Future of Progression: Relics, 7-Stars and Ascension Roadmap - Discussion Thread

MCOC TeamMCOC Team Administrator, Admin [en] Posts: 638
edited September 2022 in General Discussion
Greetings Summoners!

Today, we’re very excited to share our plans for the future of Power Progression in Marvel Contest of Champions!

In this Roadmap, we’re going to introduce you to:
  • Relics: A brand new addition that allows you to add new abilities and attributes to your Champions, finally allowing you to customize your favourite Champion!
  • 7-Stars: A new rarity that pushes the boundaries of Champion strength!
  • Ascension: A new way to empower your existing Champions, giving them, even more, strength and longevity, respecting the roster you’ve worked hard to create!
With Relics coming first, we’ll be focussing primarily on them in this post, but we wanted to give you all some insight into 7-Stars and Ascension as well, and how they all complete the picture of Power Progression in The Contest.

You'll likely have a lot of questions, and we'll do our best to answer, but the information is still in development, so we might not have the answers right now, especially surrounding 7-Stars and Ascension.

Read the Roadmap here!


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  • Fit_Fun9329Fit_Fun9329 Member Posts: 2,294 ★★★★★
    What’s the score for 7* when I use it in arena? Double 6*, so 140k with x3 Multiplikator?

    Jk, don’t know man
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,178 ★★★★★

    With relics being disallowed (for the time being at least) in war, AQ, abyss and story. Will we need to unbind the relic from the champion to use them in those modes? Or will the effects just not happen. Obviously I would hope the second option since there is an eventual cost to unbind or rebind the relic. But either way it would be good to know.

    I'd assume the effects are just locked out similar to how you can't use an sp3 on a 1 or 2* or how they have them locked out in act 1 etc lol
  • horrendous_toohorrendous_too Member Posts: 254 ★★★
    Buttehrs said:

    With relics being disallowed (for the time being at least) in war, AQ, abyss and story. Will we need to unbind the relic from the champion to use them in those modes? Or will the effects just not happen. Obviously I would hope the second option since there is an eventual cost to unbind or rebind the relic. But either way it would be good to know.

    I'd assume the effects are just locked out similar to how you can't use an sp3 on a 1 or 2* or how they have them locked out in act 1 etc lol
    I agree that is how it should be. But I have learned long ago that what I think should be and what the game actually is can sometimes be miles apart.
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