End of Gifting... [master-thread]



  • FuskieFuskie Member Posts: 110
    I like that they are trying to finally after 7 years weed out the scammers, bots, and frauds. But I will be sad to see this event go because so many looked forward to GGC every December. But I sort of seen the writing on the wall this past December when for the first time they offered you a chance to buy 10 GGC for yourself for $50USD twice during the event. They probably took the sale numbers they got back from that and realized that they will make just as much if they just make a crystal that is basically the same as a GGC, take "Gifting" out of the name and just sell it in the crystal store or unit store straight up. Because we all have to agree those GGC crystals are great they have awesome materials and are extremely valuable. So as long as they have something equivalent to those that I can still get this Holiday season I'm ok with this. I am anxious to see how they will replace the rank rewards from alliance and solo gifting though? Because those rewards were a HUGE part of how fast this game started progressing over the past 2 years. I mean the majority of the first group of Paragon players would not of had those 3 rank 4 6* champs if it wasn't for gifting rank rewards. So let's be honest we all want to see less cheating but we also want the same juicy rewards and that's where Kabam needs to be smart about how they handle this event now. IMO they can't miss on this event this year or it could be really bad for them going into 2023 because the community already is split on how they feel about Kabam and the trust level is not what it used to be.
  • ReignkingTWReignkingTW Member Posts: 2,774 ★★★★★

    Personally I am not a fan of the change.
    For the last 8 months I have spent 6.99 a month across 4 accounts to save units for the gifting events.
    Now that we are nearing X-mas I am to find out all these months of spending and saving were useless.
    I find it very unfair that to punish those who do not follow the rules, those that do follow the rules are SOL. I have 4 accounts but only 1 "main" account.

  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,104 ★★★★★
    edited August 2022
    “Tell us what stuff you want to be able to gift and we’ll make sure it’s not on the list”

    This is going to create a nightmarish 2-week window where you can revive your way through whatever un-fun content you want for outdated rewards (Carina vol 1…what up)
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 13,955 ★★★★★
    How does this event will fix the problem with fraudulent units or exploiter's? Do you plan to not make the crystals purchasable at all or to set up a cap on them?

    Because otherwise, this will be a big fail again
  • Bugmat78Bugmat78 Member Posts: 2,362 ★★★★★
    Coppin said:

    Bugmat78 said:

    Odachi said:

    Thousands will sleep better tonight knowing less grandparents aren't going to be fleeced to pay their outstanding tax bill by itunes cards over the phone or risk going to jail. Well done on getting rid and shutting down the scam operations which thrived on this event.

    This is a big plus true.
    Yeah cause scammers only sell to mcoc players....🤣
    I meant from the game's aspect, not from the scammer's aspect. There will always be scammers - always have, always will. Less will be able to scam in game during gifting.
  • ChiefhobChiefhob Member Posts: 9
    Adevati said:

    Took away the only method of grinding I enjoy.

    You can still make alt accounts and play on them if you want. If you enjoy that then this really shouldn't change anything.
  • OdachiOdachi Member Posts: 1,112 ★★★★
    Can the full details of the gifting replacement event be out before black friday so we can make an informed chocie on how to spend units?

    It felt like the unit deals from black friday were short last year compared to the gifting but I guess that was because it was before Paragon existed so the need for r4 mats were different.

  • MrSakuragiMrSakuragi Member Posts: 4,946 ★★★★★
    Loss of a lot of unit card subscriptions for sure
  • RobertTheSlayerRobertTheSlayer Member Posts: 18
    Do we know if the "Kudos" are gonna cost units? If so how much?
  • TanukiTalesTanukiTales Member Posts: 258 ★★
    edited August 2022

    Do we know if the "Kudos" are gonna cost units? If so how much?

    I forsee it being like Overwatch and thus mostly pointless.
  • RobertTheSlayerRobertTheSlayer Member Posts: 18
    Is the replacement for GGC gonna cost units? i just wanna know so we can save units
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,511 ★★★★★

    If half the playerbase leaves because they prevented Fraud from occurring, then that's not the half we want to save.
    Did I say that? #sorry

    Why do you spin everything negative then run with that negative assumption? I've grinded thousands of units over the last year on my alt account. I did it for gifting... am I a fraud in some way? Are the 97%+ of people just like me also frauds to you? Or does that 3% fraud that needs to be stomped out supersede all of the rest of us?
    You implied in your Title that they cut the playerbase in half. The reasons for taking this route have been outlined. I've witnessed all kinds of shady, and in some cases illegal, behavior. Unfortunately, the negatives outweigh the benefits. That's just where we've come to.
  • CoppinCoppin Member Posts: 2,601 ★★★★★

    Coppin said:

    TyEdge said:

    “Tell us what stuff you want to be able to gift and we’ll make sure it’s not on the list”

    This is going to create a nightmarish 2-week window where you can revive your way through whatever un-fun content you want for outdated rewards (Carina vol 1…what up)

    At last... The most powerful champ in mcoc got a nerf...

    We demand rank down tickets for this champ
    lol no he didnt. he will return for the event.
    Its the normal Kabam thing to do, screw the player base so they can fill their pockets.
    Those vets who saved on multiple accounts and played by the rules are SOL. Those who are willing to spend more money will have the opportunity to, no doubt. They are going to milk this like crazy.
    Lol dude im sorry cause its gonna seem like i'm making fun of u... But its bad enough there was a big fuzz about the chap 1-3 unit gain buff and how it affected the game.. u decided to 1 up that situation and bought the unit card... 🤣
  • Skiddy212Skiddy212 Member Posts: 1,101 ★★★★
    Kabam Jax said:

    Hey Summoners,
    Following up to answer some FAQs.

    Why not tell us sooner?
    We've seen the criticisms stating that this should have been mentioned immediately after the last gifting event concluded. Ultimately, until very recently, we weren't sure what this year's holiday event would look like. With the amount of fraudulent activity, we weren't able to analyze the full impact until months into 2022. I know there were internal conversations about ways to provide an adjusted gifting event, but every avenue the game team explored lead to more problems. As was stated in the original post, we wanted to give everyone the opportunity to make decisions about how they'd spend their time; we did this as soon as we had an idea that the gifting event wouldn't happen this year, even with limited information about what the new event looks like. This communication came three months prior to a normal communication cadence for in-game events.

    How are we supposed to get trophy champs, now?
    We haven't seen anything to suggest the replacement crystals would remove opportunity to acquire trophy champs. We will continue to keep an eye on the development of this event and will communicate as we have more information, likely closer to the holiday season.

    What consumables can we gift?
    As the details about the new holiday event are still falling into place and there is still a lot to consider, we don't have a definitive list of what will be available. Expect more information closer to the launch of the new event.

    I, an I’m sure many others, appreciate such a response on these topics.

    Thank you for jumping in an addressing.

    I am hopeful that whatever is replaced is not as awful as the new summoner appreciation method. All I ask is that whatever this method is, please make sure it is clearly explained and defined for the player base that no one gets screwed out of something - otherwise, it’d be the same as getting scammed!

    Thanks jax❤️
  • YouDontNeedToKnowYouDontNeedToKnow Member Posts: 119

    So, will the Grinch be a playable character?

    curveball champ
  • Wakandas_FinestWakandas_Finest Member Posts: 856 ★★★★
    On the bright side, Maybe the end of gifting will have the add on bonus of eliminating arena bots after all there’s no reason for those bots to grind arenas anymore
  • SnakepSnakep Member Posts: 362 ★★★
    Knowing earlier would have been nicer but historically they don’t ever give any information on the event until very close to the event starting. This announcement is months ahead of anything before. If you save your units and decide the new version of the event won’t be for you then you can use the units to chase Thronebreaker, which I would say is a better use of units than gifting crystals would have been but to each their own. As I have multiple alt accounts I wish this would happen next year but at least I didn’t keep grinding them for the rest of them year. I have no idea what to do with all the units on those accounts now but consumables isn’t really an option for my main that has already completed all content.
  • Etm34Etm34 Member Posts: 1,664 ★★★★★

    So basically we have to buy GGCs to give to ourselves?

    Let’s be realistic. Either through alt accounts or trades, that’s what 99% of us were doing anyways
  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,104 ★★★★★
    My opinion on this situation
    Is that I would rather see
    Investment in gifting as an alliance event.
    Kabam could do that so
    Everyone could participate

    Summoners deserve a chance to use
    Units that they farmed on legit alts.
    Crystals were the most fun part of the event.
    Keeping them would show the
    Summoners that Kabam will keep the game fun.
  • CycobillyCycobilly Member Posts: 28

    bdawg923 said:

    Only reason I have an alt account is to send myself GGC. Have 9000 units saved up since last gifting event. All down the drain. Ridiculous

    You were essentially taking advantage of the system and it's Kabam's fault... You knew this wasn't their intention and there was always the chance they'd fix it
    I 1000% disagree. Kabam knew this would happen and welcomed it. It padded their unique users which is great for their valuation and attracting investors.

    Brilliant way to have new accounts when it plateaued a long time ago.
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