Which element of the game most motivates you to play?
![Kabam Jax](https://us.v-cdn.net/6029252/uploads/avatarstock/nGTWIKNM4S21T.png)
This isn't for market research, (we already have that) this is purely my curiosity. The Community Team has big plans for creating new and exciting ways for the community to engage, I think knowing why people play can definitely help us cater that content!
So, which of these motivates you most?
So, which of these motivates you most?
Which element of the game most motivates you to play? 323 votes
If I could have voted for most of the options I would have, but I went for this one because that’s essentially what it comes down to for me. I rank and upgrade my roster to be able to play in War, to overcome the end game challenges, to get rewards, to partake in exciting new game modes. It all comes back to adding new champions and upgrading my current ones.
I’m thinking constantly about which champion to dedicate my resources to, when I go on runs it distracts me from how unfit I am post having COVID, and I’m weighing up the pros and cons in my head “should I focus on Omega sentinel or Nimrod as my first rank 4 tech 6*”.
I’ve been playing this game since December 2014, and from day 1 have loved building my roster, pushing that next level whether it’s my first 4* in Star Lord back in 2015, or my first rank 4 6* in Mr Negative.
I play the game because I love Marvel champions. I love to see Kabam’s interpretation of champion design, abilities, animations, VFX, synergies and skins. Believe it or not I once submitted a ticket because Goldpool’s eye colour was bugged!
Designing a champion is close to me personally because a lot of the tools used to design them are the same tools I use in my day to day life: creativity, problem-solving, numbers, testing, QA, etc. And at the end of it Kabam puts a toy in my hands that enables me to interact with the Marvel universe that I love, in a way that no other game can match.
So yeah, champion kits and design for me.
The buffs getting worse didn't help either.
It's always cool to see the game through someone else's eyes. For me, it's all about champs, I love building up that roster!
Like I said, we do have plans for new content in the works, and I can definitely use what you've shared to help guide that process.
I’ve always loved building a roster and developing champs that complement each other. I recall the first days of masteries, which provided more ways to amp up champs and left many of us scrambling to decide how many points went where for max advantage (thank you RoninNupe!).
A big part of what makes the game continue to be fun is community members who search out new ways to use champs and approach content. All of this goes back to developing the roster and powering champions and champion teams.
Dr. Zola
Close second would be alliance play. But more the comradeship then the actual modes themselves.
-Arenas - seems to be notably missing from the list of options
-Always hunting rank up materials.
-And I'm not quite there yet, but am looking forward to the challenging end game content.
For me it’s just opening new champs and bringing them around everywhere for days. When I first opened a 5* nimrod way back, i took him against that 6.4.1 Deadpool about 20 times a day just to watch that special 2 shock damage 🤤
When input issues started, I abandoned story content aside from first clears. When buffed EOP rewards came out, I decided to dedicate myself to getting through act 7 to ensure I was paragon for cyber weekend, ideally with 18,000+ units.
I’ve been doing really well doing 2-3 itemless paths per day (my work schedule sucks) and getting about 60-70% of the 22-hour rewards. I have 10,600 units (I had 5-6,000 after july 4). I’ll buy unit cards and the resort passes that remain but probably nothing else.
Feels good to see progress. I’ve got about 48 paths to go, but 10 are Gwenmaster/7.3 kang
Edit - the other thing that pushed me to start pushing more aggressively was the 1000 unit EQ offer. Needing a team revive felt like a failure. Having a well-priced bundle that sent some to overflow meant I had to do content and I didn’t need to feel bad about using them. A++++ design by y’all.
For me, it is often about the champs. Even back in 2016 (? maybe.... it's been a while) when 4*s were a big deal and a friend pulled a 4* Punisher from an arena crystal, I just couldn't wait to get one on my own account to try him out. The constant influx of new champs is honestly pretty overwhelming at this point, but the staggered release of champs in crystals has honestly kinda helped because I can get excited about a champ, then just as soon as I start to forget about them since they aren't playable for me, I go and pull them and the excitement crashes back in. The design team has knocked it out of the park far too often for them to get old, and even the mechanics have been pretty fresh.
RNG believe it or not has been a big reason that I have stayed. Sure, it is a bummer often, but it makes the occasional win so much more fun and unexpected. I like set rewards, but typically the out-of-the-blue crazy luck is what I remember far better.
The forums and general community around the game has also made it far more engaging, including the mods/admin interactions. I have yet to find another game that I enjoy that also has such a dedicated base of communication. Getting to give feedback, getting to see behind the scenes stuff, and getting the occasional hint about things coming down the road has definitely improved the experience. I have been in the same alliance since at least 2016 and still have several members that have stayed around (including the irl friend that got me into the game).
I also really love the breadth of gameplay options that there are. I have never been very into AQ/AW, but I love incursions (as a concept, could be improved), I love the direction story content has been going, side quests bring something different each month, rotating EQs, Carina's Challenges, EOP, Gauntlet, the list can go on. There are days that I just get tired of certain content, and there is typically always something else for me to jump into that I will enjoy.
Gameplay wise, the strategy aspect is what I like the most, making battlegrounds my favourite game mode
AW and latterly BGs on the other hand, is where my effort is driven. I like to win and will keep pushing until I’ve got the masterful title and ideally War Champion one day.
But what really keeps me playing is the small glimmer of hope that you’ll make a playable Thanos that’s completely BA