Battlegrounds Season 4 Meta [MERGED THREADS]



  • TheNewCommanderTheNewCommander Member Posts: 14
    I think there’s a reason why battlegrounds is open only for uncollected or above players. This is to ensure that the players have a roster good enough to at least fill in a competitive deck, as they proved their ability by defeating the collector.
    Many players such as me knew this season’s meta is hard so that’s why we need to rank up different champs to handle these metas. If battlegrounds isn’t challenging, then why not just set to a ffa mode where no nodes, no restrictions? That will be truly incompetent. Just saying, uncollected players can have a chance to defeat cavs if they perform good fights and their opponents don’t. If there are no nodes, this will become purely a contest of account rating, and there will be no place for skills to use.
    But I do also agree that this season’s meta is quite challenging for a lot of players in VT. It’ll be fun to set it as a GC week node, but there can be better nodes for VT since it’s for the whole month.
    I still enjoy battlegrounds though.
  • Saru2244Saru2244 Member Posts: 183
    I think the discussion here is too one-sided, I think you have to look at it more generally. I'm not happy with the mode either. On the one hand I don't have enough suitable champs, on the other hand I often have the problem when making a selection that the champs that would fit are not available for selection. If you then fight with the wrong champ, you have practically no chance. Even an increased skill only helps to a limited extent. That's a shame, because this game should always be about high skill.

    On the other hand, I'm happy that Kabam is changing the modes. A big rooster, 5*, 6*, soon 7* - champs don't make sense if I can always do the tasks with the same 7-10 champs. How many times have I read in the past: "Best counter? Oh, I'll take Herc and do everything solo." Nice if you have Hercules.

    That's why I think different modes are good, I think it's right to use the rooster and as many champs and types of champs as possible, and the fact that there can always be modes that just don't suit me is part of it. You just have to be able to deal with it and not immediately call the end of the game. Some have already said it aptly: if a season doesn't fit, I just play a different mode - so what?
  • Ansh_AAnsh_A Member Posts: 675 ★★★
    A lot of people are focused on the change mode solution. The solution need not be that extreme. The two main issues are:
    1. Chitin charges cannot be stopped and therefore armor ups are top easy and frequent for defenders.
    2. Armor ups last too long.

    Its the above two that is restricing thre roster and not the power burn (which is note a symptom than root cause).

    Kabam should introduce:
    1. Landing a heavy attack removed all chitin charges
    2. Armor ups are reduced to 10 seconds.

    Battlegrounds are a fast style so the same champs as now will be preferred but at least its not nigh impossible for a bad matchup
  • Chief_primeChief_prime Member Posts: 72 ★★
    Hard pass. First time I have zero fun with battlegrounds. It will be a long month waiting for another meta for me.
  • MackeyMackey Member Posts: 1,597 ★★★★★
    It's pretty clear that we need progression brackets in this mode, I'm an experienced player and these nodes are just frustrating, somewhat niche too. How on earth are UC players getting by with meta. Create brackets for progression, tailor rewards accordingly. That eliminates any matchmaking issues too, no more UC vs Paragon players etc.

    Seems like this should be an obvious decision, so likely one kabam won't implement or even consider
  • KingAzKingAz Member Posts: 56
    If you can’t beat em, join em
  • Mcoc_Play3rMcoc_Play3r Member Posts: 38
    Its a shitshow!
  • JefechutaJefechuta Member Posts: 1,228 ★★★★★
    edited January 2023
    Idk why Kabam insists on not doing something when a vast majority of the players are not only frustrated about the new meta, they are proving that is a bad meta at least for Victory Track.

    Kabam people, its okay to say "We are wrong, we will fix it"

    People a lot of times complain about dumb things, but not this time, just be humble and admit that you didnt realize it was that restrictive, unfunny, awful, idk, call it whatever you want but it just needs to be patched asap.

    And I say this having (sadly) a lot of niche champs that are nice for the meta but damn, not even funny meta to play on Victory Track
  • DaJiveTurkeyDaJiveTurkey Member Posts: 73
    Worst node selection so far. I dont know how whoever thought this up could possibly think it's a good idea. You could see the backlash coming a mile away. There's obviously some idiots working at kabam. This season is going to be a miss for most people. In all the games I've played so far the attacker never wins and the score is below 20k because you just die so quick. Unless you have a lot of power burn immune champs you're screwed. Even consistent armor break and nullify can only do so much.
  • SammyDeSammyDe Member Posts: 1,136 ★★★
    Wow, I didn’t know you can do that. So why not just pause from the start? You will have 100% health! Seemed wrong to do this as it is not within the spirit of the battleground (pauseground?)
  • JefechutaJefechuta Member Posts: 1,228 ★★★★★
    I think the problem is that its more worth to pause the game than play it, not the pause itself
  • Masaraksh1Masaraksh1 Member Posts: 62
    now prestige search... made high prestige for alliance missions and other characters were weak. In the end, everyone gets caught with 4/55 when I have 4 of them ... Now, in order to play BG, it's better not to pump prestige characters.
  • IamGrO_otIamGrO_ot Member Posts: 172 ★★
    If there is a word stronger than hate, I do that…2 R4s 23 R3s…but I have to use 15 5/65s to have decent counters…this season was over before it started.
  • Kasnow1Kasnow1 Member Posts: 83
    I have fun with this battleground meta. Human torche is bad and we have to think to be less bad than the opponent . Kabam can’t only make content for those who are don’t want to understand nodes and know the skills of the characters.
  • BuggyDClownBuggyDClown Member Posts: 2,549 ★★★★★
    This time around i actually like this meta. Creating more proper strategy is key to win now. Tho my deck is average for this meta but i am enjoying far as i have to think out of box now. Imagine trapping your oppenent against Dragon man without nullifier.
    I literally hoped that if i mess up , my opponent will mess up more due to defender placement 😂😂😂😂 not Everytime you can't kill defender in 20 sec. Sometimes you have to take L deliberately In one of the rounds and trap the opponent. If that damage is inevitable for you so with opponent,use it your advantage.
  • ajnaddoajnaddo Member Posts: 5
    To Be Fair,This Meta Is Bad.I Don't Mind Losing All Of My Matches,But To Lose To The Cowards Timing,Pausing Out Method Is Just Not Cool.This Meta Encourages That Type Of Playing Stile and I won't be apart of it.You Can Sugar Coat It As Much As You Want,But To Me Losing That Way is Not Cool.Does Not Matter How Big Your Roster Is,I Have Lost 4 out 5 Against Those Type Of Players,And Like I Said,Do You Think it's Fun And Fair.
  • Owl_0wlOwl_0wl Member Posts: 210
    yup, great node for strategy, brings the focus off just having the quickest killers (cgr, shang chi for example) and actually allows for players ability to shine rather than having a £10,000 roster just be OP.
  • Kasnow1Kasnow1 Member Posts: 83
    Thank you. I thought I was alone.
  • Rohit_316Rohit_316 Member Posts: 3,417 ★★★★★
    Idk if anyone suggested this or not before ...but changing power burn to power drain would still be fine and keep the meta relevant .
  • DVL_HMSLF666DVL_HMSLF666 Member Posts: 4
    No I have to restart the combat in order to win
  • GreenRaptor413GreenRaptor413 Member Posts: 68

    This time around i actually like this meta. Creating more proper strategy is key to win now. Tho my deck is average for this meta but i am enjoying far as i have to think out of box now. Imagine trapping your oppenent against Dragon man without nullifier.
    I literally hoped that if i mess up , my opponent will mess up more due to defender placement 😂😂😂😂 not Everytime you can't kill defender in 20 sec. Sometimes you have to take L deliberately In one of the rounds and trap the opponent. If that damage is inevitable for you so with opponent,use it your advantage.

    I’m having fun with it too, my roster is fairly average with multiple r1 6*s but it’s enjoyable and it’s actually fairly easy to win because players just don’t know how to counter the nodes lmao
  • Nichj99Nichj99 Member Posts: 256 ★★
    Yep I’m enjoying it also
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