ISOs Issue!



  • Yodabolt21Yodabolt21 Member Posts: 2,626 ★★★★★

    Kabam Jax said:

    Hey Summoners,

    We see these types of posts, semi-frequently, for ISO, for Gold, for rankup materials.

    Truth of the matter is, depending on how you manage your resources, you will always be short on something. You simply aren't able to immediately rank up every single champ that you receive.

    Now, does that mean in-game ISO distribution is going to continue to exist exactly as-is? Not at all. The team is constantly evaluating these systems.

    More specifically, the team has been evaluating retunes for the daily ISO quests as well as planning to potentially inject more ISO into the monthly TB Event Quests. Furthermore, the amount of ISO received from duplicating Champs us under a microscope and the game team has informed me that "[we could] see significant changes as we move into 7* release."

    Hope this helps shed some light on the topic!

    I hope the “could see” is more of will see. To r4 a champ right now is takes somewhere between 165-190 class iso (tier 5 only). That is approx. 8 dupes. I would assume a r5 is more like 230 iso brinks, or 10 dupes. That is for simple sake, 20 dual crystals factoring in RNG. That is insane. Especially with how difficult it is for higher progression to get 4* shards unless we grind every single level of SQ, EQ etc…

    The 24 iso bricks for duping a 4* should be the same. 5* should be around 32 realizing that lower level players still get 5* rather easily. Duping a 6* how we should give at least 72 tier 5 iso, or change it to 32 tier 6 iso. The glory store iso should also be doubled as well as the UC gold crystals we get from there.
    That's also another aspect to it. People go from R1 to R3 or R4 in one go. Sometimes managing Resources means taking time to Rank a Champ.
    Well sure, but the fact that it now takes 3x the iso to rank up champs than it did 3 years ago doesn’t change the fact that they need to update the iso for duped champs.
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,350 ★★★★★
    edited January 2023
    After spending 25m gold in two weeks and opening 65 4* and 50 5* and still needing "some" basic iso to do what I needed I understand why people have issues.

    What to take from all this? I'm not even sure myself but blindly ranking and levelling faster than you are earning replacement stuff will cause resource shortages.
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,350 ★★★★★
    It will be great if 5 and 6* iso is scaled up a bit though!
  • MauledMauled Member, Guardian Posts: 3,957 Guardian
    Kabam Jax said:

    Hey Summoners,

    We see these types of posts, semi-frequently, for ISO, for Gold, for rankup materials.

    Truth of the matter is, depending on how you manage your resources, you will always be short on something. You simply aren't able to immediately rank up every single champ that you receive.

    Now, does that mean in-game ISO distribution is going to continue to exist exactly as-is? Not at all. The team is constantly evaluating these systems.

    More specifically, the team has been evaluating retunes for the daily ISO quests as well as planning to potentially inject more ISO into the monthly TB Event Quests. Furthermore, the amount of ISO received from duplicating Champs us under a microscope and the game team has informed me that "[we could] see significant changes as we move into 7* release."

    Hope this helps shed some light on the topic!

    Good to see that increasing the dupes ISO is on the menu. As it stands taking a 6* from R3/1 - R3/45 is something like 6.5 4* dupes using class ISO. So even using dual class crystals you need on average 13 4/5* to fully level up a 6*. I probably get a 4 or 5* every other day so it’s very much on the cusp of not being enough for even casual levelling up at the top end. This doesn’t even take into account needing to take a fresh champion up.

    My biggest problem with the in game economy is that the choke point resources for many players are actually gold and ISO rather than catalysts. I have the resources to R2 3 6, R3 2 more and come season end R4 another. Out of all of those options I’ll probably only manage to do the R4 and 1 of the R2s because ISO is becoming imbalanced so heavily.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★

    Kabam Jax said:

    Hey Summoners,

    We see these types of posts, semi-frequently, for ISO, for Gold, for rankup materials.

    Truth of the matter is, depending on how you manage your resources, you will always be short on something. You simply aren't able to immediately rank up every single champ that you receive.

    Now, does that mean in-game ISO distribution is going to continue to exist exactly as-is? Not at all. The team is constantly evaluating these systems.

    More specifically, the team has been evaluating retunes for the daily ISO quests as well as planning to potentially inject more ISO into the monthly TB Event Quests. Furthermore, the amount of ISO received from duplicating Champs us under a microscope and the game team has informed me that "[we could] see significant changes as we move into 7* release."

    Hope this helps shed some light on the topic!

    I hope the “could see” is more of will see. To r4 a champ right now is takes somewhere between 165-190 class iso (tier 5 only). That is approx. 8 dupes. I would assume a r5 is more like 230 iso brinks, or 10 dupes. That is for simple sake, 20 dual crystals factoring in RNG. That is insane. Especially with how difficult it is for higher progression to get 4* shards unless we grind every single level of SQ, EQ etc…

    The 24 iso bricks for duping a 4* should be the same. 5* should be around 32 realizing that lower level players still get 5* rather easily. Duping a 6* how we should give at least 72 tier 5 iso, or change it to 32 tier 6 iso. The glory store iso should also be doubled as well as the UC gold crystals we get from there.
    That's also another aspect to it. People go from R1 to R3 or R4 in one go. Sometimes managing Resources means taking time to Rank a Champ.
    Well sure, but the fact that it now takes 3x the iso to rank up champs than it did 3 years ago doesn’t change the fact that they need to update the iso for duped champs.
    Perhaps. How we spend it is still a valid point.
  • Yodabolt21Yodabolt21 Member Posts: 2,626 ★★★★★

    Kabam Jax said:

    Hey Summoners,

    We see these types of posts, semi-frequently, for ISO, for Gold, for rankup materials.

    Truth of the matter is, depending on how you manage your resources, you will always be short on something. You simply aren't able to immediately rank up every single champ that you receive.

    Now, does that mean in-game ISO distribution is going to continue to exist exactly as-is? Not at all. The team is constantly evaluating these systems.

    More specifically, the team has been evaluating retunes for the daily ISO quests as well as planning to potentially inject more ISO into the monthly TB Event Quests. Furthermore, the amount of ISO received from duplicating Champs us under a microscope and the game team has informed me that "[we could] see significant changes as we move into 7* release."

    Hope this helps shed some light on the topic!

    I hope the “could see” is more of will see. To r4 a champ right now is takes somewhere between 165-190 class iso (tier 5 only). That is approx. 8 dupes. I would assume a r5 is more like 230 iso brinks, or 10 dupes. That is for simple sake, 20 dual crystals factoring in RNG. That is insane. Especially with how difficult it is for higher progression to get 4* shards unless we grind every single level of SQ, EQ etc…

    The 24 iso bricks for duping a 4* should be the same. 5* should be around 32 realizing that lower level players still get 5* rather easily. Duping a 6* how we should give at least 72 tier 5 iso, or change it to 32 tier 6 iso. The glory store iso should also be doubled as well as the UC gold crystals we get from there.
    That's also another aspect to it. People go from R1 to R3 or R4 in one go. Sometimes managing Resources means taking time to Rank a Champ.
    Well sure, but the fact that it now takes 3x the iso to rank up champs than it did 3 years ago doesn’t change the fact that they need to update the iso for duped champs.
    Perhaps. How we spend it is still a valid point.
    No doubt. But every other resource in the game has become easier get. Cats are much more an available in the glory store and battlegrounds store. Gold got buffed with the solo events and more access to suave gold crystals. Even now, exploring TB EQ nets over 1M gold. The only increase to iso recently has been the 10 bricks added to glory store and the very conservative increase in EQ. Even then, it takes 50
    Of those to take a single 6* to r2.
  • PascalGambitPascalGambit Member Posts: 47
    Kabam Jax said:

    Hey Summoners,

    We see these types of posts, semi-frequently, for ISO, for Gold, for rankup materials.

    Truth of the matter is, depending on how you manage your resources, you will always be short on something. You simply aren't able to immediately rank up every single champ that you receive.

    Now, does that mean in-game ISO distribution is going to continue to exist exactly as-is? Not at all. The team is constantly evaluating these systems.

    More specifically, the team has been evaluating retunes for the daily ISO quests as well as planning to potentially inject more ISO into the monthly TB Event Quests. Furthermore, the amount of ISO received from duplicating Champs us under a microscope and the game team has informed me that "[we could] see significant changes as we move into 7* release."

    Hope this helps shed some light on the topic!

    Why was the ISO per completed path in MEQ reduced so drastically as compared to last month?
  • BowTieJohnBowTieJohn Member Posts: 2,519 ★★★★
    Kabam Jax said:

    Hey Summoners,

    We see these types of posts, semi-frequently, for ISO, for Gold, for rankup materials.

    Truth of the matter is, depending on how you manage your resources, you will always be short on something. You simply aren't able to immediately rank up every single champ that you receive.

    Now, does that mean in-game ISO distribution is going to continue to exist exactly as-is? Not at all. The team is constantly evaluating these systems.

    More specifically, the team has been evaluating retunes for the daily ISO quests as well as planning to potentially inject more ISO into the monthly TB Event Quests. Furthermore, the amount of ISO received from duplicating Champs us under a microscope and the game team has informed me that "[we could] see significant changes as we move into 7* release."

    Hope this helps shed some light on the topic!

    Sounds exciting!
  • dashisneatdashisneat Member Posts: 24
    Kabam Jax said:

    Hey Summoners,

    We see these types of posts, semi-frequently, for ISO, for Gold, for rankup materials.

    Truth of the matter is, depending on how you manage your resources, you will always be short on something. You simply aren't able to immediately rank up every single champ that you receive.

    Now, does that mean in-game ISO distribution is going to continue to exist exactly as-is? Not at all. The team is constantly evaluating these systems.

    More specifically, the team has been evaluating retunes for the daily ISO quests as well as planning to potentially inject more ISO into the monthly TB Event Quests. Furthermore, the amount of ISO received from duplicating Champs us under a microscope and the game team has informed me that "[we could] see significant changes as we move into 7* release."

    Hope this helps shed some light on the topic!

    Personally, I would argue that while it’s true that there will always be some bottleneck, it’s more fun when that bottleneck is catalysts than when they’re gold/ISO, because catalysts feel like actual high value materials in a way that gold/ISO aren’t.
  • JefechutaJefechuta Member Posts: 1,228 ★★★★★

    The higher the Rarity and the higher the Rank, the more it's going to take.

    And the more ISO should give each dupe
    Coppin said:

    Jefechuta said:

    Coppin said:

    Jefechuta said:

    Drenlin said:

    As has been said many times the issue is not lack of gold or ISO its players feeling they have to rank every champ they get. The problem is a lack of resource management on their part. The game forces you to choose what champs to rank but most don’t see it that way. I do agree that 4*, 5*, and 6* champs giving the same is wrong but its always been that way so learn to manage your resources

    When this is a game were you play what you get, you cant argue that its a "lack of resource management".

    If I get 10 6*, which I need to do X content, it doesnt matter which they are, I need them lvled up to do the content.

    Kabam doesnt know what you need ingame, they prove it constantly, they give ridiculous amounts of both gold and ISO out of the content.

    1M gold nowadays its nothing

    ISO offers are like 10 17.500 ISO bricks for i dont remember either 5 or 10 dollars, thats nothing, absolutely nothing.

    30k shards are useless if you give 500k gold, or even 1M gold, and no ISO.

    As I said, I have like 10 6* that I need to bring up to R3 for some content, and Im not a low progression player, i've been playing since 2015 dropping the game sometimes and Im about to get Paragon as soon as I get the last R4 that I need, and I do all the content that give ISO as soon as it is avaible, I do the dailys, I try to get all the 3* and 4* and 5* shards that are avaible, and I still dont have ISO, because I had to rank up X champs to get content done, because I hadnt Y champs that were better, because as I said at first, this is RNG, you rank up what you get, because otherwise you wont be able to do X content that you have to do to progress into the game
    And it must be R3 to clear such content?.. It would be impossible to do with an R2?
    Well, not necessarily, its just an example about the difference between the resources that we are able to get, If resource management was the problem, I would lack on most of the materials, but my only lack is ISO, that means that there is a lack of ISO because the amount that I receive in comparison with the amount of the rest of the materials is significantly lower.
    Feeney234 said:

    Coppin said:

    Feeney234 said:

    Coppin said:

    Jefechuta said:

    Drenlin said:

    As has been said many times the issue is not lack of gold or ISO its players feeling they have to rank every champ they get. The problem is a lack of resource management on their part. The game forces you to choose what champs to rank but most don’t see it that way. I do agree that 4*, 5*, and 6* champs giving the same is wrong but its always been that way so learn to manage your resources

    When this is a game were you play what you get, you cant argue that its a "lack of resource management".

    If I get 10 6*, which I need to do X content, it doesnt matter which they are, I need them lvled up to do the content.

    Kabam doesnt know what you need ingame, they prove it constantly, they give ridiculous amounts of both gold and ISO out of the content.

    1M gold nowadays its nothing

    ISO offers are like 10 17.500 ISO bricks for i dont remember either 5 or 10 dollars, thats nothing, absolutely nothing.

    30k shards are useless if you give 500k gold, or even 1M gold, and no ISO.

    As I said, I have like 10 6* that I need to bring up to R3 for some content, and Im not a low progression player, i've been playing since 2015 dropping the game sometimes and Im about to get Paragon as soon as I get the last R4 that I need, and I do all the content that give ISO as soon as it is avaible, I do the dailys, I try to get all the 3* and 4* and 5* shards that are avaible, and I still dont have ISO, because I had to rank up X champs to get content done, because I hadnt Y champs that were better, because as I said at first, this is RNG, you rank up what you get, because otherwise you wont be able to do X content that you have to do to progress into the game
    And it must be R3 to clear such content?.. It would be impossible to do with an R2?
    This is terrible reasoning. Why would he do it with a r2 when he can do it with a r3? Thats like following the longer route on a GPS when there is a faster route clearly available lol
    If he has problems ranking up to r3 he obviosly cant r3....
    And the reason why he cant r3 is the whole point of this thread.
    1- Just because u got the problem doesnt mean that everyone does... I dont have an ISO problem.. although i am extremely careful on my resource management.. even on event completions and all

    2- I would understand if the point was.. wow i got 1-2 champs .. now to say 10 champions to r3 to be able to do content... That actually means there is an excess of 6* shards available.. cause there is no way u could have 10 champions u wanna r3...Also that shows poor management cause i doubt all 10 champs were pulled at the same time... So he has 10 champs at r2 he wants to r3?!... Imagine if he had focused i dunno on 5...
    Fam, its an RNG game, if I didnt have those 10 champs before, so I had to rank up other champs, I got them in a row because I had a good RNG, the same way I had a bad one before because I didnt have those yet, and I dont have them at R2 either, maybe half of them because I have all the resources except ISO, because THERE IS A LACK OF ISO.

    There is a lack of something when you get less of that resource than the others, so by definition, THERE IS a lack of ISO, there's nothing to discuss there
  • CoppinCoppin Member Posts: 2,601 ★★★★★
    Jefechuta said:

    The higher the Rarity and the higher the Rank, the more it's going to take.

    And the more ISO should give each dupe
    Coppin said:

    Jefechuta said:

    Coppin said:

    Jefechuta said:

    Drenlin said:

    As has been said many times the issue is not lack of gold or ISO its players feeling they have to rank every champ they get. The problem is a lack of resource management on their part. The game forces you to choose what champs to rank but most don’t see it that way. I do agree that 4*, 5*, and 6* champs giving the same is wrong but its always been that way so learn to manage your resources

    When this is a game were you play what you get, you cant argue that its a "lack of resource management".

    If I get 10 6*, which I need to do X content, it doesnt matter which they are, I need them lvled up to do the content.

    Kabam doesnt know what you need ingame, they prove it constantly, they give ridiculous amounts of both gold and ISO out of the content.

    1M gold nowadays its nothing

    ISO offers are like 10 17.500 ISO bricks for i dont remember either 5 or 10 dollars, thats nothing, absolutely nothing.

    30k shards are useless if you give 500k gold, or even 1M gold, and no ISO.

    As I said, I have like 10 6* that I need to bring up to R3 for some content, and Im not a low progression player, i've been playing since 2015 dropping the game sometimes and Im about to get Paragon as soon as I get the last R4 that I need, and I do all the content that give ISO as soon as it is avaible, I do the dailys, I try to get all the 3* and 4* and 5* shards that are avaible, and I still dont have ISO, because I had to rank up X champs to get content done, because I hadnt Y champs that were better, because as I said at first, this is RNG, you rank up what you get, because otherwise you wont be able to do X content that you have to do to progress into the game
    And it must be R3 to clear such content?.. It would be impossible to do with an R2?
    Well, not necessarily, its just an example about the difference between the resources that we are able to get, If resource management was the problem, I would lack on most of the materials, but my only lack is ISO, that means that there is a lack of ISO because the amount that I receive in comparison with the amount of the rest of the materials is significantly lower.
    Feeney234 said:

    Coppin said:

    Feeney234 said:

    Coppin said:

    Jefechuta said:

    Drenlin said:

    As has been said many times the issue is not lack of gold or ISO its players feeling they have to rank every champ they get. The problem is a lack of resource management on their part. The game forces you to choose what champs to rank but most don’t see it that way. I do agree that 4*, 5*, and 6* champs giving the same is wrong but its always been that way so learn to manage your resources

    When this is a game were you play what you get, you cant argue that its a "lack of resource management".

    If I get 10 6*, which I need to do X content, it doesnt matter which they are, I need them lvled up to do the content.

    Kabam doesnt know what you need ingame, they prove it constantly, they give ridiculous amounts of both gold and ISO out of the content.

    1M gold nowadays its nothing

    ISO offers are like 10 17.500 ISO bricks for i dont remember either 5 or 10 dollars, thats nothing, absolutely nothing.

    30k shards are useless if you give 500k gold, or even 1M gold, and no ISO.

    As I said, I have like 10 6* that I need to bring up to R3 for some content, and Im not a low progression player, i've been playing since 2015 dropping the game sometimes and Im about to get Paragon as soon as I get the last R4 that I need, and I do all the content that give ISO as soon as it is avaible, I do the dailys, I try to get all the 3* and 4* and 5* shards that are avaible, and I still dont have ISO, because I had to rank up X champs to get content done, because I hadnt Y champs that were better, because as I said at first, this is RNG, you rank up what you get, because otherwise you wont be able to do X content that you have to do to progress into the game
    And it must be R3 to clear such content?.. It would be impossible to do with an R2?
    This is terrible reasoning. Why would he do it with a r2 when he can do it with a r3? Thats like following the longer route on a GPS when there is a faster route clearly available lol
    If he has problems ranking up to r3 he obviosly cant r3....
    And the reason why he cant r3 is the whole point of this thread.
    1- Just because u got the problem doesnt mean that everyone does... I dont have an ISO problem.. although i am extremely careful on my resource management.. even on event completions and all

    2- I would understand if the point was.. wow i got 1-2 champs .. now to say 10 champions to r3 to be able to do content... That actually means there is an excess of 6* shards available.. cause there is no way u could have 10 champions u wanna r3...Also that shows poor management cause i doubt all 10 champs were pulled at the same time... So he has 10 champs at r2 he wants to r3?!... Imagine if he had focused i dunno on 5...
    Fam, its an RNG game, if I didnt have those 10 champs before, so I had to rank up other champs, I got them in a row because I had a good RNG, the same way I had a bad one before because I didnt have those yet, and I dont have them at R2 either, maybe half of them because I have all the resources except ISO, because THERE IS A LACK OF ISO.

    There is a lack of something when you get less of that resource than the others, so by definition, THERE IS a lack of ISO, there's nothing to discuss there
    Like I said, we could argue that there is an excess of 6* shards
  • Feeney234Feeney234 Member Posts: 1,253 ★★★★
    edited January 2023
    Coppin said:

    Jefechuta said:

    The higher the Rarity and the higher the Rank, the more it's going to take.

    And the more ISO should give each dupe
    Coppin said:

    Jefechuta said:

    Coppin said:

    Jefechuta said:

    Drenlin said:

    As has been said many times the issue is not lack of gold or ISO its players feeling they have to rank every champ they get. The problem is a lack of resource management on their part. The game forces you to choose what champs to rank but most don’t see it that way. I do agree that 4*, 5*, and 6* champs giving the same is wrong but its always been that way so learn to manage your resources

    When this is a game were you play what you get, you cant argue that its a "lack of resource management".

    If I get 10 6*, which I need to do X content, it doesnt matter which they are, I need them lvled up to do the content.

    Kabam doesnt know what you need ingame, they prove it constantly, they give ridiculous amounts of both gold and ISO out of the content.

    1M gold nowadays its nothing

    ISO offers are like 10 17.500 ISO bricks for i dont remember either 5 or 10 dollars, thats nothing, absolutely nothing.

    30k shards are useless if you give 500k gold, or even 1M gold, and no ISO.

    As I said, I have like 10 6* that I need to bring up to R3 for some content, and Im not a low progression player, i've been playing since 2015 dropping the game sometimes and Im about to get Paragon as soon as I get the last R4 that I need, and I do all the content that give ISO as soon as it is avaible, I do the dailys, I try to get all the 3* and 4* and 5* shards that are avaible, and I still dont have ISO, because I had to rank up X champs to get content done, because I hadnt Y champs that were better, because as I said at first, this is RNG, you rank up what you get, because otherwise you wont be able to do X content that you have to do to progress into the game
    And it must be R3 to clear such content?.. It would be impossible to do with an R2?
    Well, not necessarily, its just an example about the difference between the resources that we are able to get, If resource management was the problem, I would lack on most of the materials, but my only lack is ISO, that means that there is a lack of ISO because the amount that I receive in comparison with the amount of the rest of the materials is significantly lower.
    Feeney234 said:

    Coppin said:

    Feeney234 said:

    Coppin said:

    Jefechuta said:

    Drenlin said:

    As has been said many times the issue is not lack of gold or ISO its players feeling they have to rank every champ they get. The problem is a lack of resource management on their part. The game forces you to choose what champs to rank but most don’t see it that way. I do agree that 4*, 5*, and 6* champs giving the same is wrong but its always been that way so learn to manage your resources

    When this is a game were you play what you get, you cant argue that its a "lack of resource management".

    If I get 10 6*, which I need to do X content, it doesnt matter which they are, I need them lvled up to do the content.

    Kabam doesnt know what you need ingame, they prove it constantly, they give ridiculous amounts of both gold and ISO out of the content.

    1M gold nowadays its nothing

    ISO offers are like 10 17.500 ISO bricks for i dont remember either 5 or 10 dollars, thats nothing, absolutely nothing.

    30k shards are useless if you give 500k gold, or even 1M gold, and no ISO.

    As I said, I have like 10 6* that I need to bring up to R3 for some content, and Im not a low progression player, i've been playing since 2015 dropping the game sometimes and Im about to get Paragon as soon as I get the last R4 that I need, and I do all the content that give ISO as soon as it is avaible, I do the dailys, I try to get all the 3* and 4* and 5* shards that are avaible, and I still dont have ISO, because I had to rank up X champs to get content done, because I hadnt Y champs that were better, because as I said at first, this is RNG, you rank up what you get, because otherwise you wont be able to do X content that you have to do to progress into the game
    And it must be R3 to clear such content?.. It would be impossible to do with an R2?
    This is terrible reasoning. Why would he do it with a r2 when he can do it with a r3? Thats like following the longer route on a GPS when there is a faster route clearly available lol
    If he has problems ranking up to r3 he obviosly cant r3....
    And the reason why he cant r3 is the whole point of this thread.
    1- Just because u got the problem doesnt mean that everyone does... I dont have an ISO problem.. although i am extremely careful on my resource management.. even on event completions and all

    2- I would understand if the point was.. wow i got 1-2 champs .. now to say 10 champions to r3 to be able to do content... That actually means there is an excess of 6* shards available.. cause there is no way u could have 10 champions u wanna r3...Also that shows poor management cause i doubt all 10 champs were pulled at the same time... So he has 10 champs at r2 he wants to r3?!... Imagine if he had focused i dunno on 5...
    Fam, its an RNG game, if I didnt have those 10 champs before, so I had to rank up other champs, I got them in a row because I had a good RNG, the same way I had a bad one before because I didnt have those yet, and I dont have them at R2 either, maybe half of them because I have all the resources except ISO, because THERE IS A LACK OF ISO.

    There is a lack of something when you get less of that resource than the others, so by definition, THERE IS a lack of ISO, there's nothing to discuss there
    Like I said, we could argue that there is an excess of 6* shards
    With that logic, there is an excess of everything. Which makes zero sense.

    Which goes back to the original point of this thread; there is a CLEAR AND EVIDENT lack of ISO.
  • CoppinCoppin Member Posts: 2,601 ★★★★★
    Feeney234 said:

    Coppin said:

    Jefechuta said:

    The higher the Rarity and the higher the Rank, the more it's going to take.

    And the more ISO should give each dupe
    Coppin said:

    Jefechuta said:

    Coppin said:

    Jefechuta said:

    Drenlin said:

    As has been said many times the issue is not lack of gold or ISO its players feeling they have to rank every champ they get. The problem is a lack of resource management on their part. The game forces you to choose what champs to rank but most don’t see it that way. I do agree that 4*, 5*, and 6* champs giving the same is wrong but its always been that way so learn to manage your resources

    When this is a game were you play what you get, you cant argue that its a "lack of resource management".

    If I get 10 6*, which I need to do X content, it doesnt matter which they are, I need them lvled up to do the content.

    Kabam doesnt know what you need ingame, they prove it constantly, they give ridiculous amounts of both gold and ISO out of the content.

    1M gold nowadays its nothing

    ISO offers are like 10 17.500 ISO bricks for i dont remember either 5 or 10 dollars, thats nothing, absolutely nothing.

    30k shards are useless if you give 500k gold, or even 1M gold, and no ISO.

    As I said, I have like 10 6* that I need to bring up to R3 for some content, and Im not a low progression player, i've been playing since 2015 dropping the game sometimes and Im about to get Paragon as soon as I get the last R4 that I need, and I do all the content that give ISO as soon as it is avaible, I do the dailys, I try to get all the 3* and 4* and 5* shards that are avaible, and I still dont have ISO, because I had to rank up X champs to get content done, because I hadnt Y champs that were better, because as I said at first, this is RNG, you rank up what you get, because otherwise you wont be able to do X content that you have to do to progress into the game
    And it must be R3 to clear such content?.. It would be impossible to do with an R2?
    Well, not necessarily, its just an example about the difference between the resources that we are able to get, If resource management was the problem, I would lack on most of the materials, but my only lack is ISO, that means that there is a lack of ISO because the amount that I receive in comparison with the amount of the rest of the materials is significantly lower.
    Feeney234 said:

    Coppin said:

    Feeney234 said:

    Coppin said:

    Jefechuta said:

    Drenlin said:

    As has been said many times the issue is not lack of gold or ISO its players feeling they have to rank every champ they get. The problem is a lack of resource management on their part. The game forces you to choose what champs to rank but most don’t see it that way. I do agree that 4*, 5*, and 6* champs giving the same is wrong but its always been that way so learn to manage your resources

    When this is a game were you play what you get, you cant argue that its a "lack of resource management".

    If I get 10 6*, which I need to do X content, it doesnt matter which they are, I need them lvled up to do the content.

    Kabam doesnt know what you need ingame, they prove it constantly, they give ridiculous amounts of both gold and ISO out of the content.

    1M gold nowadays its nothing

    ISO offers are like 10 17.500 ISO bricks for i dont remember either 5 or 10 dollars, thats nothing, absolutely nothing.

    30k shards are useless if you give 500k gold, or even 1M gold, and no ISO.

    As I said, I have like 10 6* that I need to bring up to R3 for some content, and Im not a low progression player, i've been playing since 2015 dropping the game sometimes and Im about to get Paragon as soon as I get the last R4 that I need, and I do all the content that give ISO as soon as it is avaible, I do the dailys, I try to get all the 3* and 4* and 5* shards that are avaible, and I still dont have ISO, because I had to rank up X champs to get content done, because I hadnt Y champs that were better, because as I said at first, this is RNG, you rank up what you get, because otherwise you wont be able to do X content that you have to do to progress into the game
    And it must be R3 to clear such content?.. It would be impossible to do with an R2?
    This is terrible reasoning. Why would he do it with a r2 when he can do it with a r3? Thats like following the longer route on a GPS when there is a faster route clearly available lol
    If he has problems ranking up to r3 he obviosly cant r3....
    And the reason why he cant r3 is the whole point of this thread.
    1- Just because u got the problem doesnt mean that everyone does... I dont have an ISO problem.. although i am extremely careful on my resource management.. even on event completions and all

    2- I would understand if the point was.. wow i got 1-2 champs .. now to say 10 champions to r3 to be able to do content... That actually means there is an excess of 6* shards available.. cause there is no way u could have 10 champions u wanna r3...Also that shows poor management cause i doubt all 10 champs were pulled at the same time... So he has 10 champs at r2 he wants to r3?!... Imagine if he had focused i dunno on 5...
    Fam, its an RNG game, if I didnt have those 10 champs before, so I had to rank up other champs, I got them in a row because I had a good RNG, the same way I had a bad one before because I didnt have those yet, and I dont have them at R2 either, maybe half of them because I have all the resources except ISO, because THERE IS A LACK OF ISO.

    There is a lack of something when you get less of that resource than the others, so by definition, THERE IS a lack of ISO, there's nothing to discuss there
    Like I said, we could argue that there is an excess of 6* shards
    With that logic, there is an excess of everything. Which makes zero sense.

    Which goes back to the original point of this thread; there is a CLEAR AND EVIDENT lack of ISO.
    U just said there is an excess of everything...
    I agree, never had a ISO or Gold problem
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    Jefechuta said:

    The higher the Rarity and the higher the Rank, the more it's going to take.

    And the more ISO should give each dupe
    Coppin said:

    Jefechuta said:

    Coppin said:

    Jefechuta said:

    Drenlin said:

    As has been said many times the issue is not lack of gold or ISO its players feeling they have to rank every champ they get. The problem is a lack of resource management on their part. The game forces you to choose what champs to rank but most don’t see it that way. I do agree that 4*, 5*, and 6* champs giving the same is wrong but its always been that way so learn to manage your resources

    When this is a game were you play what you get, you cant argue that its a "lack of resource management".

    If I get 10 6*, which I need to do X content, it doesnt matter which they are, I need them lvled up to do the content.

    Kabam doesnt know what you need ingame, they prove it constantly, they give ridiculous amounts of both gold and ISO out of the content.

    1M gold nowadays its nothing

    ISO offers are like 10 17.500 ISO bricks for i dont remember either 5 or 10 dollars, thats nothing, absolutely nothing.

    30k shards are useless if you give 500k gold, or even 1M gold, and no ISO.

    As I said, I have like 10 6* that I need to bring up to R3 for some content, and Im not a low progression player, i've been playing since 2015 dropping the game sometimes and Im about to get Paragon as soon as I get the last R4 that I need, and I do all the content that give ISO as soon as it is avaible, I do the dailys, I try to get all the 3* and 4* and 5* shards that are avaible, and I still dont have ISO, because I had to rank up X champs to get content done, because I hadnt Y champs that were better, because as I said at first, this is RNG, you rank up what you get, because otherwise you wont be able to do X content that you have to do to progress into the game
    And it must be R3 to clear such content?.. It would be impossible to do with an R2?
    Well, not necessarily, its just an example about the difference between the resources that we are able to get, If resource management was the problem, I would lack on most of the materials, but my only lack is ISO, that means that there is a lack of ISO because the amount that I receive in comparison with the amount of the rest of the materials is significantly lower.
    Feeney234 said:

    Coppin said:

    Feeney234 said:

    Coppin said:

    Jefechuta said:

    Drenlin said:

    As has been said many times the issue is not lack of gold or ISO its players feeling they have to rank every champ they get. The problem is a lack of resource management on their part. The game forces you to choose what champs to rank but most don’t see it that way. I do agree that 4*, 5*, and 6* champs giving the same is wrong but its always been that way so learn to manage your resources

    When this is a game were you play what you get, you cant argue that its a "lack of resource management".

    If I get 10 6*, which I need to do X content, it doesnt matter which they are, I need them lvled up to do the content.

    Kabam doesnt know what you need ingame, they prove it constantly, they give ridiculous amounts of both gold and ISO out of the content.

    1M gold nowadays its nothing

    ISO offers are like 10 17.500 ISO bricks for i dont remember either 5 or 10 dollars, thats nothing, absolutely nothing.

    30k shards are useless if you give 500k gold, or even 1M gold, and no ISO.

    As I said, I have like 10 6* that I need to bring up to R3 for some content, and Im not a low progression player, i've been playing since 2015 dropping the game sometimes and Im about to get Paragon as soon as I get the last R4 that I need, and I do all the content that give ISO as soon as it is avaible, I do the dailys, I try to get all the 3* and 4* and 5* shards that are avaible, and I still dont have ISO, because I had to rank up X champs to get content done, because I hadnt Y champs that were better, because as I said at first, this is RNG, you rank up what you get, because otherwise you wont be able to do X content that you have to do to progress into the game
    And it must be R3 to clear such content?.. It would be impossible to do with an R2?
    This is terrible reasoning. Why would he do it with a r2 when he can do it with a r3? Thats like following the longer route on a GPS when there is a faster route clearly available lol
    If he has problems ranking up to r3 he obviosly cant r3....
    And the reason why he cant r3 is the whole point of this thread.
    1- Just because u got the problem doesnt mean that everyone does... I dont have an ISO problem.. although i am extremely careful on my resource management.. even on event completions and all

    2- I would understand if the point was.. wow i got 1-2 champs .. now to say 10 champions to r3 to be able to do content... That actually means there is an excess of 6* shards available.. cause there is no way u could have 10 champions u wanna r3...Also that shows poor management cause i doubt all 10 champs were pulled at the same time... So he has 10 champs at r2 he wants to r3?!... Imagine if he had focused i dunno on 5...
    Fam, its an RNG game, if I didnt have those 10 champs before, so I had to rank up other champs, I got them in a row because I had a good RNG, the same way I had a bad one before because I didnt have those yet, and I dont have them at R2 either, maybe half of them because I have all the resources except ISO, because THERE IS A LACK OF ISO.

    There is a lack of something when you get less of that resource than the others, so by definition, THERE IS a lack of ISO, there's nothing to discuss there
    Perhaps. Even if they added more for 6* Dups, it wouldn't be enough to keep people from running out. It might solve some of the shortages, but we'd be back here in short time with another Resource crisis. I've seen it for just about every Resource over the years.
  • Loki_Poki1280Loki_Poki1280 Member Posts: 514 ★★★
    I think they should look into changing the amount 6 star dupes give into 24 Tier-6 ISO. Maybe Up the amount from duping 5 stars by 50%. So maybe this.

    Dupe 4*= x24 Tier 5 ISO (120,000 Points) About 5 Levels (for a 6 Star Rank 1)
    Dupe 5*= x36 Tier 5 ISO (180,000 Points) About 7 Levels (for a 6 Star Rank 1)
    Dupe 6*= x24 Tier 6 ISO (240,000 Points) About 10 Levels (for a 6 Star Rank 1)
    Dupe 7*= x36 Tier 6 ISO (360,000 Points) About 14 Levels (for a 6 Star Rank 1)

    And maybe for the Daily ISO-Quest (Expert), replace tier 5 Iso with Tier 6 Iso. Maybe, increase amount of ISO by just 50%. It is a daily quest and it can also be auto completed for multiple times for class iso selector (as of now).

    And maybe increase the cap of ISO selectors in Glory store to 20-30.

  • Loki_Poki1280Loki_Poki1280 Member Posts: 514 ★★★
    For gold maybe up the amount of gold and Battle Chips gained from Arena Milestones. IDK how to increase energy though.

    I did some looking into this type of stuff. With what We have right now, I think I'm seeing about 2-3 Rank Up's a month. (5 stars all 5 ranks and 6 stars from rank 1 to 3). Of course that would be less with higher ranked 6 stars. Our energy refills 3x a day. So maybe logging in 3 different parts throughout the day to complete quests and alliance stuff in smaller portions rather than in one big sitting. We can do maybe 2-3 Thronebreaker event quests runs a day. So by the end of the month we should be able to 100% explore it without resorting to Energy refills. Every Level-up, Level Up champions. It isn't looking too too bad. But it is bad the higher players progress. Also with battlegrounds needing more diverse rosters, more rank up are required so there's that as well.
  • Feeney234Feeney234 Member Posts: 1,253 ★★★★

    Jefechuta said:

    The higher the Rarity and the higher the Rank, the more it's going to take.

    And the more ISO should give each dupe
    Coppin said:

    Jefechuta said:

    Coppin said:

    Jefechuta said:

    Drenlin said:

    As has been said many times the issue is not lack of gold or ISO its players feeling they have to rank every champ they get. The problem is a lack of resource management on their part. The game forces you to choose what champs to rank but most don’t see it that way. I do agree that 4*, 5*, and 6* champs giving the same is wrong but its always been that way so learn to manage your resources

    When this is a game were you play what you get, you cant argue that its a "lack of resource management".

    If I get 10 6*, which I need to do X content, it doesnt matter which they are, I need them lvled up to do the content.

    Kabam doesnt know what you need ingame, they prove it constantly, they give ridiculous amounts of both gold and ISO out of the content.

    1M gold nowadays its nothing

    ISO offers are like 10 17.500 ISO bricks for i dont remember either 5 or 10 dollars, thats nothing, absolutely nothing.

    30k shards are useless if you give 500k gold, or even 1M gold, and no ISO.

    As I said, I have like 10 6* that I need to bring up to R3 for some content, and Im not a low progression player, i've been playing since 2015 dropping the game sometimes and Im about to get Paragon as soon as I get the last R4 that I need, and I do all the content that give ISO as soon as it is avaible, I do the dailys, I try to get all the 3* and 4* and 5* shards that are avaible, and I still dont have ISO, because I had to rank up X champs to get content done, because I hadnt Y champs that were better, because as I said at first, this is RNG, you rank up what you get, because otherwise you wont be able to do X content that you have to do to progress into the game
    And it must be R3 to clear such content?.. It would be impossible to do with an R2?
    Well, not necessarily, its just an example about the difference between the resources that we are able to get, If resource management was the problem, I would lack on most of the materials, but my only lack is ISO, that means that there is a lack of ISO because the amount that I receive in comparison with the amount of the rest of the materials is significantly lower.
    Feeney234 said:

    Coppin said:

    Feeney234 said:

    Coppin said:

    Jefechuta said:

    Drenlin said:

    As has been said many times the issue is not lack of gold or ISO its players feeling they have to rank every champ they get. The problem is a lack of resource management on their part. The game forces you to choose what champs to rank but most don’t see it that way. I do agree that 4*, 5*, and 6* champs giving the same is wrong but its always been that way so learn to manage your resources

    When this is a game were you play what you get, you cant argue that its a "lack of resource management".

    If I get 10 6*, which I need to do X content, it doesnt matter which they are, I need them lvled up to do the content.

    Kabam doesnt know what you need ingame, they prove it constantly, they give ridiculous amounts of both gold and ISO out of the content.

    1M gold nowadays its nothing

    ISO offers are like 10 17.500 ISO bricks for i dont remember either 5 or 10 dollars, thats nothing, absolutely nothing.

    30k shards are useless if you give 500k gold, or even 1M gold, and no ISO.

    As I said, I have like 10 6* that I need to bring up to R3 for some content, and Im not a low progression player, i've been playing since 2015 dropping the game sometimes and Im about to get Paragon as soon as I get the last R4 that I need, and I do all the content that give ISO as soon as it is avaible, I do the dailys, I try to get all the 3* and 4* and 5* shards that are avaible, and I still dont have ISO, because I had to rank up X champs to get content done, because I hadnt Y champs that were better, because as I said at first, this is RNG, you rank up what you get, because otherwise you wont be able to do X content that you have to do to progress into the game
    And it must be R3 to clear such content?.. It would be impossible to do with an R2?
    This is terrible reasoning. Why would he do it with a r2 when he can do it with a r3? Thats like following the longer route on a GPS when there is a faster route clearly available lol
    If he has problems ranking up to r3 he obviosly cant r3....
    And the reason why he cant r3 is the whole point of this thread.
    1- Just because u got the problem doesnt mean that everyone does... I dont have an ISO problem.. although i am extremely careful on my resource management.. even on event completions and all

    2- I would understand if the point was.. wow i got 1-2 champs .. now to say 10 champions to r3 to be able to do content... That actually means there is an excess of 6* shards available.. cause there is no way u could have 10 champions u wanna r3...Also that shows poor management cause i doubt all 10 champs were pulled at the same time... So he has 10 champs at r2 he wants to r3?!... Imagine if he had focused i dunno on 5...
    Fam, its an RNG game, if I didnt have those 10 champs before, so I had to rank up other champs, I got them in a row because I had a good RNG, the same way I had a bad one before because I didnt have those yet, and I dont have them at R2 either, maybe half of them because I have all the resources except ISO, because THERE IS A LACK OF ISO.

    There is a lack of something when you get less of that resource than the others, so by definition, THERE IS a lack of ISO, there's nothing to discuss there
    Perhaps. Even if they added more for 6* Dups, it wouldn't be enough to keep people from running out. It might solve some of the shortages, but we'd be back here in short time with another Resource crisis. I've seen it for just about every Resource over the years.
    You are incorrect my guy. Fixing the ISO shortage will eliminate most peoples issues with resources. There wont be another shortage of anything because most resources are very readily available now days (obviously excluding r4 materials).

  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    Feeney234 said:

    Jefechuta said:

    The higher the Rarity and the higher the Rank, the more it's going to take.

    And the more ISO should give each dupe
    Coppin said:

    Jefechuta said:

    Coppin said:

    Jefechuta said:

    Drenlin said:

    As has been said many times the issue is not lack of gold or ISO its players feeling they have to rank every champ they get. The problem is a lack of resource management on their part. The game forces you to choose what champs to rank but most don’t see it that way. I do agree that 4*, 5*, and 6* champs giving the same is wrong but its always been that way so learn to manage your resources

    When this is a game were you play what you get, you cant argue that its a "lack of resource management".

    If I get 10 6*, which I need to do X content, it doesnt matter which they are, I need them lvled up to do the content.

    Kabam doesnt know what you need ingame, they prove it constantly, they give ridiculous amounts of both gold and ISO out of the content.

    1M gold nowadays its nothing

    ISO offers are like 10 17.500 ISO bricks for i dont remember either 5 or 10 dollars, thats nothing, absolutely nothing.

    30k shards are useless if you give 500k gold, or even 1M gold, and no ISO.

    As I said, I have like 10 6* that I need to bring up to R3 for some content, and Im not a low progression player, i've been playing since 2015 dropping the game sometimes and Im about to get Paragon as soon as I get the last R4 that I need, and I do all the content that give ISO as soon as it is avaible, I do the dailys, I try to get all the 3* and 4* and 5* shards that are avaible, and I still dont have ISO, because I had to rank up X champs to get content done, because I hadnt Y champs that were better, because as I said at first, this is RNG, you rank up what you get, because otherwise you wont be able to do X content that you have to do to progress into the game
    And it must be R3 to clear such content?.. It would be impossible to do with an R2?
    Well, not necessarily, its just an example about the difference between the resources that we are able to get, If resource management was the problem, I would lack on most of the materials, but my only lack is ISO, that means that there is a lack of ISO because the amount that I receive in comparison with the amount of the rest of the materials is significantly lower.
    Feeney234 said:

    Coppin said:

    Feeney234 said:

    Coppin said:

    Jefechuta said:

    Drenlin said:

    As has been said many times the issue is not lack of gold or ISO its players feeling they have to rank every champ they get. The problem is a lack of resource management on their part. The game forces you to choose what champs to rank but most don’t see it that way. I do agree that 4*, 5*, and 6* champs giving the same is wrong but its always been that way so learn to manage your resources

    When this is a game were you play what you get, you cant argue that its a "lack of resource management".

    If I get 10 6*, which I need to do X content, it doesnt matter which they are, I need them lvled up to do the content.

    Kabam doesnt know what you need ingame, they prove it constantly, they give ridiculous amounts of both gold and ISO out of the content.

    1M gold nowadays its nothing

    ISO offers are like 10 17.500 ISO bricks for i dont remember either 5 or 10 dollars, thats nothing, absolutely nothing.

    30k shards are useless if you give 500k gold, or even 1M gold, and no ISO.

    As I said, I have like 10 6* that I need to bring up to R3 for some content, and Im not a low progression player, i've been playing since 2015 dropping the game sometimes and Im about to get Paragon as soon as I get the last R4 that I need, and I do all the content that give ISO as soon as it is avaible, I do the dailys, I try to get all the 3* and 4* and 5* shards that are avaible, and I still dont have ISO, because I had to rank up X champs to get content done, because I hadnt Y champs that were better, because as I said at first, this is RNG, you rank up what you get, because otherwise you wont be able to do X content that you have to do to progress into the game
    And it must be R3 to clear such content?.. It would be impossible to do with an R2?
    This is terrible reasoning. Why would he do it with a r2 when he can do it with a r3? Thats like following the longer route on a GPS when there is a faster route clearly available lol
    If he has problems ranking up to r3 he obviosly cant r3....
    And the reason why he cant r3 is the whole point of this thread.
    1- Just because u got the problem doesnt mean that everyone does... I dont have an ISO problem.. although i am extremely careful on my resource management.. even on event completions and all

    2- I would understand if the point was.. wow i got 1-2 champs .. now to say 10 champions to r3 to be able to do content... That actually means there is an excess of 6* shards available.. cause there is no way u could have 10 champions u wanna r3...Also that shows poor management cause i doubt all 10 champs were pulled at the same time... So he has 10 champs at r2 he wants to r3?!... Imagine if he had focused i dunno on 5...
    Fam, its an RNG game, if I didnt have those 10 champs before, so I had to rank up other champs, I got them in a row because I had a good RNG, the same way I had a bad one before because I didnt have those yet, and I dont have them at R2 either, maybe half of them because I have all the resources except ISO, because THERE IS A LACK OF ISO.

    There is a lack of something when you get less of that resource than the others, so by definition, THERE IS a lack of ISO, there's nothing to discuss there
    Perhaps. Even if they added more for 6* Dups, it wouldn't be enough to keep people from running out. It might solve some of the shortages, but we'd be back here in short time with another Resource crisis. I've seen it for just about every Resource over the years.
    You are incorrect my guy. Fixing the ISO shortage will eliminate most peoples issues with resources. There wont be another shortage of anything because most resources are very readily available now days (obviously excluding r4 materials).

    Oh, sweet summer child.
  • CoppinCoppin Member Posts: 2,601 ★★★★★
    Feeney234 said:

    Jefechuta said:

    The higher the Rarity and the higher the Rank, the more it's going to take.

    And the more ISO should give each dupe
    Coppin said:

    Jefechuta said:

    Coppin said:

    Jefechuta said:

    Drenlin said:

    As has been said many times the issue is not lack of gold or ISO its players feeling they have to rank every champ they get. The problem is a lack of resource management on their part. The game forces you to choose what champs to rank but most don’t see it that way. I do agree that 4*, 5*, and 6* champs giving the same is wrong but its always been that way so learn to manage your resources

    When this is a game were you play what you get, you cant argue that its a "lack of resource management".

    If I get 10 6*, which I need to do X content, it doesnt matter which they are, I need them lvled up to do the content.

    Kabam doesnt know what you need ingame, they prove it constantly, they give ridiculous amounts of both gold and ISO out of the content.

    1M gold nowadays its nothing

    ISO offers are like 10 17.500 ISO bricks for i dont remember either 5 or 10 dollars, thats nothing, absolutely nothing.

    30k shards are useless if you give 500k gold, or even 1M gold, and no ISO.

    As I said, I have like 10 6* that I need to bring up to R3 for some content, and Im not a low progression player, i've been playing since 2015 dropping the game sometimes and Im about to get Paragon as soon as I get the last R4 that I need, and I do all the content that give ISO as soon as it is avaible, I do the dailys, I try to get all the 3* and 4* and 5* shards that are avaible, and I still dont have ISO, because I had to rank up X champs to get content done, because I hadnt Y champs that were better, because as I said at first, this is RNG, you rank up what you get, because otherwise you wont be able to do X content that you have to do to progress into the game
    And it must be R3 to clear such content?.. It would be impossible to do with an R2?
    Well, not necessarily, its just an example about the difference between the resources that we are able to get, If resource management was the problem, I would lack on most of the materials, but my only lack is ISO, that means that there is a lack of ISO because the amount that I receive in comparison with the amount of the rest of the materials is significantly lower.
    Feeney234 said:

    Coppin said:

    Feeney234 said:

    Coppin said:

    Jefechuta said:

    Drenlin said:

    As has been said many times the issue is not lack of gold or ISO its players feeling they have to rank every champ they get. The problem is a lack of resource management on their part. The game forces you to choose what champs to rank but most don’t see it that way. I do agree that 4*, 5*, and 6* champs giving the same is wrong but its always been that way so learn to manage your resources

    When this is a game were you play what you get, you cant argue that its a "lack of resource management".

    If I get 10 6*, which I need to do X content, it doesnt matter which they are, I need them lvled up to do the content.

    Kabam doesnt know what you need ingame, they prove it constantly, they give ridiculous amounts of both gold and ISO out of the content.

    1M gold nowadays its nothing

    ISO offers are like 10 17.500 ISO bricks for i dont remember either 5 or 10 dollars, thats nothing, absolutely nothing.

    30k shards are useless if you give 500k gold, or even 1M gold, and no ISO.

    As I said, I have like 10 6* that I need to bring up to R3 for some content, and Im not a low progression player, i've been playing since 2015 dropping the game sometimes and Im about to get Paragon as soon as I get the last R4 that I need, and I do all the content that give ISO as soon as it is avaible, I do the dailys, I try to get all the 3* and 4* and 5* shards that are avaible, and I still dont have ISO, because I had to rank up X champs to get content done, because I hadnt Y champs that were better, because as I said at first, this is RNG, you rank up what you get, because otherwise you wont be able to do X content that you have to do to progress into the game
    And it must be R3 to clear such content?.. It would be impossible to do with an R2?
    This is terrible reasoning. Why would he do it with a r2 when he can do it with a r3? Thats like following the longer route on a GPS when there is a faster route clearly available lol
    If he has problems ranking up to r3 he obviosly cant r3....
    And the reason why he cant r3 is the whole point of this thread.
    1- Just because u got the problem doesnt mean that everyone does... I dont have an ISO problem.. although i am extremely careful on my resource management.. even on event completions and all

    2- I would understand if the point was.. wow i got 1-2 champs .. now to say 10 champions to r3 to be able to do content... That actually means there is an excess of 6* shards available.. cause there is no way u could have 10 champions u wanna r3...Also that shows poor management cause i doubt all 10 champs were pulled at the same time... So he has 10 champs at r2 he wants to r3?!... Imagine if he had focused i dunno on 5...
    Fam, its an RNG game, if I didnt have those 10 champs before, so I had to rank up other champs, I got them in a row because I had a good RNG, the same way I had a bad one before because I didnt have those yet, and I dont have them at R2 either, maybe half of them because I have all the resources except ISO, because THERE IS A LACK OF ISO.

    There is a lack of something when you get less of that resource than the others, so by definition, THERE IS a lack of ISO, there's nothing to discuss there
    Perhaps. Even if they added more for 6* Dups, it wouldn't be enough to keep people from running out. It might solve some of the shortages, but we'd be back here in short time with another Resource crisis. I've seen it for just about every Resource over the years.
    You are incorrect my guy. Fixing the ISO shortage will eliminate most peoples issues with resources. There wont be another shortage of anything because most resources are very readily available now days (obviously excluding r4 materials).

    Rofl.. lets keep the example of the guy with 10 r3 rank ups...
    Chances are:
    More iso less Catalyst, less gold

    U need to find a balance not rank up everything it falls on your lap...
    There is no "need" to rank up.. there is a wish or want..
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,811 ★★★★★
    Feeney234 said:

    Jefechuta said:

    The higher the Rarity and the higher the Rank, the more it's going to take.

    And the more ISO should give each dupe
    Coppin said:

    Jefechuta said:

    Coppin said:

    Jefechuta said:

    Drenlin said:

    As has been said many times the issue is not lack of gold or ISO its players feeling they have to rank every champ they get. The problem is a lack of resource management on their part. The game forces you to choose what champs to rank but most don’t see it that way. I do agree that 4*, 5*, and 6* champs giving the same is wrong but its always been that way so learn to manage your resources

    When this is a game were you play what you get, you cant argue that its a "lack of resource management".

    If I get 10 6*, which I need to do X content, it doesnt matter which they are, I need them lvled up to do the content.

    Kabam doesnt know what you need ingame, they prove it constantly, they give ridiculous amounts of both gold and ISO out of the content.

    1M gold nowadays its nothing

    ISO offers are like 10 17.500 ISO bricks for i dont remember either 5 or 10 dollars, thats nothing, absolutely nothing.

    30k shards are useless if you give 500k gold, or even 1M gold, and no ISO.

    As I said, I have like 10 6* that I need to bring up to R3 for some content, and Im not a low progression player, i've been playing since 2015 dropping the game sometimes and Im about to get Paragon as soon as I get the last R4 that I need, and I do all the content that give ISO as soon as it is avaible, I do the dailys, I try to get all the 3* and 4* and 5* shards that are avaible, and I still dont have ISO, because I had to rank up X champs to get content done, because I hadnt Y champs that were better, because as I said at first, this is RNG, you rank up what you get, because otherwise you wont be able to do X content that you have to do to progress into the game
    And it must be R3 to clear such content?.. It would be impossible to do with an R2?
    Well, not necessarily, its just an example about the difference between the resources that we are able to get, If resource management was the problem, I would lack on most of the materials, but my only lack is ISO, that means that there is a lack of ISO because the amount that I receive in comparison with the amount of the rest of the materials is significantly lower.
    Feeney234 said:

    Coppin said:

    Feeney234 said:

    Coppin said:

    Jefechuta said:

    Drenlin said:

    As has been said many times the issue is not lack of gold or ISO its players feeling they have to rank every champ they get. The problem is a lack of resource management on their part. The game forces you to choose what champs to rank but most don’t see it that way. I do agree that 4*, 5*, and 6* champs giving the same is wrong but its always been that way so learn to manage your resources

    When this is a game were you play what you get, you cant argue that its a "lack of resource management".

    If I get 10 6*, which I need to do X content, it doesnt matter which they are, I need them lvled up to do the content.

    Kabam doesnt know what you need ingame, they prove it constantly, they give ridiculous amounts of both gold and ISO out of the content.

    1M gold nowadays its nothing

    ISO offers are like 10 17.500 ISO bricks for i dont remember either 5 or 10 dollars, thats nothing, absolutely nothing.

    30k shards are useless if you give 500k gold, or even 1M gold, and no ISO.

    As I said, I have like 10 6* that I need to bring up to R3 for some content, and Im not a low progression player, i've been playing since 2015 dropping the game sometimes and Im about to get Paragon as soon as I get the last R4 that I need, and I do all the content that give ISO as soon as it is avaible, I do the dailys, I try to get all the 3* and 4* and 5* shards that are avaible, and I still dont have ISO, because I had to rank up X champs to get content done, because I hadnt Y champs that were better, because as I said at first, this is RNG, you rank up what you get, because otherwise you wont be able to do X content that you have to do to progress into the game
    And it must be R3 to clear such content?.. It would be impossible to do with an R2?
    This is terrible reasoning. Why would he do it with a r2 when he can do it with a r3? Thats like following the longer route on a GPS when there is a faster route clearly available lol
    If he has problems ranking up to r3 he obviosly cant r3....
    And the reason why he cant r3 is the whole point of this thread.
    1- Just because u got the problem doesnt mean that everyone does... I dont have an ISO problem.. although i am extremely careful on my resource management.. even on event completions and all

    2- I would understand if the point was.. wow i got 1-2 champs .. now to say 10 champions to r3 to be able to do content... That actually means there is an excess of 6* shards available.. cause there is no way u could have 10 champions u wanna r3...Also that shows poor management cause i doubt all 10 champs were pulled at the same time... So he has 10 champs at r2 he wants to r3?!... Imagine if he had focused i dunno on 5...
    Fam, its an RNG game, if I didnt have those 10 champs before, so I had to rank up other champs, I got them in a row because I had a good RNG, the same way I had a bad one before because I didnt have those yet, and I dont have them at R2 either, maybe half of them because I have all the resources except ISO, because THERE IS A LACK OF ISO.

    There is a lack of something when you get less of that resource than the others, so by definition, THERE IS a lack of ISO, there's nothing to discuss there
    Perhaps. Even if they added more for 6* Dups, it wouldn't be enough to keep people from running out. It might solve some of the shortages, but we'd be back here in short time with another Resource crisis. I've seen it for just about every Resource over the years.
    You are incorrect my guy. Fixing the ISO shortage will eliminate most peoples issues with resources. There wont be another shortage of anything because most resources are very readily available now days (obviously excluding r4 materials).

    I keep seeing the word "shortage", I don't think you know the meaning of the word.
  • Mario33Mario33 Member Posts: 477 ★★★

    JoyboyX69 said:

    When are Summoners going to raise voice of these criminally low amount of ISOs we get while duping champs?
    Same amount of ISOs on 4* And 6* Dupe?
    At this point majority of Summoners are facing ISOs problem and Kabam gives them *OUTDATED* Halls Of Glory!
    ISOs situation must change!

    The majority? What's your source?
    I've never seen you say anything for the benefit of summoners before. People are ranking up their 6 stars to 4-5 and you still believe same iso amount from duping 4 and 6 is normal?
  • JefechutaJefechuta Member Posts: 1,228 ★★★★★
    Coppin said:

    Feeney234 said:

    Jefechuta said:

    The higher the Rarity and the higher the Rank, the more it's going to take.

    And the more ISO should give each dupe
    Coppin said:

    Jefechuta said:

    Coppin said:

    Jefechuta said:

    Drenlin said:

    As has been said many times the issue is not lack of gold or ISO its players feeling they have to rank every champ they get. The problem is a lack of resource management on their part. The game forces you to choose what champs to rank but most don’t see it that way. I do agree that 4*, 5*, and 6* champs giving the same is wrong but its always been that way so learn to manage your resources

    When this is a game were you play what you get, you cant argue that its a "lack of resource management".

    If I get 10 6*, which I need to do X content, it doesnt matter which they are, I need them lvled up to do the content.

    Kabam doesnt know what you need ingame, they prove it constantly, they give ridiculous amounts of both gold and ISO out of the content.

    1M gold nowadays its nothing

    ISO offers are like 10 17.500 ISO bricks for i dont remember either 5 or 10 dollars, thats nothing, absolutely nothing.

    30k shards are useless if you give 500k gold, or even 1M gold, and no ISO.

    As I said, I have like 10 6* that I need to bring up to R3 for some content, and Im not a low progression player, i've been playing since 2015 dropping the game sometimes and Im about to get Paragon as soon as I get the last R4 that I need, and I do all the content that give ISO as soon as it is avaible, I do the dailys, I try to get all the 3* and 4* and 5* shards that are avaible, and I still dont have ISO, because I had to rank up X champs to get content done, because I hadnt Y champs that were better, because as I said at first, this is RNG, you rank up what you get, because otherwise you wont be able to do X content that you have to do to progress into the game
    And it must be R3 to clear such content?.. It would be impossible to do with an R2?
    Well, not necessarily, its just an example about the difference between the resources that we are able to get, If resource management was the problem, I would lack on most of the materials, but my only lack is ISO, that means that there is a lack of ISO because the amount that I receive in comparison with the amount of the rest of the materials is significantly lower.
    Feeney234 said:

    Coppin said:

    Feeney234 said:

    Coppin said:

    Jefechuta said:

    Drenlin said:

    As has been said many times the issue is not lack of gold or ISO its players feeling they have to rank every champ they get. The problem is a lack of resource management on their part. The game forces you to choose what champs to rank but most don’t see it that way. I do agree that 4*, 5*, and 6* champs giving the same is wrong but its always been that way so learn to manage your resources

    When this is a game were you play what you get, you cant argue that its a "lack of resource management".

    If I get 10 6*, which I need to do X content, it doesnt matter which they are, I need them lvled up to do the content.

    Kabam doesnt know what you need ingame, they prove it constantly, they give ridiculous amounts of both gold and ISO out of the content.

    1M gold nowadays its nothing

    ISO offers are like 10 17.500 ISO bricks for i dont remember either 5 or 10 dollars, thats nothing, absolutely nothing.

    30k shards are useless if you give 500k gold, or even 1M gold, and no ISO.

    As I said, I have like 10 6* that I need to bring up to R3 for some content, and Im not a low progression player, i've been playing since 2015 dropping the game sometimes and Im about to get Paragon as soon as I get the last R4 that I need, and I do all the content that give ISO as soon as it is avaible, I do the dailys, I try to get all the 3* and 4* and 5* shards that are avaible, and I still dont have ISO, because I had to rank up X champs to get content done, because I hadnt Y champs that were better, because as I said at first, this is RNG, you rank up what you get, because otherwise you wont be able to do X content that you have to do to progress into the game
    And it must be R3 to clear such content?.. It would be impossible to do with an R2?
    This is terrible reasoning. Why would he do it with a r2 when he can do it with a r3? Thats like following the longer route on a GPS when there is a faster route clearly available lol
    If he has problems ranking up to r3 he obviosly cant r3....
    And the reason why he cant r3 is the whole point of this thread.
    1- Just because u got the problem doesnt mean that everyone does... I dont have an ISO problem.. although i am extremely careful on my resource management.. even on event completions and all

    2- I would understand if the point was.. wow i got 1-2 champs .. now to say 10 champions to r3 to be able to do content... That actually means there is an excess of 6* shards available.. cause there is no way u could have 10 champions u wanna r3...Also that shows poor management cause i doubt all 10 champs were pulled at the same time... So he has 10 champs at r2 he wants to r3?!... Imagine if he had focused i dunno on 5...
    Fam, its an RNG game, if I didnt have those 10 champs before, so I had to rank up other champs, I got them in a row because I had a good RNG, the same way I had a bad one before because I didnt have those yet, and I dont have them at R2 either, maybe half of them because I have all the resources except ISO, because THERE IS A LACK OF ISO.

    There is a lack of something when you get less of that resource than the others, so by definition, THERE IS a lack of ISO, there's nothing to discuss there
    Perhaps. Even if they added more for 6* Dups, it wouldn't be enough to keep people from running out. It might solve some of the shortages, but we'd be back here in short time with another Resource crisis. I've seen it for just about every Resource over the years.
    You are incorrect my guy. Fixing the ISO shortage will eliminate most peoples issues with resources. There wont be another shortage of anything because most resources are very readily available now days (obviously excluding r4 materials).

    Rofl.. lets keep the example of the guy with 10 r3 rank ups...
    Chances are:
    More iso less Catalyst, less gold

    U need to find a balance not rank up everything it falls on your lap...
    There is no "need" to rank up.. there is a wish or want..
    Fam, I said it before, I have enough Catalysts and Gold to go all the way through R1 and R2 to R3 of those 10 champs, my only problem is ISO, If the ISO gets updated, I wont have less Catalysts because I have more ISO, thats makes no sense, and If I have less gold I can sell the ISO so it still does not matter
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,811 ★★★★★
    edited January 2023
    Mario33 said:

    JoyboyX69 said:

    When are Summoners going to raise voice of these criminally low amount of ISOs we get while duping champs?
    Same amount of ISOs on 4* And 6* Dupe?
    At this point majority of Summoners are facing ISOs problem and Kabam gives them *OUTDATED* Halls Of Glory!
    ISOs situation must change!

    The majority? What's your source?
    I've never seen you say anything for the benefit of summoners before. People are ranking up their 6 stars to 4-5 and you still believe same iso amount from duping 4 and 6 is normal?
    Yes? I've stopped buy Cav crystals almost completely and I still maintain a over 1000 bricks in my stash at almost all times. 4-6*'s are so easy to get and having all of them duped, I am constantly getting ISO from them. It's resource management. No one is saying there shouldn't be an increase in ISO. What we're trying to get across is that there's always a bottleneck somewhere. And for someone to complain about an "ISO Shortage" because they want to rank up 10 champs to R3, that's just a bad take.

    As for your other comment, you don't look hard enough.
  • Loki_Poki1280Loki_Poki1280 Member Posts: 514 ★★★
    Mario33 said:

    JoyboyX69 said:

    When are Summoners going to raise voice of these criminally low amount of ISOs we get while duping champs?
    Same amount of ISOs on 4* And 6* Dupe?
    At this point majority of Summoners are facing ISOs problem and Kabam gives them *OUTDATED* Halls Of Glory!
    ISOs situation must change!

    The majority? What's your source?
    I've never seen you say anything for the benefit of summoners before. People are ranking up their 6 stars to 4-5 and you still believe same iso amount from duping 4 and 6 is normal?
    What he's saying is you spread out how often and when you rank up champions. It helps. If you really tried, you can potentially rank up 3 stars to rank 3 a month if you really wanted, but that is not really a good way to spend resources. Maybe cut it back a bit and keep with the 2 or even 1 a month. For Example. IDK what it looks like for yall. Then keep resources stocked up until the next month appears. That way, you will never run out when you really need it. We aren't saying that there isn't an ISO problem, more ISO is always welcome. It is just that using all your resources willy nilly leads you to lose your resources faster.
  • JefechutaJefechuta Member Posts: 1,228 ★★★★★

    Mario33 said:

    JoyboyX69 said:

    When are Summoners going to raise voice of these criminally low amount of ISOs we get while duping champs?
    Same amount of ISOs on 4* And 6* Dupe?
    At this point majority of Summoners are facing ISOs problem and Kabam gives them *OUTDATED* Halls Of Glory!
    ISOs situation must change!

    The majority? What's your source?
    I've never seen you say anything for the benefit of summoners before. People are ranking up their 6 stars to 4-5 and you still believe same iso amount from duping 4 and 6 is normal?
    Yes? I've stopped buy Cav crystals almost completely and I still maintain a over 1000 bricks in my stash at almost all times. 4-6*'s are so easy to get and having all of them duped, I am constantly getting ISO from them. It's resource management. No one is saying there shouldn't be an increase in ISO. What we're trying to get across is that there's always a bottleneck somewhere. And for someone to complain about an "ISO Shortage" because they want to rank up 10 champs to R3, that's just a bad take.

    As for your other comment, you don't look hard enough.
    Yeah fam, obviously the most champs you have, the more ISO you get by dupe, but If you get new champs you wont get ISO, and not a lot of players have all champs or most of them, the majority has maybe 50%-60% of champs at 6* and maybe 70%-80% at 5*, and when you have to buy 5* just for the ISO instead of 6*, and even then you get 3 new champs in 3 crystals then you wont have that stash you are talking about
  • GreekhitGreekhit Member Posts: 2,820 ★★★★★
    Let’s all be honest here.
    No one likes gold and worse ISO to be the bottlenecks for champion rank ups.
    CATALYSTS are primarily designed for that specific reason.
    I’d rather have a high tier/high value catalyst to limit my rank ups rather gold or ISO.
    And I’m saying that by sitting on over 50mil gold and permanently with 2-4k iso bricks in stash.
    Incursions and solo events solved the gold shortage.
    For now at least, because r4/r5s will become more common next months and 7*s are on their way, with their gold demands probably being way higher.
    But for iso we haven’t seen any significant increase, other than the free Cavalier crystals monthly from side quest.
    4*s dupes give 24 t5 class iso bricks and ironically 5*s, but even worse 6*s give exactly the same amount, while their demands are exponentially higher.
    5*s dupes should give 48 t5 class iso bricks
    6*s dupes should give 24 t6 class iso bricks
    That would solve the problem long term.
    Anyway, who would hurt any ISO increase?
    @any “there is no ISO shortage” defender:
    You will still be able to sell excess ISO for gold, don’t worry 😂
  • Feeney234Feeney234 Member Posts: 1,253 ★★★★
    Greekhit said:

    Let’s all be honest here.
    No one likes gold and worse ISO to be the bottlenecks for champion rank ups.
    CATALYSTS are primarily designed for that specific reason.
    I’d rather have a high tier/high value catalyst to limit my rank ups rather gold or ISO.
    And I’m saying that by sitting on over 50mil gold and permanently with 2-4k iso bricks in stash.
    Incursions and solo events solved the gold shortage.
    For now at least, because r4/r5s will become more common next months and 7*s are on their way, with their gold demands probably being way higher.
    But for iso we haven’t seen any significant increase, other than the free Cavalier crystals monthly from side quest.
    4*s dupes give 24 t5 class iso bricks and ironically 5*s, but even worse 6*s give exactly the same amount, while their demands are exponentially higher.
    5*s dupes should give 48 t5 class iso bricks
    6*s dupes should give 24 t6 class iso bricks
    That would solve the problem long term.
    Anyway, who would hurt any ISO increase?
    @any “there is no ISO shortage” defender:
    You will still be able to sell excess ISO for gold, don’t worry 😂

  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Greekhit said:

    Anyway, who would hurt any ISO increase?
    @any “there is no ISO shortage” defender:
    You will still be able to sell excess ISO for gold, don’t worry 😂

    I don't think there is a shortage, but I'm perfectly happy to have the ISO and gold increased. I have noticed that I'm not selling as much ISO as I used to lol
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