This feels a lot more like a punishment. I was expecting to just get what we would get for completion of the season we missed... Having to do what looks to be much more difficult content than what would be in AW is insulting.
Hmm Gauntlet keys and Lvl 2 revives for War compensation... Can i use the keys for war?.. Gah so disconnected... Compensate with HP pots or boosts... Wth is this Level 2 Revives.. when we had nothing to do for such a long time other than 22hr events...
@Kabam Miike@kabamJaxSucks time to go to the game team. I think the community has spoken loud and clear in less than a half an hour at how much of a slap in the face this “compensation” is to the community.
Compensation is to do a content maybe spend revives to get your compensation? Jesus christ you guys are awful let me not use the words so you can get a chance to close the thread. Disgraceful behvaiour.
Thanks so much kabaam. You screw up my favorite game mode (AW) and for compensation you give me keys, 5 revives and loyalty points. I SEE how much you value the players.
I wasn't expecting much and you delivered. Thanks again Kabaam.
Kabam are wild lately, being less and less communicative, handing out some wildly bad offers and compensation, half assing their counter measures for the mythic exploit. They need to do better. Don't blame the moderators in the forum's though. Not their fault that the "team" are sh-ing the bed these past few months. Assuming Mike and the mods are just as pissed as we are with calamity after calamity.
These keys are master stroke of Kabam. Instead of compensation, they gave us these keys so that we play the quest and spend some more units. I would accept it happily but not under the name of alliance war compensation. This is not acceptable.
Why did we get normal revives in AW compensation ? This doesn't makes any sense at all . You guys kept AW down and now many haven't been able to build up their stash . We should have gotten AW revives and potions and 500k loyalty minimum.
Wait so we got guantlet keys for people who cant do guantlet? Bit silly. Also another thing I haven't received anything anyways and i was in my alliance for the duration of the alliance wars screw up however I did expect to get nothing since I recently left but I did miss out on loyalty too but whatever.
They literally gave better rewards to people who got banned and came back to the game during the ban wave LMFAO. Kabam is a joke. A season missed out on rank 1 rewards for 2 gauntlet keys that do nothing for us. Kabam respect people who broke their TOS more apparently.
Can i use the keys for war?..
Gah so disconnected... Compensate with HP pots or boosts... Wth is this Level 2 Revives.. when we had nothing to do for such a long time other than 22hr events...
I wasn't expecting much and you delivered. Thanks again Kabaam.
Can we get confirmation that gauntlet keys were at least an intended part of compensation?
Kabam’s “New” Solo Content:
They literally gave better rewards to people who got banned and came back to the game during the ban wave LMFAO. Kabam is a joke. A season missed out on rank 1 rewards for 2 gauntlet keys that do nothing for us. Kabam respect people who broke their TOS more apparently.
But AW allows us to play- how does this compensation make sense ?