New Carrina's challenges thoughts?



  • JefechutaJefechuta Member Posts: 1,212 ★★★★
    edited February 17

    Jefechuta said:

    Jefechuta said:

    Jefechuta said:

    Carina's Challenges intention is to give 1% top players something to do that requires all the skill and resources they dont have to use on other content.

    The fact that we got some that would include "everybody" doesnt make it is the main intention of them.

    This content is not supposed to be achievable by most of us, this is not meant to be hard skill wise, but not doable without spending resources.

    Why you guys acting suddenly like this MUST be like you want it to be?

    The same way nobody gets mad because Celestial in BGs is not achievable by everybody, we shouldnt get mad because is isnt either, because thats the intention behind this content.

    If something is released to a demographic of Players, they're going to share their feedback on it. It's dismissive to say "It's not for you so don't complain.". It IS for them. It is content that's released into the game, that's available for them to play. If it's just a challenge among the Gods, then they can challenge themselves without releasing it as content.
    No one disputes the fact that it's not for everyone. Personally I don't have a horse in the race because I'm quite happy doing it whenever I'm ready. What I would like to point out that the argument that it's not for everyone might apply now and then, when you're talking about lower Players trying to punch above their weight. I still think it can be used dismissively by other Players at times, but it's valid now and then.
    I haven't seen that in this case. The Players who are complaining about it aren't new. They're at the latter stages of the game. They're literally the top percentile you're referring to. If they're not happy with it, they will communicate that, and it doesn't automatically mean they're spoiled or looking for an easy street. I know this because the Players who are complaining have been here for years, sharing their progress. Be careful using that statement. It doesn't always apply, and it can come off as ignorant. Just a suggestion.
    If the player base that this content is supposed to hit is the one complaining right now, why are they complaining exactly?

    I mean, If this people complaining have nothing else, anywhere to spend their resources on, as I said, as Its supposed to be for the people targeted by this challenge, why are they complaining? The first round of Carina's Challenge were not funny at all, those werent supposed to be beaten just with skills because the star level and the champion requirements were meant to also require revives, a ton of them or not, depending on how skilled you are, and people understood that yeah, maybe this content wasnt meant to be done the same way than the other content, and most of the people, even at the end-game spectrum, just ignored that content.

    Why is this any different from Carina's Challenges 1? Why suddenly Carina's Challenge must be comfortable for the people? Why it must require less revives? Why it must be more inclusive within the communitys rosters?

    It never was meant to be comfortable, never was meant to be enjoyable, never was meant to be doable by more than the Top of the top players, the ones that can reach Celestial every season as an example.

    I dont really understand this sudden enragement against this content
    I'm pretty sure most people are complaining because it's not fun, which you've already acknowledged. What is the point in releasing content that makes you want to delete the game on the spot instead of trying again? These fights are not fun, they're stressful.
    With Necropolis they proved they can make challenging content that's also fun, why are they going back to doing stuff like this which 90% of the playerbase doesn't enjoy?
    The main reason when Carina's Challenge were released was to give people that had nothing to do some real challenges, the same way we had people doing X content with weird champs and uploading them on YouTube, this was for those bored xtremely end game players to have something to do meanwhile.

    Im not a fan of those, I dont enjoy that content, and it is not even Content, since its just an additional objective if you wanna do it in already existing content, why would I be this angry about it?

    I mean why get angry about Carina's Challenge that is supposed to be the way it is, and it is just an completely optional objective, non game changing, meant to challenge yourself not only skill-wise but your patience aswell.

    Obviously is not for 99% of us, but this is an overexageration of the situation
    Why? Cause there are good meaningful rewards locked behind them.
    If what they really want is to give these people something to do then give them pfps or titles for doing the challenges but don't lock any actual rewards behind them cause that's going to get people's attention and they're going to want to do them for obvious reasons.

    I can guarantee you 99% of the people on this thread don't want to have their patience or sanity challenged this way. We want more stuff like Necropolis (which was also endgame content for players who had nothing else to do btw). This isn't about complaining about the challenges being tailored around endgame players it's more about the fact that Kabam is starting to go backwards after the massive W that Necropolis was.
    I know there are meaningful rewards locked behind them, 7* Spidey 2099 is one of them for me, since its one of the only 6* I still dont have and I want him so bad, but Im thinking from the perspective that this is supposed to be what Kabam supposed to want it to be, If this was for everybody to do the same way WoW was meant for end-game players, I would be as mad as I am for the Abs Boss, but the idea is that this isnt for us like WoW is, its just for people whom this rewards are just like a "Hey, you did it, well done".

    As I said Im going to do Miike ones after I finish the second one of Lags, Fintechs challenge is outrageous for me, but the diff I think it is supposed to be by the info Kabam stated, was that this is not like Necro since there is no "new" rewards, or no sustantial ones at least if you complete this objectives, unlike Necro that is really gamechanging.

    I saw some Kabam's posts about the feedback about this objectives, maybe this isnt what they wanted to be like, and if so, then yeah, thats an L for them, if they were expecting this reaction from the community and it is, indeed, their intention to make this nearly impossible for 99% of us to do, then its just another content that is not going to be taking my time.

    Depending on what Kabam wanted this to be, we should be either neutral, or angry, but as I say, it completely depends on what they wanted this content to be and for who.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,500 ★★★★★

    Whoa, 13-paged thread for all this and all that, the fact is---do the challenges if you enjoy the process, have fun if you can, and the rewards aren't that bad. Don‘t do it if you dont enjoy doing these challenges-- that's self torture.
    At the end of the day this is just a game. What's the point of "gamebreaking" rewards when you can play with ur favourite marvel characters and have fun?
    People are forgetting the point of this game.
    @Karatemike415, good job at designing these cool challenges :wink:

    This came across very wholesome to me and I appreciate that and agree. If it's not fun, then move on from it. We should be enjoying ourselves here.
    Yes. I agree. As much as I support honest feedback, I think it's also important to thank them all for the work they put into these. I don't think those two things should be mutually exclusive. Someone still took the time to design these.
  • gohard123gohard123 Member Posts: 1,015 ★★★

    gohard123 said:

    One thing I think about a lot is how Kabam and now the creators of their challenges say this content isn’t for everyone, it’s designed for a specific subset of people. That’s perfectly fine, make it for the MSDs, the Fintechs, and the KarateMikes. But to say it’s optional and to tell people to just skip it if they don’t want to do it when there might be rewards people want doesn’t seem right.

    The 7* shards are meh for the effort put in (except Lagacy’s, those are nice). But putting exclusive 7* behind this feels rough. Personally, I’m ok with skipping and not getting Spidey 2099, Sparky, or Masacre as a 7* but I know there’s a ton of people where those champs are some of their favorites and they feel so demoralized by not being able to get them. I mean, maybe we’re overreacting and you’ll put them in the basic 7* pool next month. Who knows. We wouldn’t know until it happens. There’s also a 7* R2 gem that would be really nice to have but still not worth it.

    Why not make the rewards for the top 1% of summoners more braggy? Why not give a 7* selector for completing half the challenges and if you complete them all, you can get an exclusive title, emote, or profile pic. Or all 3? I wasn’t around when Grief Incarnate first came out so maybe more rewards were given out to those who completed it, but the only reward I see is 1g and a profile pic. Couldn’t you incorporate that more and still let summoners have a challenge and get some of the nice rewards like exclusive 7* champs instead of gating them for the top 1%? I don’t know, just thoughts running through my head.

    P.S. I may really disagree with Fintech’s and KarateMike’s challenges and would never see myself even attempting it because I personally think it’s not a fun challenge and I don’t want to waste precious resources on ranking champs I’ll never use again, but I think everyone should still be respectful and kinder to them. There’s absolutely no reason for personal attacks and rude comments.

    That means everyone who can’t 100% Necro should be demoralised since they can’t get 7-star Maestro.
    There’s quite a difference in skill and roster ask between taking only Mojo through EOP and 100% Necro
    Exactly, If you have neither the skill nor the roster then dont do it. Simple. It is the same as someone without Aegon nor the skill to use Kate wanting to do Necro.
  • Ironman3000Ironman3000 Member Posts: 1,941 ★★★★★

    Rasilover said:

    I have no why people are dooming on the creators like they betrayed us or something 🤷‍♂️

    Maybe cause two of them designed challenges that are extremely frustrating to complete? They obviously don't care about fun.
    @ItsClobberinTime Have you actually tried them before coming to this conclusion? Genuinely asking.
    You said earlier you haven't logged on in 2 weeks.
    Are you assuming that he has all of those champs that no one has ranked at R4 or R5 already?
  • Rayven5220Rayven5220 Member Posts: 2,090 ★★★★★
    Fintech said:

    gohard123 said:

    This will be the 1st content in the history of mcoc that i will be skipping (except for the sparky stuff to get the KG piece). Last content i didn't do was the Coulson challenge ,i tried but couldn't do it. That was 8 years ago

    Are these challenges worse than 4* starlord that you did even before Carina’s challenges were ever a thing?
    Much worse ya, are you talking about LOL?
    Sorry, but these challenges are not worse than the Labyrinth challenges from vol 1. No fight in the 4* labyrinth challenges was soloable- those were legitimate revive dumps that nobody could out-skill. These on the other hand (even fins) can be done for very cheap with proper knowledge and execution. People complain about this new batch as if its tuned just the same as those labyrinth ones, when they are in fact significantly more player-friendly and skill focused (fin made sure every single fight in his challenges were soloable).
    I know that being better than the vol 1 labyrinth challenges is a low bar, but these pass that bar easily, despite the complaints that its a mandatory resource drain.
    Saying Fintech made sure the fights are soloable is the dumbest argument ever cause the % of the playerbase that grinds the game 24/7 like him is probably less than 5% lol.

    I think you’re severely overestimating the amount of time i spend playing this game every day 😂
    Everybody assumes that the God tier players play 24/7, which is ridiculous.

    Some people are naturally more gifted at playing the game than others, it's as simple as that.

    Back in my mid 20's I had been playing guitar for 10+ years, played quite often, had jam space, the whole but.

    My friend and I who always jammed met this 16 year old kid who had been playing guitar for probably 2 years, and he blew me out of the water. Why? Because he was just that naturally gifted at playing guitar.

    Not because he spent 24/7 playing, he was just damn good.

    The same can be said about most things.

    Some people are just more naturally gifted at things, they don't need to practice 24/7 to be godly at something.
  • TrongNovTrongNov Member Posts: 297 ★★★
    Just do 1 challenge which you consider reasonable and fun and get that deathless piece. Not everything in the game needs to be played.
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,378 ★★★★★

    Rasilover said:

    I have no why people are dooming on the creators like they betrayed us or something 🤷‍♂️

    Maybe cause two of them designed challenges that are extremely frustrating to complete? They obviously don't care about fun.
    @ItsClobberinTime Have you actually tried them before coming to this conclusion? Genuinely asking.
    You said earlier you haven't logged on in 2 weeks.
    Are you assuming that he has all of those champs that no one has ranked at R4 or R5 already?
    The worst part is I do, and I did the first few fights with r5 ascended Zemo but they're not fun. That's the main reason I'm complaining they're not fun, it's not even about the difficulty itself.
  • Rayven5220Rayven5220 Member Posts: 2,090 ★★★★★

    Rasilover said:

    I have no why people are dooming on the creators like they betrayed us or something 🤷‍♂️

    Maybe cause two of them designed challenges that are extremely frustrating to complete? They obviously don't care about fun.
    @ItsClobberinTime Have you actually tried them before coming to this conclusion? Genuinely asking.
    You said earlier you haven't logged on in 2 weeks.
    Are you assuming that he has all of those champs that no one has ranked at R4 or R5 already?
    The worst part is I do, and I did the first few fights with r5 ascended Zemo but they're not fun. That's the main reason I'm complaining they're not fun, it's not even about the difficulty itself.
    I guess you need it explained, I thought it was clear enough, or you have a hard time with readingcomprehension, not sure which.

    I played just as often, if not more often than he did, he was just NATURALLY better than I was.

    Did it make it more clear?

    Nobody said they don't play the game a few hours daily sometimes, but you sure as hell don't need to play "24/7" to be great at the game, especially if you are naturally good at it whether it's due to finger dexterity, understanding how all champs work and who's the best for what, etc etc..
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,378 ★★★★★
    Jefechuta said:

    Jefechuta said:

    Jefechuta said:

    Jefechuta said:

    Carina's Challenges intention is to give 1% top players something to do that requires all the skill and resources they dont have to use on other content.

    The fact that we got some that would include "everybody" doesnt make it is the main intention of them.

    This content is not supposed to be achievable by most of us, this is not meant to be hard skill wise, but not doable without spending resources.

    Why you guys acting suddenly like this MUST be like you want it to be?

    The same way nobody gets mad because Celestial in BGs is not achievable by everybody, we shouldnt get mad because is isnt either, because thats the intention behind this content.

    If something is released to a demographic of Players, they're going to share their feedback on it. It's dismissive to say "It's not for you so don't complain.". It IS for them. It is content that's released into the game, that's available for them to play. If it's just a challenge among the Gods, then they can challenge themselves without releasing it as content.
    No one disputes the fact that it's not for everyone. Personally I don't have a horse in the race because I'm quite happy doing it whenever I'm ready. What I would like to point out that the argument that it's not for everyone might apply now and then, when you're talking about lower Players trying to punch above their weight. I still think it can be used dismissively by other Players at times, but it's valid now and then.
    I haven't seen that in this case. The Players who are complaining about it aren't new. They're at the latter stages of the game. They're literally the top percentile you're referring to. If they're not happy with it, they will communicate that, and it doesn't automatically mean they're spoiled or looking for an easy street. I know this because the Players who are complaining have been here for years, sharing their progress. Be careful using that statement. It doesn't always apply, and it can come off as ignorant. Just a suggestion.
    If the player base that this content is supposed to hit is the one complaining right now, why are they complaining exactly?

    I mean, If this people complaining have nothing else, anywhere to spend their resources on, as I said, as Its supposed to be for the people targeted by this challenge, why are they complaining? The first round of Carina's Challenge were not funny at all, those werent supposed to be beaten just with skills because the star level and the champion requirements were meant to also require revives, a ton of them or not, depending on how skilled you are, and people understood that yeah, maybe this content wasnt meant to be done the same way than the other content, and most of the people, even at the end-game spectrum, just ignored that content.

    Why is this any different from Carina's Challenges 1? Why suddenly Carina's Challenge must be comfortable for the people? Why it must require less revives? Why it must be more inclusive within the communitys rosters?

    It never was meant to be comfortable, never was meant to be enjoyable, never was meant to be doable by more than the Top of the top players, the ones that can reach Celestial every season as an example.

    I dont really understand this sudden enragement against this content
    I'm pretty sure most people are complaining because it's not fun, which you've already acknowledged. What is the point in releasing content that makes you want to delete the game on the spot instead of trying again? These fights are not fun, they're stressful.
    With Necropolis they proved they can make challenging content that's also fun, why are they going back to doing stuff like this which 90% of the playerbase doesn't enjoy?
    The main reason when Carina's Challenge were released was to give people that had nothing to do some real challenges, the same way we had people doing X content with weird champs and uploading them on YouTube, this was for those bored xtremely end game players to have something to do meanwhile.

    Im not a fan of those, I dont enjoy that content, and it is not even Content, since its just an additional objective if you wanna do it in already existing content, why would I be this angry about it?

    I mean why get angry about Carina's Challenge that is supposed to be the way it is, and it is just an completely optional objective, non game changing, meant to challenge yourself not only skill-wise but your patience aswell.

    Obviously is not for 99% of us, but this is an overexageration of the situation
    Why? Cause there are good meaningful rewards locked behind them.
    If what they really want is to give these people something to do then give them pfps or titles for doing the challenges but don't lock any actual rewards behind them cause that's going to get people's attention and they're going to want to do them for obvious reasons.

    I can guarantee you 99% of the people on this thread don't want to have their patience or sanity challenged this way. We want more stuff like Necropolis (which was also endgame content for players who had nothing else to do btw). This isn't about complaining about the challenges being tailored around endgame players it's more about the fact that Kabam is starting to go backwards after the massive W that Necropolis was.
    I know there are meaningful rewards locked behind them, 7* Spidey 2099 is one of them for me, since its one of the only 6* I still dont have and I want him so bad, but Im thinking from the perspective that this is supposed to be what Kabam supposed to want it to be, If this was for everybody to do the same way WoW was meant for end-game players, I would be as mad as I am for the Abs Boss, but the idea is that this isnt for us like WoW is, its just for people whom this rewards are just like a "Hey, you did it, well done".

    As I said Im going to do Miike ones after I finish the second one of Lags, Fintechs challenge is outrageous for me, but the diff I think it is supposed to be by the info Kabam stated, was that this is not like Necro since there is no "new" rewards, or no sustantial ones at least if you complete this objectives, unlike Necro that is really gamechanging.

    I saw some Kabam's posts about the feedback about this objectives, maybe this isnt what they wanted to be like, and if so, then yeah, thats an L for them, if they were expecting this reaction from the community and it is, indeed, their intention to make this nearly impossible for 99% of us to do, then its just another content that is not going to be taking my time.

    Depending on what Kabam wanted this to be, we should be either neutral, or angry, but as I say, it completely depends on what they wanted this content to be and for who.
    Yeah but the problem is like I said, they can't claim the content isn't for everyone when there are interesting meaningful rewards locked behind it. When you do that, everyone will want to do it.

    Again, I don't care about challenging or hard my guy, it's the fact that it's simply not fun and it's not like they can't make it fun. Lags' challenges look extremely fun but the others are just not it.
  • Zuko_ILCZuko_ILC Member Posts: 1,508 ★★★★★

    @Karatemike415 seeing you scramble to justify the challenge just further proves the point that it isn't fun, and you know it isn't fun. If you thought you had truly designed a fun quest you would chill out and give people time to come to that conclusion on their own. Instead you're doing what Kabam asked you to do, damage control.

    Fun content doesn't need force feeding or explanation, it doesn't require pages and pages of convincing people to enjoy it. Fun content is automatically enjoyed, and people flock to it with excitement.

    Even if you think this content is fun, the majority of people who care about the game enough to come to forums do not think it is fun. I'm not even arguing that it is too difficult, it's simply lazy design that added absolutely nothing to the MCOC experience.

    This is hilarious.
    I’m not scrambling over anything - and I most certainly was not asked to do “damage control.”

    And I’m actually very chill currently despite receiving hundreds of comments over the past 48 hours of people calling me a “c*nt” over an optional objective in a mobile video game.

    If you don’t find it fun, that’s fine!
    I’m not your dad and I can’t force you to like or do anything you don’t want to.
    It’s an optional permanent objective geared toward the players who miss this style of content, and it was never going to be received well by “the majority.”

    I had a metric **** ton of fun doing my challenges - probably the most fun I’ve had playing this game so far, tbh.

    This may be a shocking concept, but the primary goal of the challenge objective here wasn’t simply “fun.”
    It was to create a very difficult challenge while still giving the tools to get through it without much item use.

    With skilled play & proper strategy, both of my challenges can be done in under 5 revives.
    Every character on the team has a specific role & counters the fight PERFECTLY.

    You may not like the objective - or be interested in this style of content - but regardless of that fact, the mark was met.

    Calling it “lazy design” is simply a lazy take.
    First off no one should be personally attacking you or Fintech. It's childish and unwarranted. Both challenges are difficult which is what as asked from you. People are still angry over revive farming and they are taking it out on both of you which isn't fair. I don't think the rewards match the difficulty but thats not on either of you guys.

    The personal hate is just ridiculous. Kabam does need to here the feedback because it's frustrating players that the challenges are gated for lots of players plus the use of rare resources to rank up champs to even attempt it isn't really fair so I understand why people are upset. If they want gated content they should provide the champs and resources in stages so you don't feel like your wasting those resources just for one challenge.

    I hope you don't take any of the comments personally. Obviously all you guys are super skilled in this game but the majority of players aren't so they get upset. Everyone needs to take a step back and relax. I'm still unsure if I will rank up the champs and try it but it's my choice either way. I'm not forced to do anything.

    Keep your heads up!
  • Zuko_ILCZuko_ILC Member Posts: 1,508 ★★★★★

    Rasilover said:

    I have no why people are dooming on the creators like they betrayed us or something 🤷‍♂️

    Maybe cause two of them designed challenges that are extremely frustrating to complete? They obviously don't care about fun.
    @ItsClobberinTime Have you actually tried them before coming to this conclusion? Genuinely asking.
    You said earlier you haven't logged on in 2 weeks.
    Are you assuming that he has all of those champs that no one has ranked at R4 or R5 already?
    The worst part is I do, and I did the first few fights with r5 ascended Zemo but they're not fun. That's the main reason I'm complaining they're not fun, it's not even about the difficulty itself.
    Keep practicing them until you get good. The content isn't going away.
  • iDestroyerZiDestroyerZ Member Posts: 728 ★★★★

    For the insane handsome bald people who enjoyed doing pre-nerf 6.2 itemless, and would grind arena for Champions to rank to finish a random lane in 6.2.4, instead of popping a single Revive that expires in 25 minutes.

    I see what you did there xD i remember watching his livestream and there was like a particular path (can't remember which) and he had to make for the same path, 3-4 livestreams 2 hours+ each just to finish itemless lol it was painful and awesome to see at the same time
  • ThecurlerThecurler Member Posts: 876 ★★★★
    I don’t understand all the complaints in this thread tbh.
    It’s optional end game content, so if it’s too resource demanding or not enjoyable, don’t do it… the rewards are hardly game changing and the deathless piece is relatively easy to get.

    Looks like 100% completion of this content is aimed at the top tier sweatiest players… and that’s fine.

    I’ve done the 7.3.6 challenge and that will do me for now. I might pick the rest up when the game is a little quieter at some point in the future.
    If not I’m not going to lose any sleep over it.

    I’m much more concerned about the bs we’re starting to see in day to day content.
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