Is T1a really an issue?



  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,966 ★★★★★
    Who said you can get 10 a week? I don't believe that's accurate. Nor should it be.
  • Batman05Batman05 Member Posts: 351 ★★
    Sky_kitty wrote: »
    WHERE CAN U GET 10 ALPHAS A WEEK WITHOUT SPENDING INSANE AMOUNTS OF GLORY AND WITHOUT EVENT?? noob talking.if you hve nothing to upgrade,i am sure you dont hve an issue with alpha anyway

    Why do you think you should get alphas if your not willing to do the things to get them that has already been given to us? Glory was added so peopl can buy the resources they need the most. Not to buy every resource all at once.
  • Renegade_DoggyRenegade_Doggy Member Posts: 358 ★★
    Wake up and smell the roses.

    People can have opinions.

    It is in the majority's opinion, that there is a T1A shortage.

    You can argue until your face is black and blue, that this isn't the case.

    Doesn't stop people from having opinions.

    Grow up.

    P.S. Have you stopped to consider you are actually arguing on the same side as Grounded Wisdom? The guy who is so desperately on Kabams side that he is easily one of, if not, the biggest trolls on this forum?

    Life's tough when your brain actually believes what he spews.
  • JamesMJamesM Member Posts: 133
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    I’m not even against it. I’m arguing against the unreasonable, hyperbolic, deceitful, deceptive, shortsighted, etc points of view. I’d like a little more to increase the rate I can bring up my champions, it’s really as simple as that but people want to make a mountain out of this molehill. Also if I was given access to unlimited resources I wouldn’t have much reason to keep playing and it would kill the game for me.

    I think I can agree with that to some degree, I don't think everyone is making it a mountain of it though. It has been an issue for a while and has become annoying. I have managed my resources around t1a for a while and I am just tired of it. I do a 2 to 3 week look ahead of resources and who I want to rank so it isn't lack of planning or management. T4b was the same situation but they have made it better but without freeing up t1a it just made it more of am issue. I get that some resource will always be limited at any given progression of the game but it doesn't make sense to me to have T1A a limiting resource at my progression of the game. A lot of people feel this way and manage around of it, those taking up this issue are just voicing the frustration within our community. I agree that it shouldn't be unlimited but I think there should be access to those that want to spend more time or energy getting T1A.
  • JamesMJamesM Member Posts: 133
    @CoatHang3r why you even bothering with them?

    They all expect to rank a 5* to r4 daily by the way they are crying and whinging.

    Just find some tissues to hand out to them all as they can't stop crying about it

    And yet we are the ones that are "unreasonable, hyperbolic, deceitful and deceptive", smh. This only frustrates us more, if we wanted more r4 5*s we would be discussing T2A not T1A, we get the logic in why the highest available rank is limited.
  • AcanthusAcanthus Member Posts: 447 ★★★
    edited December 2017
    As I said, reduce the number of T4Cs available:
    - Only give out them to top 50 in AQ
    - Remove them from all map crystals but map6
    - Delete all the current T4C crystals and shard crystals everyone is hoarding

    All fixed! New players can buy them from glory store

  • JamesMJamesM Member Posts: 133
    There isn't one reason why T1A is a limiting resource now when it wasn't in the past.
    1. 4*s didn't require many to rank and T4B and t4CC was by far the limiting resource.
    2. 5*s we're not easy to get.

    That all changed when:
    1. They released more 5*s and gave more frags
    2. New season of AQ removed T1A from crystals (though Valor probably made up for that if you purchase T1A)
    3. They increased T4B frags in AQ and made it cheaper to get T4B in valor store.

    A lot has changed in 6 months though they barely increased how many T1A we get while increasing the demand by having more 5*s available. They greatly increased the T4B rate which is great, why not T1A?
  • KpatrixKpatrix Member Posts: 1,056 ★★★
    There was more because people were Ranking less 5*s. There are sources in the game. Plain and simple. Asking for more is one thing. Claiming there's not enough in the game is another.

    If 5* have become more readily available as part of the new game meta, then it makes sense to have alphas more available as well, in a proportional way. You are contradicting yourself with the statement you made.

    Nobody is asking to get full alphas just for logging in, we all want a way to farm more shards or something similar. We are facing a deficit and want to point it out for the future that alphas will need to be increased.
  • DarkestDestroyerDarkestDestroyer Member Posts: 2,888 ★★★★★
    Who said you can get 10 a week? I don't believe that's accurate. Nor should it be.

    Haha that might of been me, my calculations were wrong though it's 8 a week you can get.

    5 from glory.
    2 from the 3 day events
    1 from arena.

    People are just expecting to rank a new 5* every day... it's the highest available rank and rarity of champ, these should take time to level up.

    Increasing t1 alpha would end up in more whinging of basics or t4cc.

    People just need to be patient in ranking up and not expecting it to be available every couple of days.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,966 ★★★★★
    Who said you can get 10 a week? I don't believe that's accurate. Nor should it be.

    Haha that might of been me, my calculations were wrong though it's 8 a week you can get.

    5 from glory.
    2 from the 3 day events
    1 from arena.

    People are just expecting to rank a new 5* every day... it's the highest available rank and rarity of champ, these should take time to level up.

    Increasing t1 alpha would end up in more whinging of basics or t4cc.

    People just need to be patient in ranking up and not expecting it to be available every couple of days.

    Yes. Increased availability of 5*s plus the inclusion of 6*s has led to a push to Rank faster.
  • CapWW2CapWW2 Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★
    Kabam already addressed this amd cloded the previous thread. Dont feed the trolls. Stop withthe nonsense.
  • JamesMJamesM Member Posts: 133
    CapWW2 wrote: »
    Kabam already addressed this amd cloded the previous thread. Dont feed the trolls. Stop withthe nonsense.

    There is a reason these threads keep popping up, built-up frustration along with lack of response and action.
    The frustration may not match the severity of issue but as the saying goes the squeaky wheel gets the oil. We have been patient and silent for a long time hoping it would resolve itself but we don't see that happening.
  • JamesMJamesM Member Posts: 133
    I am sure there are higher priority issues like bugs, but T1A is a simple fix that shouldn't have adverse or unforseen side affects of done properly.
  • DarkestDestroyerDarkestDestroyer Member Posts: 2,888 ★★★★★
    Okay a question to all those saying it's a huge issue.

    How often do you expect to rank up a 5* to level 2, 3 then 4?

    Just want to know, bear in mind it takes about a month (ish) to get a 5*...
  • JamesMJamesM Member Posts: 133
    It isn't a matter of how often I should be able to rank. Keep in mind that 5* rank ups were suppressed by how many 5*s that were available and T4B. You need to look broader, had they spread out the 5* it wouldn't be an issue. With it being compressed into a shorter timespan that people are getting 5*s, trying to make it sound like the rate at which we are ranking is acceptable is not really the issue. They will be and have been increasing 5* rates, that will only exasperate the disparity between T1As needed vs T4B and T4CC use.
  • New_Noob168New_Noob168 Member Posts: 1,600 ★★★★
    Alphas aren’t an issue. Like I said. Just don’t upgrade that 4* you never use. If you plan properly you will be fine
  • FingfangfoomfanesFingfangfoomfanes Member Posts: 1,102 ★★★
    Last October, I just shifted from an advanced ally to an expert one which place 2000+ in AQ (weekly t4b, 800 glory). The ally doesnt do much arena but AQ/AW is priority. So, we miss out on t1a milestone for perfect series ans arena combat events. Items use and completion, we manage to get all milestones. Had to grind t1a arena for additional resource.

    Maybe in 6 months, I wont be complaining about t1a shortage.Maybe...
  • CloutlordreeCloutlordree Member Posts: 110
    Question and i need answers why don't you guys go and do map 3 if y'all need them so bad?
  • FingfangfoomfanesFingfangfoomfanes Member Posts: 1,102 ★★★
    Question and i need answers why don't you guys go and do map 3 if y'all need them so bad?

    some of us are way past map 3. we aspire for map 6 but need to work on map 5 for the rewards...
  • CloutlordreeCloutlordree Member Posts: 110
    Fair enough but if you guys have an overload of t4cc why not drop down to resolve your problems????
  • klobberintymeklobberintyme Member Posts: 1,688 ★★★★
    It's not a shortage y'all are just too damn impatient a

    If it were not a shortage, we wouldn't be held back by lack of T1A.

    Perhaps, to clarify, I shall leave you the definition of shortage:

    a state or situation in which something needed cannot be obtained in sufficient amounts.

    Now, I get your stance, and your opinion, that we are too impatient. Here's the math behind my complaints, as to why I feel the shortage.


    And the math behind it:

    To Rank 4* to Rank 5:
    For the 30 T4C in my inventory, I will need 20 T1A to use them
    for the 19 T4C in crystals, I will need 12 T1A to use them.
    To ONLY rank 5, I will need 32 more T1A to be able to utilize the T4C/T4B I currently own.
    To Rank 5* to Rank 3:
    For the 30 you see in inventory, I will need 50 T1A, to use them.
    For the 19 you see in crystal form, I will need 30 T1A, to use them.
    To ONLY rank 3 my 5*, I will need 81 more T1A to be able to utilize the T4C/T4B I currently own.

    TL/DR: I haven't needed to open up T4C crystals since June, since there is such a shortage of T1A.

    Welp, you certainly have a t1a shortage. I'd give you my surplus, I have 8 or so expiring in a week lol
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,438 Guardian
    P.S. Have you stopped to consider you are actually arguing on the same side as Grounded Wisdom? The guy who is so desperately on Kabams side that he is easily one of, if not, the biggest trolls on this forum?

    As horrifying a thought as that is, I'm not going to forfeit arithmetic to be on the opposite side.

    And all it would take to convince me there was an intractable T1A shortage would be to simply show a calculation that shows it is possible to earn so much more T4CC and T4B in a month than T1A for someone that is taking all reasonable steps to earn them that the imbalance creates an inability to rank up champions at a reasonable rate.

    Backlogs aren't convincing on their own because by definition if you're trying to prove there's a bottleneck that is out of your control, you cannot use your own bottleneck to prove it was out of your control. I can artificially create bottlenecks anywhere I want. The question is are those players with those bottlenecks using all reasonable means to alleviate them.

    Math says T1A is more available not less. Math says T1A is available enough to do a significant amount of upgrades. I'm on my calculator's side. If people are experiencing bottlenecks, then they are. But if they are unwilling to explain how those bottlenecks are occurring when evidence suggests there are ways to significantly reduce them, then I don't think the devs are likely to do anything about it.

    I think it is more likely that the devs will revisit the T1A costs of upgrading 5* champs at the next time those costs are revisited. They already preemptively reduced the T5B costs of rank 5, because those costs clearly didn't make sense - what's the point of making a cost high that they are only now about to introduce the earnings capability for? They could easily reduce that cost and balance the effort to earn them around that new cost. T1A though is a pre-existing resource and changing it would probably require more in-game resource analysis. This revisit is supportable through hard analysis of the costs without any subjectivity.

  • CapWW2CapWW2 Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★
    edited December 2017
    You dont need to use every T4CC or rank every single 5 star you get. AGAIN, you dont need to open every single T4CC crystal or Greater Glory Crystals.

    Would you please stop spamming this non sense thread.
  • AfflictionAffliction Member Posts: 382 ★★
    This is a huge issue for me now. And has been I'm having t4bc expire b4 being able to use them just due to not having t1a's. Basically being forced to bring up a four* that I have no point in bringing up or even wanting to bring up a rank. Let alone having 7 potential different five*'s otw. Took months to save and will take even longer again to rank all them even if it was just to rank 2.
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    haha I called it, the new uncollected eq has everything except t1as as rewards, that means more t4cs, more t4bs and more 4* and 5* characters, 4/5 of my last 4*s are sitting on r2, that seems strange that I have to do that. But it would seem kabam have engineered it so map 5 alliances are bottlenecked by t1as as they continue to ignore this
    My issue is that my alliance is what keeps me in this game, I've been an officer in my alliance for almost 2 years. we don't have a minimum for arena and we run map 5. This means I'm so frustrated with the imbalance of resources. And inability to rank the champs that I'm pulling
    That logically i probably have to change alliances. They don't all want to run map 3, we've discussed it. Lots of t4c alliance guys are realising this and doing stints in map 3 alliances. Is this really what kabam wants us to do. I think it's a bad idea to make us chop and change alliances and do easier maps that aren't a challenge for us. As I have said plenty of times the main issue is the 5:2 ratio. Of alphas to t4bs at the r2 of a 5*, this is a strange choke point for kabam to be setting for our resources, does anybody know of an alliance who does t4cs for a few weeks then map 3s for a few weeks this seems the most optimum farming of resources for the game like it is now
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,438 Guardian
    Speeds80 wrote: »
    does anybody know of an alliance who does t4cs for a few weeks then map 3s for a few weeks this seems the most optimum farming of resources for the game like it is now

    It seems no one who thinks there's a T1A bottleneck cares about the mathematics of the situation, but for the record my analysis of the earning potential for doing this says it is an incredibly bad thing to do. Any increase in T1A would be an illusion borne of getting a couple of T1A's "for free" at the cost of losing thousands of glory per AQ that you could have just spent on buying way more T1A than you can earn dropping down.

    I don't want to do all of the math again, but let's just look at glory. In the advanced bracket you're going to max out at 800 glory assuming you get to all the milestones. You won't get promoted doing map 3 so lets assume you end up in the highest non-promotion tier. That would be 550 glory. So you're earning about 1350 glory every AQ week running map 3 and trying to farm T1A that way.

    Let's say you are only getting to milestone 8 in the expert tier and remaining in expert running Map 5 (anyone getting a lot of T4CC has to be higher than this). You're earning 1430 per AQ week in milestones. If you are barely staying in expert, that's 750 glory for the ranked rewards. That is 2180 glory per AQ week.

    So running Map 5 and staying in expert earns at least 2180 glory, while running Map 3 and staying in Advanced earns no more than 1350. That's 830 glory less per AQ week you're earning doing this. It costs 775 glory to buy two T1A per AQ week. Meanwhile, Map 3 crystals are not going to earn you two T1A's per week.

    And this is the best case scenario. For any alliance that earns more than 2180 glory per AQ week doing Map 5x5, the situation becomes worse dropping down. Even if your prestige is so high you can actually get promoted doing Map 3 (I'm not sure that's even possible), that would only mean your expert tier earning potential is even higher and probably exceeding your Map 3 earning ability by a wider margin.

    In my judgment, dropping down to try to earn more T1A is shooting yourself in the foot. You'll end up with less T1A *and* less glory. The only way I see this helping people's bottlenecks is if it chokes off T4B and T4CC so badly that they don't need T1A anymore because they can't rank anything up anymore. That's what the numbers tell me at the moment.
  • Run477Run477 Member Posts: 1,391 ★★★
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    Ajar wrote: »
    You get only without the monthly event every 6 days 2 t1a. That means 10 a month. The monthly gives you 4 so that's only 14 t1a a month. That means you cant R3 a 5 star every month.
    The Alliance event rewards are the same since the start. It's like they haven't progressed like the rest of the game that's ****.

    Monthly has 5, 6 if you also do normal. But we have a new monthly coming up that may include more.
    Monthly AQ at your level has 6 with 775g per cycle, 9 with 1425g per cycle or 15 with 3750g per cycle. All possible for a top 20 ally.
    Arenas have 3 per month.
    Yes 3 day is 10 a month.
    I’m counting 34 a month at your level with max glory expenditure, 28 if you spend 1425 glory per cycle saving 1300 glory.
    That’s just shy of 3 r3 a month @ 28 a month and you easily have the glory to buy the extra two to round it out.

    Dude nobody in top Ally’s is spending glory on t1a. Maybe in a pinch but not regularly. We shouldn’t have to. We don’t earn enough glory to
    Not spend it all on t2. Personally mostly
    Buy potions with it. But to use it all on t1 is just stupid.
    If you are not taking advantage of t1a availability that doesn’t exactly reinforce the belief there is a lack of t1a.

    Give me an example of a top ally and show me their expenditures of glory cause all you have offered in that regard is baseless words.

    Stoping getting hit or bring someone with heals if you are wasting glory on pots. If you are still getting hit use units for pots which is essentially buying t1a since you cannot just buy t1a with units with any regularity.

    But the do not have to use all glory on t1 to regularly rank 3 5s anyways at that level they still have plenty left for pots.

    You must not be in top tier. That would explain how you are consistently arguing that there are enough T1A. I understand now.

    Carry on troll. Atleast Miike has recognized that there is an issue.
    What’s top tier people keep saying this?
    Is it top 1000 tbhr? 734
    Top 300 AQ? Placing below that for months now. >200 for weeks.
    T2a for 4 r4s? 5000 shards away.
    Top 100 arena at will? There.
    Every 4 star champion released in crystals with 27 5s( many dupes and double dupes)?

    Look me up in game I’m not hiding behind an alias on the forums like others.

    You’ll find I’m actually arguing there is enough t1a to r3 at the pace champions are released and refuting the falsehoods, cherry picked evidence, and entitlement being thrown about by people.

    Miike has not recognized an issue he has taken your feedback to the team.

    @Speeds80 Yeah I’d like more so I’m looking forward to uncollected EQ. What I’m not going to do is align myself with flawed reasoning and outright lies people employ to suggest we should have more. There is also a delicate balance to be maintained because if rank up materials are free flowing the arena scores skyrocket and you can then only compete by buying your champions. With 5* arenas on the horizon I don’t want to be shut out because I don’t buy my champions.
    Furthermore if rank up materials become available at a faster pace all around it devalues the time I’ve put into my account to get where I am today.

    When maintenance is over I will definitely look you up. Either you aren’t ranking 5*s (or really anyone), or you are not being honest about this.
  • Run477Run477 Member Posts: 1,391 ★★★
    xNig wrote: »
    5x 5R4
    21x 4R5
    4x 5R3
    10x 4R4
    7x 5R2

    Not having T1A shortages.

    That tells us nothing. How many 4*s below r3 and how many 5*s at r1?
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