward difference keeps me from the next progression? Tough pill to swallow

    Why does there have to be? It seems deeply and seriously unusual for a business to operate in this way.
  • Qwerty12345Qwerty12345 Member Posts: 866 ★★★★
    Do you really think it should take only 1 event to go from one title to another? Unless we are going to have 20 +progression titles, it needs to actually take time and have a real delineation between titles.

    Looking elsewhere... take your job as an example... If your company only has 4 titles.. CEO, Manager, Doer, and intern... the different in workload/responsibilities and in compensation would be huge, and similarly you aren't going to get promoted every 6 months and the intern isn't going to be CEO in 18 months.

    Most companies though have a deep scale... intern, doer I, doer II, doer III, Manager I, Manager II, Principal, VP, Sr VP, Exec VP, President, CEO, etc. Then getting a promotion more often is expected, however the jump in between will be small in terms of compensation and such.

    Same is true in MCOC. We have a level system... and look at what you go for going between Level 21 and 22. TIer progression should be huge milestones that take some real time/effort, and not instantly got because you did one challenge, especially the "top" levels.

  • OldManSkreddyOldManSkreddy Member Posts: 51
    edited June 2022

    Do you really think it should take only 1 event to go from one title to another? Unless we are going to have 20 +progression titles, it needs to actually take time and have a real delineation between titles.

    Looking elsewhere... take your job as an example... If your company only has 4 titles.. CEO, Manager, Doer, and intern... the different in workload/responsibilities and in compensation would be huge, and similarly you aren't going to get promoted every 6 months and the intern isn't going to be CEO in 18 months.

    First, this is not a job, it's a game, and we are customers, not employees. Saying a CEO should get better pay than an intern has no bearing on what two different people who complete the same task should receive as a reward, or what two people who want to spend $100 should get for their money.

    But nobody is saying there should be 20 progression titles, the problem is that progression titles 1) can only be obtained for money (and it's not a small amount of money, it's upwards of $1000 dollars) and 2) confer advantages that can't be obtained through work or skill
  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,175 ★★★★★

    Do you really think it should take only 1 event to go from one title to another? Unless we are going to have 20 +progression titles, it needs to actually take time and have a real delineation between titles.

    Looking elsewhere... take your job as an example... If your company only has 4 titles.. CEO, Manager, Doer, and intern... the different in workload/responsibilities and in compensation would be huge, and similarly you aren't going to get promoted every 6 months and the intern isn't going to be CEO in 18 months.

    First, this is not a job, it's a game, and we are customers, not employees. Saying a CEO should get better pay than an intern has no bearing on what two different people who complete the same task should receive as a reward, or what two people who want to spend $100 should get for their money.

    But nobody is saying there should be 20 progression titles, the problem is that progression titles 1) can only be obtained for money (and it's not a small amount of money, it's upwards of $1000 dollars) and 2) confer advantages that can't be obtained through work or skill
    I was pretty ticked about paragon when it came out, specifically because I would’ve delayed completing 7.4 had I known about the unit offer. I’m still annoyed by that but they’ve given a reasonable path forward with r4 mats creeping into SQ. Hopefully 8.1 offers a bit for completion and more for exploration.
  • Bugmat78Bugmat78 Member Posts: 2,491 ★★★★★
    Y'all need to clear up that contradicting in-game mail (less than 2 days) vs stash (7 days) on the EOP rewards...
  • MackeyMackey Member Posts: 1,597 ★★★★★
    Bugmat78 said:

    Y'all need to clear up that contradicting in-game mail (less than 2 days) vs stash (7 days) on the EOP rewards...

    Definitely needs some clarification... I want to keep hold of mine for a few days but now I'm a bit weary about doing so 🤔
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,472 Guardian

    But nobody is saying there should be 20 progression titles, the problem is that progression titles 1) can only be obtained for money (and it's not a small amount of money, it's upwards of $1000 dollars) and 2) confer advantages that can't be obtained through work or skill

    No progression title requires cash. All of them can be acquired through nothing but normal game play, given sufficient time. That has been demonstrated for every title except Paragon so far, and I'm reasonably certain if there are no F2P players that have achieved Paragon yet there will be soon enough.
  • ccrider474ccrider474 Member Posts: 717 ★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    But nobody is saying there should be 20 progression titles, the problem is that progression titles 1) can only be obtained for money (and it's not a small amount of money, it's upwards of $1000 dollars) and 2) confer advantages that can't be obtained through work or skill

    No progression title requires cash. All of them can be acquired through nothing but normal game play, given sufficient time. That has been demonstrated for every title except Paragon so far, and I'm reasonably certain if there are no F2P players that have achieved Paragon yet there will be soon enough.
    And that is what is wrong with it. TB could be obtained day one if you were active and pushed content. Rng could have not been your friend but you could and people did r3 useless champs to get there. There is no path to get to Paragon without microtransactions of some description.

    Progression titles just try to get you to spend to get to the next one. It is kinda silly that my 100 is worth more than someone else's 100. Also kinda silly to have objectives tied behind Progression ranks. Why can't a uc do Paragon objectives in stuff. Odds are their roster can't handle it but what they do with their items or money is of no consequence to me if they want to push through.

    Them adding more ways to get there is nice but they kind of needed to do that because of newer accounts, you can't say you had to do SOP and gauntlet and what not as they were limited events. If they were unavailable to you because you weren't that Progression then either how could you do them now. Even now EOP can't be done unless your TB so activley working on it cavs are falling more behind as they are missing these till they do get tb. Vicious circle they created. Need to do all the highest Progression objectives to get the newest Progression title but the previous wasn't available to you so you can never truly hit that.

    Great marketing strategy though as you can easily buy your way there.
  • LilMaddogHTLilMaddogHT Member Posts: 1,213 ★★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    But nobody is saying there should be 20 progression titles, the problem is that progression titles 1) can only be obtained for money (and it's not a small amount of money, it's upwards of $1000 dollars) and 2) confer advantages that can't be obtained through work or skill

    No progression title requires cash. All of them can be acquired through nothing but normal game play, given sufficient time. That has been demonstrated for every title except Paragon so far, and I'm reasonably certain if there are no F2P players that have achieved Paragon yet there will be soon enough.
    @DNA3000 well this is false... I was Paragon day 1 as F2P. I put in tons of time and effort to get the resources to achieve it via gameplay. Sure, I do a decent grind in the arena to get units but I complete all the content. I was able to get both of the 7.4 offers and back on May 4th I calculated if it was possible and still reasonable to earn enough units in 2 months time (needing approx. 12k units - ended with 6k after the 7.4 offers) to get back to get the get the unit cache offers for July 4 deals and I've busted my balls to get complete almost every unit milestone in arena these past 2 months and accumulated 13k units + 2.5mil BC yet to be opened. I'll be getting whatever offers are there tomorrow in the unit deals which according to leaks will get me to my 5th r4 6-Star champion.

    I'm definitely not the norm but if you put in time, effort and planning to manage resources (and acquire them), F2P Paragon has been possible.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,472 Guardian

    DNA3000 said:

    But nobody is saying there should be 20 progression titles, the problem is that progression titles 1) can only be obtained for money (and it's not a small amount of money, it's upwards of $1000 dollars) and 2) confer advantages that can't be obtained through work or skill

    No progression title requires cash. All of them can be acquired through nothing but normal game play, given sufficient time. That has been demonstrated for every title except Paragon so far, and I'm reasonably certain if there are no F2P players that have achieved Paragon yet there will be soon enough.
    @DNA3000 well this is false... I was Paragon day 1 as F2P. I put in tons of time and effort to get the resources to achieve it via gameplay. Sure, I do a decent grind in the arena to get units but I complete all the content. I was able to get both of the 7.4 offers and back on May 4th I calculated if it was possible and still reasonable to earn enough units in 2 months time (needing approx. 12k units - ended with 6k after the 7.4 offers) to get back to get the get the unit cache offers for July 4 deals and I've busted my balls to get complete almost every unit milestone in arena these past 2 months and accumulated 13k units + 2.5mil BC yet to be opened. I'll be getting whatever offers are there tomorrow in the unit deals which according to leaks will get me to my 5th r4 6-Star champion.

    I'm definitely not the norm but if you put in time, effort and planning to manage resources (and acquire them), F2P Paragon has been possible.
    Fair enough. I wasn't doubting it was possible, I was just unaware of a specific F2P early Paragon myself.

    There has been a lot of nit-picky discussion surrounding what the Paragon requirements are, whether F2P players could achieve it outside of top tier alliance play, or hard core arena grinding, or whatever. But all of that is mostly irrelevant because that only focuses on day one or early Paragons. I think the more important point is that even players that don't do top alliance modes, don't have super great luck with random crystals, and don't grind tons of arena, will still be able to get to Paragon without spending money. Of course, people who do all those things will just get there faster.
  • LilMaddogHTLilMaddogHT Member Posts: 1,213 ★★★★
    Bugmat78 said:

    Y'all need to clear up that contradicting in-game mail (less than 2 days) vs stash (7 days) on the EOP rewards...

    It's very confusing and not sure how/why they are ever different but NEVER go by the In-Game Mail timer. It's always based on the Rewards Stash timer. I learned this the hard way a few years back when the In-Game Mail timer was much longer than the Rewards Stash timer. Kabam support was helpful in fixing it when I let some stuff expire w/ that misconception but you'll have a the full 7 days to claim the EoP rewards from your Rewards Stash (not the less than 2 days that show on the In-Game Mail timer).
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,472 Guardian

    Progression titles just try to get you to spend to get to the next one. It is kinda silly that my 100 is worth more than someone else's 100. Also kinda silly to have objectives tied behind Progression ranks. Why can't a uc do Paragon objectives in stuff. Odds are their roster can't handle it but what they do with their items or money is of no consequence to me if they want to push through.

    What you call silly, progression games call "progression games."

    What's really silly is playing a progressional game and fundamentally challenging the concept of progressional gaming. To me, that seems masochistic. Its not like any progressional game is suddenly going to abandon the concept of progressional gaming because someone thinks progressional gaming is silly. That's like going into a pizza parlor and saying how silly it is that food gets served on round discs of bread. If you tell them pizza is silly, they aren'g going to stop making pizza, they will just point you to Burger King.
  • ccrider474ccrider474 Member Posts: 717 ★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    Progression titles just try to get you to spend to get to the next one. It is kinda silly that my 100 is worth more than someone else's 100. Also kinda silly to have objectives tied behind Progression ranks. Why can't a uc do Paragon objectives in stuff. Odds are their roster can't handle it but what they do with their items or money is of no consequence to me if they want to push through.

    What you call silly, progression games call "progression games."

    What's really silly is playing a progressional game and fundamentally challenging the concept of progressional gaming. To me, that seems masochistic. Its not like any progressional game is suddenly going to abandon the concept of progressional gaming because someone thinks progressional gaming is silly. That's like going into a pizza parlor and saying how silly it is that food gets served on round discs of bread. If you tell them pizza is silly, they aren'g going to stop making pizza, they will just point you to Burger King.
    This game wasn't a progression game when I started it changed to that later and I never liked it but it never truly affected me before. When i walk into a pizza shop and the guy before me buys a large for 5 bucks and then i go to order and they say sorry newbie 5 bucks for a personal is all you get, I would walk right out and happily go to burger king.

    When you started the game at anytime up to tb everything required was already in game or obtainable by playing. People have made it to tb in 6 months ftp from brand new accounts with grinding hard. How does a brand new ftp account get to Paragon at all right now? Years of screwing around is the only way.

    Same can be said If you weren't already at TB when Paragon hit you better get there fast now because every wasted day just increases how you can get to Paragon because you are locked out of even beginning to work for it with objectives and what not locked.

    I like this game still but I used to love this game the direction it keeps changing too will start to push people away. No problem if they can get new blood to replace but how much new blood is going to pick up a game when right off the bat you have to decide if you want to invest years to get up to said progression as their is no way to begin working on in.
  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,175 ★★★★★
    edited June 2022
    They appear to be giving away 20% per month in SQ and will start giving away some in EQ.

    Throw in special events like EOP and the continuation of story mode and it’s available. Put it this way - I won’t be spending big on July 4 but I feel way better about paragon now than at launch. I started casually playing an alt in December and easily got Cav. With the catalyst cap changes, I could easily push through act 6 to TB. They’ve changed the curve fairly well. My only complaint is that for this new alt, 5-stars feel fairly irrelevant.
  • ccrider474ccrider474 Member Posts: 717 ★★★
    TyEdge said:

    They appear to be giving away 20% per month in SQ and will start giving away some in EQ.

    Throw in special events like EOP and the continuation of story mode and it’s available. Put it this way - I won’t be spending big on July 4 but I feel way better about paragon now than at launch. I started casually playing an alt in December and easily got Cav. With the catalyst cap changes, I could easily push through act 6 to TB. They’ve changed the curve fairly well. My only complaint is that for this new alt, 5-stars feel fairly irrelevant.

    I hear that 5* were irrelevant to me as soon as 6 came out. I shifted focus to them right then and infact have more r3 6 than r5 5.

    Kabam does get some things right. If not I wouldn't still be here. That cat cap raising is awesome but I remember no caps. Finding that balance seems to be their weak point. No cap was bad for business I remember having like 1000 hp and revives banked up.

    I like the addition of more r4 stuff but it is a reaction from too far a gap to get from say cav to Paragon that was created. In saying that you're still in that gap if your not tb already. Because you can't do EOP and what not to begin your build up.

    In saying this there is no reason to not be tb at least, everything is there for you to get there but that is where your long journey begins as everything that happened before in terms of temp quests doesn't matter because you weren't allowed to do them.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,472 Guardian

    DNA3000 said:

    Progression titles just try to get you to spend to get to the next one. It is kinda silly that my 100 is worth more than someone else's 100. Also kinda silly to have objectives tied behind Progression ranks. Why can't a uc do Paragon objectives in stuff. Odds are their roster can't handle it but what they do with their items or money is of no consequence to me if they want to push through.

    What you call silly, progression games call "progression games."

    What's really silly is playing a progressional game and fundamentally challenging the concept of progressional gaming. To me, that seems masochistic. Its not like any progressional game is suddenly going to abandon the concept of progressional gaming because someone thinks progressional gaming is silly. That's like going into a pizza parlor and saying how silly it is that food gets served on round discs of bread. If you tell them pizza is silly, they aren'g going to stop making pizza, they will just point you to Burger King.
    This game wasn't a progression game when I started it changed to that later and I never liked it but it never truly affected me before.
    It was always a collection-based progressional game. The fact that it didn't look like it to many people is primarily due to the game being thin relative to most progressional games at launch and most mobile game players not really being familiar with or understanding progressional games. But I recognized MCOC as a progressional game from practically the first day I started playing it, and I've been pointing that fact out since late 2015.

    People keep talking about how the "direction" of the game keeps changing. Its funny that considering how often it changes direction, it keeps going exactly where I keep saying it is heading. It has always been heading in this direction. It was always going to end up here. If you connect all of the historical dots, all of which lie on a straight line, and continue the line thataway, that's where the game is going.
  • ccrider474ccrider474 Member Posts: 717 ★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    DNA3000 said:

    Progression titles just try to get you to spend to get to the next one. It is kinda silly that my 100 is worth more than someone else's 100. Also kinda silly to have objectives tied behind Progression ranks. Why can't a uc do Paragon objectives in stuff. Odds are their roster can't handle it but what they do with their items or money is of no consequence to me if they want to push through.

    What you call silly, progression games call "progression games."

    What's really silly is playing a progressional game and fundamentally challenging the concept of progressional gaming. To me, that seems masochistic. Its not like any progressional game is suddenly going to abandon the concept of progressional gaming because someone thinks progressional gaming is silly. That's like going into a pizza parlor and saying how silly it is that food gets served on round discs of bread. If you tell them pizza is silly, they aren'g going to stop making pizza, they will just point you to Burger King.
    This game wasn't a progression game when I started it changed to that later and I never liked it but it never truly affected me before.
    It was always a collection-based progressional game. The fact that it didn't look like it to many people is primarily due to the game being thin relative to most progressional games at launch and most mobile game players not really being familiar with or understanding progressional games. But I recognized MCOC as a progressional game from practically the first day I started playing it, and I've been pointing that fact out since late 2015.

    People keep talking about how the "direction" of the game keeps changing. Its funny that considering how often it changes direction, it keeps going exactly where I keep saying it is heading. It has always been heading in this direction. It was always going to end up here. If you connect all of the historical dots, all of which lie on a straight line, and continue the line thataway, that's where the game is going.
    Collection game is what I loved. Get these champs and rank them up play how you like. Progression didn't truly start till aq came about and that wasn't Progression presay but I can see that alignment as you needed to acquire those prestige guys. In the day were all the tops profiles were rockets and electros. That was fair work hard play smart with ranks get rewarded. Same thing when AW dropped.

    Big difference with that though as that let you get top rewards in aq but with titles and true progression another tier was added as you not only need those top champs but needed to do something else as well. Just to make the same resources spent worth the same amount.

    All until paragon have been fair. Tb could have been annoying pending your roster but it dropped you could do it (i was personally worried about TB cause if i got tech with my act 6 explore I would have been stuck with r3 redskull luckily that didn't happen and I was tb in 1st week of release with sym supreme). Paragon shifted that. Doesn't matter on day 1 if you 100 everything ingame because to bad you need microtransactions to get there as well. Being unit deals or cash. This is the shift that is wrong.

    It infact would turn away new players. No one wants too pick up a game going, I need 6 months when I start so that I can begin a couple year grind. Just to make your units or coin spent equal to some else's. All the while new titles will drop.

    Years time (if I'm still here probably will be but who knows the future) this conversation will start again because getting to paragon will be easy but will it be an even greater microtransaction type of progression for the next one as that bar is now set and in motion.
  • rdxevilrdxevil Member Posts: 231 ★★
    Im sorry if the question is already answered.. But when are we going to get the reward?
  • EinfachSoEinfachSo Member Posts: 269 ★★
    You should already have your rewards for the first EOP event, they came relatively directly after the event ended (last Wednesday/Thursday)
  • Fit_Fun9329Fit_Fun9329 Member Posts: 2,294 ★★★★★
    edited July 2022
    Sooo EOP starts today or next week?

    Edit: we have Tuesday. My brain lives obviously in the future nevermind
  • MackeyMackey Member Posts: 1,597 ★★★★★
    Is next EoP today?? Not seeing anything in the "coming soon" tab of solo events to say it is 🤔 @Kabam Miike
  • TrashPanda69TrashPanda69 Member Posts: 31
    edited July 2022
    Yea! Just had to check here to make sure I’m not both crazy & seeing things. That’s an awesome much needed buff for TB players progression, gotta give em credit for this one. First they listen to the people & let moleman be, & then this. I might just start spelling their company name correctly if they keep this up ♥️🍻😁
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