Battlegrounds Season 4 Meta [MERGED THREADS]



  • Wozzle007Wozzle007 Member Posts: 1,001 ★★★★★
    Personally, I don’t currently like the nodes. I’m getting mullered every fight. Having said that I have a month to work out what champs to best use on defence and attack. I have a fairly solid paragon roster but I generally only use the same champs. This will help push me out of comfort zone to use newer champs that I have ranked up but don’t really use.

    Feedback on the 1st day will likely be different to feedback on the last day. When it comes to BG the cream of the crop rises first. Let the better players get promoted and it’ll be easier in a week or 2.
  • Giantwalrus56Giantwalrus56 Member Posts: 919 ★★★★
    Wozzle007 said:

    Personally, I don’t currently like the nodes. I’m getting mullered every fight. Having said that I have a month to work out what champs to best use on defence and attack. I have a fairly solid paragon roster but I generally only use the same champs. This will help push me out of comfort zone to use newer champs that I have ranked up but don’t really use.

    Feedback on the 1st day will likely be different to feedback on the last day. When it comes to BG the cream of the crop rises first. Let the better players get promoted and it’ll be easier in a week or 2.

    This!!! I too have a pretty decent roster & while I'm annoyed & frustrated ATM, I'm looking forward to stepping out of my champion "comfort zone" & ranking up & learning some champions that are just gathering dust in the roster closet. I usually wait a few days, just get 2 days rewards, & start my grind round week 2 & 1/2. This time I went right in & got cooked. Came here to rant then found this, so thank you
  • NikoBravoNikoBravo Member Posts: 448 ★★★
    Guess you need Galan
  • KlippKlipp Member Posts: 202 ★★
    NikoBravo said:

    Guess you need Galan

    My first block
  • KillSwitchKillSwitch Member Posts: 283 ★★★
    This season is already off to a horrible start. Man, I missed not having Battlegrounds….until today 🤣
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,269

    PS. The ones I see as most successful right now are the exact same Champions used in the 1st Meta of Battlegrounds ever with Bulwark and Explosive Personality. Lots of Armor Up champs on defence and lots of Nullifiers and Armor Breakers as attackers. Plus, this time, you can toss in Power Burn immune Champs too.

    If I remember correctly, the Bulwark meta had an armor break immunity node… So it was not about the champs that the players had (armor break champs) but about the skilled playstyle (win without hitting opponent’s block)…

    This time it’s different… It’s less about skill, but rather the roster… I personally don’t like this approach.
    Yes and no. Champs that gained Armor Ups on their Own (being struck or otherwise) were the top Defenders for that Season, so you still had to play around it.
  • PapaMidnite007PapaMidnite007 Member Posts: 1,622 ★★★★
    Electric defense alone was there it would be tolerable but adding it to hit me I dare you it makes the mode almost unplayable apart from specific counters. If hit me I dare you is changed the mode would be a lot better.
  • MarvelSPMAN14MarvelSPMAN14 Member Posts: 174 ★★

    Some defe

    I don't think you suck, but I also don't think this Meta sucks. It's pretty simple, but you'll have to change your decks to deal with it. You can't just brute force it and expect to win. This Meta is not just affecting you but also your opponent. It's also not just there to negatively impact you; you need to lean into it with defenders that benefit from the node to trip up your opponents too.

    Battlegrounds will have Metas that change every season, and they will require you to change your Decks up and invest in a more diverse roster. People with larger and more diverse rosters will have an easier time, as they should in a 1v1 PVP mode.

    There are lots of people sharing counters and ideas around the forums. Take a look at some of those for ideas if you need them.

    PS. The ones I see as most successful right now are the exact same Champions used in the 1st Meta of Battlegrounds ever with Bulwark and Explosive Personality. Lots of Armor Up champs on defence and lots of Nullifiers and Armor Breakers as attackers. Plus, this time, you can toss in Power Burn immune Champs too.

    Not everyone has stacked decks most of the fresh Uncollected/Cav Players are getting destroyed by Vets because their rosters are not nearly as developed to counter such specific nodes that is pretty much a guarantee loss if you don’t have a counter.

    That's rubbish. "Vets" I.e. paragons, get matched against paragons, even in bronze III. In victory track, you uncollected and cav players are still (unfairly in my view) only being matched by prestige.

    You're not matching my r4 & r3 with 3 r2 deck.

    So if you're losing, it's not that they are "vets".
    First I don’t think kabam has ever stated that it’s based off Prestige and second I have matched up with Thronebreaker almost Paragon Players while being still fresh to Cav in 6.2
  • BulmktBulmkt Member Posts: 1,609 ★★★★
    Basically you need power burn immune attackers or attackers who can remove the armour up buff ASAP.
    Just use defenders who start off with an armour up. Unless the opponent has an immediate counter you’ll probably win.

    Whilst I get the buff…it is rather niche and if players just pause to try and win it’s going to make for a boring BG season.
  • tntsltntsl Member Posts: 74
    NearJr said:

    Pungapoo said:

    NearJr said:


    FiiNCH said:

    Manup456 said:

    @FiiNCH you know the player base is large and everyone wants to compete in BG but doing stuff like making seasons champ or class specific is a bad idea when players are busting they butt to get resources to rank champs that can actually be used in most of the other content? Do you think everyone has a huge selection of champs? I’m actually in a different position because I have the champs and materials but how about my alliance mates who don’t and others who don’t, they don’t count and shouldn’t me upset?

    You do realise that the majority of the counters to these nodes are considered good/great champs..


    Your argument is just lazy. People either haven’t prepared, or aren’t choosing the right counters.
    I have been playing the game 5 years and have a fairly deep roster and I have only 5 of the champs you listed ranked up. And those 5 are 5* champs who are nearly worthless in BG. I have only 2 of those champs as 6* and they aren't ranked up because they are unawakened and I have maxed 5* versions already.
    Your argument is also lazy. Many people simply don't have rosters deep enough to be competitive in this BG.
    If Kabam wants BG to be a popular game mode, and according to the last survey they sent they clearly do, then they shouldn't use nodes that much of the player base will hate.
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